Schematic illustration of a bus. Drawing lesson on the theme “Bus” in the senior group. Drawing techniques for older preschoolers

The formation of a developed, multifaceted, creatively active personality is the leading task of education, the solution of which begins in early childhood. It is especially important to stimulate the natural curiosity and cognitive activity of a preschooler with a variety of exciting forms of artistic activity. A drawing lesson on the theme “Bus” will help the child expand his knowledge about transport, learn to convey the shape of an object, improve the basic visual techniques of drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens and paints, consolidate the skills of composing a whole object from parts, acquire initial understanding of the rules of composition, and also develop attention and observation in the process of working from nature.

Features of drawing classes in the senior group

Drawing is an artistic representation of the surrounding world, which often involves depicting an object with a competent rendering of volume, color, dynamics, characteristic features of shape and details, and perspective transformations. The child also learns to observe the proportional relationship between the parts of an object. Drawing has a beneficial effect on the development of creativity, fine motor skills, imagination, fantasy, artistic and spatial thinking, sensory perception and the child’s intellectual abilities for synthesis and analysis.

Objectives of drawing classes on the topic of transport:

Objectives of teaching drawing to older preschoolers:

  • teach competent depiction of the features of the shape of an object, its characteristic features, the proportional relationship of parts, the relative size of the object;
  • teach techniques for conveying dynamics in a drawing, starting with simple movements of an object (transmitting the visual effect of rotating wheels);
  • improve color perception, teach harmonious color rendering skills;
  • teach technical techniques for working with a pencil (shading) and manual skills for working with a brush, teach various ways to create an expressive image using crayons, paints, charcoal, sanguine.

Tasks of plot drawing:

  • develop understanding and ability to convey semantic and spatial relationships between characters and objects;
  • improve compositional skills (place the image on the entire sheet, delimit the sky and earth with a horizon line);
  • develop color perception (a combination of the main color and its shades).

Classic drawing techniques used in the senior group

These techniques include:

Photo gallery: works on the theme “Bus”, made in traditional techniques

Drawing made with colored pencils Drawing made with wax crayons Drawing made with felt-tip pens Combined method (watercolor and felt-tip pen) Work made using a combined technique (felt-tip pens and pencils) Drawing made using a combined method (crayons and pencils) Drawing made in gouache with urban elements landscape Drawing made in a combined technique (crayons and felt-tip pens) Work made in a combined technique, with elements of a stained glass decorative composition and floral ornament Watercolor drawing

Video: how to draw a bus (crayons and felt-tip pen)

Video: “Green Bus” in watercolor technique

Video: children draw on the theme “The bus is driving down the street” (felt-tip pen and gouache)

Unconventional techniques

These include:

  • finger painting - based on a print and requires further refinement of the image using various tools and available means (stacks, cotton swabs and disks, etc.), initially children master the techniques of point, stroke and spiral, then, developing a sense of color and rhythm and spatial composition, learn to mix colors and achieve the desired coloristic performance;
  • palm painting - based on prints of children's palms. From the age of five, children apply paint to their palm with a brush on their own; at an earlier age, they simply dip their hand in the paint, for which wide saucers are used;
  • subject and landscape monotype - a method of mirror symmetrical transfer of an image from one part of a sheet folded in half to another part (reflection in water);
  • spray - paint is applied to a wide brush or brush, then shaken onto paper using a thin stick, for example a toothpick - the effect of scattered drops is obtained;
  • painting using rock salt or semolina to achieve the effect of small dots or specks;
  • blotography - blowing droplets of paint through a straw and creating a random effect of color play. You can use threads soaked in paint, which are laid out between sheets of paper, pressed and pulled at the tip, leaving color patterns on the basis of which an image is created.

In classes on the topic “Bus”, all of the above non-traditional techniques can be used to create an original background design or create a plot drawing (“Journey over the River”).

As a basis for drawing, you can use a variety of and non-standard materials:

Drawing techniques for older preschoolers

Older preschoolers draw more with pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens, since stronger muscles and more developed motor skills of the hand allow them to use these materials more actively. The children begin to master new techniques of shading and shading.

  1. Hatching is a fairly simple, but expressive and effective way of conveying the character of a character (lightness, heaviness, flexibility, plasticity, etc.) and the texture of an object. Drawing with strokes helps not only to reveal the image of an object, but also to develop fine motor skills, which is very important for solving the problem of preparing for writing. Types of shading:
    1. Chaotic - strokes are densely applied in a free direction, then they are brought to the image by additional drawing of external contours.
    2. Vertical - the strokes lie in a vertical direction, pressing tightly against each other. Using pencils of different colors, you can achieve the effect of a smooth transition of various shades.
    3. Diagonal - most often used in landscape themes to depict, for example, rain or silhouettes of mountains.
    4. Horizontal is a rather complex technical technique, since it requires the child to change the usual position of his hand during the drawing process.
    5. Shape-building is the most difficult method, requiring an image of the shape of an object, for example, a cloud or the crown of a tree.
  2. Shading helps to achieve different degrees of color saturation depending on the degree of pressure of the pencil. It should be explained to children that drawing outlines and details requires more pressure than painting over an image of an object or background.
  3. The techniques of dotting and rhythmic brush strokes in gouache painting, mastered at an earlier age, are consolidated and developed.
  4. The main problem that educators face when working with watercolors is that children take on too much paint, which results in a layer of paint that is too thick and the drawing loses its lightness, airiness, and transparency. Children need to be taught the skills of regulating the paint set, selecting colors, softly transmitting shades through mixing primary colors and special techniques for working with watercolors: washing, washing, pouring and streaking.

Planning drawing lessons on the topic “Transport”

In the senior group, standard long-term planning provides for one drawing lesson per week. The total duration of continuous activity should not exceed 20–25 minutes. Methodological manuals recommend performing physical exercises (finger, breathing, motor exercises) for 5 minutes for relaxation and prevention of mental and physical fatigue in children.

Lesson outline:

Table: didactic games for classes on the topic “Bus” (“Urban transport on our street”, author E. R. Fedotova)

A game Content
"The Fourth Wheel"The teacher asks the children to identify the extra word in the series and explain why it is extra.
- Tram, bus, plane, trolleybus. (The word “airplane” is superfluous, because this is an air mode of transport, and the rest are ground)
- Boat, helicopter, speedboat, liner. (The word “helicopter” is superfluous, because this is an air mode of transport, and the rest are water)
- Yacht, steamship, fire engine, ship (The word “fire engine” is superfluous, because this is a special transport, and the rest are water vehicles)
"Fix the problem"- We ended up in a repair shop. There are a lot of broken vehicles here! Do you want to renovate? (Children complete the pictures of transport with the missing parts, then make up a sentence about what they did: “I repaired the bus,” similarly for the rest)
Dynamic pause “Traffic signals”The teacher shows the children colored paper circles. If the circle is red, the children squat; if the circle is yellow, they stand up; if the circle is green, they walk in place.
"Ride the Bus"Educator: Guys, a bus is waiting for us at the stop, but for it to go, we need a driver. Now we will choose a driver according to the counting rhyme.
- We're going to play
Well, who should start?
One two Three,
You start.
- What does a driver need to drive a bus? (children's answers).
- Get behind the wheel, driver, and take the passengers.
- What are the people called who travel on the bus? (Passengers)
Educator: Who should be allowed through when entering the bus? (Children's answers.) Please, passengers, take your seats.
- Who else is on the bus? (Children's answers.)
- When passengers travel on a bus, the conductor sells tickets. I will be the conductor (the teacher has a conductor’s bag). We have a magic bus in which tickets are issued for polite words (the conductor issues tickets for polite words).
"It is possible - it is not possible"- Let's remember the rules of conduct for passengers on public transport. Answer whether it is possible or not:
  • run around the bus;
  • look out the window;
  • distract the driver;
  • litter in transport;
  • read a book;
  • hold on to the handrails;
  • push passengers?
Finger gymnastics “Transport”(As we read the poem, we bend our fingers one by one)
We are with the first finger - baby
We'll go to the tram park on foot.
With another - we'll go on a tram,
Singing songs quietly.
The third one and I will get into a taxi,
Let's ask you to take us to the port!
With the fourth finger in the rocket
We will fly to another planet.
Get on the plane, fifth one,
Let's go on a flight with you.
Conductor: Passengers, be careful, the bus is approaching the stop, get ready to get off.
- How should you get off the bus? (children's answers).
What should you do with your tickets after traveling on the bus? (Children throw tickets into the trash can next to the bus stop)
Educator: Guys, there is a pedestrian crossing in front of us. Take your time, look left, right. Let's calmly walk through the pedestrian crossing. (Children walk along the pedestrian crossing).

Photo gallery: demonstration material for a lesson on the topic “Bus”

The didactic game “Name It Correctly” helps develop thinking The didactic game “The Fourth Odd One” trains logic Rules of behavior on the sidewalk can be explained in a playful way Rules for crossing the road - the basis of traffic rules for children

Table: summary of a lesson in drawing with colored pencils on the topic “Bus decorated with flags” (author V. G. Bozhko)

Topic: “Bus decorated with flags”
  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about transport and its types; convey the shape of the main parts of the parts, their size and location.
  2. Learn to place an image beautifully on a sheet of paper, draw large.
  3. Strengthen the ability to draw with pencils.
  4. Learn to paint over drawings using different pressure on the pencil to obtain shades of color.
  5. Continue to develop the ability to evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of other children.
  6. Develop attentiveness, perseverance, and memory.
  7. We cultivate interest in drawing.
  • album sheet,
  • pencils,
  • work sample,
  • toy bus,
  • pictures depicting transport (plane, helicopter, bus, trolleybus, tram, ship).
Organizational part- Now I will show you pictures of transport, and you will say the name of this transport. (We show and the children name).
Well done. Now let's remember the types of transport. What type of transport is a ship?
- Why?
(Because he floats on water).
- Well done. Bus, tram and trolleybus - what type of transport is this?
(Terrestrial because it moves on the ground).
- Fine. What type of transport is an airplane and a helicopter?
(Aerial because they fly through the air).
- Right. Today we will draw a representative of the ground class - a bus. I brought you a bus today, let’s look at it and touch it. Name the main parts of the bus.
(Wheels, windows, doors, headlights).
- Fine. Why does a bus need windows?
(So ​​that people can see where they are going).
- Why does the bus need doors?
(To board and disembark passengers at stops).
- That's right, why does it need wheels?
(To move along the road).
- Why do the bus have headlights?
(So ​​he can ride in the dark).
- Well done, we will mark these main parts of the bus in our drawing using pencils.
Practical part - And now you guys and I will learn to draw a bus.
- Let's look at the sample I prepared for you. Look at the blackboard. (We post a sample of the work). Look how I have drawn all the main parts of the bus step by step. At the end of the work, we will decorate our buses with flags and balloons.
- Let's get to work.
Independent work of childrenChildren draw.
Physical education lesson “Bus”We are sitting on the bus
We look out of the window
Look left, look right
Don't miss a thing.
Stop. Come out.
And look outside.
Stomp boldly, without anxiety -
There is no safer road.
Do you guys remember everything?
And isn’t it a little scary to walk?
Well, let's check and see,
But first let's repeat:
Before bills and letters,
Drawing, reading,
All the guys need to know...?
(Driving rules)
- And now, for the sake of order, guess the riddle
- Stop! - reads his order.
The yellow eye looks at us:
- Carefully! Stop now!
And the green one: well, go ahead,
Pedestrian, cross!
Final part.- We are finishing our work.
Place all the finished drawings on the table, examine them, select more interesting works, and invite the children to talk about them. Praise the guys for completing the task.

A bus is a vehicle on four wheels for transporting passengers over medium and long distances. Buses travel on city and intercity routes. There used to be a lot of buses in cities. Now there are fewer of them, and their place is taken by small minibuses - gazelles. Now we will teach you how to draw a bus with a pencil step by step.

Stage 1. Draw the signal lines of the bus. At first it is a rectangle, then we will draw two straight lines from it, tending to each other. Just below the middle we will draw another straight line.

Stage 2. Along the upper straight line we begin to draw the body of the bus - its interior part. Above the middle straight line we draw the lines of the middle of the body.

Stage 3. Now we will draw the front part of the bus body with rounded lines. This will be the window at the front.

Stage 5. Let's draw the wheels. Let's outline the contours of the front window and bumper again.

Stage 6. At this stage we draw the windows on the side, there are four of them. They are rhombic in shape. We also complement the glass lines and complete the front bumper part. At the bottom of the body we will show small doors that cover the internal mechanism.

Stage 7. Draw the wipers on the front glass. Next, we separate the glass in the windows with lines. We draw headlights ahead. The wheels have discs.

Stage 8. Now let's supplement the drawing with various more lines, mostly horizontal, because the bus will be striped.

Stage 9. Let's paint our bus in different colors.

Draw a rectangle in the center of the sheet. We use a ruler for this.

Add one horizontal line at the top of the rectangle. From it we draw three vertical lines down. Between them we draw elongated rectangles with rounded corners.

Add two circles at the bottom of the rectangle. Then we will draw another such circle in the middle of each figure. We also draw an arc above each wheel.

On the left side we create the front part of the car. Therefore, we remove the upper corner and draw an arc. We will also do it on the right side, where it is necessary to draw a short arc at the top.

We complete the windows for the bus driver and passengers. They should have smooth contour lines.

Let's add headlights and side mirrors.

We remove the auxiliary lines around the drawing and work out the general outline.

The bus will be a bright color, and for this effect we take a yellow pencil. We use it to paint the main part of the transport.

Then we use orange color. To give an extra tone on the yellow areas of the bus. We paint the roof, the middle of the bus, the doors, the headlight and the mirror red.

We paint the glass of the transport with blue and blue pencil to show the glare from the clear sky.

We paint the wheels and bumpers dark brown. Create volume with black color.

Finally, we’ll work with a liner to define the boundaries of the outline and details of the drawing. Fine shading can show volume or texture.

In this lesson I will show you, how to draw a bus from London. But first, as expected, I’ll give you a few facts to snack on:

How to draw a bus with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw the base. It will serve us as a huge parallelepiped located in the very center of the sheet. That is, you need to remember a little geometry. By the way, if you remember about the “vanishing point” from the lesson about, then this is very cool. Because this trick works with the top and bottom lines of our bus. And somewhere far, far away they intersect.
Step two. We received a 3D drawing and moved on. Let's draw the wheels. We remember an important rule: those objects that are located close seem large, those that are further away seem small. And if you look at an angle, then the visual effect is such that you see the circle as an oval. Next are the windows. To draw them correctly, all new lines must be:

  • or parallel to the base of the bus,
  • or parallel to the vertical lines of the bus itself

Step Three Divide the resulting windows into sections. Perhaps there are already passengers sitting inside. Let's add rectangular headlights to our drawing.
Step Four Let's make our drawing more voluminous and lively. For each line of the window we will make a parallel. We'll show the rims inside the wheels. Let's remember the details: these are the wipers, the rear-view mirrors, the door, and the turn signals. Ready:
See also lessons about other means of transportation.

Today we will learn to draw public transport. You probably use it regularly, or have ridden it at least once in your life. It can transport you around the city or between cities. Today we will learn how to draw a bus.

The article is intended for children, but the last example is so complex that it will also suit experienced artists.


So, the first drawing method will tell us how to draw a bus for children. The vehicle will be depicted from the side, it follows that this is not too difficult to do and a child of any age can repeat such a drawing.

Draw a rectangle with rounded upper corners, the lower ones should be normal. Also, let's draw two wheels with discs inside.

Now we need to detail our rectangle to make it a real bus. Let's draw two horizontal stripes along the entire body, then draw another vertical one and get the door from which the driver comes out.

Also, at this stage we need to draw the handle, wheel arches, bumper, headlight and mirror.

Let's add a few more vertical lines and thus get windows. Next, let's draw the rear bumper with headlights and the sunroof.

Take your favorite colors of pencils or markers and color the resulting drawing!

Half-turn view

Let's look at a more difficult example that will show us how to draw a bus step by step, which is standing half a turn towards us. Due to the fact that the drawing will be three-dimensional, it will be a little more difficult to depict the previous one. Well, let's not waste time, quickly grab a blank sheet of paper and markers, we'll get started!

Let's start with the cabin and draw its contours as in the picture below. As you can see, this is not a regular rectangle because the edges widen around the middle. At the bottom we will draw a line for the front bumper.

Let's detail the figure that we drew at the previous stage. Let's draw a front window, round headlights, a radiator grille and a decorative oval on top. Please note that according to the laws of perspective, all lines and objects should be slightly angled. Of course, you can ignore this point if you are not chasing realism.

We depict two wheels and the contours of the entire body of our bus. This stage is quite simple. In the lower right corner we will draw a piece of the bumper.

The last step will be to draw a mirror near the driver's window and draw several passenger windows, under which a long strip will pass.

Also, you can watch a step-by-step video tutorial that demonstrates the process of drawing this picture.

Difficult way to draw

It's time to figure out how to draw a bus with a pencil for experienced artists. This example is the most complex in this article. It has a huge amount of small details, volume and light and shade, which is what makes it so difficult.

First we need to make a simple sketch, which we will turn into a full-fledged bus. Do not press too hard on the pencil, some lines will not be needed and will be erased in the future.

We draw horizontal stripes to mark the contours of the hood and windows.

We are working on the windows. In addition to them, we need to outline the contours of the radiator grille and front bumper.

At this step we are working on the arches, wheels and hood.

We depict various decorative stripes as in the pictures below.