Presentation on the theme Levitan Golden Autumn. Russian language lesson with presentation “Essay based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn””. What do you see in the foreground of the picture and what is in the distance?

Sections: Russian language , Elementary School , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson objectives:

  1. Develop the ability to write an artistic description of a painting.
  2. Develop children's creative imagination.
  3. Develop students' written language and spelling awareness.
  4. Develop the ability to write a text, taking into account its structural components: beginning, main part, conclusion.

During the classes

Setting a learning task.

Guys, today in class we will learn to write an essay based on a picture. We will learn to understand the important role art plays in human life, how it helps us understand the world around us.

(Appendix. Slide 1) “Meet the singer of Russian nature - artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan.”

Guys, you see a portrait of the artist who painted the painting “Golden Autumn”. The painting was painted when he was only 19 years old. In 1880, at an exhibition in Moscow, this painting was seen and purchased by Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, the creator of the famous art gallery.

(Appendix. Slide 2) “Perception of the picture.”

Let's take a closer look at the picture. The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Autumn Song” from the cycle “The Seasons” will help us awaken feelings, emotions, and imagination. (A recording of an excerpt of the work sounds.)

(Appendix. Slide 3) Conversation on the content of the picture.

  1. What day did the artist depict? (Clear, sunny, calm.)
  2. What can you say about the color of the sky? (Blue, with white clouds, clean.)
  3. How does color help the artist show the approach of late autumn? (Gold of trees; dry, yellow, brown grass.)
  4. What can you say about the reflections of light in the river? (The water in the river is dark blue, and in the distance it is blue.)
  5. How did the artist depict the trees? (Yellow, gold, multi-colored, elegant, colorful.)
  6. What colors does the artist use to show his attitude towards autumn? (Although there are also cold colors in the picture, it is all permeated with warm tones: yellow, golden, green, crimson, blue.)

(Appendix. Slide 4) Task for the development of creative imagination.

What is common between the painting by I.I. Levitan and the poem by A.S. Pushkin.

A student reads an excerpt from a poem.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter.

- (Both in Pushkin’s poems and in Levitan’s painting we see the beauty of autumn nature).

(Appendix. Slide 5) Collective drafting of an essay plan.

  1. How did the artist show the approach of autumn? (The artist managed to convey the cool, clean autumn air; crimson and yellow birches, bronze oaks; brown autumn grass.)
  2. What role does color play in a painting? (Levitan’s entire painting is permeated with light. There are no gloomy colors here. Bright colors predominate.)
  3. What thoughts and feelings did the artist express in this painting? (The artist makes us look closely at the beauty of our nature and conveys to us his love for it.)
  4. What impression does the picture make? (You look at the picture and feel the cool, invigorating autumn air. The landscape does not cause sadness, the artist paints the “lush decay of nature.”)

(Appendix. Slide 6) Vocabulary and spelling work.

  1. Insert the missing letters in the root of the word: yellow... yellow, b... dirty, b... dry, z... l... tye, n... row, cold... cold, k.. .artina, beauty, landscape.
  2. Insert the missing letters in the word prefix: pr...cold, pr...nizano, pr...present,
  3. Explain the lexical meaning of the words:
    • Scenery - ... .
    • Crimson – ... .
    • Winter crops – ... .

(Appendix. Slide 7) Imagine that you are present in those places that are depicted in the painting “Golden Autumn” by I.I. Levitan. Answer the questions.

  1. What's around you? (The artist depicted a narrow river calmly carrying its waters. On the left, on the high bank of the river there is a birch grove, draped in a golden outfit. On the right - individual trees are oaks in red-bronze cloaks. In the foreground is a river. The water in it is dark -blue, and in the distance - blue. Where the river makes a smooth turn, a birch tree stands alone in the background. In the distance you can see fields where winter crops have grown.)
  2. What do you admire? (I admire the “lush wilting of nature on a wonderful autumn day. I admire the forest, which “seems to be painted, lilac, gold, crimson...”)
  3. What do you like most about the picture? (This is a painfully familiar and dear landscape. This is my Motherland - Russia.)
  4. What makes you sad? (The picture is bright, but there are notes of sadness. How can you not remember the lines of A.S. Pushkin: “A sad time! The charm of the eyes! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me...” Everything breathes silence and autumn peace. Nature is preparing for winter sleep. )

(Appendix. Slide 8) Writing an essay. (Structure of the essay.)

  1. Where should I start? (I.I. Levitan is called the “discoverer” of the beauties of the Russian land. These beauties are close to us. The strength and talent of the artist lies in the fact that he makes us look closely at familiar and native nature.)
  2. What should you write in the body of the text? (In the main part you need to describe what you saw in the picture. Slide 7.)
  3. What will the ending be? (What feelings, emotions does the picture evoke?) Slide 7.)

Writing an essay.


  1. “Essay on a painting for younger schoolchildren” by L.L. Strakhova, 2007
  2. “Isaac Levitan” O. D. Atroshchenko, L. I. Zakharenkova, M. N. Kiselev 2010

Polyakov Matvey

The presentation was created by a student of the third year of study at the Computer Graphics and Animation association.



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Slide captions:

Completed by: student of MAU DO "SYUT" Polyakov Matvey Teacher: Polyakova Natalia Pavlovna Painting by I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

Completed by: student of grade 3 A of MAOU "Secondary School No. 45" Matvey Polyakov Primary school teacher: Svetlana Gennadievna Bolshakova The famous Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan became famous as the creator of unique landscapes.

In his painting “Golden Autumn” I.I. Levitan tried to convey that part of autumn, which is popularly called “Indian summer”.

The painting shows a characteristic Russian landscape. A calm autumn day is full of light. The sun is shining, but not so bright. The Russian expanse opens before your eyes: fields, groves, a river. The blue sky with white clouds on the horizon converges with the line of the forest. A narrow river with low banks.

In the background of the picture we see a birch grove in golden autumn decoration. On the left bank of the river there are slender white-yellow birches and two aspen trees with almost fallen leaves.

The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. But if you look closely, you can see that the grass in the foreground is still green, just starting to turn yellow.

In the depths of the meadow flows a narrow river with low banks. The river surface seems motionless and cold. A bright sky with white clouds is reflected on the surface of the water.

Golden autumn is a magical time. She captivates with beauty. And there are no sad thoughts about the long winter ahead.

Thank you for your attention!

I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

Subject: Preparing to write an essay based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Forest Lake”. Lesson objectives:

To introduce students to the life and work of I.I. Levitan; develop picture analysis skills; promote emotional perception of works of art; cultivate aesthetic taste; develop students’ speech, the ability to logically express their thoughts; develop imaginative thinking; enrich students' vocabulary; develop the ability to express your thoughts and argue your point of view.

Planned results:

Students will get acquainted with the work of Isaac Ilyich Levitan, learn how to correctly plan an essay, select expressive means, learn to describe a picture, and logically present a text.

Picturesque gallery

Isaac Ilyich Levitan lived and worked in Russia a hundred years ago.

He painted landscapes - paintings depicting nature.

In them he sought to convey the moods and experiences that nature evokes in humans.

Paintings by I. I. Levitan are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery

in Moscow, in the Russian Museum

in St. Petersburg, in museums in other cities of Russia.

Today we have to discover the wonderful world of Russian painting. We will get acquainted with the work of the outstanding Russian painter I.I. Levitan and see his paintings.

Work based on the painting “Forest Lake” by I. Levitan

Let's turn to the picture.

– The great Italian artist L. Da Vince said: “Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.”

"It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes! - this is how A.S. wrote about autumn. Pushkin. Autumn inspired poets and painters to create masterpieces. The singers of nature felt especially keenly the beauty of this time of year far from the city - in the forest, among endless fields, on the shore of a lake. Autumn has become one of the leading themes in the work of the Russian artist I.I. Levitan.

I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

What do you see in the foreground of the picture, and what in the distance?

It seems that the foreground is dissolving in the picture. It blurs into the depths of the lake, which reflects the tops of the trees that surround it. All the attention of the viewer is attracted by the depth of the picture, that is, its background.

What season and what time of day did the artist depict? Explain why you think so.

The artist depicted autumn. The predominance of dark tones makes it possible to conclude that this is evening sunset time. Yellow pines illuminated by the setting sun's rays outline the rounded edges of the shore.

Tell us about the lake water. Are the shores always reflected in the water as brightly as in the painting by I. I. Levitan?

In the center of the picture, the artist painted a clean, deep lake. By this, the author tried to draw the viewer’s attention precisely to his main subject, which was given special attention when painting the picture - to the lake.

Forest lake in the wilderness. Breathes in the autumn sky. And in no hurry to be surprised, That the forest is more transparent and higher. The leaves rustle mysteriously. And the wind slightly ripples the water, It's like he's looking for something Or talking about something But the sleepy lake is silent. Perhaps he is waiting for something from above? When the sliding rays Touch the waves like moths. So that their living lights, Like flocks of birds ………………fell off the roof, Colorize gloomy days.

Forest Lake

Natalia Muradova

What colors did I. I. Levitan use when creating this picture?

What feelings did it evoke?

do you have this picture?

If you were on the shores of this lake, what would you do there?

What sounds do you think you could hear on the shore of the lake?

What other paintings by I. I. Levitan have you seen?

Nature was Levitan's main theme. In the paintings of this wonderful artist, modest Russian nature came to life, was remembered and loved by everyone who is familiar with his work.

He felt the magical nature, heard delightful music, and was imbued with its amazing silence.

Once upon a time in “Native Speech” I had a meeting with the painting And the memory is vivid! What could be simpler? Birch Grove, Aspens, meadow, river. Ah, “Golden Autumn”! Ask the sky beautifully, Village in the distance The water in the river is brightening, And the winter is turning green. And my cheek is so warm, And dreams come

I. I. Levitan

Gold autumn. 1895

When I snuggle up to the birch tree For a moment one cheek. And the heart will flutter And he will beat himself joyfully Such beauty!

Ivan Esaulkov

I. I. Levitan Autumn. 1897

In the foreground on the left is spruce The branches entered the watercolor. To the right they form a grid Trees with thin, bare branches. They keep the sheets here and there. And the colors are delicate and pure. Autumn day, calm, gray, In its transparent atmosphere. Thoughtful silence In this landscape we can see. There is a lot of sadness and sadness in it. Deserted shores and distances, Somewhere there is either a forest or hills We see against the sky.

Here, viewer, we looked Levitan has watercolors! And autumn is visible on one - How wonderful she is! The picture is very poetic, Charming, lyrical And the river is expressive: Its deserted shores Covered entirely with leaves; The river captivates with blue.

Ivan Esaulkov

I. I. Levitan

Autumn. Bright day

What a good job it was Under a radiantly bright sky! The Russian landscape is expansive! In the picture in the foreground The fence, behind it an empty field, And to the right of the fence is a clearing. Autumn trees are burning Behind them are huts and estates. The village will finish threshing - Then weddings will flow like a river. Today is such a nice day And brightly sunny at the same time. Although it is autumn, it seems Indian summer has arrived!

Although it is autumn, it seems That Indian summer has arrived. Today is such a nice day And brightly sunny at the same time! The trees lit their fires, The sky reflects the fire. A village waited from the fields An unprecedented harvest.

The sheaves will be dried and threshed - And again people will have bread.

Ivan Esaulkov

Speech training

  • A) Choose synonyms for the words: artist - painter, landscape painter, master of the brush, creates, writes. Painting – canvas, reproduction.
  • B) Please note:

in the foreground, here, on the right, on the left, near, in the distance, above.

  • IN) Name of which colors and shades can it be used in description?

D) Dictionary

  • Painting, landscape, image.
  • The artist (what did he do?) wrote, created, worked, captured, showed, reflected. The picture depicts, shows, captures. Verbs: think, admire, admire, reign, dream, tremble, smell, show, see, want, love.
  • The air (what kind?) is transparent, clean, fresh.
  • The lake (what kind?) is clean, deep.
  • Foliage (what?) – green, emerald, yellow, gold.
  • Pines (which ones?) – tall, slender, evergreen.

Writing an essay plan


1. The artist and his painting.

2. Description of the painting by I. Levitan “Forest Lake”.

3. My attitude to the picture.

Essay on a painting I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

The painting “Forest Lake” was painted by I.I. Levitan in 1889. It depicts an autumn landscape.

In the center of the picture, the artist painted a clean, deep lake. I.I. Levitan used cold tones.

In the foreground of the picture are tall pines with evergreen needles. They are brightly reflected from the steep shore in the clear water of the lake.

In the distance, on both banks, a birch grove burns with bright gold. The air is clear and fresh. The rays of the cold autumn sun glide over the yellow, green, purple tops of the trees.

This picture evoked a sad feeling of farewell to summer.

Essay on a painting I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

The lake in the painting by I.I. is spread wide. Levitan. The trees are reflected in it, like in a mirror. Along the shore, like a big friendly family, there are pine trees. Large pines are like fathers, mothers, grandparents, and small ones are babies.

In the background there are trees, as if the Firebird had sat down and spread its colorful tail. And on the right bank, where it is dark, the trees play hide and seek with the sun. Looking at this picture, I found myself in this quiet, fairy-tale world. I heard birds singing, rustling leaves and light splashes of water. I would sit and listen to this magical song of nature.

  • How did we work in class? What did you like? What new did you learn? In the second lesson we will write an essay. And in order for it to turn out interesting, it is necessary to achieve coherence in the presentation, colorfulness in the description, correct construction of sentences, and competent writing. Consult spelling dictionaries.

List of sources used


  • easel
  • Drawings from the textbook “Literary Reading” by E.E. Kats

Primary school teacher

MBOU Secondary School No. 8, Mozdoka

Suk Natalia Ivanovna

This presentation will help students explore the fall theme in their essay. The children will see autumn in its diversity. Get acquainted with paintings by famous Russian artists that depict autumn. The presentation slides will help the children read the painting and understand the artist’s intention. The preparatory work will help students write an essay on this topic.



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Slide captions:

Autumn tied a colorful apron and took buckets of paints. Early in the morning, walking through the park, the leaves were outlined in gold.

F.I. Tyutchev There is a short but wonderful time in the original autumn - The whole day is as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant...

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin

Autumn began to spin, Red snowstorms, Golden leaves flew from the maples...

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov

A.S. Pushkin It's a sad time! Ouch charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush decay of nature, the forests dressed in crimson and gold...

Isaac Ilyich Levitan

"Gold autumn"

K. Kedrov Summer has thrown off its green caftan, The larks whistled to their heart's content. Autumn, dressed in a yellow fur coat, walked through the forests with a broom.

What's in front of us? painting by Isaac Levitan “Golden Autumn”

What did the artist depict in the picture? depicted nature in autumn

What do we see in the foreground of the picture? birch grove (birch forest)

Describe the birch trees. birch leaves have become... many leaves... under the birch trees lies...

What do we see in the background of the picture? forest, field is planted with winter wheat and has already sprouted and...

What else did the artist depict in the painting? river in ode…. cold x artist depicted water….

What day? with the sun... illuminates everything...

Did you like the painting by I. Levitan? Why did you like her?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Essay based on the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

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