Hermitage map. Life is made up of simple things

IN Hermitage I wanted to get there for a very, very long time! This is one of the largest museums not only in Russia, but also in the world! And given my interest in art in general, this museum was number one on my bucket list!

P.S. Attention! There is a lot of information and about 110 photos under the cut!

State Hermitage Museum , is not just a great museum, because at first the building, where today an endless number of people go, was conceived as the Winter Palace - the main residence of the Russian tsars! It was the center of the empire that Peter I conceived. The fate and history of Russia was decided here! Many years later, the museum fits perfectly here, which originated in 1764, as a private collection Catherine II, after the first 225 valuable paintings were transferred to her from Berlin.

It is not known why she purchased them, because she was not particularly interested in the paintings, but thanks to this purchase, the great history of the museum began!

Hermitage collection was significantly replenished thanks to Catherine’s greed and orders to buy paintings in bulk! The exhibition was complemented by the interest in art of Russian aristocrats, resellers and a large number of excavations of ancient burial mounds. Subsequently, Russian tsars and queens received many works of art as a gift, as a sign of respect! In just 20 years, a huge number of unique exhibits were collected, and new buildings were built to store the best collection in Europe!

Gradually the museum received the name "Hermitage", which is translated from French "Ermitage", means Personal peace, or Hermitage. In general, it was so, under the grandson of Catherine II, Alexander I, only selected high-ranking officials could get here, exclusively on recommendations or passes in the amount of no more than 5 people, accompanied by a footman, and then not in the Palace part, but only in the attached new buildings ! The Winter Palace was closed to everyone for a long time! Then there was a certain division of the collection, which was sorted into cases, something went to be shown to selected people, and vice versa, to hide some exhibits from unnecessary eyes.

The history of the museum is not so long, but it has managed to tell a variety of events, such as December 17, 1837 he survived one of the most monumental fires in the history of the Russian Empire. As a result of a terrible fire, the second and third floors of the Winter Palace were completely burned out, including interiors by F.B. Rastrelli, Quarenghi, Montferrand and Rossi! Surprisingly, a lot has survived. The fire lasted about 30 hours, and the building itself smoldered for almost three days. It took more than a year to restore the damaged palace.

Also, few people know, but until the early 30s of the 20th century, the facade of the Winter Palace was painted in different colors, from yellow to red! In the 1950s it was gradually repainted azure green.

Here's a shot from documentary film, shown on the Russia 2 TV channel, - Hermitage, National Treasures.

In the 20th century, the Hermitage also faced a difficult fate! Intensive industrialization was underway and the country needed money to develop the economy. The management decided to start selling collections! It was very difficult to confront the Soviet bureaucratic machine. That’s right, from 1928 to 1934, knight’s armor, ceremonial dinnerware, Scythian gold, antique coins, icons, and then paintings went under the hammer at auctions in London and Berlin. Imagine, it turns out that Catherine and her followers did everything right, because before the collection was made public, they carefully guarded it and only replenished it! Even during the fire, almost everything was saved, but at the cost of many human lives, and then they just took it and decided to sell what was lying badly and gathering dust on the wall. In two years, the number of items confiscated from the Hermitage reaches 20 thousand! Among which there are almost 3000 paintings!

Unfortunately, this is true, but many of the works that Catherine herself bought are hanging in museums in London, New York, Lisbon, Washington, Paris. Even with all this disgrace that was happening in Soviet years, The Hermitage is still considered a world-famous museum and collection!

At that time, only museum employees knew about the sale of the collection, because it was only opened to the public in 1954! For the first time, people saw the richest collections of monuments of ancient Eastern, ancient Egyptian, ancient and medieval cultures, Western and of Eastern Europe, archaeological and artistic monuments of Asia, Russian culture of the 8th-19th centuries. There were queues for many kilometers!

I visited it in August 2015, and I can say that the number of people wanting to visit the museum has not decreased! A few days before the visit, I purchased an electronic ticket on the Internet, because I knew how much time I could lose in lines. I recommend choosing this method; you bypass all the lines and go straight to the museum’s ticket office, where you exchange your e-ticket for a regular one.

You can purchase it using the link below: Electronic tickets to the Hermitage.

Getting to the museum couldn't be easier! It is located in the very center of St. Petersburg and, as it were, embraces Palace Square cities from all sides! Nearest metro station, - Admiralteyskaya.

Official website of the Gallery: https://www.hermitagemuseum.org/

The main building of the Hermitage, also known as the Winter Palace of Peter I. It was a wonderful day, and the bright sun was shining over St. Petersburg!

Opening hours of the State Hermitage:

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 10:30 - 18:00 pm.
Wednesday, Friday: 10:30 - 21:00 pm.

Every first Thursday of every month, admission to the museum is free!

Photography without flash is permitted.

Ticket prices varies from 300 to 600 rubles depending on the number of objects visited. E-tickets As a rule, they are more expensive and reach up to 1000 rubles per ticket, but they have a number of advantages, which I have already mentioned.

I would like to tell you what is inside the Hermitage today!

Cash register.

Here they exchanged my ticket from an electronic one to a regular one.


They also gave very detailed Museum plan diagram so as not to get lost! I'm posting it here because... I believe that it can be very useful to many for planning their visit.

The Hermitage consists of several buildings, namely the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage, the New Hermitage, the Large (Old) Hermitage and the Winter Palace of Peter I with the Hermitage Theater.

1st Floor.

2nd Floor.

3rd Floor.

Once inside I realized that Hermitage Museum,- it’s also a museum within a museum! After all, the interior of the palace is stunning, and its interior decoration, columns and paintings are amazing! Tour guides say it will take 11 years to explore it inside and out! The total length of the corridors is 22 kilometers!

First I got into Hall dedicated to the Antiquities of the Middle East.

Then he gradually moved into Egyptian Hall, where there were tombs of the rulers of Egypt and limestone tablets with hieroglyphs.

Jupiter Hall with sculptures at the head of which sits the supreme god of the Romans, - Jupiter.

Goddess of love Venus.

IN Antique courtyard I met Eros with a shell.

Asclepius,- Ancient Greek god of medicine.

Athena,- goddess of war. It looked like she was taking a selfie with her phone. :)


And here Hall of Culture and Art of Ancient Cities of the Northern Black Sea Coast, which displays many exhibits found during excavations on Mount Mithridates, in the city of Kerch And Taman Peninsula, Krasnodar Territory. All exhibits are from the times of the Bosporan Kingdom.

Marble sarcophagus from Myrmekium.

A lion standing on a tomb.

Wooden sarcophagus with carved arches.

And the hall Hellenistic culture coins and jewelry are presented.

Golden laurel wreath.

Gold necklaces and earrings.

And also gold rings.

Plaster cast of Cameo Gonzaga. Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II(located temporarily in the Hermitage).

Cameo. Zeus. Sardonyx. Gold.

Hellenistic gold and silver coins.

Mosaic glass bowl.

Hall of large vases. There is a bowl made of Revnevskaya jasper from Altai. It is considered the largest vase in the world!

Very beautiful Twenty-column hall.

Greater Hydria, also known as "Queen Vaz".

I decided to go up the stairs.

On my return, another Vase was waiting for me, this time from Malachite.

1469-1529. Giovanni della Robbia - Christmas.

There has been a noticeable increase in people here, and they are looking not only at the exhibits framed behind glass, but also at the walls and ceiling! Because he is incredibly beautiful.

And here is the hall of Leonardo Da Vinci. Hanging here famous works artist! To look at and photograph his paintings, I had to stand in line for about 5 minutes.

1478-1480. Leonardo da Vinci - Madonna and Child.

Leonardo da Vinci - Madonna and Child (Madonna Litta).

1512-1513. Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi) - Leda.

1508-1549. Giampietrino (Gian Pietro Rizzoli) - Penitent Mary Magdalene.

Foyer of the Hermitage Theater.

Loggia Raphael! It reminded me a lot of a similar corridor in a gallery in Florence!

On this Italian art not over!

1740. Michele Giovanni - Rialto Bridge in Venice.

1726-1727. Antonio Canal (Canaletto) - Reception of the French ambassador in Venice.

The halls of the Italian schools are magnificent! It’s not for nothing that it was built by Nicholas I and named as "New Hermitage".

1730. Giovanni Batista Tiepolo - Triumph of the commander Mania Curia Dantata.

1647. Paulus Potter - Punishment of the Hunter.

1651. Salomon van Ruisdael - Ferry crossing in the vicinity of Arnhem.

1611-1613. Peter Paul Rubens - Head of an Old Man.

1612. Peter Paul Rubens - Christ crowned with thorns.

In fact, the whole hall was given to Rubens here!

1640. Abraham Mignon - Flowers in a vase.

1530. Lucas Cranach the Elder - Madonna and Child under an apple tree.

1770. Peacock watch made of bronze and silver.

IN Pavilion Hall a copy of the floor of an antique mosaic was laid out, the original is in the Vatican.

St. George's Hall (Great Throne Hall).

Throne footstool commissioned by Empress Anna Ioannovna in London.

Military Portrait Gallery The Winter Palace was created according to the design of K.I. Rossi in 1826 in honor of Russia's victory over Napoleonic France. Built specially by Alexander I.

Armorial Hall! Intended for ceremonial receptions.

1876 Saber of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolanvich the Elder.

Awards of Nikolai Nikolanvich the Younger.

Suddenly I found myself in Great Church of the Winter Palace or Cathedral of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

From one of the halls of the Hermitage there was an excellent view of Palace Square!

IN Alexander Hall silver products are presented.

In the hall UK arts costs Wine cooling tub, performed by Charles Candler, is a unique work that has no equal in any museum in the world.

1780. Thomas Gainsborough - Lady in Blue.

1779. Joseph Wright of Derby - Fireworks. Castle St. Angela (Girandola).

1766. Vigilius Eriksen - Portrait of Count Grigory Grigorievich Orlov.

Sabers and cuirass breastplate.

Tray dish "Apotheosis of Catherine II" depicting an allegory of Catherine’s journey to Crimea in 1787.

Mug, decorated with Western European coins.

Catherine II's uniform suit.

Malachite living room.

Large malachite bowl on a tripod in the form of winged female figures.

Concert hall.

It costs tomb of Alexander Nevsky! Was under restoration.

IN Nicholas Hall there was an exhibition of British architect Zaha Hadid.

In the center Antechamber was installed in 1958 Rotunda with malachite columns and a gilded bronze dome.

Well, that's all, I went out.

When I left the Hermitage it was almost evening, it turns out that I spent half a day in the museum. And I watched only a small part, and on the blog I told everything in a more condensed version.

I must say, even this gives an idea of ​​the grandiose scale of the museum and its amazing collection!

I went out to Palace Square, on which stood a horse-drawn carriage. It feels like I was transported many hundreds of years into the past during the time of Peter and Catherine!

It was great! The Hermitage left a very pleasant impression! Thanks to everyone who maintains and stores such a priceless treasure in the center of the Northern capital of Russia!

This is not just a museum, it is a real palace and a museum within a museum, which is very pleasant to just walk around. The exhibition shows the development of world art from the Stone Age to the end of the 20th century. This is a huge period that is very difficult to fit into one day. Therefore, many come specifically to St. Petersburg during the off-season to devote a few days to the Hermitage and experience all its value.

If you came to St. Petersburg and did not visit its museums, then you wasted your time! I highly recommend combining a walk around the city and a must visit State Hermitage Museum And


State Hermitage Museum(St. Petersburg) is the largest museum complex in Russia and one of the largest in the world. The Hermitage collection includes about 3,000,000 exhibits. The total area of ​​the museum is 233,345 sq.m. The museum is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg and occupies five historical buildings: (1), Winter Palace (2), Small Hermitage Great Hermitage (old Hermitage, 3), (4), New Hermitage Hermitage Theater (5). The largest building is the Winter Palace (winter residence royal dynasty


Hermitage layout: Hermitage Origin of the name from French ermitage - meaning a place of solitude (place of seclusion). This is what the first Hermitage was (now it is the Small Hermitage, 2) - a place of solitude for Empress Catherine II. This was a special wing of the Winter Palace that received this French name State Hermitage Museum, when the Empress organized the site of the first museum for her art collection (purchased in 1764). From this collection, housed in a separate building, the modern

. This private “secluded” museum was opened to the public only in 1852.

IN 1779 Hermitage Museum. Official site

IN 1771-1787 year, a collection of paintings by British Prime Minister Walpole was acquired. acquired years, the architect Felten built a building Great Hermitage

(3). The collection is growing rapidly and due to the lack of initial premises (2, Small Hermitage), the construction of an entire building is being organized. 19th century

IN 1852 - during the reigns of Alexander I and Nicholas I, the Hermitage collection was systematically and carefully developed. Not only collections are purchased, but also individual rare works. Nicholas I is preparing for the opening of the Imperial Hermitage to public visits.

In 2010, a large new building, the “New Hermitage” (3), was built and Nicholas I opened the Imperial Hermitage for public viewing. 1880 TO

IN 1895 year, museum attendance reached 50,000 people per year. The museum contains the richest collections of monuments of ancient, ancient and medieval cultures. Works of art of Western and Eastern Europe, Russian culture of the 8th-19th centuries.

year, by special decree of Nicholas II, most of the works of Russian artists were transferred to the Russian Museum. TO early 20th century

The Imperial Hermitage becomes the center of Russian art history and education. Winter Palace in 1910 (). Before the revolution, the palace was painted red (even earlier yellow), had two metal balconies for the Tsar’s speeches, and a (high) ventilation tower. In 1909, the construction of a high enclosing fence and gate with guards around the walking park with a fountain was completed (after the events of 1905 and the assassination attempts). On foreground Postcards show the palace embankment with lions, which will be moved to the Admiralty building during the construction of the permanent Palace Bridge (1911-1916).

IN 1917 year, after the overthrow of the autocracy and the October Revolution, significant changes took place in the Hermitage. The collections of the Imperial Academy of Arts are transferred to the museum and nationalized private collections begin to arrive. The Hermitage is becoming a kind of center for collecting and recording works of art.

IN 20s The Imperial Renterium (or Diamond Room) of the Winter Palace was finally transferred to the Moscow Kremlin (where it had been kept since the First World War), serving as the basis for the Diamond Fund. Part of the collection of paintings by old masters was transferred to the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts.

IN 1929-34 The Hermitage collection suffered irreparable damage. IN Soviet Russia economic difficulties. Sales are taking place of part of the collection and the most expensive paintings. 48 unique masterpieces left Russia forever.

With the advent of the Great Patriotic War The evacuation of the Hermitage collection began. More than two million items from the collection were evacuated to the Urals. During the siege of Leningrad and the entire war, the Hermitage buildings did not function as a museum; the basements of the buildings turned into bomb shelters.

After 1945 years and the end of the war, the Hermitage received captured art from Berlin museums.

IN 1948 year there is a reorganization Soviet museums and redistribution of part of the collections between various museums in Leningrad and Moscow.

IN 1957 year, the third floor of the Winter Palace was opened to the public. Works of new Western art were exhibited there.

IN 1958 In 1945, the Soviet government, at the request of the GDR government, agreed to return to Berlin captured works of art taken from Berlin in 1945. But, according to some sources, some of the works (considered lost during the war) remained in the USSR.

IN early 1990s years, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Hermitage officially announced that its storerooms contained “trophy” works of impressionists and neo-impressionists that were considered lost. Later, these paintings were exhibited from the storerooms and included in the museum’s exhibition.

IN July 2006 year, a scandal occurred in the Hermitage that became famous. 221 exhibits were discovered missing from the museum ( orthodox icons, jewelry, silverware, etc.). One of the Hermitage employees came under suspicion of theft. But the investigation was complicated by the fact that she died of a heart attack shortly before her loss was discovered. The investigation established the involvement of relatives of a former museum employee in the theft.

IN 2006-2007 years, it was possible to return some of the stolen museum exhibits.

The Hermitage is a huge museum. Its rich collections contain about 3 million exhibits, and its exhibition area is about 50 thousand square meters. m. It’s not surprising to get lost in it. Therefore, take a map of the museum at the entrance and select those rooms that particularly interest you - you still won’t be able to see everything in one visit.

If you want to get a general idea of ​​the museum, we recommend that you climb the main Ambassadorial staircase to the second floor of the palace and go through the solemn and luxurious Field Marshal, Peter and Armorial halls to the Military Gallery of 1812, dedicated to the victory of the Russian army over Napoleon. Pushkin sang this gallery in the famous lines:

The Russian Tsar has a chamber in his palace;
She is not rich in gold or velvet;
It is not where the crown diamond is kept behind glass;
But from top to bottom, all the way around,
With your free and wide brush,
It was painted by a quick-eyed artist.

The walls of this gallery are hung with hundreds of portraits of Russian generals who took part in the war with Napoleonic army. Immediately behind it is the majestic Great Throne (Georgievsky) a hall with a royal throne under a canopy, from where we go to the Small Hermitage, famous for its magnificent Pavilion Hall (note the mosaic on the floor and the famous Peacock clock with moving animal figures).

From the Small Hermitage we move to the Big Hermitage, where the Pinakothek itself begins (collection of paintings). Italian painting is presented in the Hermitage in more than 40 halls. One of the most antique paintings Italian collection - “Madonna” by the Siena master Simone Martini. This is one of the wings of the folding diptych “The Annunciation”, created in the 14th century. Two parallel galleries of the Great Hermitage are dedicated respectively to the Florentine and Venetian painting, Any of them will bring Leonardo da Vinci into the hall (Florentine - straight, from the Venetian you will need to turn left from the Titian Hall).

There are usually always a lot of people in the magnificent Leonardo da Vinci hall. You'll have to stand in line to see him early painting « Madonna Benoit» ("Madonna with a Flower") and to the famous “Madonna Litta” of the master’s Milanese period. From the Great Hermitage we will move to the New Hermitage, where the Italian collection continues, be sure to look at two paintings by Raphael - the “Conestabile Madonna” painted at a very young age and the later “Holy Family”, the sculpture “Crouching Boy” by Michelangelo and go into the stunning Loggias of Raphael - exact copy Vatican creation of the great master, created for Catherine II by the architect Quarenghi. And everywhere you look, there are not only great paintings and sculptures, but also magnificent interiors, breathtaking parquet floors, fireplaces, paintings, huge malachite and lapis lazuli vases and tables, lamps made of rhodonite, jasper and porphyry, bronze candelabra and chandeliers. Even ordinary doors here are real, richly decorated works of art.

Let's move from the Italian halls to the Spanish ones, there are only two of them, but the names of the presented masters are one more famous than the other: El Greco, Murillo, Velazquez, even Goya is in the Hermitage! Nearby is the famous Rembrandt room, one of the largest collections of his paintings outside of Holland. And what pictures! "Return prodigal son", "The Descent from the Cross", "The Holy Family" and many others worldwide famous works masters And generally speaking Dutch painting is represented in the museum very widely; almost a thousand paintings by Dutch painters are stored in it. Walk through the Hall of Small Dutchmen, admire their masterfully verified, detailed and stunningly authentic landscapes, still lifes, and everyday scenes. Visit the Rubens Hall (huge collection, about 40 paintings) and to the hall of the famous portrait painter Van Dyck. Then, along the perimeter of the Hermitage complex, but on the other side, return to the Winter Palace - a magnificent collection awaits you there French art- paintings by masters of the 18th century, furniture, ceramics, tapestries.

From the Claude Lorrain room, turn right and take the stairs or elevator to the third floor. It is not as ornate as the second one (not kings lived here, but auxiliary personnel), but there is an amazing collection of French impressionists and post-impressionists. Admire paintings by Claude Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse, Pablo Picasso. Then go down the oak stairs again to the second floor and go to the living quarters, decorated for the wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich (future Emperor Alexander II) with Maria Alexandrovna, Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt.

In the spacious White Hall - the largest and most ceremonial room of the “new half” of the Winter Palace - the newlyweds held balls and celebrations. Pay attention to the huge 18th-century Sevres porcelain vase located here, painted in blue and decorated with gilded bronze. Then enter the stunning Golden Drawing Room, with its walls completely gilded and now displaying a collection of cameos. (carved stones), purchased by Catherine II from the Duke of Orleans. The next room is Maria Alexandrovna’s Crimson Living Room. They played music here, which is reminiscent of the crimson silk on the walls with the image musical instruments. Behind the Raspberry living room there is a red and gold boudoir, decorated in the style of the second Rococo, the Blue bedroom, the bathroom and dressing room of Maria Alexandrovna. The bedroom space is now used for temporary exhibitions.

Then we go out into the hall where there is a carnival sleigh of the 18th century, made in the shape of the figure of St. George with a spear, from where we can continue our journey either along a long Dark corridor without windows, where unique trellises are stored, which are harmful to sunlight, or through the halls dedicated to the Russian art XVIII V. Both of these paths will lead us to the rotunda - a round room with a wonderful parquet floor, which served as a connecting link between the apartments located in different parts of the palace. Behind the rotunda there were living quarters, among which it is worth noting the White (Small) dining room of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, known to those that it was in it that the ministers of the Provisional Government were arrested during October revolution (the clock on the fireplace shows the time when this happened historical event, - 2 hours 10 minutes at night). In general, the meeting place of the Provisional Government was the adjacent room - the magnificent Malachite living room, decorated with columns, pilasters, fireplaces, tables, vases and other decorative items made of malachite using the Russian mosaic technique.

Then along the long corridor we return again to the front embassy (Jordanian) stairs On the way, be sure to check out the Concert Hall, where the silver shrine of St. Alexander Nevsky from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is now located, and the stunning size (more than 1100 sq. m) huge Nikolaevsky (Big) hall. From the Nicholas Hall, in which the most magnificent palace holidays were once held, and now temporary art exhibitions, through the Antechamber, decorated with a malachite rotunda, presented to Nicholas I by the richest family of owners of the Ural factories, the Demidovs, we go out again to the Ambassadorial Staircase.

Then, if you still have the strength to continue the inspection, you can go to the first floor. After descending the stairs, turn left, where the museum cafeteria is located. You might also want to take a break and relax a bit with a cup of coffee. Then go further along the same corridor and turn left - you will find yourself in a large gloomy hall Ancient Egypt, where, among other things, a real mummy of an Egyptian priest of the 10th century is exhibited. BC. The Egyptian collection of the Hermitage is interesting because it represents all periods of the history of Ancient Egypt.

Leaving the Egyptian Hall and walking a little forward, we turn left and find ourselves in the hall with the huge Kolyvan Vase - the largest of all the Hermitage vases. Its weight is almost 19 tons, its height is 2 m 69 cm. It was carved from a monolith of Revnev jasper over 14 years, from 1829 to 1843. The vase, made at the Kolyvan factory in Altai, was transported to St. Petersburg on special carts by more than 120 horses. It was installed in this hall when its walls were not yet finished. Now the vase can no longer be taken out of here - its dimensions do not allow it to pass through the doors, so you can be sure that you will always find the Kolyvan vase in its place.

Walking a little forward, you will find yourself in a huge Twenty-Column Hall, decorated with monolithic columns of gray granite and mosaics on the floor, made in the likeness of Roman ones. In this hall there is a real kingdom of antique vases and amphorae, the most famous of which - the black-glazed Kumeka vase, the so-called “Queen of Vases” - is located in the center of the hall, under a special glass cover. Created in the 4th century. BC, it was found in the ruins of a temple in Cumae. This vase, dedicated to the underground and fertility deities, is decorated in relief and retains gilding and traces of bright colors to this day. The far part of the hall is occupied by a small but very interesting and original Etruscan collection.

From the Twenty-Column Hall, return to hall 129 and turn left into hall 127. Walking in this direction, you will be able to walk around the entire first floor of the New Hermitage and see the wonderful collections ancient art. The most notable are the huge statue of Jupiter and the famous Venus of Tauride. The statue of Jupiter, 3 m 47 cm high, was found in the country villa of the Roman emperor Domitian. The Tauride Venus was purchased from the Pope during the time of Peter I and became the first ancient monument to appear in Russia in the 1720s. At first it stood in Summer Garden, then ended up in the Tauride Palace, which is why it began to be called Tauride. In general, the museum has more than 20 halls dedicated to the art of the ancient world. Ancient Greece, Ancient Italy and Rome, Northern Black Sea region are presented here with the richest collections of vases, carved stones, jewelry, sculptures, and terracottas. In addition, pay attention to the design of the halls themselves on this floor - one is more beautiful than the other. Having completed the circle around the first floor, through the hall of Ancient Egypt you again exit into the central lobby of the museum.

In addition, the Hermitage has another unique opportunity - to visit the Gold and Diamond Storerooms, where stunning items from precious metals and stones. What's missing here! Jewelry for every taste, from a variety of countries and eras - from Scythian and Greek gold to jewelry masterpieces of the early 20th century. Pendants, bracelets, rings of Athenian dandies and Russian royal fashionistas, watches, snuff boxes, precious weapons and much more. The famous geologist and expert on natural minerals, Academician Fersman, wrote about this collection: “The Gallery of Jewels, now called the Special Storeroom, creates a complete picture of one of the most beautiful arts - jewelry. In the department of trinkets, fans, snuff boxes, toiletries, watches, bonbonnieres, knobs, rings, rings, etc. so much taste has been demonstrated, such an understanding of the decorative features of stone, such mastery of composition, such virtuosity of technique that, admiring these things, you recognize their modest, now forgotten authors as worthy brothers of the great artists whose works hang nearby on the walls art gallery Hermitage".

If you want to see these wonderful collections, then you need to buy a ticket for one of the sessions at the box office in the morning, as soon as you enter the museum. Visits to special storerooms are organized in sessions, only accompanied by a museum guide and are paid separately. You can visit both pantries or choose one of them.

The Golden Treasury presents works of ancient Greek masters, Scythian gold, jewelry from the countries of the East, and magnificent examples of oriental ceremonial weapons. In the Diamond Storeroom you can see ancient gold items, jewelry from the collections of members of the Romanov imperial family and private collections in St. Petersburg, monuments of church art, diplomatic gifts to the Russian court, and products of the famous Faberge company.

- Well, where did you go for the weekend?
- Yes, I was in St. Petersburg.
- Did you go to the Hermitage?

This is roughly what dialogue with friends and acquaintances looks like, isn’t it? :) And not in vain...
- the largest art and historical and cultural museum in the world! The founding date is considered to be 1764, when Catherine the Great acquired a collection of 255 paintings in Berlin. At the moment, the Hermitage has about 3 million exhibits and displays the culture and art of different countries and peoples. They say that if you spend 1 minute examining one exhibit, it will take 11 years to study them all.

The main building of the Hermitage - Winter Palace decorates the main staircase, named Jordanian. It received this name because during the feast of Epiphany a religious procession descended along it to the Neva, where an ice hole was cut out for the blessing of water, the so-called Jordan. Previously, the staircase was called Posolskaya.
It occupies the entire height of the building.

The lampshade "Olympus" is a picturesque illustration occupying 200 square meters.

Rising to the second floor we find ourselves in Field Marshal's Hall. A luxurious chandelier catches your eye. Portraits of Russian field marshals are placed in the walls, which explains the name of the hall.

Petrovsky (Small Throne) Hall. Dedicated to the memory of Peter I.

In a niche designed in the form triumphal arch there is a throne, and above it is the painting “Peter I with the goddess of wisdom Minerva”.

Armorial Hall was intended for ceremonial receptions. One of the largest ceremonial rooms of the Hermitage. In the center of the hall there is an aventurine bowl.

At the entrance to the hall there are sculptures of ancient Russian warriors with banners.

The hall is surrounded by a colonnade supporting a balcony with a balustrade

It was created according to the design of Karl Rossi in honor of the victory of the Russian Empire over Napoleonic France.

On the walls of the gallery there are 332 portraits of generals who participated in the War of 1812 and foreign trips 1813-1814. The authors of the paintings are George Dawe, Polyakov and Golike. In the center is a large portrait of Alexander I on horseback, painted by the Berlin court artist Kruger.

On the left is a full-length portrait of Kutuzov.

St. George's Hall or Great throne room. Official ceremonies and receptions took place here. Above the Throne Place there is a bas-relief “St. George slaying the dragon with a spear.”

The large imperial throne was created in London by order of Anna Ioannovna.

Having moved to the Small Hermitage we go to Pavilion Hall. The interior design combines various architectural styles: motifs of antiquity, Renaissance and East.
Marble columns rise up to molded gold-cut lace, from which gilded chandeliers hang.

Four marble fountains - copies of the "Fountain of Tears" in Bakhchisarai Palace, decorate the walls of the hall.

A halved copy of a Roman mosaic found during excavations of the baths in 1780 in the city of Ocriculum. Characters from ancient mythology are presented here: in the center is the head of the Gorgon-Medusa, the god Neptune and the inhabitants of his sea kingdom, the fighting Lapith and the Centaur.

Gilded watch.

The main attraction of the Pavilion Hall is the Peacock clock. They were acquired by Prince Potemkin for Empress Catherine. The author of the machine was James Cox, a famous jeweler and inventor of complex mechanisms in those years. The watch was brought to St. Petersburg in disassembled form. They were collected by the Russian master Ivan Kulibin. Important feature of this clock is that they still work: the owl spins its head, blinks its eyes and with the help of bells that are attached to its cage, a melody is played, the peacock spreads its tail and bows to the audience, and the rooster crows. All figures move as if they were alive.

Hanging Garden in front of the Pavilion Hall. Let me remind you that we are on the second floor.

On Soviet stairs. The name is explained by the fact that the premises of the State Council were located on the ground floor. On the upper platform there is a malachite vase created in the mid-19th century in Yekaterinburg.

Rembrandt Hall. The photo shows the painting "Danae", based on ancient Greek myth. The god Zeus, in the form of golden rain, penetrated to Danae, who was in prison, after which she gave birth to Perseus.
There was an attempt on this painting in 1985. The man poured sulfuric acid on it and cut the painting twice with a knife. The attacker explained his act with political motives, but the court declared him mentally ill and placed him in a psychiatric hospital.

Great Italian skylight. The hall presents an exposition of Italian paintings XVII-XVIII centuries.

Tabletop element made of malochite from the 19th century.

Sculpture "The Death of Adonis". Based on the ancient Roman poem "Metamorphoses".

Majolica Hall.

One of the two masterpieces in the hall is Raphael's painting "Madonna Conestabile", painted in 1504.

Knight's Hall- one of the large ceremonial interiors of the Small Hermitage. There is a rich collection of weapons here, numbering about 15 thousand items.

Main staircase New Hermitage.

Panther in Hall of Dionysus, which was created for an exhibition of ancient sculpture.

Aphrodite - goddess of beauty and love (Venus Tauride) II century. Was found during excavations in Rome in early XVIII century. And Peter I brought it to St. Petersburg. The sculpture decorated the Tauride Palace, which is where the name came from.

Jupiter Hall.
Sarcophagus "Wedding Ceremony". All the walls of the marble Roman sarcophagus depict relief figures revealing scenes of weddings, hunting and everyday life. And the lid is dedicated to the gods of Olympus.

Statue of Jupiter, late 1st century. It is one of the largest ancient sculptures preserved in museums in the world. It is 3.5 meters high.
In his right hand, Jupiter holds a figurine of Victoria, the goddess of victory.

Hall of the Great Vase. Covered with a vault with stucco decoration, the hall is decorated with arched loggias and white marble columns. Even before the walls were covered with artificial marble, the Kolyvan vase made of jasper, more than 2.5 m high and weighing 19 tons, was installed. Work on its creation, due to its enormous size, took place right at the quarry for 12 years. In 1843 the vase was completed. It was transported to St. Petersburg first by land, where there were up to 160 horses in the harness, then on a special barge by water, and 770 people worked on installation in the hall.

Hall of Ancient Egypt. It was created in 1940, on the site of the Winter Palace buffet. The name of the hall speaks for itself: there is an exhibition dedicated to Ancient Egypt, covering the period from the 4th millennium BC to the turn of our era.

Bas-relief in the corridor between the halls.

Twenty-column hall. Two rows of monolithic columns made of Serdobol granite divide it into three parts. The paintings on the walls and mosaic floors are made in the style of the ancient tradition. The hall houses a collection of art from Ancient Italy from the late 9th to 2nd centuries. BC.

IN Big yard The Winter Palace exhibits the sculpture "Snow Tower" - the image of a boy on crutches, carrying a house on his back, the belt of which is strangling him. Author Enrique Martinez Zelaya says that main theme is "the idea of ​​the loss of a child's ability to perceive the brilliance of the surrounding world and the appearance of spiritual opacity, which is always accompanied by disappointment", the sculpture also reveals an emigrant theme.

Oh no, going to the Hermitage once is not enough! After the first visit, only general concept museum devices. It seems to me that the Hermitage is like “War and Peace” - a book that needs to be read several times a day different ages to appear every time new meaning. You just need to go to this world-class museum much more often and discover something new every time!

The famous Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg is rightfully considered one of the most significant artistic and historical museums all over the world. The complex of five majestic buildings housing numerous exhibits is one of the most unique architectural monuments in Russia.

Today, the extensive collection of the museum complex includes more than three million different works of art, from exhibits of ancient times to modern masterpieces.

The uniqueness of the Hermitage

State Museum The Hermitage is interesting not only for its huge number of exhibits, but also for its location. Before the revolution, it was imperial, so the unique interiors of that era, magnificent marble staircases, gilded furniture and crystal chandeliers have been preserved here.

Visitors have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of that time and appreciate the beauty and luxury of the surrounding environment.

History of creation

The founding date of the Hermitage is considered to be 1764, when, by order of Catherine II, an exhibition of paintings was founded in several halls of the Winter Palace, which was at that time one of the imperial residences. These 225 paintings were accepted by the Empress from the German merchant Gotzkowsky as payment for the debt of the Russian Empire. The idea was a success. Therefore, the empress continued to collect exhibits.

On her orders, sculptures and paintings by famous painters were bought, and an interesting collection of carved stone was acquired. It soon turned out that several halls for the collected masterpieces were no longer enough. They decided to build a separate building. It was erected in 1764-1767 and subsequently became known as the Small Hermitage.

In 1775, on the coast of the Neva, the architect Yuri Felten built a luxuriously decorated structure called the Great Hermitage.

In 1783-1787, the architect built the Hermitage Theater on the site of the former personal residence of Emperor Peter I.

Formation of Hermitage exhibitions

At the beginning of its existence, the museum's collection was replenished through the purchase of painting collections belonging to European aristocratic families. Then they started purchasing individual works brilliant masters. For example, Emperor Alexander I bought the painting “The Lute Player” by Caravaggio.

Already by end of the XVIII centuries, the Hermitage collections contained paintings by Rembrandt, Raphael, Giorgione, Rubens and many others famous artists. Various works of art were purchased abroad especially for Hermitage exhibitions. These are sculptures, gold and silver items, books, coins and much more.

Some masterpieces were commissioned from masters specifically to add to the Hermitage collection. At the beginning of the 19th century, the museum also began exhibiting interesting archaeological finds.

By the middle of the 19th century, the New Hermitage building was built to store and display the ever-increasing number of exhibits. Museum complex acquired its final form.

Museum halls

The layout of the Hermitage halls numbers about 350 various rooms, which houses the richest collection of the museum’s masterpieces. The interiors of the premises themselves are often also works of art, such as the majestic gallery of the Loggia of Raphael, commissioned by Catherine.

It is an exact copy of the Vatican original. The entire gallery, including the ceiling, is decorated with analogues of Raphael’s paintings, which were made by a group of artists under the direction of X. Unterberger.

No less remarkable are the antique halls of the Hermitage, the interior space of which fully corresponds to the collections on display. Often the interior of the halls is painted with Greek and Egyptian motifs and numerous columns. Objects from many localities and eras are collected here. For example, a huge slab covered with inscriptions from the square of ancient Palmyra (Palmyra script) or realistic antique sculptures.

The Greek halls of the Hermitage amaze with the abundance of authentic antique statues, vases, amphorae, and lamps.

Remarkable famous sculpture"Venus of Tauride", which was purchased by Peter the Great from Pope Clement XI.

How are the exhibitions arranged?

For guests visiting the majestic museum complex for the first time, it is quite difficult to understand the complex intersections of galleries and passages. A detailed description of the Hermitage with room numbers is located at the entrance to the museum. The same can be obtained for free from the cashiers when purchasing tickets, or you can use a very convenient and detailed online guide to the museum.

All rooms of the museum complex are numbered to make them easier to navigate. But many particularly noteworthy halls have their own names.

The names of the Hermitage halls can also reflect the essence of the collections presented in them. In particular, the Hall of Ancient Egypt or the Hall of Leonardo da Vinci.

Sometimes the name of a museum premises may arise due to its external features or interior details. For example, this is how the White Hall, built by A.P. Bryullov in honor of the wedding of the future Emperor Alexander II in 1841, got its name. Its interior was done in white colors and decorated with statues of ancient Roman deities and numerous columns.

Often the names of the Hermitage halls were given to perpetuate the memory of significant people or events. For example, Petrovsky Hall was named after the founder of the city, Peter the Great. It is also called the Small Throne.

Masterpieces of painting

In one short article it is unrealistic to even simply list all the paintings by great painters presented in the Hermitage exhibitions.

Among the most remarkable, you can see two works by the famous Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci. These are the Benois Madonna and the Litta Madonna. In total, 14 original paintings by him are known in the world, and two of them are in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg!

In the museum you can also get acquainted with an impressive collection of paintings by medieval Spanish masters. Of course, one of the pearls of this Hermitage exhibition is the painting “Breakfast” by Diego Velazquez. This painting by the court painter of the Spanish King Philip VI surprises with its optical visual illusion: it seems that the painting depicts four people, but in fact only three characters are having breakfast.

On the diagram of the Hermitage halls you can see names such as the Rembrandt Hall or Snyders’ “Bench”. The richest collection of paintings by Dutch painters of the 16th-17th centuries is presented separately.

The works of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists are on the third floor of the Winter Palace. Here you can admire the paintings of Monet, Renoir, Picasso and many other brilliant masters of painting.

Storerooms of the Hermitage

On the diagram of the Hermitage halls you can see names such as Jewelry Gallery No. 1 and No. 2. They are called Gold and Diamond. Talking names! Of course, they can be used to view valuable art objects from precious stones and gold.

Visiting these galleries is not included in the admission price. They must be paid separately. A visit is only possible with a scheduled excursion. Photography and video shooting are prohibited there, but the impression of seeing the beauty of the creations of ancient masters will last for a long time.

Almost everyone knows about the famous one, but the collection of Siberian gold formed by Peter the Great is in no way inferior in skill and expressiveness. It consists of items collected from the area Western Siberia at the beginning of the 18th century. This selection of exhibits can rightfully be called the earliest archaeological collection in Russia.

Some works of ancient jewelers date back to the seventh century BC. That is why the skill and precision of the execution of masterpieces is amazing.

For connoisseurs of the beauty and brilliance of natural stones, a visit to the Diamond Storeroom will be educational. It contains the jewelry of Russian autocrats. These are snuff boxes and boxes of all shapes and sizes, watches and fans, decorated with a scattering of diamonds.

You can also see unique creations of the work - copies of the imperial crown, scepter and orb reduced by ten times.

Even if you want to, it is impossible to even briefly examine all the exhibitions, halls and galleries of the museum complex in one day. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance on the most preferred collections and think through your route. A more than detailed and understandable interactive guide to the Hermitage can help with this.

It should be taken into account that the state rooms and collections of paintings by Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci are the most popular among museum guests. It is more advisable to visit them in the afternoon, when the number of tourists has significantly decreased.

It’s better to start your tour from the first floor of the Winter Palace, where the halls dedicated to the art of ancient centuries are located. In the morning hours it is usually deserted.

Although everyone has their own interests, and therefore it is impossible to create a route that is equally educational for everyone.

Visiting a museum with children

If you plan to visit the museum with children, it is better to make this excursion short so as not to “oversaturate” the child with impressions.

Despite the thoroughness and solidity of the galleries of the museum complex, there are rooms for children in the Hermitage that will certainly interest children. The boy will definitely enjoy visiting the Knights' Hall, where a rich collection of medieval knightly armor and weapons is presented. The exhibition even includes a set of children's armor that a little knight will definitely love.

And the girl will definitely be impressed and surprised beautiful interiors state rooms, images of children and animals in paintings, as well as the unique Hanging Garden.

And, of course, children will be interested in visiting the Hall of Ancient Egypt, seeing a real mummy and many interesting statues with animal heads.

Tours of the Hermitage

The museum complex is simply huge, so navigating around it, despite the presence of a diagram of the Hermitage halls, is quite problematic. Therefore, it is recommended to use the services of a guide.

The tours are conducted by museum employees who thoroughly know the history of each work of art and many interesting facts about them.

Traditional sightseeing tour of the Hermitage. It lasts approximately four hours. It includes inspection of all the most famous exhibits of the museum. It can be expanded if you plan a visit to the Jewelry Galleries or the Menshikov Palace.

There are also thematic excursions for parents with children (at least six years old), during which children get acquainted with world masterpieces in a fun and understandable way.

Furry guardians of the Hermitage

One of the interesting facts about the functioning of the museum is that for 240 years cats have been protecting its collection from possible damage by rodents. Empress Catherine also ordered large cats, which were good at hunting mice, to be brought to the Hermitage to protect the museum’s masterpieces.

This tradition exists to this day - approximately sixty cats “work” on the museum’s territory. There is even a special holiday dedicated to guard cats; museum workers celebrate it on March 28.