Grebnevskaya Church: from the soldier’s banid to our days. Grebnevskaya Church of the Temple in honor of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Directions from Moscow:

1. From Yaroslavsky railway station to square. "Voronok", then by bus number 23 to the stop. Grebnevo.

2. From Yaroslavsky station to the station. "Fryazino", then by bus No. 13 to the bus station, then by bus No. 23 to the stop. Grebnevo.

Historical information:

The construction of a church in Grebnevo in the name of the “Most Pure Mother of God of Grebnev” in 1671 is known from the decree of His Holiness Patriarch Joasaph of Moscow and All Rus'. There is evidence that “... the steward Yuri Petrovich Trubetskoy ... planned to build a church in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Most Pure Mother of God on the old site and a chapel for Tsar Constantine and his mother Elena to this church.”

The current church in the name of the miraculous Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God was built in 1786 and consecrated in 1791 by Metropolitan Platon (Levshin).

The Grebnevskaya Church (the summer church of the village of Grebneva) is well known in our Moscow region, first of all, as an outstanding architectural monument of the 18th century. The architect of the temple is Ivan Vetrov (John Vetter). Anyone who sees the church for the first time is impressed by the gilded angel on the drum of the dome, effectively crowning the entire structure. The traditions of Orthodox architecture required the creation of a temple according to the formula of an octagon on a quadrangle: four walls of the temple and an octagonal drum of a load-bearing dome. Ivan Vetrov covered the four walls of the temple behind the porticoes, replaced the octagon with a round drum with twelve round niches with portraits of Christ’s disciples and interlocutors.

In 1984, the painting was updated and the bright portraits of the evangelists and apostles “sounded”, as the Russian architect intended. In the summer Grebnevsky Church there are two especially revered icons: St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk in a silver-plated copper robe and the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God.

Tradition says that the Grebnevsky image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was one of those that the Cossacks presented to the noble prince Dmitry Donskoy. The winner Mamaia gratefully accepted this priceless gift and “bestowed the Cossacks with many favors and salaries.”

Around the Grebnevsky churches there is an ancient linden park with alleys, separated by a fence with four gates from the estate park and cemetery. The fence was built in 1854 by the landowner Panteleev, and updated in the middle of the 20th century.

In 1849, “through the care and support of the landowner Fyodor Fyodorovich Panteleev,” the owner of the village since 1842, two chapels were built in the church - St. Sergius of Radonezh and the Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates.

In 1854, a fence with iron bars on stone pillars was built around the church, which was updated in the middle of the 20th century.

The temple never closed; in the summer of 2016, the 230th anniversary of its construction and the 225th anniversary of the Great Consecration were widely celebrated.

Deacon Vladimir Viktorovich Lebedev

Friends, well, I finally got around to writing about the trip to the Grebnevo Estate, which I already talked about. In fact, January turned out to be quite busy and even in February we already managed to visit one, so a lot of interesting things await you ahead. As for Grebnevo, the feelings from this trip were extremely mixed. On the one hand, it is, of course, stunningly beautiful, such beautiful places, beautiful nature, beautiful temples and even beautiful ruins, but on the other hand, this place amazes with its neglect, despite the fact that it is located less than 30 kilometers from Moscow and even then that the temples are in good condition. Like me and, we combined this trip with a trip to, since they are only 10 kilometers from each other. Lovers of ruins and ruins should definitely visit Grebnevo, but we prefer places that are not so neglected.

Until 1577 the village belonged to the Vorontsov counts m, and in the scribe books of 1584-86. the village already belongs to B.Ya. Belsky, the nephew of Malyuta Skuratov. In times of troubles, the estate returns to the Vorontsovs, and then passes to the Trubetskoy princes m. Under Prince D.T. Trubetskoy, an associate of Prince Pozharsky, hydraulic engineering work was carried out on the Lyuboseevka River to build a dam, which gave rise to the Barsky Ponds system, consisting of a reservoir and several picturesque islands, partially extant to this day. In 1772 The estate passes to Princess A.D. Trubetskoy; mother of the outstanding poet of the 18th century - M.M. Kheraskov, author of the poem "Rossiada". Since 1781 The estate passed to G.I. Bibikov, under whom in 1780-90. The main manor house and the Temple of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God are being built. After the death of G.I. Bibikov in 1803. the estate passes to A.A. Stroganova, whose son, Prince S.M. Golitsyn, by 1820-1830, erects two outbuildings, the main entrance gate, and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. With him, the Estate takes on the appearance that has survived to this day.

Well, and photographs.
The day turned out to be sunny, but traffic jams awaited us already at the exit from Moscow.

-15 on the thermometer, but it feels like -20

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Shchelkovo

Who would have thought that such a beautiful and unusual cathedral would be in the center of a small town in the Moscow region. It's a pity that we were only passing through.

We drive to Grebnevo along a beautiful forest path.

We parked at the Usadba bus stop.

Like an information board.

Animal Farm.

Road and wasteland in front of the estate.

We came to the main entrance gate - the Arc de Triomphe.

Manor fence

It (the triumphal arch), like the estate itself, is in disrepair and closed.

Carriage yard.

View of the main manor house in the sun.

Remains of the gate leading to the master's ponds.

Beautiful snow-covered trees.

Eastern extension (outbuilding) to the manor house.

Main manor house.

Some kind of failure from below.

Balcony of a manor house with a colonnade and a partially preserved forged fence.

The situation is extremely sad.

It seems like in 1991, when the restoration of the palace was nearing completion, under unclear circumstances, a fire occurs in it, destroying not only the interiors, but also the floors with the roof, leaving only bare burnt walls, which is a pity.

Eastern wing, after the fire.

And the western wing, also after the fire.

View of the triumphal arch from the manor house; judging by the thickets in front of it, no one has used it for its intended purpose for a long time.

Window of a manor house.

Western end of the manor house.

Western extension (outbuilding) to the manor house.

The end of the western extension.

The southern facade of the extension, from the side of the master's ponds.

View of the manor house and the remains of the manor fence through the orchard from the side of the ponds.

View of the descent to the ponds.

Remains of an orchard in front of the manor house.

We go to the southern facade of the manor house.

Here the condition seems even a little better than from the front entrance.

But that's just how it seems.

Everything is very sad inside.

Descent to the master's ponds.

A piece of the manor fence, where, by the way, there is a passage to the manor house.

Western wing.

Like the manor house itself, it is in poor condition.

Eastern wing.

With a roof destroyed as a result of a fire.

The entrance lobby is decorated with Ionic columns and a balcony with a balustrade.

View of the main manor house from the estate.

Winter Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built in 1823.

Gates to the territory of two temples.



The temple itself.

The sign with the terrifying set has been hanging since the times of the RSFSR, but what will happen to it.

Tuscan portico.

And one more.

Eastern facade of the temple.

Behind the temple is a modest playground.

The temple is very beautiful.

The most beautiful front entrance. The temple was built according to the design of architects Oldelli and N.I. Deryugin.

The main entrance to the temple is directed to the west and in the afternoon is very effectively illuminated by the rays of the sun.

The temple turned out to be very bright.


Summer Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Rotondal type, cruciform plan.

Each arm of the cross is decorated with a Doric portico.

Beautiful lantern.

View of the Church of St. Nicholas through the rays of the sun.

One of the sleeves of the Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God with a portico.

The painting on the walls of the temple consists of images of the authors of the 4 canonical

The temple was desecrated by Napoleon's army, destroyed after the revolution and came under fire during the Great Patriotic War. At various times, its building housed a treasure house, a dormitory, and even a soldier’s bathhouse. Having passed all the tests with honor, today the Grebnevskaya Church is not only an outstanding architectural monument of Odintsovo, but also the center of the spiritual life of the townspeople.

The old Smolensk Highway led from the Western borders of Russia to Moscow. On the Mozhaisk section of this road is the city of Odintsovo, which was previously a small village. In 1673-1679, the first wooden church was built here “in the name of the holy martyr Artemon.” It was built at the expense of the owner of the village of Odintsovo, a boyar Artemon Sergeevich MATVEEV, one of the wealthiest people of his time. This suggests that the church was richly decorated and decorated.

In the second half of the 1790s, the village passed into the hands of the Countess Elizaveta Vasilievna ZUBOVA, which, instead of a dilapidated old wooden church, decided to build a stone church in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. In the fall of 1801, the construction of the Grebnevskaya Church was completed and the Countess, in a petition submitted to Bishop Seraphim of Dmitrov, vicar of Moscow, wrote: “... in my patrimony... the village of Odintsovo, instead of the dilapidated wooden Artemonovskaya church, a stone one was built from me in the name of the Grebnevsky Mother of God, which is sufficiently decorated both externally and internally, equipped with a sacristy and other utensils and is ready for consecration.” And on November 22, 1801, the church was consecrated by Archimandrite Feofan of the Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Monastery.

With the beginning of the service in the Grebnevsky Church, the dilapidated church of the holy martyr Artemon was dismantled, and all its utensils " except for a certain number of images, converted into a new one" church. The parishioners were serf peasants of Countess Zubova.

In 1812, on the night of September 1, after the Battle of Borodino, the troops of the 1st and 2nd Western Russian armies settled down for the night in Mamonovo in Odintsovo. Prayers for victory over the enemy were served in the Grebnevskaya Church, and its shrines supported the spirit of Russian soldiers. Napoleonic troops, heading towards Moscow, changed their disposition in almost the same villages. On September 2, as Napoleon reported in his letter, Murat’s cavalry was in Odintsovo. The Grebnevsky Church was desecrated and destroyed by the French, but the following year it was re-consecrated.

Serene church life continued for a hundred years until the 1917 revolution happened. The maintenance and repair of the church was entrusted exclusively to the church community. No archival documents have been found about any repairs to the Odintsovo Church during Soviet times. All of his precious utensils were apparently confiscated in the early 1920s in accordance with the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of February 23, 1922.

In 1938-1939 the parish of the Grebnevskaya Church ceased to exist. The church was closed and looted. And then it began to be used for economic purposes in the village. The last rector in the church before its closure was a mitered archpriest Alexander VORONCHEV. He was arrested, sent to a camp, and then executed. The brethren of the Grebnevsky Church established a day of remembrance for Archpriest Alexander - November 3 (since the exact date of death is not known). After the closure of the temple, the cemetery at the church was also desecrated. People dug up graves, pulled skulls by their long hair, trying to find jewelry and crosses.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the church building was subjected to shelling. After the war, the western entrance to the bell tower was blocked, new window and door openings were made, the iconostasis, most of the wall paintings, old floors, the temple fence and bells disappeared. And as if in mockery, on August 30, 1960, the RSFSR Council of Ministers issued Resolution No. 1327 on “taking the former Grebnevskaya Church under state protection.”

This is what the Grebnevsky Church looked like during the times of developed socialism

Various organizations “guarded” the church building. At various times, there were utility warehouses, a soldier's bathhouse, a dormitory, and various offices here. 29 years later, in 1989, it was announced that the building “should serve the cultural and spiritual education of townspeople”. It was decided to rebuild the church into a concert hall. Orthodox Odintsovo residents began collecting signatures for the transfer of the building of the Grebnevskaya Church to the Orthodox community. In March 1991, the Grebnevsky Church was transferred to the community of believers of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In a miraculously preserved photograph from 1968, we see the outskirts of the village of Odintsovo, concrete slabs and pillars in the foreground - the beginning of a huge construction project in this part of the city

View of the Grebnevskaya Church from the railway, 1975

The first services were held in a small chapel. But already in June 1991, parishioners prayed at the first Liturgy on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. The temple was also being built inside. The wall paintings in the rotunda were restored. Residents brought ancient icons and books as gifts to the temple. From the previous decoration of the temple, only two shrines have survived to this day: the temple icon of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God and the Crucifixion. They were in the Church of the Intercession in the village. Akulovo and after the opening of the Grebnevsky Church were transferred here.

Reconstruction of the temple in the 1990s

On July 2, 1995, during the Sunday Liturgy, the complete consecration of the temple in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God took place. In 2002, with donations from parishioners, Palekh craftsmen made and installed new carved mahogany iconostases and icon cases for especially revered icons. Today, the church operates a Sunday school and an Orthodox youth center, which opened in March 2000.

The so-called summer church, also known as the Church of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God. Built in 1786-1791 by the architect I. Vetrov (possibly according to the design of M.F. Kazakov).

Information from

Information about the Church of the Grebnevsky Mother of God of the Bogorodsky district, in the village of Grebnev for 1872. The first cold one was built in 1786 with the care and dedication of the former landowner of that village, Major General Gavril Ilyich Bibikov. In it, on both sides, with the permission of His Eminence Philaret in 1849, with the care and dedication of the landowner Feodor Feodorovich Panteleev, two chapels were built: on the right side in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Wonderworker, and on the left in the name of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates. The second one was built in 1823 through the care and support of Princes Alexander and Sergius Mikhailovich Golitsyn, on which a bell tower was built. In 1854, around both churches, with the permission of His Eminence Fmlaret, a stone fence with iron bars was made, with two iron lattice gates, on the right side in the corner of the fence there was a stone gatehouse, and on the left a sacristy, covered with iron.

The Grebnevo estate as an artistic ensemble was created by order of General G.I. Bibikov in the 1780-1790s. The strict forms of classicism of the main buildings were combined with the pseudo-Gothic architecture of numerous service and outbuildings. A park with a huge pond, almost a lake, with eight islands still testifies to the scale of the estate.

The Summer Grebnevskaya Church was built in 1786-91. student of M. Kazakov I. Vetrov. The interior decoration belongs to S. Gryaznov. The names of the builders are engraved on a bronze temple plaque located inside the church. The centric-type brick temple with white stone details is made in the style of mature classicism. On a cross-shaped base rests an oval domed rotunda, topped with a bronze gilded figure of an angel with a cross, replacing the traditional church crown. The facades of the temple are decorated with paired pilasters and porticoes of the Doric order. The interior decoration is distinguished by exceptional grace and beauty of form. Two pairs of Ionic columns, finished in marble, support the choir at the western end of the building. The white iconostases with fine gilded carvings are very good.

The Church of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God was built in 1786-1791. at the estate of G.I. and T.Ya. Bibikovs. Summer temple of the estate. The church was built on the old site where once the steward Yu.P. Trubetskoy conceived the idea of ​​building a temple “in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Most Pure Mother of God.” The author of the project was the architect I. Veter, a student of M.F. Kazakov, who at one time worked for K.I. Form for the construction of the Senate (Public places) in the Moscow Kremlin. The construction itself was carried out under the supervision of captain S.P. Zaitseva. The interior architectural decoration was carried out according to the design of the architect S.N. Gryaznova.

The temple, cruciform in plan, topped with a domed rotunda “under the Angel” is a wonderful example of mature classicism. In 1849 F.F. Panteleev, who owned the estate at that time, built the chapels of Theodore Stratelates and St. Sergius of Radonezh. During Soviet times, the church was not closed and retained its original interior decoration, distinguished by its elegance and beauty of form. The main shrine of the temple is a revered copy of the ancient icon of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God. According to local legend, the icon was carried by the soldiers of the great noble prince Dimitry Donskoy, returning after the battle on the Kulikovo field, who stopped to rest in the place where the village was later founded, which received its name. The miraculous icon became famous in the village of Grebnevo back in the 15th century. Then she was in the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God on Lubyanka, after the closure and destruction of the temple - in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Sources: Directory-guide "Moscow Region. Monasteries, Temples, Sources". M., UKINO "Spiritual Transfiguration", 2008. Materials from the site "Temples of Russia". Archpriest Oleg Penezhko "The city of Shchelkovo. Temples of the Shchelkovo region." JSC "VOT", 2000

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Grebnevskaya" in the architectural complex of the Bibikov, Golitsyn estate "Grebnevo", at the address: Shchelkovsky district, village. Grebnevo is an object of cultural heritage of federal significance (previously a historical and cultural monument of republican significance) (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 30, 1960 No. 1327, Decree of the President of Russia dated February 20, 1995 No. 176). In addition, the identified objects of cultural heritage are the fence of the church complex with two gates, two clergy houses and a chapel in the fence.

The first settlements in these places are mentioned in the spiritual testament of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Brave, grandson of Ivan Kalita, who reigned in Serpukhov. And one of the first eminent owners of the village of Grebneva was the favorite of Ivan the Terrible, Bogdan Belsky. Documents from the end of the 16th century say that “behind Bogdan Yakovlevich Belsky in the patrimony of the village of Grebnevo on the river, on Lyubosivka, which was formerly owned by Vasily Feodorov, the son of Vorontsov, and in it is the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker...”. After some time, Belsky fell out of favor, and Grebnevo was returned to Vasily Vorontsov’s widow, Maria. This was a very respected woman at court. Her daughter Anna married Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy, an associate of Prince Pozharsky, and Grebnevo became her dowry. It was under Dmitry Trubetskoy that the idea arose to build a new church on the old church site, in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Most Pure Mother of God and, as old documents said, “to this church was the chapel of Tsar Constantine and his mother Helen.” It is also known that it was under this prince that a dam was built on Lyuboseevka, thanks to which a whole system of extensive ponds with several islands arose - popularly they were called “Barskie Ponds”.

In the first half of the 18th century, the Trubetskoys still owned the estate. At this time, the guardian of the estate was Bogdan Vasilyevich Umsky, a prominent official. Umsky, in addition to improving the estate itself, personally took care of the Grebnevsky temple - he renewed its utensils. And then the owners changed several times. In 1760, Grebnevo passed to Ekaterina Dmitrievna Golitsyna, née Cantemir, the daughter of the Moldavian ruler and sister of the poet Antioch Cantemir. In 1772, the owner changed again, now it was Anna Danilovna Trubetskaya, the mother of another famous poet of the 18th century - Mikhail Matveevich Kheraskov, author of the epic poem "Rossiada". And in 1781, the estate passed to Gavrila Ilyich Bibikov, general, brother of the wife of the famous Field Marshal Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. At that time, in Grebnevo there was a wooden church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a Konstantin-Eleninsky chapel and a bell tower. Next to it, the new owner decided to build a summer temple. It was dedicated to the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. The rite of consecration was performed in 1791 by Metropolitan Platon Levshin.

Ivan Vetrov was assigned to build the church. Previously, some researchers believed that he was a serf, but now local historians are inclined to believe that he was in fact a foreigner named Johann Wetter. He had his own house on Mokhovaya, at first he worked together with the architect and builder Karl Blank, erecting, for example, public places in the Moscow Kremlin, the Catherine Palace in Lefortovo. The construction of the Grebnevskaya Church was his first independent work. He approached it creatively, and its highlight was the completion in the form of a three-meter Archangel with a cross in his hand. At the beginning of the 19th century, the estate came into the possession of the Golitsyn princes. The new owners decided that it was high time to replace the old wooden church with a new one. True, the war with the French began, and construction was frozen for five years. In 1817 it was resumed, and in 1823 a new temple was built. It is believed that the author of this project was A.N. Voronikhin. This famous architect created the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg and participated in shaping the architectural appearance of the capital's suburbs - Pavlovsk and Peterhof. To make the two churches located nearby look more harmonious, they decided to decorate both churches with similar decor, and their porticoes with columns were made the same height. Next to the winter church they placed a bell tower with a clock that struck every 15 minutes. The selection of bells was also wonderful. The largest weighed 600 pounds. Old-timers said that when he was thrown to the ground after the revolution, the entire area resounded with an incredible ringing sound. One of the last owners of Grebnev in 1842 was the landowner Fedor Fedorovich Panteleev. Through his “dependence and diligence” two chapels appeared at the summer church, consecrated in the name of the Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates and St. Sergius of Radonezh. On the eve of the First World War, the Grebnevo estate changed hands again. It was bought by the doctor Fyodor Aleksandrovich Grinevsky, second cousin of the writer Alexander Green, to open a branch of his sanatorium “for patients with internal and nervous diseases.” After the revolution, the new authorities did not close the sanatorium. They just appointed a new chief physician - tuberculosis specialist Nikolai Andreevich Zevakin. Shortly before the Great Patriotic War, the sanatorium was closed, but Professor Zevakin did not leave Grebnev. Here he died in 1942. Nikolai Zevakin was buried in the fence of the Grebnev churches.

Now the Grebnev churches are the only thing that is not being destroyed in the once wonderful estate. The estate buildings have survived several fires, part of the house has collapsed, everything stands ownerless and is falling apart before our eyes. However, now a temporary roof has been installed over the main house, scaffolding has been installed - I really want to believe that the situation will change for the better. Grebnevsky churches were lucky - after the revolution they were not closed and destroyed, they preserved many ancient icons and interior paintings. The main temple shrine is the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, the Cossacks presented this image to Prince Dmitry Donskoy “near the city of Grebny on the Chir River, a tributary of the Don.” Therefore, the image was called Grebnevsky. In Moscow, it was kept for a long time in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. And over time, it was transferred to Lubyanka to the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God. In the 1930s, that church was destroyed, and the image itself was sent to the Tretyakov Gallery. However, they managed to make several lists from it, one of which is now kept in Grebnev. After the revolution, many churches in the villages neighboring Grebnevoy were closed. Their icons were taken to the Grebnev churches - perhaps they were the only ones in the entire district that remained active. In the 1990s, churches began to be reopened throughout Russia. Then the churches in Kablukovo and Trubin were asked to return their former images, which was done, having first made a list of them. As you know, the Grebnevskaya Church escaped desecration by the atheists and preserved its historical interior. Entering the temple, at some point a person, as they say, “goes wild” from the abundance of pre-revolutionary bas-reliefs, stucco moldings, carvings, embossing...

This is what N.V. Potapov and G.V. Rovensky write in “A Brief History of the Grebnevsky Parish” (Shchelkovo, Father’s Lamp, 2007): “The interior of the summer church is somewhat inferior in integrity and severity to the external appearance of the building. However, the interior (by Stepan Vasilyevich Gryaznov) reveals mature architectural skill. This is the opinion of experts. Now it is difficult for us to judge the former interior: the temple was repaired several times, and in the middle of the 19th century, when the Panteleevs owned the estate, the interior was significantly changed - the temple from a single-altar church turned into a three-altar church." What specific deviations were made to the interior decoration under the Panteleevs, specialists before no matter what happened, no one has any doubts about the great artistic value of the original iconostasis, in the form of an ancient building with columns, slightly different in style, but designed in the same tone, small side iconostases, which are, as it were, a continuation of the central one; ; stucco figures on the cornices and in the inter-window walls of the rotunda; finally, a huge picturesque ceiling in the dome of the rotunda. And here is what Alexander Yuryevich Poslykhalin, a local historian, specialist in the north-eastern Moscow region and the author of the detailed “History of the Grebnevo Estate”, writes about the architecture of the church. Moscow, “Book and Business”, 2013): “The brick temple with white stone details, cruciform in plan, of a centric type with an inscribed oval of the central part, is made in the style of mature classicism. On a cross-shaped base rests an oval domed rotunda, a dome with lucarnes and a small dome... The facades of the temple are decorated with paired pilasters and four-column porticoes of the Doric order." At the request of G.I. Bibikov, a bronze gilded figure of an angel with a cross was installed on the Grebnevskaya Church. Height sculptures - 5 arshins (about 3.5 meters). The angel seemed to soar above the crowns of the trees of the Grebnevsky Church, hidden in the thickets and somewhat lost in the shadow, it looks especially good in winter and early spring - due to the small fresh foliage, the dome rests on the extensive. the rotunda, notable for the fact that its plan is not a traditional circle, but an oval, in accordance with the internal layout of the church premises, the oval is elongated along the west-east line; the light rotunda includes 10 large windows, in the walls between them - the same in shape. false window openings. Above the windows of the rotunda, in the roof of the dome, there are decorative lucarnes.

In plan, the temple is a cross, its sinuses are complicated on the outside by a triangular protrusion like a bay window; its right and left sides are decorated with pilasters, forming a pair with the corner pilasters of the wings of the cross. Red and white are a rather bold color combination for classicism. This style, as is known, artistically polemicized with the Baroque, and in contrast to its major brightness, it preferred pastel shades: ocher-yellow, sky blue, light green, and bright purple. The portico has four columns, with a developed, weighted entablature and a pediment, in the center of which there is a semicircular dormer window. The columns of the Doric order are arranged in a barely noticeable grouping in pairs, as if parting in front of the doorways. In the northern and southern porticos to the left and right of the doors there are niches with semicircular ends, in which there are images of saints. Above the doors there is a relatively large circular window, on both sides of which there are niches similar in shape and size, also with picturesque images. Using the example of the western wing, which is cruciform in plan, we see the subordination of the decor to the overall design. Doric columns, pilasters, a combination of rectangular and circular windows of the main volume with semi-oval rotunda windows, cornices, entablature - everything is designed in a single style and testifies to the architect I. Vetrov’s excellent knowledge of the laws of classicism.

From the magazine "Orthodox Temples. Travel to Holy Places." Issue No. 269, 2017


Temple in honor of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Odintsovo, Moscow region

The old Smolensk Highway led from the WESTERN BORDERS of Russia to Moscow. On the Mozhaisk section of this road is the city of Odintsovo, which was previously a small village. In 1673-1679. here the first wooden church was built “in the name of the holy martyr Artemon.” It was built at the expense of the owner of the village of Odintsovo, boyar Artemon Sergeevich Matveev, one of the wealthiest people of his time. This suggests that the church was richly decorated and decorated.

In the second half of the 1790s, the village passed into the hands of Countess Elizaveta Vasilievna Zubova, who, instead of the dilapidated old wooden church, decided to build a stone church in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

In the fall of 1801, the construction of the Grebnevskaya Church was completed and Countess Elizaveta Vasilievna, in a petition submitted to Bishop Seraphim of Dmitrovsky, Vicar of Moscow, wrote: “... in my patrimony ... the village of Odintsovo, instead of the wooden dilapidated Artemonovskaya church, a stone one was built from me again in the name of the Grebnevsky Church of God Mother, who is sufficiently decorated both externally and internally, equipped with a sacristy and other utensils and ready for consecration.” And on November 22, 1801, the church was consecrated by Archimandrite Feofan of the Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Monastery.

With the beginning of the service in the Grebnevsky Church, the dilapidated church of the holy martyr Artemon was dismantled, and all its utensils “except for a certain number of images, were converted into the new” church. At that time, priest Fyodor Andrianov, sexton Ivan Fedotov, and sexton Nikolai Artemonovsky served in the Grebnevsky Church. The parishioners of the church were the serf peasants of Countess Zubova.

In 1812, on the night of August 31 to September 1, after the Battle of Borodino, the troops of the 1st and 2nd Western Russian armies settled down for the night in Mamonov in Odintsovo. Prayers for victory over the enemy were served in the Grebnevskaya Church, and its shrines supported the spirit of Russian soldiers. Napoleonic troops, heading towards Moscow, changed their disposition in almost the same villages. On September 2, as Napoleon reported in his letter, Murat’s cavalry was in Odintsovo.

The Grebnevsky Church was subjected to desecration and destruction by the French, since from 1813 to 1816. there was no priest at the temple. According to the clergy registers of 1813, the church was preparing for a new consecration.

In the early 1870s, with the commissioning of the new Moscow-Smolensk-Brest railway, the station village of Odintsovo appeared, around which dachas grew. Already in 1890 there were 125 of them.

By the summer of 1898, at the request of parishioners, a refectory with two borders was added to the temple: on the right side in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and on the left in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Savva of Storozhevsky. A new bell tower of three tiers was also built.

AFTER THE REVOLUTION of 1917, divine services continued in the Grebnevskaya Church. The maintenance and repair of the church was entrusted exclusively to the church community. No archival documents have been found about any repairs to the Odintsovo Church during Soviet times. All his precious utensils were apparently confiscated at the beginning of 1920 in accordance with the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of February 23, 1922.

In 1938-1939 the parish of the Grebnevskaya Church ceased to exist. The church was closed and looted. And then it began to be used for economic purposes in the village. The fate of the temple priesthood is a reflection of the fate of the entire clergy of the country. The last rector in our church before its closure was Mitred Archpriest Alexander Voronchev. On November 3, after the all-night vigil on the holiday in honor of the Kazan Mother of God, he was arrested. Father Alexander spent several years in camps in Karelia on Medvezhya Mountain and, together with the prisoners of this camp, suffered a martyr’s death: the prisoners of the camp were herded onto a large boat and launched into a lake, where the boat was destroyed by bombs from airplanes. The brethren of the Grebnevsky Church established a day of remembrance for Archpriest Alexander - November 3 (since the exact date of death is not known). The daughter of the last deacon of the Grebnevskaya Church, Nina Vladimirovna Zapolskaya, has survived to this day. She told us about her father's Stations of the Cross. After Deacon Vladimir did not want to officially renounce God and the priesthood, he was arrested and exiled to the northern camps. Deacon Vladimir died in the city of Kirzhach during a settlement. According to Nina Vladimirovna Zapolskaya, after the closure of the temple, the cemetery at the church was desecrated. Brutalized people dug up graves, dragged skulls by their long hair, trying to find jewelry and crosses.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the church building was shelled. After the war, the western entrance to the bell tower was blocked, new window and door openings were made, the iconostasis, most of the wall paintings, old floors, the temple fence and bells disappeared. And as if in mockery, on August 30, 1960, Resolution No. 1327 of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR was issued on “taking the former Grebnevskaya Church under state protection.”

VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS “PROTECTED” THE CHURCH BUILDING. At various times, there were utility warehouses, a soldier's bathhouse, a dormitory, and various offices here. 29 years later, in 1989, it was announced that the building “should serve the cultural and spiritual education of the townspeople.” It was decided to rebuild the church into a concert hall. Orthodox residents of the city of Odintsovo began collecting signatures for the transfer of the building of the Grebnevskaya Church to the Orthodox community. In March 1991, the Grebnevsky Church was transferred to the community of believers of the Russian Orthodox Church, and priest Igor Borisov was appointed rector.

The first services were held in a small chapel. But already in June 1991, parishioners prayed at the first Liturgy on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.

The temple was also being built inside. The wall paintings in the rotunda were restored. Residents brought ancient icons and books as gifts to the temple. From the previous decoration of the temple, only two shrines have survived to this day: the temple icon of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God and the Crucifixion. They were in the Church of the Intercession in the village. Akulovo and after the opening of the Grebnevsky temple were transferred here.

On July 2, 1995, during the Sunday Liturgy, the complete consecration of the church in the name of the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God took place, which was performed by His Grace Gregory, Bishop of Mozhaisk, vicar of the Moscow diocese.

Currently, restoration work is underway in the temple. In 2002, with donations from parishioners, Palekh craftsmen made and installed new carved mahogany iconostases and icon cases for especially revered icons: the Grebnevskaya Icon of the Mother of God, the Hieromartyr Haralampius, the Prophet Elijah, the “Quench My Sorrows” icon, “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, etc. .

There is a Sunday school at the temple. There are 6 groups at the school. Classes in younger groups (from 3 to 7 years old) are held together with parents, the Orthodox tradition, the church calendar and the lives of saints are studied. In the middle groups, the Law of God is taught. Older children study the basics of morality, liturgy and history. Gospel conversations are held for parishioners once a week. Activities are organized for children and adults: wood carving, embroidery with beading, wood painting. Educational meetings are held at Sunday School for parents and teachers once or twice a month. For the holidays, Sunday School students prepare concerts, stage exciting performances, and congratulate the children of the school for the disabled and the orphanage.

In March 2000, an Orthodox Youth Center was organized at the Grebnevsky Church. The main direction of the Center’s work is participation in Divine services, altar and choir obedience. Another form of work of the Center is charitable activities. Young people from the Center are frequent guests at the Odintsovo orphanage, the Nadezhda school, a military unit, and a military hospital. In the city hospital, the guys take care of the sick and carry out various tasks. Young people often go on pilgrimage trips to the saints of Russia and the Moscow region. The Center organizes sports sections, clubs, solfeggio and vocal classes, and a guitar club.

In the summer, the youth of the deanery work and relax in a summer youth camp located in the picturesque surroundings of Zvenigorod in the village of Lutsino. The Divine Liturgy is celebrated daily in the camp. The life of the camp is led by the priests of the Deanery.

Divine services in the Grebnevsky Church are held daily.

We are glad to meet again in the new academic year with those who have been cooperating with us for a long time and are glad to meet those who have crossed the threshold of the Center for the first time.

More than a thousand children and adults study at the Parish Center at the Grebnevsky Church, which has existed since 2004.

This academic year, the autonomous Orthodox secondary school “Lestvitsa” began operating, and the Children’s Choir School continues to operate. For adults who wish to gain additional knowledge, there are Missionary and Theological Diocesan courses.

Youth organize their projects at the Youth Center under the leadership of Fr. Ioanna Fedorov.

And, of course, a Sunday school has been operating at the Grebnevsky Church since 1991, a presentation about which was prepared by teachers. It is worth noting that all teachers are competent specialists, creative people with extensive work experience.

The Sunday school is headed by the rector of the Grebnevsky Church, priest Grigory Fedotov.

Children of all ages, both schoolchildren and preschoolers, study at Sunday School. Study the Church Slavonic language. Sacred biblical history of the Old and New Testaments, Liturgy, Catechism, Orthodox worship and altar obedience.

We accept children from 4 years old to Sunday School. They attend classes with their parents. The question is often asked: What do kids do in Sunday school, how do they study the Law of God?

Children study under a special program “Introduction to Tradition”. All classes are dedicated to holidays throughout the year:

  • Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Cathedral of the Archangel Michael
  • Christmas
  • Beginning of Lent
  • Annunciation
  • Easter

Each lesson is held in a large children's studio, colorfully decorated in accordance with the theme of the lesson, approximately according to this plan:

  1. Children stand in a circle and greet each other;
  2. We begin games aimed at replenishing vocabulary, developing phonetic hearing and speech in children;
  3. A conversation in an icon corner, it can be accompanied by a slide film;
  4. a fairy tale (a small puppet show that helps reveal the main theme of the lesson and cycle);
  5. sharing a meal with treats brought from home;
  6. musical part, including exercises to develop hearing, sense of rhythm, and plastic culture. As well as folk songs and chants;
  7. handicrafts - an introduction to folk arts and crafts and the use of modeling and drawing to complete collaborative projects.

Children have a lesson once a week according to their own schedule, schoolchildren have a lesson once a week on Sunday, but we must remember that Sunday School has a very varied and eventful life. Together we learn to pray to God, attend services, learn to live according to the commandments, to distinguish good from evil. Our main task is to make church life understandable for children and their parents.

But don’t forget to study (see the schedule).

Now about the clubs and sports sections of the Parish Center. They are open to everyone, classes are in three areas: music, arts and crafts and sports.

The choir department consists of 6 choirs, depending on age. All choirs regularly participate in worship services, except for the preschool choir (5-6 years old).

Arts and crafts:

  • Fascinating physics
  • Mathematics with a fairy tale
  • English language
  • Ceramics
  • Art studio
  • Iconography


  • For the little ones – GPP (General physical training with fun games)
  • Football
  • Artistic gymnastics for children
  • Rehabilitation gymnastics for adults
  • Schoolchildren hand-to-hand combat
  • Greco-Roman wrestling
  • Table tennis

Schedule at the stand. Each teacher is ready to answer all your questions. We try to find an individual approach to each child, to each person, to reveal his creative abilities.

We hope that the efforts of our teachers, the seeds that they sow in the hearts of not only children, but also their parents, will definitely bear fruit and help everyone to be persistent and maintain joy in any life situation.

The doors of our Sunday school are always open for children and caring adults. We are waiting for everyone!

Help us all, Lord, to find our way to the Temple!

Local religious organization of the parish of the Grebnevsky Church in Odintsovo, Moscow Region, Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church
Bank "Vozrozhdenie" (JSC) Moscow
INN 5032003444/KPP 503201001
account number 40703810103700141233
Odintsovo branch of MAKB Odintsovo
c/s 30101810900000000181
BIC 044525181
OKPO 40422291
OKONH 98700
Reason for payment: “Donation to the Grebnevsky Church”