Daughter of Anna Pletneva. Stone wall of Anna Pletnovaya. Biography and personal life

Singer Anna Pletneva featured her eldest daughter Varya in her video for the first time and talked about difficult relationships with her.

Photo: DR

Today, the lead singer of the Vintage group Anna Pletneva will present her new single"Sunday Angel" Even while recording at the studio, Anya realized that this was not just a song, but a personal story very close to her. That is why in the “Sunday Angel” video, viewers will see her eldest daughter, Varya, for the first time.

Never before in her entire long career has Pletnyova decided to take this step! Despite repeated persuasion to reveal her personal life, all media outlets received a categorical refusal from the singer. The appearance of the singer’s daughter on the screen is not accidental. According to Pletneva, the relationship with Varya has been very tense for the last six months; Varya ran away from home several times, and the singer realized that she was losing touch with her. One day, Anna completely kicked her daughter out of the house, and then secretly followed her down the street, wiping away her tears. The difficult relationship with her daughter inspired the artist to shoot a video.

When we recorded the song, everything came together!! I very clearly saw the picture of the clip - it was about such a lost teenager who moves away from everyone, runs somewhere, headlong and not thinking about the consequences, but at the same time needs love and tenderness... I decided that I would direct the video myself together with Sergei Tkachenko, and we flew to Paris to film... It seems to me that the day we spent with Varya in Paris gave us more than all my educational measures in several months. One girl left Moscow on the plane, and returned completely different. Finally she heard me, and I heard her...

Anna explained the decision not to talk about her personal life with a desire to protect her family. The artist recalled the beginning of her career, when she shared her most intimate things with journalists: she talked about her relationship with her beloved man, about their first acquaintance, and then saw materials with flashy headlines: “Pletneva fell in love with an oligarch,” “Pletneva gave birth to a child for the sake of money.” .

I have no complaints against journalists, this is their job, it is interesting to present the material so that there are readers and good ratings. Then I didn’t understand this, like the rules of show business, and I was very offended. So I closed my personal life. Long years I didn’t talk to the press about children at all. Now they have grown up, and I want to talk about them, how wonderful they turned out to be. To be honest, until I came of age, I didn’t want to involve any of them in my work. But it turned out differently.

Anna had never previously discussed the possibility of filming together with her daughter. The artist was categorically against putting her personal life on display. However, everything changed overnight - Varya grew up, and cooperation with her became symbolic for the singer. By the way, Anna was more than comfortable working with her daughter. The singer was surprised at how courageous Varya turned out to be. The girl worked equally with everyone else film crew and experienced first-hand the complexity of filming.

I am very glad that she experienced all the difficulties of the filming process and gained this work experience. And I’m glad that I myself looked at her differently - she is not only a capricious, wayward teenager, but also an adult responsible person, capable of coping with difficulties that I tried to protect her from all her life. In general, one girl left Moscow on the plane, and returned completely different. Finally she heard me, and I heard her...

The track "Sunday Angel" will be included in new album « Strong girl", the release of which is scheduled for August 21 - Anna Pletneva’s birthday. The track can be listened to and downloaded via the link.

A mother of many children prefers not to show the faces of her children and rarely talks about them in interviews, protecting her privacy. Anna has three of them: 15-year-old Varvara from first marriage, 13 years old Maria and 9 year old Kirill from current spouse, businessman Kirill Syrov.

However, the time has come to lift the veil of secrecy. In an interview with OK magazine, the singer openly spoke about the difficulties and joys of her large family, and also took part in a photo shoot and filming a video with eldest daughter.

Instagram @ dusya_star

“Varya is my copy. And this is absolutely my problem, because I cannot agree with myself. She is a completely obstinate woman who cannot be tamed. Plus that very transitional age...” said Anna.


To get closer to my daughter and teach her a lesson adult life, Anna invited Varya to work on a new video for the Vintage group - “Sunday Angel”, where the girl got the main role.


“This is a difficult story for me... Everyone who has been here with me for a long time knows... I did it the first time only so that SHE would understand me and hear me... I hope that it’s not in vain!” - wrote in her microblog.

Instagram @anna_pletneva_fan/@annapletneva_spain

According to Anna, the middle daughter, Marusya, - completely different, more understanding and reasonable, and her son Kirill Anna calls him “little lion” because the boy’s zodiac sign, like his mother, is Leo. And also has difficult character.

Instagram @ dusya_star

Despite all the difficulties that happen in every family, Anna is happily married to Kirill Syrov for 13 years now and my husband helps me decide everything family problems. For Varya, he truly became a father. Parents are proud of their children and their successes. According to the singer, any difficulties can be overcome if there is love and understanding in the family.

Instagram @ dusya_star

Looking at the photo of Anna with her eldest daughter, it is difficult to imagine that this is mother and daughter. Fans write that Pletneva herself looks like a 20-year-old girl next to Varvara.

At 39 years old, “bad girl” Anna Pletneva really looks like a girl. With a height of only 151 cm, she weighs about 45 kg, and fully lives up to the saying “A small dog is a puppy before old age.” Looking at this sexy girl, it's hard to believe that Anna - mother of many children and a faithful wife.

First challenge for a “strong girl”

The artist’s first marriage was not successful. So unfortunate that there’s nothing to even remember about it. Presumably, her first husband's name was Sergei. According to one version, the husband left Anna pregnant, according to another, Anna herself broke off the relationship.

In one of the interviews, the singer mentioned that her husband was still a child himself and was not ready for the role of a father. Independent Anna, who had been feeding both herself and her mother and grandmother since she was 19, could not tolerate this. The fact remains Anna gave birth to a daughter from her first marriage in 2003, and since then her husband has disappeared from her mother’s life, and your own child.

She went through the divorce very hard, she had to work. My mother helped with the child, and Anna did not get out of tours and concerts. Anna lost ten kilograms and cried constantly.

Perseverance and reliability

Anna met her second husband 15 years before the start of their relationship. In one of the clubs, a young businessman Kirill Syrov asked Anna for a phone number, and the girl dictated some set of numbers at random. Three years passed between the first and second meeting, and during this time Kirill managed to get married, have a child and get divorced. The second time, Anna also ignored the fan.

Fate gave us a third meeting. On the plane on the way to Dnepropetrovsk, Kirill approached the star and asked if she remembered him. She didn't remember, but answered: "Yes." Kirill stood next to the girl’s chair, and she ignored him this time too.

By chance or not, the future spouses met again, but this time in the city. In the Dnepropetrovsk hotel, where Kirill bought the room reserved for Pletneva. The capricious artist had to live in Nastya Makarevich’s room. Kirill took a moment and once again tried to make acquaintance with Anna. Persistence did its job, and the young people began a relationship.

The novel began just at the time when Anna divorced her first husband and really needed help and support. Kirill, like no one else, could listen and support his little companion; in addition, he became a support and reliable shoulder for the girl.

Such a long backstory of their acquaintance is quite in the spirit of Anna. She believes that a woman’s initiative in a relationship is punishable:

“I am 100% sure of this. Men are hunters who must conquer a woman. Therefore, hide your interest by trying on the image of a victim. But when a man swallows the bait, you can already eat him whole!”

Strong rear

Her husband is a successful businessman, co-owner of the Valenta company, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia. In 2005, the couple officially registered their marriage.

For some time after the wedding, Kirill and Anna were inseparable, and the businessman even accompanied his beloved on all her tours. At some point, the group’s producer forbade Syrov from accompanying Pletneva, and he began to follow her on parallel flights.

One day he let her go on tour to Anadyr alone, and he himself secretly went after her. There were only two hotels in the city, and there were no vacancies. Kirill simply had nowhere to stay! Seeing her husband freezing at the door of the hotel, Pletneva decided to leave the Lyceum.

And I was right. In an attempt to create a solo career, Anna after some time came up with her own project “Vintage”. Having abandoned the image of an exemplary girl, she turned into a fatal vamp seductress, and achieved success. Expensive videos, prestigious awards, concerts at the best venues, Anna achieved all this by breaking away from the production project. Only a few can do this.

Interesting notes:

Need I say that her adoring husband financed the project? This is precisely what explains the husband’s calm attitude towards the artist’s revealing outfits and her super-sexy image. The singer had three explicit shoots in Maxim magazine alone.! “It’s just part of the business,” the artist comments.

In her marriage to Syrov, Anna had two more children: daughter Maria was born in 2005, and son Kirill was born in 2009. A large family lives in a four-story mansion in Rozhdestvensky, in the company of numerous animals. There are eight dogs alone in the house..

Anna thought out the interior of each of the rooms herself, because her first education is as a sculptor, and she has an idea about the aesthetic organization of space. A native Muscovite, she admits that in our time living in a metropolis is inconvenient and unsafe, and therefore a large number of spends free time in his country house.

Anna does not like to give lengthy interviews about her family life , but it’s clear that Anna is happy with the marriage. From bad husbands So many children are not given birth and sons are not named after them.

Anna Yuryevna Pletnyova. Born on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Russian singer. Former soloist pop group "Lyceum" (1997-2005). Soloist of the pop group “Vintage” (2006-2016; since 2018).

From the age of 9 she danced in the children's ballet "Ostankino", with which she went on tours and concerts a lot, incl. abroad.

According to Anna, as a child she really liked the singer. Largely under the influence of his work, she herself became interested in music and vocals, attended all the concerts of her idol and dreamed of singing a duet with him (which later happened).

In 1995 she graduated from Moscow school No. 1113 with in-depth study of music and choreography.

Graduated from the State Classical Academy (GKA) named after. Maimonides, specializing in pop-jazz singing, class of Associate Professor M.L. Korobkova. After graduating from the State Academy of Arts, she became a teacher there.

In 1997 she was invited to the group "Lyceum"- to replace the departed one. In two weeks Anna learned musical material and learned to play the guitar. After this, the Lyceum group, with a new lineup, sang 30 songs from their repertoire. The updated lineup included “live battles” in the program “ Musical ring"against "Time Machine" and a "live" concert in the RTR program "Live Collection".

In 1999, with her participation, the fifth album “Sky” and five songs for the next album were recorded, with which the girls performed at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” in the “Your Music” concerts, a project of Alexander Oleinikov on the TV-6 channel. In 2000, the group recorded another album, “You Have Become Different,” in which Anna Pletnyova also appeared as the authors of 4 songs.

In 2001, the team recorded the hit “You Will Become an Adult,” in which the actress starred in the video. In subsequent years, the songs “How You Dreamed of Him”, “More Than Love”, “She Doesn’t Believe in Love Anymore”, “The Rain Is Falling”, “Open the Doors”, etc. were released.

Lyceum - More than love

In October 2005, Anna Pletnyova left the Lyceum group, and in mid-2006 she created a pop duet "Vintage" together with musician Alexey Romanof, former soloist Amega group. As Anna said, the story of the creation of “Vintage” is very funny: she was in a hurry to important meeting, but collided with Alexey Romanof’s car. While the artists were waiting for the traffic police officers, they made a mutual decision to create a pop group.

In 2007, the group’s first album, “Criminal Love,” was released.

In 2008, “Vintage” together with the actress presented scandalous video « Bad girl" It was this that made the group recognizable. The group’s other hit, “Eva, I Loved You,” dedicated to . After this clip, Pletneva’s image of a “bad girl” was finally established.

Vintage - Bad Girl

In 2010, the single “Victoria” reached the first line of the Russian radio chart. Thanks to him, Vintage became one of the few bands whose songs topped the radio chart more than three times.

At the end of December 2011, Afisha magazine published its editorial list of the brightest and most memorable Russian pop hits of the last 20 years, which included the song “Eva.”

On August 21, 2016, Anna Pletnyova presented her first solo single, “Strong Girl,” and announced her intention to start a solo career. The composition was written by Alexey Romanof, the video director was Sergey Tkachenko. Soon Alexey Romanof announced the upcoming casting of new soloists for the group.

Anna herself explained her departure from the group by saying that the relationships within the group had exhausted themselves in a creative sense: “To my great regret, this story really ended. We made the decision together, although many fans thought that I, as the frontwoman of the group, had put an end to it. , what happened was the logical outcome of what was happening, we simply had no choice. Lately everything was like in a marriage that had already cracked, although outwardly it did not manifest itself in any way. A union, personal or creative, cannot last long in this state. If people no longer burn with a single impulse, are not in the same cage, and something has broken inside, it means that very soon their paths will diverge. Unfortunately, this happened in our case too."

On November 21, 2016, Anna Pletneva’s second video hit was released for the song “Girlfriend” in a duet with the actress. This clip became the soundtrack to the new comedy mini-series of the same name - “Girlfriend”. In the story, the stars play themselves, they are both unemployed and meet by chance at a roadside cafe, where they strike up a friendship and then receive a job offer.

On February 1, 2018, the premiere of the single “White” took place, authored by Alexey Romanof. The song topped iTunes Russia and became the singer’s first single to achieve this. From that moment on, Anna began to appear on stage under the name "Anna Pletnyova "Vintage"".

On July 19, 2018, Anna Pletnyova returns to Vintage. On August 21, the singer presented a video clip for the song “Sunday Angel” and her debut solo album"Strong girl."

Anna appeared many times on the pages of men's magazines and was recognized as one of the most sexy women Russia.

“A person is a magnet that attracts his own thoughts. What you dream about will happen to you.”, - Anna Pletneva is sure.

Anna Pletneva - interview

Anna Pletneva's height: 153 centimeters.

Personal life of Anna Pletneva:

She was married twice.

She got married for the first time in 2003. That same year she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. However, almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, the marriage broke up.

Second husband - Kirill Syrov, businessman. They met in a Moscow club back in the mid-1990s. We met again almost immediately after she broke up with her first husband; this happened at Domodedovo airport. She recalled: “At that moment I broke up with Varya’s father and was left alone with the child. And although we separated on my initiative, it was wildly difficult for me. I was so worried that I lost 10 kilograms, I cried all the time. On the bus that was carrying us to the plane, Kirill comes up to me with his friend: “Hello, do you remember me?” I answer that I remember, if only he would get rid of it. Kirill stood above us the entire flight, and then somehow he forced me to fill it out for him. customs declaration. And when I signed for him, Kirill said: “Come on, come on, train.” A relationship began between them.

They got married in 2005. The marriage produced a daughter, Maria (born in 2005), and a son, Kirill (born in 2009).

Anna said that it is difficult for her husband and children to experience a long separation from her, so she tries to arrange her schedule in such a way as to pay attention to her family as often as possible.

Despite the fact that the singer gave birth to three children, she has an excellent figure.

According to her, she does not have any special diet - she loses weight through work, and loses two kilograms for each concert. "I guess I was lucky, and with the problem excess weight I've never encountered it. I’ve never been addicted to food at all; I’m calm about sweets. There is nothing that I would forbid myself to eat,” Anna shared.

Her love of dancing also helps her stay in shape. active species she loves sports in particular skiing and enjoys riding in the mountains during vacation.

Discography of Anna Pletneva:

with the Lyceum group:

1999 - Sky
2000 - You became different
2005 - 44 minutes

with the Vintage group:

2007 - Criminal love
2009 - "SEX"
2011 - Anechka
2013 - Very Dance
2014 - Decameron


2018 - Strong girl

Singles by Anna Pletneva:

with the Vintage group:

2006 - Mama Mia
2007 - Take aim
2007 - All the best

2008 - Loneliness of love
2009 - Eva
2009 - Sleepwalking Girls
2009 - Victoria
2010 - Mickey
2010 - Novel
2011 - Mom America
2011 - Trees

2012 - Nanana (feat. Bobina)

2013 - Sign of Aquarius

2014 - When you're near
2015 - Breathe


2016 - Strong girl
2017 - Girlfriend (feat. M. Fedunkiv)
2017 - Which side are you on?
2017 - Toys
2017 - Lalaland
2018 - White
2018 - Sunday Angel
2018 - Huge heart

Video clips of Anna Pletneva:

with the Vintage group:

2006 - Mama Mia
2007 - Take aim
2007 - All the best
2008 - Bad Girl (feat. Elena Korikova)
2008 - Loneliness of love
2009 - Eva
2009 - Sleepwalking Girls
2009 - Victoria
2010 - Mickey
2010 - Novel
2011 - Mom America
2011 - Trees
2012 - Moscow (feat. DJ Smash)
2012 - Nanana (feat. Bobina)
2012 - Fresh Water (feat. ChinKong)
2013 - Voyage (feat. Sasha Dith)
2013 - Sign of Aquarius
2013 - Three wishes (feat. DJ Smash)
2014 - When you're near
2015 - Breathe
2015 - I believe in love (feat. DJ M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K.)
2016 - A little advertising (feat. Clan Soprano)


2016 - Strong girl
2017 - Girlfriend (feat. Marina Fedunkiv)
2017 - Which side are you on?
2017 - Toys
2017 - Lalaland
2018 - White
2018 - Sunday Angel

Anna Pletneva is a well-known singer from the group “Lyceum”, in which the girl became famous and became recognizable and famous. When the girl was studying ballet, she saw her idol, Alla Pugacheva, behind the scenes and did not hesitate to come up and express admiration for her favorite singer. Pugacheva advised Anna to work harder to achieve success.

Anna remembered these words for the rest of her life and works tirelessly. Although Pletneva has a large family, this does not stop her, and the girl achieves her desires and goals.

Fans of the female half are interested in Anna Pletneva’s height, weight, age, how old, because the singer looks like Thumbelina, to the envy of everyone. With a height of 151 cm, she weighs 46 kg and Anna Pletneva is getting prettier every year. The singer’s photos in her youth and now differ significantly.

If earlier we saw a curly cutie, then in given time Anna is a fatal beauty who flaunts revealing outfits and drives you crazy most male half. Although Pletneva turns forty-one this year, she is not yet thirty years old.

Biography and personal life 👉 Anna Pletneva

Biography and personal life Anna Pletneva was not always colorful and cloudless. A girl was born into a family of musicians on August 21, 1977 in Moscow. Father - Yuri Pletnev and mother always supported their daughter in all endeavors. After graduating from school, where one of the main subjects was music and choreography, she entered the State Academy of Arts for pop-jazz singing.

In 1997, Pletneva became a member of the Lyceum group, where she worked for eight years. During these years, Anna meets Sergei, whom she later marries and gives birth to a daughter. But the marriage did not last long, and the couple separated.

Later, Pletneva meets her second future husband, Kirill, who gives her not only love, but also faith in herself. After his convictions, Anna begins a solo career and creates the group “Vintage”, with financial support her husband. During solo career the singer has released five albums and is not going to stop there.

Family and children 👉 Anna Pletneva

Who supports the singer in life is the family and children of Anna Pletneva. A woman is happy when she is happy at home. Her husband is a stone wall, who protects and takes care of his beloved, and children who bring her happiness. A mother of many children, who, thanks to her loved ones, did not give up her career, is infinitely grateful to them.

Now the family lives in a four-story country house, away from the bustle of the city, where they enjoy happiness. At Anna's devoted husband, beautiful children and beloved mother, whom she loves madly.

Son 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s son, Kirill Syrov, was born in 2009 from her second husband, Kirill Syrov. The couple really wanted a son, because they already had two girls, so the long-awaited boy pleased the parents. Anna, being pregnant, said that if it was a son, she would name him as her beloved husband.

Kirill Jr., as he is called in the family, is a very calm and friendly boy. “My girls are not like that,” Anna laughs, “But he is so gentle and sweet.” Anna shares that when children hug her, these are the sweetest moments.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Varvara Pletneva

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Varvara, was born in 2003 in the singer’s first marriage. When she was pregnant, she devoted all her time to work and the stage. Anna was working in her fortieth week, and almost gave birth to a girl on stage. After giving birth, the girl was already performing two weeks later, and the grandmother stayed with the baby when the singer went to concerts.

Pletneva believes that her daughter will follow in her footsteps, since she has been musical child. She is not indifferent to the guitar, she loved to touch the strings and listen to her mother play and sing.

Daughter 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Maria Syrova

Anna Pletneva’s daughter, Maria Syrova, was born in 2005 from her second husband, Kirill Syrov. This pregnancy, compared to the first, was calm and easy. Anna was often on vacation, breathing fresh air and enjoyed her position.

Maria is very friendly with her sister, because they are only two years apart. Of course, there are arguments and shouting, says Anna, but they quickly pass it. If earlier the singer emptied stores for herself, now she pampers her girls, buying them the best outfits.

Ex-husband of 👉 Anna Pletneva - Sergey

Anna Pletneva’s ex-husband, Sergei, was married to the singer for a short time. The couple met and they had a good relationship, and the lovers decided to register their marriage. When Anna found out about her pregnancy, future father he was afraid of responsibility, he was not ready for this and left his wife after she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara.

Pletneva remembers with horror those terrible times for her, she was completely confused, and the pain that she was betrayed by her most beloved and dear person didn't let go for a long time.

Husband 👉 of Anna Pletneva - Kirill Syrov

Anna Pletneva’s husband, Kirill Syrov, sought his love on every occasion, which brought their fate together for fifteen years. These were fleeting meetings that Anna did not pay attention to and did not take the man seriously. But the fateful next meeting of the couple happened when the man bought Pletneva’s hotel room and Anna had nowhere to live, and then closer communication began, in which the girl was able to appreciate her future husband.

In 2005, Anna and Kirill got married, and in the same year they had a daughter together, Maria. Syrov is an exemplary and loving family man who became his wife’s producer.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Anna Pletneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anna Pletneva are the favorite pages of fans who will be interested in learning all the news of their favorite singer. Anna enjoys maintaining contact with her subscribers by posting photos of her family. Like any loving mother, most of the pictures can be seen in which her children pose for the cameras.

Also, for those interested in the work and biography of Anna Pletneva, you can find out all the details about her on Wikipedia life path, her years of activity, discography and awards.