With whom do you need to coordinate the equipment of the playground? Children's playground: construction of a play area for children at their summer cottage

The health of every child is in our hands. That's why we have to care about where they play. Favorable conditions for children to spend useful time will help create high-quality playgrounds.

I. The procedure for establishing game structures

First stage

Only the owners can make a decision on modifying the common area. However, first you need to find out what the plan requires in the chosen place. The management company has documents that describe the land surveying of the local area. Papers must be provided upon first request. There is a second way to gain access to documents - ask for copies of them from the chairman of the house.

If according to the documents it turns out that the yard is supposed to be, then you need to follow the instructions of the second stage. It happens that it is not expected at all. In this case, seek a review of the current land survey.

Second phase

Arrange an absentee meeting that will save time and nerves. It consists of going through apartments and collecting signatures from residents. If most of residents will be “For”, then proceed to the third stage. If many are against it, then interested residents can buy a “place to play” by collecting the required amount among themselves.

Third stage

After successfully collecting signatures, an application for the installation of a playground is written addressed to the director of the management company. As a rule, it is filled in free form and always in two copies. Having registered, the secretary gives one copy to the person who submitted the application. Now all that remains is to wait for the fulfillment of obligations.

1. You should not place play structures in places that are covered by other objects or buildings. Children should be in sight of their parents.

2. A shaded place for the future complex is just as unsuitable as the northern side of the plot or house. After all, the soil will have to thaw longer after winter, and humidity is not the best indicator. Choose places without bodies of water.

3. If a breakdown was discovered during the assembly of the playground, then you should not fix it yourself.

4. It is best not to “reinvent the wheel” and entrust the assembly of such structures to professionals. The companies supplying this equipment also provide installation services for gaming complexes.

Now detailed instructions for assembling a playground must be printed in Russian, even if the equipment was manufactured abroad. Therefore, you just need to follow all the instructions exactly and the installation will go smoothly and without problems.

III. Rules for installing a playground

  1. The space in which the play structures will be located is very important. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake, when choosing a place, make a table of its pros and cons. Below are some tips for making a good choice.
  2. The top layer of the selected location should consist of either lawn or artificial rubberized flooring. The platform cannot be installed on a stone surface.
  3. Installation is carried out only according to the documents provided. Homemade parts are not acceptable. You cannot swap elements during installation.
  4. If the structures contain mechanical parts, then checking the quality of the lubricant should be done regularly. If there are wooden parts or the entire complex is made of wood, then study everything before the smallest details(even small defects are unacceptable).

The classic play town includes a gazebo tower, which serves as the basis for all kinds of slides, horizontal bars, swings, etc. You can also find sports trampolines. As a rule, such playgrounds are made on the basis of a modular system, which suggests the possibility of creating structures of various sizes for a certain age of children and the allocated budget. It is with the help of modern playgrounds that a unique play world for children is created.

A child goes through several stages of growing up in his life, and playgrounds should help them develop in the right way. Just recently there were no computers, smartphones, tablets and other modern, often unnecessary for the child’s psyche, technology. Now everything has changed, but the point of returning to past origins with modern motifs is gaining momentum.

Modern playgrounds that can tear children away from virtual toys are not only a child’s joy, but also an adult dream that will return the “big child” to a tender age. The standards for installing children's playgrounds are prescribed in special documents. They, like general rules installation of playgrounds cannot be neglected. Remember the main thing - the structure should be located away from roads, bus stops, garbage cans, and various parking lots.

Children's playgrounds need to be created not only for the youngest and older kinders, but also for teenagers who will be interested in basketball/football courts, tennis tables, and horizontal bars. When choosing play structures, you need to take into account the age of the children and their approximate quantity. Then the city will have one more useful place to entertain children!

A suburban dacha plot does not let its owners get bored, especially in the summer. A good owner of the land must do a lot of work: he is busy weeding the garden, watering the flowers in the flower beds, and harvesting the ripe crop. Therefore, there is little time left to swing in the hammock - except to relax in between.
Each of these activities is interesting and useful, but it can only be an interesting pastime for adults. Children only at first find everything interesting and worthy of their attention, but then their interest in the endless garden beds wears off, and they begin to get bored and whine.
Children's playgrounds for summer cottages, which are assembled from various play equipment, will help you get out of this situation. will be a favorite place for children to play, and will help them find new friends, because if slides and swings appear on your site, the neighboring children will spend all their time there together with your children. Believe and agree that playground for the dacha is the best way

keep the kids busy.

How to choose an area for a playground

At the very beginning, decide what size playground you want to build, that is, on what area of ​​the site you will place the play complex. If your children are still very young (age from one to one and a half years), 6 square meters with a small sandbox and a swing will be enough for them.

Choosing a location for building a children's playground. If you decide to equip playground on summer cottage for older children before school age

, it should be equipped more seriously: a swimming pool, a slide and a Swedish wall can be located on the site. And all these shells require a large area - at least 9 square meters.

Children's playground with a set of play equipment

It is for this reason that if you have small children, when arranging a playground for them, you need to consider the possibility of expanding it, so that as the children grow up, you can add new sports equipment.

For older children, you can install a playground with a sports bias.

This can be achieved if you do not take up space around the site by building summer cottages or planting garden crops. So that this place does not stand out as an unsightly spot, it can be improved with a lawn. Then, if necessary, in place of the lawn you can install a swing or slide next to the play complex.

Comfortable and safe places for a playground

For safety and convenience, you can place children's playground closer to country house or close to the garden beds where you spend the most time. This way you will see your children constantly and not worry about their safety.

Do not place the children's playground in the shade at your summer cottage. On hot sunny summer days this may seem like a great idea, but on gloomy days... autumn days, when everyone dreams of basking in the sun's rays, it will be inconvenient.

Therefore, try to provide such a location for the playground so that any part of it remains under the sun. The rest can be covered with a canopy, awning, which can be removed if desired, or under trees.

Choosing a good location for arranging a playground.

Before installing a playground, try to take into account the prevailing winds in order to install wind barriers that protect playing children from the piercing wind. The barriers can be a barrier, trees or hedges.

Do not ignore the topography of the future children's playground. An area located in a lowland (it will be flooded with water during rains or snow melting) or with multiple slopes is not suitable for it.

If you fail to find an ideal, flat area that is not subject to accumulation of rainwater, then all you have to do is level the terrain with your own hands.

A body of water is dangerous for children and any type of pond if it is located directly next to the playground. If there is a lake, pond or river on your property, protect it using mesh, fencing or hedges.

Types of coatings for playgrounds

Playground for children on a summer cottage must have a covering that will soften a child’s fall. The simplest coating is sand: to do this, it is enough to lay sand on the ground, the thickness of the layer should be 10-15 cm.

However, such a coating has its drawbacks, the main one of which is the constant scattering of sand outside the playing area during strong winds or active games. To prevent this from happening, a fence is installed around the site, for which logs treated with a special anti-rot compound are suitable, which will extend their service life.

What covering to choose for a children's playground.

If children prefer to study sports games or ride a bicycle, sand coating is completely unsuitable for them. In this case, a denser coating is used - lawn. However, lawns also have their drawbacks: they require serious and regular care: they need to be watered, mowed, and some areas that are exposed or trampled must be reseeded.

There is another option for a dense coating that can soften impacts well, but does not have the disadvantages inherent in lawns (this coating does not require special care). This is the use of synthetic polyurethane or rubber slabs measuring 50 x 50 cm as a covering.

Currently, this modern material, which has high strength and elasticity, is widely used to cover playgrounds. In addition, it is easy to clean it from contaminants, which are easily washed off with a stream of water from a hose directed at the coating.

If you care about the functionality of the site coverage, then it is most effective to use a combined coating. To do this, the play area located near the slide and sandbox is covered with sand, the area where children play active games is covered with synthetic slabs or lawn, and for cycling it is most convenient to lay concrete paths.

Types of playing equipment for the playground

There are a great variety of play equipment for playground equipment, but the most popular are listed below. Your kids will really like them.

Setting up a sandbox for children

A mandatory and indispensable attribute of playgrounds that are built for children younger age, is a sandbox. It can be assembled from finished products, for the manufacture of which wood or plastic is used. The sandbox can be of various shapes.

Construction of a children's sandbox on a summer cottage.

More convenient are sandbox models, which are containers filled with sand and having a removable lid. In such a sandbox, the sand will be protected from rain, falling leaves will not fall into it, and animals will not be able to use the sandbox as their toilet.

Modern models of sandboxes are made of plastic and are completely sealed, which increases their functionality. Such sandboxes can be used as swimming pools.

A sandbox can be purchased at a store, or you can build it yourself if you have free time and boards or logs. This simple design comes together quickly and easily.

How can you manage on a playground without swings?

IN standard set, used to build children's playgrounds, there must be a swing. When choosing such a design for preschool children, do not forget to pay attention: the seat of such a swing must be equipped with a backrest so that the baby does not fall from the swing.

Tire swing for children's playground.

Older children will find it more interesting to swing on a swing without a back, which is attached to solid metal rods or chains. These more “adult” swings will allow the child to swing independently, standing or sitting.

Every child's dream is a slide

Modern manufacturers most often offer slides made of plastic. It is very rare to find metal slides today - they are gradually going out of production.

A metal slide is durable and strong, but it is more expensive than plastic slides. In addition, if you go down a metal slide carelessly, hitting it will be more painful than hitting a plastic one.

Installation of a children's slide.

In addition, pay attention to the design of the slope (this is the lower part of the slide), which should be slightly rounded upward and raised above the ground by 20-35 cm. If the slide does not have a slope, the child may fall to the ground when rolling down from it, resulting in which will cause pain and bruises.

Arrangement of a swimming pool for children

When choosing a pool to install at your summer cottage, it is best to consider inflatable options. They are affordable, quick and easy to install, and when the child grows up, they can be easily and painlessly replaced with a more modern and up-to-date model.

Having installed an inflatable pool on a site in summer period time, you will bring positive emotions and joy to your children.

How to install a ready-made children's playground

Owners of summer cottages do not always have the free time and desire to arrange a children's playground with their own hands. In this case, and if yours allows cash, you can easily solve the problems associated with arranging a playground.

Go to a construction center and purchase any ready-made gaming complex. There are various complexes that are installed for a specific age group children, or provide the opportunity to additionally equip the playground as the child grows older and his needs increase.

Almost all gaming complexes include the following elements:

  1. Sandbox.
  2. Gorku.
  3. Swing.
  4. Several different staircases.
  5. A playhouse that is located on top of the entire structure.

The gaming complex can be of different sizes. There are small complexes that can be placed on 10 square meters plot, as well as giant complexes with complex architecture and multiple attractions, and occupying an area of ​​more than 150 square meters.

Necessary equipment and play equipment for the playground.

When choosing the optimal gaming equipment, exercise utmost care as it concerns the most important moment– child safety. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to inspect each element of the design you like to see if they are securely fastened.

If, upon inspection, you see that the screws are not fully screwed in, the sides of the slide are swaying, and the plastic parts have cracks - these features do not inspire confidence, so it is better to refuse such products.

Even having chosen a complex that has no visible flaws, periodically, maximum once every three months, carefully inspect all its elements to be sure that nothing threatens the safety of your child.

Clarifications on the maintenance and operation of children's playgrounds and sports grounds.
Basic definitions.

Equipment (children's playground) - equipment with which or on which children can play indoors or in outdoor playgrounds, individually or in groups, at their own discretion and according to their own rules.

Covering the children's playground- a section of the surface of a children's playground with dimensions no less than the child's landing zone, used in conjunction with equipment.

Note: the coating can be sand, soil, lawn, rubber, polymer, etc.

Child's free fall height - the maximum height from the supporting surface of the children's playground equipment from which a child can fall to the landing zone.

Note: supporting surfaces include surfaces on which a child can stand and access to which is provided (with a ladder, stepladder, ladder or other play element).

Zshe's landing baby- the area of ​​the surface of a children's playground on which a child falls as a result of free fall.

Play area of ​​the children's playground - the space of a children's playground in which equipment is installed and the safety of children is ensured.

Child getting stuck in playground equipment - a dangerous situation when a child’s body, part of the body or clothing gets stuck in the structural elements of a children’s playground equipment.

Hard to reach children's playground equipment - equipment for a children's playground, the design of which specifically provides for restricting access to it for children of a specific age group.

Children's playground slide - equipment for a children's playground with an inclined sliding surface along which the child slides down under the influence of gravity.

TOaceli of the children's playground - children's playground equipment driven by a child whose mass is located below the hinge relative to which the swing occurs.

Requirements for safe installation of equipment are listed in Table 1.

Table 1.

Play equipment



The height from ground level to the seat of the swing at rest must be at least 350 mm and no more than 635 mm. No more than two seats are allowed in one swing frame. Double swings should not use a seat for small children (cradle) and a flat seat for older children together.

Rocking chairs

The height from the ground to the seat in equilibrium should be 550-750 mm. The maximum tilt of the seat when moving back and forth is no more than 20°. The design of the rocking chair should not allow the legs of a child sitting in it to get under the supporting parts of the rocking chair, should not have sharp corners, their radius of curvature should be at least 20 mm


The minimum distance from ground level to the bottom rotating structure of the carousel must be no less than 60 mm and no more than 110 mm. The bottom surface of the turntable should be smooth. The maximum height from the bottom level of the carousel to its top point is 1 m


Access to the slide is through a ladder, climbing frame or other devices. The height of the slope of a free-standing slide should not exceed 2.5 m, regardless of the type of access. The width of the open and straight slide is not less than 700 mm and not more than 950 mm. The launch pad is at least 300 mm long with a slope of up to 5°, but, as a rule, the width of the pad should be equal to the horizontal projection of the sliding section. On a free-standing slide, the height of the side railing at the launch site must be at least 0.75 m. The angle of inclination of the sliding section must not exceed 60° at any point. At the final section of the slope, the average slope should not exceed 10°. The edge of the slide slope must bend towards the ground with a radius of at least 50 mm and a bend angle of at least 100°. The distance from the edge of the slide to the ground should be no more than 100 mm. The height of the enclosing edge at the final section with a length of the sliding section of less than 1.5 m is no more than 200 mm, with a length of the sliding section of more than 1.5 m - no more than 350 mm. The slide tunnel must have a minimum height and width of 750 mm

When placing gaming equipment on children's playgrounds, minimum safety distances must be observed in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2.

Within the specified distances in areas of the site, it is not permitted to place other types of play equipment, benches, bins, side stones and hard surfaces, as well as branches, trunks, and tree roots.

There should be an information stand on the territory of the children's playground. "Rules for operating a children's playground." The stand contains information about playground equipment, the manufacturer of playground equipment, the purpose of the equipment and requirements for the safe operation of playground equipment.

To ensure safety on the children's playground, the operator develops and installs information signs or boards containing:

Rules and age requirements for using the equipment;

Telephone numbers of rescue services, ambulance;

Telephone number(s) for reporting equipment malfunctions and breakdowns to the operation service.

Entrances, exits, evacuation routes, passages intended for workers of the rescue service, ambulance, and maintenance services must always be accessible, open and free from obstacles.

Equipment malfunctions discovered during operation that reduce safety must be corrected immediately. If this is not possible, then measures are taken to ensure that the equipment cannot be used, or the equipment is displayed and removed from the playing area.
Requirements for technical condition and maintenance

Standards GOST 18322-78 (ST SEV 5151-85) and GOST R 52301-2004 stipulate the requirements for the maintenance of playground equipment.

The equipment and its elements are inspected and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions at intervals established by the manufacturer. Monitoring the technical condition of the equipment and monitoring compliance with safety requirements, maintenance and repair is carried out by the operator (owner).

The results of monitoring the technical condition of equipment and monitoring compliance with safety requirements, maintenance and repair are recorded in a log, which is kept by the operator (owner).

Monitoring the technical condition of equipment includes:

Inspection and testing of equipment before commissioning;

Regular visual inspection;

Functional examination;

Annual basic examination.

Regular visual inspection allows you to detect obvious malfunctions and foreign objects that pose dangers caused by the use of equipment, climatic conditions, acts of vandalism (for example, broken bottles, cans, plastic bags, damaged equipment items). The frequency of regular visual inspection is established by the operator (owner) based on operating conditions. Children's playground equipment that is subject to heavy use or vandalism requires daily visual inspection.

A functional inspection is a detailed inspection in order to check the serviceability and stability of the equipment, and identify wear of the equipment’s structural elements.

Inspection is carried out once every 1 - 3 months. in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Particular attention is paid to hidden, hard-to-reach equipment elements.

An annual basic inspection for the purpose of assessing compliance of the technical condition of equipment with safety requirements is carried out at intervals of no more than once every 12 months.

During the annual basic examination, the following is determined:

Presence of rotting of wooden elements;

The presence of corrosion of metal elements;

Impact of completed repair work on equipment safety.

Particular attention is paid to hidden, hard-to-reach equipment elements. The annual basic inspection is carried out by competent personnel in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

In order to control the frequency, completeness and correctness of work performed during inspections of various types, the operator (owner) develops inspection schedules.

When drawing up the schedule, take into account:

Manufacturer's instructions;

Climatic conditions, which may determine the frequency and content of work performed during inspections.

The schedule lists the equipment and equipment items that are subject to inspection during various types inspections.

If defects that affect the safety of the equipment are discovered during the inspection of equipment, the defects are immediately eliminated. If this is not possible, then measures are taken to ensure that the equipment cannot be used, or the equipment is dismantled and removed from the playing area.

After the equipment is removed, the remaining foundation in the ground is also removed or fenced off and covered over so that the area of ​​the playground is safe.

In order to avoid accidents and injuries to children, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of children's playgrounds, which includes measures to maintain the safety and quality of functioning of the equipment and surfaces of the children's playground.

Regular equipment maintenance activities include:

Checking and tightening fasteners;

Renewal of equipment painting;

Maintenance of impact-absorbing coatings;

Bearing lubrication;

Applying markings on equipment indicating the required level of shock-absorbing coatings made of bulk materials;

Ensuring cleanliness of equipment and coatings (removal broken glass, debris and pollutants);

Restoration of shock-absorbing coatings from bulk materials and adjustment of their level;

Maintenance of security zone space.

In addition, during the operation of children's play equipment, over time, the need for repair work arises - these are:

Replacement of fasteners;

Replacement of equipment parts;

To ensure the safety of the equipment, changes to the design of the equipment or its elements are permitted only after consultation and written approval with the equipment manufacturer.
Visual and functional inspections

During the process of visual and functional inspections, the following is determined:

Cleanliness and appearance playground surfaces and equipment;

Maintaining distances from parts of equipment to the surface of the playground;

The presence of protruding parts of the foundations;

Presence of defects/malfunctions of equipment elements;

Lack of equipment parts;

Excessive wear of moving parts of equipment;

Structural integrity of equipment.
Examples of malfunctions during visual inspection (based on GOST R 52301-2004)

Item no.

Satisfactory condition

Poor condition

Freestanding slide