What time of day is best to do physical exercise? What time of day is it better and more beneficial to exercise?

What is the best time to exercise? This question is asked not only by beginners and experienced athletes, but also by those who have decided to take their health seriously. Each of us has our own affairs, responsibilities and individual characteristics, so based on this, finding time for training is not so easy. Some have free time in the morning, others in the evening, and others at lunch, in the middle of the working day.

Naturally, another question arises: “When is it better to train for greater effect (performance), without causing harm to health?” But first, I will talk about two existing opinions on this matter.

First option

There is such a thing as human biorhythms or circadian rhythms. At one time, scientists conducted a number of experiments that were aimed at determining the relationship between sports and training time (in which half of the day). So, it turned out that at noon and early evening a person’s body temperature is slightly higher than at other times of the day. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that BETTER It is best to train in the afternoon, late in the evening, because the risk of injury at this time is most reduced due to higher body temperature. And for this, strength training and stretching (gymnastics, dancing, etc.) are better suited. However, early in the morning, light cardio exercises are recommended: running, cycling (exercise bike), race walking or swimming.

Second option

Others argue that it doesn’t matter what time of day is best to exercise, the only thing is that you need to exercise regularly and at the same time. Because it is then that the body will adapt to you and be ready for training.

In the end, since we are all different, and the human body is a complex biochemical machine. There is no specific time for each person. All you need to do is monitor your progress and your well-being, that is, at what time you are most energetic and how you feel before and after training. Therefore, you need to experiment with yourself and choose the time that suits you best.

What do they agree on?

Both of them agree that you can play sports at any time, the main thing is that it is regular and comfortable for you and your well-being. But if you train incorrectly, that is, without warming up, with very heavy loads on your body (insufficient training), violating the exercise technique, train very often (not allowing the body to recover), and so on. Then you will not only not make progress, but you will also regress, and also get injured, thereby worsening your health.

There are a huge number of examples where professional athletes, training at different times (some in the morning, some in the afternoon or evening) achieve very high results. Therefore, it makes no difference what time is best to exercise.

Very common question

People often ask. Is it possible to do physical exercises immediately after sleep or start running, swimming, etc. (cardio exercise)?

The question is certainly interesting, especially how to understand the phrase “immediately after sleep.” You don't start working out right after you wake up.

In reality, something like this happens in life. We wake up, get out of bed, go to the toilet-shower. We wash or take a shower, drink a glass of juice, tea, coffee or water. And already at this moment the body begins to finally wake up, but since we are all different, some people finally wake up after 10 minutes, while others need half an hour... Then we get dressed, take a bag with us and go to the gym or sports hall platform. There we warm up well and start training. And where is it right after sleep?

For example, in the east they train early in the morning, starting at 4-5 am. And there are a number of reasons for this. Well, first of all, it's very hot here, and it's very difficult to train in the heat, so they train before the sun comes up. And secondly, there is already a stereotype of training early in the morning and going to bed early. After all, there is a lot of practice there and people understand well where there is benefit and where there is harm.

How to determine for yourself what time of day is best to exercise

Try to experiment a little with the timing of your classes and physical activity to find a middle ground for yourself. Naturally, you will have to take into account the capabilities that you have in real time and your biorhythms.

  1. Morning workouts
  2. But if you need to go to work in the evening, then after training well in the morning, you can also have a great rest after training.

To make it easier to come to your senses after sleep, use.

Lunchtime workouts

This time for training is not at all uncommon, but on the contrary, a very common situation. Because if you have time at lunch and the gym (sports ground) is not far from work, then why not work out, but the morning and evening are free. This training time is perfect for both owls and larks, since both are already very alert and full of energy.

What is the best time to exercise - evening workouts

The second type of people are night owls. They cannot do training exercises early in the morning. Their body is designed in such a way that it needs more time to sway. All morning activities will be a burden for such people, but in the evening they have maximum performance. Therefore, it is better for them to exercise after work. This can be done as soon as you have free time or after you have rested for a while, after work. In any case, you need to look for it yourself, when, most of all, you have free time in the evening.

Just don’t delay it and don’t train before bed if you can’t fall asleep after training. Because for some, training before bed greatly excites the nervous system, after which they simply cannot sleep a wink, resulting in insomnia and poor health. True, there are exceptions to this rule. Some people, on the contrary, fall asleep well after exercise.

Those who find it difficult to fall asleep after exercise are advised to practice simple relaxation techniques. They are well described in various sources, but I will give one of the options that I myself use in training.

Learning to relax (relaxation)

These exercises are based only on your sensations and the ability to relax your muscles. So let's get started.

  1. Lie down on a mat (carpet), tatami or mat.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Breathe very deeply and slowly to stabilize your heartbeat and fill your blood with oxygen.
  4. Then, begin to relax your toes first, then your feet, shins and thighs. As a result, a wave of relaxation should roll through the stomach, chest, arms, neck and reach the face.
  5. Here you need to be careful and try to relax every muscle and ligament, as this is very important. So, mentally walk through each part of the body several times and feel how everything is filled with calmness and heaviness.
  6. Think about something positive.
  7. And lie in this state, with your eyes closed, for 5-10 minutes.

When you learn to do this, this relaxation will become an integral part of your training. Because this is a good way to calm your nervous system. Well, if this does not help, then you will have to reschedule your training, a little earlier or even to the morning or afternoon.

Now you understand that the question: “What is the best time to exercise?” "- nothing short of absurd!

The benefits of morning workouts

  1. In the morning you are full of energy, so you can give your best during training.
  2. Morning classes prepare (adjust) all internal organs and systems for their proper functioning, and all you have to do is get into the working rhythm.
  3. After your workout, you feel a sense of accomplishment. And now you know that you can work calmly, without fear that you will not have the strength to train if you trained in the evening.
  4. The evening is free, so you can plan a vacation with your family or friends. Or watch your favorite movie or show and go to bed.

The benefits of lunch workouts

  1. You are still full of strength (energy) for training, unlike evening classes.
  2. You don't have to get up early in the morning or go to the gym after work to work out.
  3. You know that you have a free evening, so you can have a great rest.
  4. Thanks to this mode, you get much more time.

The benefits of evening workouts

  1. Many people are most active in the evening.
  2. There is nowhere to rush, so you can take care of yourself, since there is plenty of time, unlike in the morning.
  3. After training, there is also time to take a walk and take time for complete relaxation from everyday activities.
  4. In the evening you can have a great time doing sports with your friends and acquaintances.

  1. It happens that work does not allow you to play sports at the same time. Of course, the situation is difficult, but not critical. Therefore, you need to adapt to be healthy and keep yourself in shape. There is only one way out - go in for sports when you have free time (at any time), but with all this, training should be regular, at least 2-3 times a week.
  2. Never look for reasons not to train, as you will always find them. On the contrary, look for ways to go to the sports ground or gym.
  3. You need to train wisely, carefully thinking through your daily routine, training program, diet and rest, because only if you comply with all these conditions will you achieve progress.
  4. Only by experimenting on yourself will you understand your body and achieve excellent results, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Everything comes with experience.”
  5. If you are training with the goal of losing weight, then do not eat 2 hours before and after training - give the body the opportunity to spend its reserve reserves (fat). You will learn more about nutrition after and before training.


Now you understand that it doesn’t matter at all what time is best to exercise, because it all depends on your individual characteristics, free time and well-being. The most important thing is to exercise regularly, eat right, rest well (give your body time to recover after training), monitor your progress, and try to train at the same time of day. After all, then the body will adapt to you and will be ready for loads (training).

And lastly, doing sports, wisely, is much more useful and better than not doing it at all. Sport is movement, and movement is life.

Exercise, eat right and get better - good luck to you.

The majority are in favor of “shooting” early, even before work, and in the evening to do household chores or relax, rather than rush headlong to the gym or stadium. However, the desire to work out early in the morning is challenged by a much stronger desire to sleep an extra half hour or hour. It most often wins, which is why most athletes still train in the evenings.

This especially applies to residents of large cities with their constantly accelerating pace of life, forcing them to save every minute, and their ever-increasing workloads.

However, Peter Hespel, a professor at the Sports Research Center at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, as befits a real scientist, decided to test this statement and conducted an interesting experiment.

Peter Hespel invited 28 young and healthy guys under 21 years of age to participate in his study. All of them had to switch to a high-calorie diet proposed by scientists for six weeks. Everyone was fed the same. For all volunteers, the daily calorie intake increased by 30%. At the same time, they ate 50% more fat than in everyday life before participating in the experiment.

Study participants were divided into three groups. Those who were in the first group were allowed to forget about training and going to the gym for the duration of the experiment. The remaining two groups trained. Moreover, volunteers from the second group went out for training first thing in the morning, as soon as they woke up, and the third group did it after a breakfast rich in carbohydrates. Those who exercised on an empty stomach ate exactly the same breakfast, but only after training. The training in both groups was absolutely identical in duration and load.

A month and a half later, scientists summed up the results. As you might guess, those who only ate and did not exercise gained weight, on average approx. 2 kg each. Those who exercised after breakfast also gained weight, but significantly less - a little more than 1 kg.

Weight did not change only among those participants in the experiment who trained on an empty stomach, before breakfast. It turned out that their bodies burned more calories throughout the day. In addition, they had better insulin levels.

Of course, it is premature to draw far-reaching conclusions based on this study alone. It was short-term in nature and too few volunteers participated in it, who were also of the same gender and age. It is also noteworthy that those who trained on an empty stomach did not lose weight, but only managed to maintain the same weight.

Yet the Belgian study may have provided some food for thought for the first time on the question of when is it best to exercise: in the morning or in the evening, when fed or on an empty stomach?

Professor Peter Hespel is confident that he has answered this question.

“The optimal strategy for preventing weight gain,” he says, “should be a combination of a healthy, well-balanced diet and a physically active lifestyle. At the same time, it is better to exercise in the morning and on an empty stomach.”

On the one hand, training at an earlier time will help you burn calories effectively, and on the other hand, it will set the body’s operating mode for maximum fat burning for the entire coming day.

Professor Hespel clearly explains the main reason that helps to lose extra pounds most intensively during morning workouts or at least protect the body from gaining them. To get energy for exercise, the body has to go into the pantries where it stores fats for emergencies like this. The difference from the exact same process of burning fat and calories at other times of the day and especially in the evening is that the body treats this “NZ” very carefully. First of all, it always burns what it received after the last meal, i.e. breakfast, lunch or dinner.

A study conducted in America also helps answer the question of why training time is so important.

Two groups of men ran on a treadmill until they burned 400 calories, the equivalent of a small snack such as 3-4 pieces of toast.

At the same time, those who were part of the first group ran on an empty stomach, and volunteers from the second group were given a bowl of oatmeal with an energy value of 400 calories an hour before training.

Runners in both groups burned fat. Their body received a setting for accelerated fat burning even after training. But results on both measures were higher among those who skipped a pre-workout meal. In other words, exercising after a long break from eating can set the body up to burn fat longer and more intensely.

There is another advantage to morning exercise, which also helps you lose extra pounds more intensively. This is daylight.

One recent study found that people who were exposed to bright sunlight within two hours of waking up were slimmer and lost weight more easily than those who did not receive natural light, regardless of what or how much they ate.

When choosing between the desire to lose weight and sleep an extra hour early in the morning, you should also keep in mind that fans of early workouts have even created something like a proverb: “He who gets up early lives slim!”

When training regularly in the gym or at home, not only the exercise program is of great importance, but also what time the classes take place.

This is due to the fact that in a person, at different times of the day, various processes are activated that are responsible for gaining muscle mass or vice versa - for losing weight, as well as for sleep and wakefulness.

When is the best time to exercise and why ^

All athletes know that the body’s ability to burn fat depends not only on nutrition and the training program, but also on the time at which they will be carried out - in the morning, at lunch or in the evening. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that each person has his own circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle - changes in various biological processes depending on the time of day.

It is this cycle that regulates body temperature, blood pressure, metabolism and many other physiological processes of the body. All living things have an internal clock. As a rule, these biological rhythms are subject to a 24-hour day, but can change under the influence of environmental signals. The time at which a person usually exercises is one such signal.

At the same time, we should not forget about the concept of “biorhythm”, which allows us to divide people into “larks” and “night owls”.

  • Early risers are people who find it easier to get up early in the morning, but more difficult to stay awake at night.
  • With owls, the opposite is true: after waking up early, they will feel a loss of strength, but closer to night they will have a surge of energy and their performance will increase.
  • There is a third human chronotype - pigeons. People who belong to it can start work with equal efficiency both early in the morning and late in the evening, and they will not lack energy.

It often happens that a person’s circadian rhythm gets confused, this is especially true for early risers. This phenomenon can occur for a number of reasons:

  • Working with a shift schedule;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Transfers and flights;
  • Change to winter or summer time;
  • The presence of small children, if the circadian rhythms of the mother and child do not coincide;
  • Spending a long time at the computer before bed.

The circadian rhythm determines what time is best to exercise at home or in the gym:

  • For example, a morning person who decides to exercise at 8-9 pm will feel weak and uncomfortable due to lack of strength;
  • For owls, this time, on the contrary, is considered the most optimal.

Thus, physical activity will bring results only when it is combined with the human biorhythm, as well as with proper nutrition and a well-designed training program.

Is it possible to change your circadian rhythm: how to adjust your internal clock

Research shows that a person can change their circadian rhythm, for example by waking up to an alarm and eating at the same time.

  • Scientists have also found that people who consistently exercise in the morning can “teach” their body to be ready for physical activity at that time of day.
  • Volunteers who were used to working out in the morning felt less strong and focused during the evening workouts.

Experts say that such adjustment of the biological rhythm is especially important for athletes who are preparing for specific competitions. They recommend rescheduling training for the exact time of day when the competition will take place.

Best time of day to exercise

According to scientists, the optimal time for fitness is when normal body temperature reaches its maximum and muscles become warm and elastic. For most people this happens around 16:00 - 17:00. Also, according to various sources, a person is about five percent stronger in the middle of the day, and more resilient in the afternoon.

It is believed that in the mornings the body temperature is most reduced, and it is undesirable to exercise at this time - simple exercise will be enough. The rest of the time, human biorhythms operate clockwise as follows:

  • From 10 to 12 days the highest concentration of adrenaline is observed, so you can engage in any sports that require attentiveness and endurance;
  • From 14 to 15 days, human activity is reduced, and it is best to devote time to rest;
  • From 15 to 16 days the muscles are in increased tone, and you can work out with dumbbells;
  • From 16 to 19 pm - you can exercise, go to aerobics, run. During such a period, the body has the most favorable effect on stress;
  • From 20 to 22 pm the temperature gradually decreases, energy decreases, and fatigue appears. It is advisable to postpone any loads.

Before or after meals

  • The answer to this question depends on the goals of the exercise, but all trainers recommend eating light food 2 hours before training, otherwise you may not have enough energy and the person will be tired.
  • Immediately after eating, any exercise is prohibited, with the exception of using gainer or protein: athletes need to take them 30-60 minutes before visiting the gym.

In the morning or evening

In fact, the choice of time to exercise should depend not only on the generally accepted norms of the circardial rhythm, but also on your own well-being.

  • Larks should visit the gym in the first half of the day, because... In the evening you will feel very tired.
  • For owls, on the contrary, it is advisable to postpone classes until the evening, because in the morning hours they will not be as active as they should be.

Experts believe that, regardless of personal preference, almost all people are physically stronger and more resilient in the afternoon.

When is the best time to run?

  • There is a theory that cardio exercises immediately after waking up contribute to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat, because. Because of this, the body experiences stress.
  • Therefore, those who want to lose weight are recommended to run before breakfast, after drinking a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea.

When should you exercise?

Of course, exercise is designed to wake you up quickly, warm up your muscles and the whole body, so it must be done in the morning.

  • It is advisable to do this before breakfast, after visiting the bathroom and washing your face.
  • After eating, even mild physical activity can cause digestive problems.

The best time to gain muscle mass

It is believed that training in the afternoon is the best option for those who want to accelerate muscle growth. And you can't argue with this:

  • Between 14:00 and 16:00, muscles are most susceptible to stress and metabolism reaches its peak activity, which ultimately contributes to favorable training results.

Is it possible to exercise before bed?

Most studies show that exercise improves sleep quality. It doesn’t matter at all what time of day the training takes place.

  • Scientists believe that even vigorous exercise just half an hour before sleep does not affect the quality of sleep.
  • And one thing experts are unanimous about is that lack of sleep significantly reduces the results of training.

If you decide to take up fitness, choose a time for exercise taking into account your current routine and lifestyle. To avoid injury and fatigue, you need to consistently stick to your chosen schedule and make exercise part of your routine.

Many trainers recommend that their clients, when choosing a time for training, be guided not by generally accepted standards, but by their own well-being. You can choose the most optimal option by experimenting: try working out in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening on different days, and then compare your feelings at different times.

Reviews and experiences of our readers

Zhanna, 29 years old:

“I enjoy going to the gym 3 times a week, working out from 8 to 10 pm and feeling great. I tried to move the training to the first half of the day, but I couldn’t give it 100%, so I decided to leave everything as it is.”

Anastasia, 34 years old:

“The most convenient time for me is from 3 to 5 pm. If I go to classes in the morning, I will be sleepy, and the evening hours are not suitable for me because I am tired.”

Olesya, 27 years old:

“I started going to the gym at 2 o’clock in the afternoon 1.5 years ago, and nothing has changed yet. It’s hard for me to get up in the morning, and I need to devote the evenings to my family, so I have no other options.”

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

As in life, so in sports, everything should have its time. The best time to train is the most effective in terms of achieving results. If you choose the wrong one, then training will not help you achieve your desired goals. What's the best time to gain weight? When is it better to go to the gym, and when to work out?

All this depends on the goals being pursued. What does a person want: to keep his body in good shape, lose weight or, conversely, gain? It is these goals that determine the best time to train.

Scientific research

Scientists from different countries are constantly conducting all kinds of research related to identifying the most suitable period of time to play sports. And what did they come to?

American researchers stated that the best time to train the body is determined by its body type. People are divided into three main types: If a person belongs to the third type, then he has a very slow metabolism and is more susceptible to gaining extra pounds. For this type of person, the best time to exercise is in the morning. This is from approximately 7 to 10 o'clock. At this time, the body has very little glucose and glycogen, and it is forced to take energy by oxidizing fats.

When a person is an ectomorph, his metabolism is very fast and there is a predisposition to thinness. For this type, the best time for training is in the evening, as the body has enough energy and strength. And he really needs them during training.

People with an average body type are called mesomorphs. Their metabolism is normal. There is no tendency to be overweight or thin. These people are the luckiest, since for them the best time to workout can be any: morning, afternoon and evening. Everything depends only on desire and well-being.

Other scientists from the city of Williamsburg carried out a series of experiments, dividing the day into four periods: 8, 12, 16, 20 hours. At certain times, several participants performed exercises with heavy weights. It should be noted that these people had not previously engaged in sports.

The experiment showed that they were most effective in the evening. This is due to the contraction and work of fast muscle fibers. They are most productive during evening weight training, when body temperature is slightly higher. Another important reason that was identified during this study was testosterone and cortisol levels. The first is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. The second is for destruction.

At rest, testosterone levels are highest in the first half of the day. When training is underway, its level increases significantly more precisely after evening classes. Conclusion: if the goal is to build muscle mass, then it is better to train in the evening.

The best time to exercise to burn fat and promote weight loss is in the morning, as cortisol levels are higher. But it's not that simple. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Early Bird Workout

When a person wakes up very early, for example at 5 o’clock, and feels full of energy, then early training is suitable for him. You just need to take into account the lower body temperature at this time. Ligaments and joints are not very elastic in the morning, so the most active exercises are not the best option. Well, breathing exercises and yoga are excellent choices. Little energy is expended, and the body is charged with strength for the whole day.

From 7 to 9 we burn fat

It is these morning hours that are suitable for burning fat and cardio training. Cortisol levels are high at this time, glycogen is low, and the body takes energy from adipose tissue. It is best to spend no more than 40 minutes at moderate intensity. If a person does not have problems with blood pressure and heart, you can increase the pace and cut the time in half. You need to focus on how you feel, since not everyone can exercise in the morning.

Aerobic exercises - from 15 to 16 hours

At this time, body temperature begins to actively rise and by half past five it reaches its peak. This watch is perfect for active types of fitness, which include cycling, aerobics, dancing and running. They will have a beneficial effect on the fat burning process, and will also help strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

High-intensity and strength training - from 17 to 18 hours

This is the best time to train with heavy weights. During these hours you need to go to the gym or do interval and high-intensity training. They require a lot of endurance. In the evening, body temperature is higher, as is the level of the hormone testosterone. All these factors have a positive effect on strength. This increases productivity during training.

Training after 19:00

At this time, body temperature begins to decrease, and bodyflex, yoga, tai chi, and stretching are suitable for the body. They have a calming and healing effect, promote the formation of correct and beautiful posture, strengthen deep muscle layers, develop endurance and flexibility, and also have a positive effect on the psyche.


Considering all of the above, we can say that the best time for training depends on the individual characteristics of the person’s body, as well as his goals. The morning hours are the best for losing weight, and the evening hours for pumping up muscles. Just before you start training, you need to visit a doctor to find out more about your body and make sure that there are no contraindications. And while playing sports, it is important to monitor nutrition and sleep, since the result will appear only with the right approach to all three components. If at least one of the factors is left unattended, then even if you choose the best time of the day for training, you can torture yourself with exercises for a long time, but still end up with excess or, conversely, insufficient weight.

Both beginning athletes and experienced athletes ask themselves this question. After all, everyone has their own affairs, responsibilities, and individual characteristics. Some have free time in the morning, others in the evening, and still others during lunch, in the middle of the working day. But the issue remains on the agenda. When is the best time to play sports? Let’s try to figure it out.

There is such a concept

There is such a term as biorhythms or human circadian rhythms.

Scientists have conducted experiments aimed at establishing the relationship between sports and training time.

The results are as follows: at noon and early evening, a person's body temperature is slightly higher than at other times of the day. Therefore, the risk of injury is most reduced.

Strength training and stretching are best during this time. Aerobics, tennis, dancing - that is, any activity that requires maximum strength and endurance, because the body is ready for feats. And after eight in the evening it is better to return to yours "morning" sports, because the metabolism slows down, the body temperature begins to drop, and the body is adjusting to the upcoming sleep. Afterwards, breathing exercises will prepare you for proper rest.

When newcomers come to the gym, due to their inexperience, they make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show you a number of exercises and correct any errors that appear. However, in this article we will tell you what exercises you need to do and how many approaches.

Even if you follow all the diets and proper nutrition regimens correctly, you still will not be able to achieve an increase in muscle mass. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to a sports club or exercise at home. Of course, the fitness instructor will select the necessary set of exercises and tell you about the diet. However, in this article we will offer you a method of building mass based on several exercises.

In this article, let's look at how you can build muscles at home. The main obstacle to studying at home is our laziness. However, if you overcome it and start exercising at least an hour a day, you will notice results within a couple of weeks. And you definitely need to give yourself at least one day off.

By definition from physiology reference books, there are three main body types. Z By knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can change your body, while quickly selecting only the right sets of exercises or diets. However, on the Internet there is some scattering of concepts and terms for determining body type - we will try to eliminate this.

The article will discuss exercises that allow you to pump up important muscles - the lower abs. These exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym. This instruction is intended for those people who want to pump up beautiful abs quickly, while spending only about ten minutes a day.

This article will talk about a beautiful male figure, namely with regard to broad shoulders. Let's look at exercises to keep your muscles toned. They can be performed at home or in the gym.