Before his death, the talc killer went crazy and became obsessed with mysticism. Igor Talkov: Truth and lies a quarter of a century later Igor Malakhov and Aziza joint interview

Can be called one of the latest heroes perestroika. His work and personality cause conflicting assessments among musicians, but one thing is for sure - he was a real idol of his era.

Igor Talkov was born on November 4, 1956 into a family of repressed people. His paternal ancestors were hereditary officers of the tsarist army, his mother was the daughter of an ethnic German and a Cossack woman.

As a child, Talkov dreamed of becoming a hockey player, but did not pass the selection, and studied music. He played the piano and guitar, then mastered the bass guitar, violin and drums, however musical notation did not know. However, this did not stop him from selecting melodies by ear. Hoarse voice - distinctive feature singer - was the result of laryngitis.

In his youth he played in numerous ensembles - “April”, “Kaleidoscope” - was a bass player for Barykin, an arranger for Stas Namin, and worked with Lyudmila Senchina. In 1986, together with Irina Allegrova, he became the lead singer of the Electroclub group. And in 1987, the whole country recognized him after performing the composition “Chistye Prudy” in the program “Song of the Year”.

However, the singer did not follow the path of a pop lyricist. He creates his own group “Lifebuoy” and begins to perform highly social songs in which he criticizes the CPSU and the activities of the communists, raises the topic of religion and patriotism, the fate of the country.

At the turn of 1990-1991, he becomes the most popular performer on Russian stage, combining in his creativity different genres, including rock and art songs.

However, the singer quickly became disillusioned with both Gorbachev and Yeltsin, and did not hide his skepticism towards new government. Subsequently, the political version of the murder will become one of the main ones among his fans.

During a flight with his group to Tyumen on tour, when the plane hit a thunderstorm front, Igor Talkov said that there was no need to be afraid while they were with him. Because he will die in front of a large crowd of people and his killer will not be found.

Subsequently, they also remembered that the day before the fateful concert, during a performance in Gzhel, a string of his guitar broke. No one knew then that he was on stage for the last time.

On October 6, 1991, Talkov was shot before going on stage at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg.

Many versions of what happened, as well as possible customers and performers, immediately appeared.

The singer’s wife Tatyana recalled that on October 3 or 4, her husband received a phone call. She remembered Igor’s last phrase well: “Are you threatening me? Okay. Are you declaring war? I accept it. Let’s see who comes out victorious.”

According to her, Talkov contacted law enforcement agencies with a request to provide an armed guard and bought a gas pistol.

The conflict that caused the tragedy flared up over the order of appearances on stage. It was believed that it was more prestigious to perform towards the end.

Igor Malakhov, singer Aziza’s lover and security guard, demanded from the organizers that Aziza and Talkov’s performances be swapped (Gazmanov was supposed to complete the concert), since Aziza did not have time to prepare. The organizers agreed, Talkov calmly accepted this decision, but his commercial director Valery Shlyafman was indignant.

As a result, Malakhov came to the singer’s dressing room, where a conversation took place in a raised voice. Gazmanov, who was in the next dressing room, recalled that Malakhov was drunk.

Talkov's guards took Malakhov into the corridor, where he suddenly pulled out a revolver. Shlyafman informed the singer about this and he followed him out. According to costume designer Maria Berkova, Shlyafman said something offensive to Malakhov.

Talkov fired from a gas pistol, but the cartridges were probably expired. His guards rushed at Malakhov, he managed to shoot, but the first bullet hit the floor, and the second pierced the equipment box, after which the weapon was knocked out of his hands.

Then the third shot was fired, which turned out to be fatal. The singer died instantly. Eyewitnesses still cannot clearly answer the question of who fired the shot.

Maria Berkova claimed, citing the testimony of bodyguards, that it was Shlyafman. Tatyana Talkova is sure that Shlyafman constantly provoked conflicts from the moment he appeared in the group and infiltrated it in order to deliberately create dangerous situations around the singer.

According to the most common version, Shlyafman hid the revolver in the singer’s dressing room, in the toilet cistern, from where Aziza’s assistant later took it out and gave it to the singer, who returned it to her lover. Malakhov was put on the wanted list, but then he himself came to the police. However, the charges against him were soon dropped, and he received two and a half years probation for illegally carrying weapons.

Forensic, ballistic and situational examinations in 1992 established that Shlyafman fired the shot.

However, on February 12, 1992, Valery Shlyafman left for Israel through Ukraine, where he lives to this day, changing his last name to Vysotsky. The Israeli authorities refused to extradite him, since at that time there was no extradition treaty between our countries. Investigator Oleg Blinov, who arrived in Tel Aviv, was unable to meet with him or interrogate him for 19 days. Shlyafman himself denies his guilt and claims that the culprit was Malakhov, who left in 2016.

To date, the case has been suspended.

Igor Talkov was killed less than a month before his 35th birthday

- Stop the music! And now, please, a minute of silence. All the police present in the hall urgently cordon off the Yubileiny Sports Complex, since they had just shot at Igor Talkov, - these words interrupted the concert of pop stars in October 1991 in St. Petersburg.

Igor Talkov was killed on October 6, 1991 - less than a month before his 35th birthday. Thus, this year marks not only the 60th anniversary of the singer’s birth, but also the 25th anniversary of his death.

Who killed Talkov

The answer to this question is still given. The death of Igor Talkov, perhaps one of the most bright performers of its time, became a real shock for his relatives, friends and numerous fans.

The singer and composer was shot in the heart minutes before going on stage. His death gave rise to many versions. Some call Talkov’s murder ritual, others do not consider what happened behind the scenes of the Yubileiny Sports Complex to be a murder at all.

Over 25 years, countless unofficial and journalistic investigations into the murder of Igor Talkov have been conducted. Versions were expressed that nationalists, anti-Semites, communists, foreign intelligence services and, naturally, freemasons could have been involved in his death.

Thus, the head of the national-patriotic front “Memory” Dmitry Vasiliev stated that Talkov was killed “for songs that were too Russian.” Supporters of the “nationalist trace,” on the contrary, point out that the singer was a provocateur and was introduced into Vasiliev’s circle with the aim of collapsing the organization, for which he paid.

Igor Talkov

Mysticism in Talkov's death

And they also see a lot of mysticism in Talkov’s death. It is known, for example, that on the fateful day Igor decided to go on stage wearing a black shirt rather than the traditional white one. They point out that shortly before the concert, strange posters of Talkov’s group “Lifebuoy” appeared at the Yubileiny sports complex. In one, his deathly green reflection is visible in the mirror, in the other, the dark silhouette of the singer is struck in the heart by a star. And if these “oddities” may seem far-fetched, there are some truly amazing coincidences.

In 1990, Talkov starred in the action film “For the last line", where he played the leader of a gang of racketeers. In the film, his hero is shot at point-blank range, and the filming of this episode took place on October 6, 1990 - exactly a year before Talkov was killed at the Yubileiny sports complex.

TV journalist Mikhail Gladkov filmed documentary about Talkov during the singer’s lifetime. The one used by the author is noteworthy. artistic technique: in the story, Igor talks about himself from the other world. “I can say everything I think. Bribes are fine from a person who is not there,” said Talkov, having heard the TV man’s creative idea. At least that’s what Gladkov himself claims. The film was released after Talkov’s death.

Singer Aziza

Who is to blame for Talkov's death

Be that as it may, in investigations of the murder of Igor Talkov, three people most often appear: Talkov’s concert director Valery Shlyafman, singer Aziza and Igor Malakhov - her director, security guard and close friend rolled into one. Actually, the conflict, which resulted in shots being fired, was, admittedly, provoked by these people.

In 1991, the concept of “headliner” had not yet come into wide circulation, but artists already then perfectly understood the importance of the order of performances: the closer to the final, the more prestigious. The concert at Yubileiny was to be concluded by Oleg Gazmanov, and before him, Talkov and Aziza performed as planned.

Either Aziza really didn’t have time to prepare for the performance, or it was just a show-off. The fact is that she asked Malakhov to talk to Talkov’s representatives and change places with him. Malakhov was a hot guy - a professional kickboxer, and quite quickly the conversation with Talkov's security turned to a raised tone. Malakhov went away to “talk like a kid” with one of the singer’s guards.

“Another guard stood at the door to the dressing room and did not participate in the conflict,” investigator Oleg Blinov, who led the case of Talkov’s death, recalled in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And it seemed like the conflict began to subside, the tone of the conversation decreased. But then the director of Talkov, Mr. Shlyafman, showed up and in a rather rude manner began to tease Malakhov: “Igor, are you scared?” The gist of it is something like this, but all this was said in a very rude, cynical form,” says the investigator.

Valery Shlyafman is one of the main suspects in the murder of Igor Talkov

Reconstruction of Talkov's murder

The investigation reconstructed the picture of what happened almost second by second. However, it is not so easy to understand who actually killed Igor Talkov.

According to Blinov, it was after Valery Shlyafman’s jokes that Igor Malakhov, Aziza’s bodyguard, took out a barrel - a revolver of the 1895 model, which he had acquired for self-defense. The time was difficult, and Malakhov had a conflict with a criminal group six months before the incident. There were three cartridges in the drum. Malakhov managed to get caught quite quickly. But by that time Shlyafman had already alarmed the dressing room with shouts of “They’re beating our people.” Talkov ran to find out what was going on, grabbing his gas pistol (they were extremely popular at that time).

While the brawl was going on, the almost “twisted” Malakhov shot twice at the floor. This is confirmed by examinations carried out at the scene of the tragedy. By official version, the kickboxer simply physically could not shoot at Talkov, since by the time he appeared he was already on the floor.

Talkov's death is a typical Russian roulette

“Shlyafman approached from the side of Malakhov, who was lying face down, and from his right hand took the gun. A few seconds later a click was heard, like a misfire when a shot was fired. And after two such clicks occurred, the only bullet that remained in the drum hit Igor Talkov,” said investigator Blinov.

“A medical examination established that at the moment of the fatal shot Talkov’s body was in motion. He struck Malakhov while squatting. And when he began to rise, the revolver fired. And the singer, apparently, saw the barrel pointed in his direction. And he even tried to shield himself from the bullet with his hand. Forensic criminologists subsequently discovered a wound on Talkov’s palm - the bullet first pierced it, and then his heart,” continues Blinov.

“We established that the shot was fired from a very close distance from Talkov. Almost right next to his hand. Only Shlyafman could shoot from such a distance. So Talkov's death is a typical Russian roulette. They clicked, clicked and clicked,” sums up the criminologist.

“Gentlemen Democrats” is one of Igor Talkov’s sharpest hits

Blinov emphasizes that his story does not contain the version of the investigation, but “the facts established by the investigation.” The investigator’s other wording is also noteworthy: “it was not a murder, but the unintentional death of a person.”

Evidence as proof of guilt

During a murder investigation during a search in the apartment common-law wife Valery Shlyafman found the shirt that the concert director was wearing at the time of Talkov’s death. Experts found gunpowder on her sleeves.

It is not in Shlyafman’s favor that soon after the tragedy he emigrated to his historical homeland in Israel, where he now lives under the name Vysotsky. He categorically denies his guilt, placing responsibility for Talkov’s death entirely on Malakhov.

“At the moment, there is no main evidence - the weapon with which Talkov was killed,” Shlyafman himself told the same Kosmsomolskaya Pravda in 2012. - But they made me the main culprit, since there were traces of gunpowder on my shirt. But I picked up Malakhov’s pistol, it couldn’t have been any other way. I returned home, changed my clothes, and threw the shirt into the laundry basket. And the investigators came and made the main material evidence out of it.”

Indeed, the gun was never found. Investigator Blinov claims that Shlyafman gave the pistol to Aziza, she gave it to Malakhav, and he dismantled it and drowned it piece by piece in the Moika and Fontanka. Aziza herself categorically denies her participation in this chain.

Singer Aziza and her director Igor Malakhov in the early 90s

What happened after Talkov's death

Tragic death Talkova became the starting point in a series of tragedies. Under unclear circumstances, the singer’s guards, who accompanied him to the Yubileiny sports complex in October 1991, died one after another.

Aziza lost the child she was expecting from Igor Malakhov. The singer claims that during the brawl in which she intervened, the same Valery Shlyafman kicked her in the stomach.

Due to the stress he suffered, ten days after Talkov’s death, his beloved Elena Kondorovova also lost her child. Examinations established that Igor Malakhov was not involved in Talkov’s murder. He was proven guilty only of illegal possession of weapons.

The other day it was 27 years since the murder of Igor Talkov by the Jew Shlyafman, who, being on the federal wanted list, fled to Israel. All these years the investigation was deliberately slowed down, and now they want to shift all the blame onto another person.

The investigation into the murder of singer, poet and composer Igor Talkov is being resumed. called the editorial office of the Federal Investigation Agency Irina Krasilnikova, press secretary Tatiana Talkova, widows famous poet, composer, singer and actor Igor Talkov, killed on October 6, 1991 in St. Petersburg during a concert. She shared that in Lately Many media outlets shift the blame for the murder of the singer onto the now deceased friend of the singer Aziza - Igor Malakhov, found innocent by the investigation.

Director Igor Talkov, Valery Shlyafman, who is officially recognized as the only accused, is strangely acquitted in numerous articles and television shows. In connection with these circumstances, representatives of Tatyana Talkova decided to petition for the resumption of the preliminary investigation into the murder of her husband.

I decided to find out the details and went to a meeting with Irina Krasilnikova and a lawyer Nina Averina, which protects the interests of the widow of Igor Talkov. A conversation took place, which I quote almost without cuts.

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation decided to resume investigative actions in the case of the murder of Igor Talkov

The conversation was started by lawyer Nina Averina. She said that in early August of this year she applied to the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg with a request to recognize Tatyana Talkova as a victim in the case of the murder of her husband, to resume proceedings in the case and provide the opportunity to familiarize herself with the materials of the criminal case, and to carry out a number of investigative actions. The leadership of the Investigative Committee agreed with the need to resume the preliminary investigation in connection with changes in criminal procedural legislation, granting the injured party greater powers than before, as well as the possibility of considering a criminal case in the absence of a wanted defendant.

September 4 Main Investigation Department Investigative Committee The Russian Federation in St. Petersburg responded to lawyer N.V. Averina:

“08/07/2018, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg received two of your appeals in the interests of T.I. Talkova. to recognize her as a victim in the criminal case of the murder of Talkov I.V., to resume proceedings in the case, to familiarize her (you) with the relevant materials of the case.

Your request has been reviewed and will be accepted. The First Directorate for Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg is processing criminal case No. 381959, initiated on October 6, 1991 by the St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office under Art. 102 pp. “b,d” of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR on the fact of the murder of I.V. Talkov on the same day at the Yubileiny Sports Palace, located at 18 on Dobrolyubova Avenue in St. Petersburg. out of hooligan motives, in a generally dangerous manner. IN currently the preliminary investigation has been suspended."

The press secretary of the singer’s widow, Irina Krasilnikova, entered the conversation. She recalled that since almost 27 years ago, during a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, a very famous, beloved poet, singer, composer and actor Igor Vladimirovich Talkov was killed a few minutes before his performance, The debate continues: how could this happen in a sports complex guarded by riot police and police, with a large crowd of people?

But that is not all, interlocutors say, another thing is outrageous: there is a criminal case that was handled by professionals high level, the conclusions of which have been published, announced and are generally known. Then why did some media suddenly begin to revise the conclusions of the investigation, which already in October 1991 completely dropped the charge against Igor Malakhov, and in April 1992 found his director Valery Shlyafman the only person accused of murdering the singer?

Why did the so-called “sensations” begin to appear in the press and on TV channels, in which accusations against the late Igor Malakhov have been heard more and more often lately and yet Valery Shlyafman is literally “excused”? Why has the case, which at one time was suspended and not terminated, not yet been brought to trial, and the accused has not been punished? The press secretary explained that she is constantly forced to answer these questions, since Igor Talkov is not forgotten by the people, and this state of affairs outrages many.

"De jure"

I asked the lawyer to explain how, after 27 years, the investigation into the murder of Igor Talkov can be continued. This is what Nina Averina drew my attention to.

First. « The case, initiated on October 6, 1991, the day of the singer’s murder, was not terminated, but suspended , which is confirmed by the response of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg, due to the fact that the main accused Valery Shlyafman has left the country since February 1992 Russian Federation in order to avoid criminal liability for committing a serious crime and is hiding from justice in Israel, he accepted the citizenship of this state, knowing that it does not extradite its citizens to foreign states, which for him now, apparently, has become Russia. That is why the case, in accordance with the legislation in force at that time, was not brought to court,”- says the lawyer.

Second. “Almost 27 years ago, suspicion fell on Igor Malakhov, but soon after a series of investigative actions, suspicion against Malakhov was completely removed, the case against him was separated into separate proceedings, he was convicted only of illegal possession and carrying firearms. Over the course of several months, the investigation carried out all the necessary examinations, investigative experiments, and interrogations of witnesses, on the basis of which only Valery Shlyafman was recognized as the only accused in the murder of Igor Talkov.

Here's what the document says:

“Under the circumstances set out in the materials of the criminal case, Malakhov could not have caused a fatal injury to Talkov, as evidenced by the inextricable set of the following data: the nature of Malakhov’s movement at the scene of the incident, the position controlled by those around him at the time Talkov was wounded, the position of Malakhov’s hand with the weapon, all the time directed downwards, the position of Talkov’s body, his hands at the time of receiving a fatal wound, crouching, bending forward with his arm and palm extended forward, a short shot distance of 10 to 15 cm from the hand and 40-60 cm to the front surface of the chest.”

« Under the circumstances set out in the criminal case materials, Shlyafman isthe only person who fatally injured Talkov. This is indicated by the combination of the following data...» And there is a list of facts about the position of the body and so on.", says the lawyer.

In other words, says Nina Averina, The materials of the criminal case established that it was Shlyafman who was the person who fired the fatal shot at Igor Talkov .

Third. Despite the fact, continues lawyer Nina Averina, that enormous pressure was put on the investigation, and for this crime must was answered by Igor Malakhov according to the developed someone script, including Shlyafman, who claimed during interrogation on the day of the murder that he saw Malakhov shoot at Talkov point-blank, the investigative team, having understood the specific situation, removed suspicion from Malakhov.

And Shlyafman immediately began preparing to leave for Israel, where he went in February 1992, while still in the status of a witness. In April 1992, he was found guilty, but was no longer accessible to Russian justice. In connection with this, he was put on the federal wanted list.

Fourth.Russia and Israel did not have an agreement on the extradition of criminals, especially citizens of this country . The Israeli side independently investigates the crimes of its citizens, wherever they are committed, and makes its own decision whether to extradite the criminal or not. The investigation made efforts to interrogate Shlyafman as a suspect on the territory of this country, but to no avail. Thus, Shlyafman never testified as an accused.

Fifth. “An examination, unique not only in the entire Soviet, but also in the post-Soviet space, dated April 7, 1992, was carried out by the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Military Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy named after Kirov,” continues the lawyer. - These are highly qualified specialists. I worked for 20 years in the prosecutor’s office and court, but I have never encountered such a level of expertise in my practice, or even in other cases. These were doctors of science, colonels of justice, honored doctors. But back then it was not so easy to get all the regalia and titles.

Here are the names of those who made the expert opinion:

- Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Military Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy. CM. Kirov, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Colonel medical service Popov Vyacheslav Leonidovich. Service experience - since 1961.

- Senior teacher of the same department, candidate of medical sciences, colonel of the medical service Vladimir Dmitrievich Isakov. Length of service - since 1974.

- Head of the department of traceological and ballistic research of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of St. Petersburg, Viktor Evgenievich Dolinsky, who has a higher technical education, specialties 3.1 and 3.2 (“Research of firearms, ammunition and shot traces”), experience as an expert - since 1984».

Sixth. « The main murder weapon, the revolver, was not found. It was immediately hidden by Shlyafman in the toilet flush cistern, then at Aziza’s first request (!) it was handed over to her, taken by her director Ellie Kasimati outside the Yubileiny and handed over to Malakhov, who took it apart and threw it into the Moika, Fontanka and Neva . So the investigation remains big job to bring the case to court,” sums up Nina Averina.

"De facto"

Probably, a time loop worked, if after almost three decades people began to talk more and more loudly, more and more ambitiously, both about the murder of the singer and about those who were once accused by the investigation.

Now, despite the conclusions of the investigation, accusations against the deceased Igor Malakhov flew from television screens, newspaper pages and online media, and attempts were made to remove official charges from the person of Valery Shlyafman, who at one time fled to Israel, moreover, through Ukraine, and is on the federal wanted list.

« Things calmed down a little at first, - says Irina Krasilnikova, - but after 20 years there is a stream of articles, talk shows on television, videos and publications on the Internet, where it is now defended the main idea– Shlyafman is not guilty, he has strengthened himself. At the same time, I repeat, the conclusions of the investigation are completely ignored, as if they do not exist! But some fake witnesses appear, some strange personalities claiming to be experts, although this is simply indecent. This is Muromov(!), Saltykov(!), Loza(!), drunken dancer Kandaurova(!), actor Nikolai Leshchukov known only in very narrow circles(!), technical expert on plane crashes(!) Antipov, werewolf in uniform Lomov (!).

Soon such programs appeared as “The investigation was conducted” with Leonid Kanevsky “Igor Talkov: Bullet for the Idol” (issue No. 6) from 03/03/2006, “Live with Mikhail Zelensky”, which was released on October 6, 2011, a film by Sergei Medvedev from series “Secrets of the Century” “Defeated in Battle” and others,” continues Irina Krasilnikova. - The conclusions reached by journalists may be different, but they do not contain the objective information available in the case materials. These are just speculations, which people probably have a right to, and they should be treated as thoughts on a free topic, and not as facts. But further - more! Suddenly texts appeared with headlines for which it was simply necessary to somehow answer: “Now it’s clear: Igor Malakhov made the fatal shot!”, “The mystery of Talkov’s death has been revealed: The fatal shot was made by kickboxer Igor Malakhov,” “Igor Talkov’s killer left Aziza for a foreigner " and so on…

The further, the louder and bolder they began to say that the investigation, they say, did something wrong, and some of the authors of articles or talk show participants, completely far from the events, simply believe that their conclusions are more important than conclusions of the investigation,” says the press secretary.

Continuing the thought of Irina Krasilnikova, I would like to ask a few questions. What's happening? Why were werewolves in uniform, forgotten artists who simply once knew Igor Talkov, then “friends and comrades” many years later became “experts” in the case of the singer’s murder? It seems that viewers and readers have begun to impose the idea that their opinion is correct, and the conclusions of the investigation do not play any role. Or now that Igor Malakhov has died and investigator Valery Zubarev, who was directly involved in the Talkov murder case, has recently died, is it possible to make money from the so-called “sensations” on television?

Why did the headlines fly: “Russian roulette worked”, “Talkov died due to an ordinary male stupidity" and so on? By the way, the title of the article “Igor Talkov died due to ordinary male stupidity” sounds quite unambiguous and is passed off as words former boss investigative department of Oleg Blinov, who, in a telephone conversation with Irina Krasilnikova, was himself incredibly surprised by this newspaper “duck”. The phrase in his mouth sounded like this: “Igor Talkov died because of Shlyafman’s usual male stupidity.”

« This is purely his personal point of view Considering that he did not interrogate Shlyafman either as a witness or as a suspect, and even, according to him, did not even see him, but in an interview with a journalist from a very reputable publication, based on the case materials, he clearly named the name of the killer - Shlyafman " But, if this is so, why was the name Shlyafman removed? So that it turns out that Talkova was stupid? Both Krasilnikova and Blinov were outraged. “It seems like someone’s order for slander“- says Irina Krasilnikova.

« The last straw in this stream of “revelations” and deafening “sensations” for many people was the program “Actually”, aired on Channel One on May 8, 2018, says Irina Krasilnikova. - They invited me, Tatyana Talkova, Maria Berkova, costume designer Igor Talkov, and the widow of the investigator in the murder case, Olga Zubareva, to this program “for any money.” She was aware of this high-profile case that her husband was involved in. Naturally, we didn’t go, because another game the investigation was organized by the notorious posthumous persecution of Talkov by a journalist with a telling surname Murga. But, as expected, it was in this program that there was everything that caused indignation not only for me, but also for lawyer Nina Averina, and Olga Zubareva, and just thinking people».

The press secretary of Igor Talkov’s widow shared what outraged her most in that program:

First . Performance by a “werewolf in uniform”, an opera from the MUR by Sergei Lomov , who “protected”, in particular, Igor Malakhov, who was then part of one of the criminal groups. Lomov, broadcast throughout the country, expressed a “sensational” opinion that a person like Shlyafman could not kill Igor Talkov. That, allegedly, after a while, a drunken Malakhov confessed to a drunken Lomov when they met in the restaurant of the Ukraina Hotel, that on October 6, 1991, Malakhov allegedly fired not two shots, but three, and that perhaps this was a kind of admission of guilt in the murder of Talkov .

« It's not that strange to me, - continues Irina Krasilnikova, - that in the chair of the main character, apparently for the same “any money” that was offered to us, they put a man who violated his job responsibilities and disgraced the "epaulets". How can one even consider a person who has betrayed his oath as a valuable witness? Unless on a talk show where the host says the daily refrain: “Thank you, that’s enough lies for today!”

Second. This is probably why the fragment where Igor Talkov’s former security guard Vladislav Chernyaev asked Lomov why he, having received, in fact, operational information, did not immediately write a report on Malakhov’s confession to the singer’s murder, was not broadcast? Again, Irina Krasilnikova learned about this directly from Vladislav Chernyaev, who added that the authors of the program “shut up” him, reproaching him for unprofessionalism, although this question asked itself from all sensible people.

Third.On the air of this program, lawyer Evgeny Kharlamov recalled the teleconference with Shlyafman, where he asked last question: “If you didn’t kill, what’s stopping you from coming to Russia and proving your innocence?” During the teleconference, Shlyafman unequivocally answered the studio: “I won’t go to Russia, I have nothing to do there!”

Fourth. “The biggest bewilderment is the completely unprecedented ending of the “Actually” broadcast,” when the host of the program, Dmitry Shepelev, officially invites the accused Valery Shlyafman to the studio, supposedly “in which it is impossible to lie,” so that he “testifies on air and tells how everything really happened", continues Irina Krasilnikova and asks a reasonable question: " Gentlemen, what are you talking about? The TV channel is a judicial body, where are testimonies given now? What about the laws? What about the investigation? According to the law, Shlyafman, accused of a crime, as soon as he crosses the border, must be detained as a person hiding from the investigation and on the federal wanted list. And what about him on the federal channel? The presenter “waved without looking”, changing “federal wanted list” to “federal channel”! Tell me why Shepelev is making this offer to the citizen foreign country, accused of murdering a Russian citizen?».

Lawyer Nina Averina explains that such an offer to Shlyafman to participate in a talk show, announced throughout the country on federal channel, from a legal point of view, is public propaganda of non-compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, ignoring criminal and criminal procedural legislation. " If we now have television programs replacing everything: the Constitution, the prosecutor’s office, investigative bodies, courts, bodies executing punishment, then Russian citizens have a legitimate question: “Should there be a reaction from government structures to such antics?” It’s scary to imagine if such a story would have happened on the state channel of Israel or the USA!!!“- says the lawyer and adds that according to the law, there is no statute of limitations for Valery Shlyafman in this case until he gives his testimony as an accused. As long as he is wanted, he will remain accused.

Recently after long illness The investigator who was directly involved in this case, Valery Zubarev, died. " It was easy for him to come to the conclusion that Igor Malakhov, and not Shlyafman, made the fatal shot. The fact is that unprecedented pressure was put on the investigation in order to prosecute Igor Malakhov for the murder of Talkov. Valery Borisovich Zubarev told me this personally in a conversation twice. He was given ambiguous orders: who to interrogate, who not to interrogate, funds were not allocated for business trips to Moscow, he was overwhelmed with other criminal cases in order to delay the investigation, etc.“,” says Irina Krasilnikova and continues: “ This is confirmed by his widow, Olga Vasilievna. She said that Valery Borisovich was threatened over the phone. And for the first time in his many years of investigative activity, and he was investigating extremely complex cases, Zubarev asked to be given a weapon to carry constantly. No arguments “from above” had any effect on this man, since his principle was: “I don’t put innocent people in prison.” By the way, in his there is not a single unsolved crime on his record. Therefore, Olga Zubareva perceives as a mockery of the blessed memory of her late husband programs that cross out his work. While investigating the murder of Igor Talkov, he showed dedication to his profession, courage, honor, and lost his health, unlike the “werewolf” in uniform who was recently shown to us on Channel One».

Igor Talkov saw who shot him

« There are several points confirming that Shlyafman did not fire a shot at Talkov in a fight, explains lawyer Nina Averina. Firstly, he was not a participant in the fight, he was not personally threatened, no one attacked him. Secondly, Malakhov was already lying with his hands pressed to the floor and could not make a single movement, let alone pull the trigger. At this moment, when Malakhov was completely neutralized by the guards, Shlyafman began to take the revolver away from him.

During interrogation as a witness, Shlyafman admitted that he had difficulty snatching the revolver from Malakhov’s hands, causing abrasions to himself.

Why did he need to do this when the guards had already dealt with Malakhov and could and should have disarmed him - this is their direct responsibility? But Shlyafman’s direct responsibility was not to allow the artist to get into any fights before the concert.

But he provoked a conflict and deliberately challenged Igor into a fight, knowing that Malakhov was armed. As can be seen from the materials of the criminal case, Shlyafman began to work out this scenario as soon as he joined the group in August 1991, and initiated conflicts in various cities, constantly trying to drag Talkov into them.

But if you snatched the pistol from Malakhov’s hands, - says the lawyer , - and no one was in danger anymore, take the gun and leave. However the investigation established that it was Shlyafman who fired a targeted shot at Igor Talkov, after which he disappeared from the scene and hid the pistol in the toilet tank in order to destroy fingerprints, and then calmly handed it over to Aziza at her first request. In his initial testimony, Shlyafman, wanting to avoid criminal liability, accused Malakhov of Talkov’s murder. It was on the basis of Shlyafman’s testimony that Malakhov was suspected of committing Talkov’s murder.”.

Nina Averina shared a unique document confirming her words.

Excerpts from the protocol of Shlyafman’s interrogation on October 6, 1991 (we publish a photo of the first page and the interrogation page, which contains the following words):

“...Before this, Malakhov, who was lying down, turned around, raised his hand with a pistol, fired 1 or 2 shots at point-blank range at Talkov while he stood nearby. Talkov somehow bounced against the wall. I didn’t see further, because I grabbed the hand with the pistol and, inflicting abrasions on myself, tore the pistol out of Malakhov’s hands. For about one minute I didn’t know what to do, and then I, holding the gun in my hands, ran to our dressing room. I saw that Malakhov jumped up and ran towards the stage. Hearing the screams, I was in shock; I saw that Talkov was not in the dressing room. At this moment, Aziza, Sasha, who was sitting with her at the bar, and a dark-skinned girl run in. At this time I headed to the toilet, which is located in the dressing room, realizing that the pistol had to be hidden for the investigation. I put the gun on the toilet lid, which Aziza and those accompanying her saw. She screamed: “Where is the gun?” When I left the toilet, Aziza and Sasha rushed into the toilet, one of them grabbed a gun, but I don’t remember who, as they were in a state of shock. Aziza, Sasha and the dark girl jumped out of the dressing room. I went into the toilet and saw that there was no gun on the toilet tank lid...”

Later in his interviews, Shlyafman will say that he did not hold a gun in his hands at all. In fact, this is not the only lie of Valery Mikhailovich; we will not list them all.

Aziza's role in this story still remains unclear, but very interesting. .

There is one more nuance that proves that Igor Talkov saw that a gun was pointed at him.

« The conclusion of a group of experts and a study of a forensic examination of the corpse said that there is a single wound channel that passes through the arm and enters the heart, continues the lawyer. - That is, the injuries were caused by one shot. Igor Talkov put his hand out in this way, and this is confirmed by investigative experiments, to protect himself from a aimed shot, therefore, he saw that the revolver’s muzzle was pointed specifically at him, and put his hand out to defend himself. This happens to a person involuntarily. In other words, Igor Talkov saw who shot him. And in the end, as Igor Talkov’s widow once said, someone was Shlyafman made a mysterious call with the words “Talc has been killed.”.

In pursuit of ratings, many TV channels, Internet resources, and other media, of course, strive for sensations, but why have idle arguments, changes in the testimony of pseudo-experts on air, articles by some journalists, sometimes relying on unscrupulously obtained information, started to be exaggerated recently? ? " It's time to stop this chaos“, the press secretary and the lawyer say in one voice and continue: “ Let's follow the progress of the investigation, which will be conducted not by “show experts”, but by professionals in their field. In this case, the Main Investigation Department of the RF Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg. It’s just that, finally, we need to bring to court the case of the murder of the beloved and revered Russian singer Igor Talkov, who wrote more than 250 songs, most of which taken off air and have not sounded for 27 years: “Russia, “My Motherland”, “Globe”, “Metamorphosis”, “Mr. President”, “Chistye Prudy-2”, “Former Podesaul”, “Bandaged Foreheads”, “Scene”, “Satan’s Ball”, “Uncle Cap”, “Kremlin Wall”, “Gentlemen Democrats”, “The Sun Goes West”... Only for one of them – the song “Russia” – he has already entered the history of the country and the genetic memory of the people».

« In Russia, Igor Talkov was and remains the most beloved, unforgettable and revered patriot and singer home country. Then why do some very reputable media outlets, as if at someone’s click, form a completely different image of another Talkov, distorted by lies. This is very noticeable, especially lately, and one should not think that people do not react to this", says Irina Krasilnikova excitedly and reminds that “to the 60th anniversary of the birth of I.V. Talkov and on the 25th anniversary of his untimely death was published in the newspaper “Russky Vestnik” No. 25 for 2015 open letter To the President of the Russian Federation with a request to perpetuate the memory of the poet and remove repression from his work. The letter was signed by a huge number of Russians. The signatures keep coming. Recently, the letter was sent again to the President of the Russian Federation, to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, to the Committee on Culture State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation".

« Considering that work on the criminal case is being resumed, and all such statements in the press, which were discussed above, will no longer go unnoticed, because they are not harmless not only from a moral, but from a legal point of view, we ask you not to forget gentlemen of the journalists, engaged in spreading false sensations that the case is criminal and has not been terminated, and there are all grounds for sending it to court and passing a sentence, the lawyer warns. - We also remind you that according to the new legislation of the Russian Federation, a trial is possible even in the absence of the accused who is on the federal wanted list.

In the event of the emergence of new “sensational facts”, false witnesses, we will request that these circumstances be subjected to verification during the preliminary investigation, and challenge them in court in civil procedure. We will act within the legal framework and rely only on the materials of the criminal case, which to date have not been canceled».

Igor Talkov. RUSSIA

Igor Talkov. I'll come back

More than twenty years have passed since mysterious murder this domestic pop singer, performer of his own songs (partly politically charged), but this crime still contains more mysteries than answers. Although the investigative authorities were still “hot on their heels” and put forward the most obvious version of why Talkov was killed and who committed this criminal act, few people related to the artist believed in it.

In fact, immediately after the untimely death of the idol of Soviet youth Viktor Tsoi, Igor Talkov dedicated one of his creations to him, in the text of which he philosophically stated: the whole path of a real poet is predetermined from above, and, having completed his mission, he returns to the divine upper world. In the same song, the performer also made an assumption: he himself, perhaps, will go there as a “mysterious messenger” - and it is possible that even in the near future. This phrase turned out to be prophetic: at the beginning of October 1991, only about a year after Tsoi passed away, Talkov also died - unexpectedly and tragically, under very strange circumstances.

However, some friends and relatives of the singer assured that he died in the prime of life and creative path he foresaw long ago; one of his musician friends even told a story that later spread throughout the Russian media. Back in 1983, when they were about to travel by air, in response to a colleague’s remark about the possibility of a crash, Igor said that they were not in danger with him - he was not destined to die on the plane: he would be killed in front of a large crowd of people, and the criminal would not be found. Only when on that fateful October day everything happened according to the scenario predicted by the poet and composer himself, did that conversation emerge in the memory of the colleagues who witnessed it.

After the crime was committed, the St. Petersburg investigative authorities immediately opened a criminal case, charges for which were first brought against Igor Malakhov, the bodyguard and part-time boyfriend of the singer Aziza. It was with him that Talkov had a clash, which ultimately led to the death of the performer, and the “bone of contention” was the order of the artists in the concert, which was supposed to take place in “Yubileiny” - the place where the tragedy took place. Aziza allegedly did not have time to prepare for her appearance (although, according to eyewitnesses, she was quietly sitting in the cafe at that time, instead of putting on makeup and making other preparations for the performance). That’s why Malakhov demanded from the organizers, presenters and then Talkov’s team, first of all his director Valery Shlyafman, that his ward perform first, and only then Aziza would appear on stage. After this, both Igors had a direct conversation in Talkov’s dressing room - moreover, it was so intense that it required the intervention of the singer’s guards, who took Malakhov into the corridor, and there he took out a weapon - a revolver, as witnesses stated.

During the scuffle that ensued, several shots were fired, including by the singer himself - from a gas pistol acquired shortly before (although, as it turned out, the performer did not know how to use it - his shooting did not have the desired effect).

Talkov, of course, did not attack first - he had to use a weapon (which, by the way, he had permission to carry) for self-defense, because, according to witnesses, Malakhov was the first to fire a couple of bullets at him. However, after those shots, which turned out to be not fatal, Aziza’s bodyguard had his weapon knocked out of his hands by the singer’s guards - and it was at this moment that the most serious problem arises. main mystery: who killed Talkov, firing that third shot aimed directly at his heart? The doctors, who had to confirm the singer’s death a little later, noted: with such a wound, he did not have a single chance of survival, a few steps - and his life would have been interrupted (and this is, in fact, what happened).

At first, investigators suspected Malakhov of committing the murder; he was thoroughly interrogated and his every word was double-checked. Also, the St. Petersburg police (after all, they were the ones who were investigating the crime) managed to find out that it was Aziza’s bodyguard who got rid of the revolver by throwing it into one of the Neva canals (not being a local resident, he, however, could not then remember which one). However, as it turned out, he had his own motives for getting rid of the weapon, not directly related to Talkov’s death: Malakhov owned the revolver without the appropriate permission. It was under this article that he then received 2.5 years behind bars, but law enforcement officers were unable to find evidence of his direct involvement in the murder; Moreover, in the course of investigative experiments, with the involvement of the best experts, they found out another important detail.

Surprisingly, in the only position suitable for shooting at Talkov was a completely different person - Valery Shlyafman, who, apparently, having fired the fatal bullet at the singer, hid the weapon in one of the toilets of the Yubileiny - in the flush cistern. It was there that Aziza found the revolver, who returned it immediately after discovery to the legal (more precisely, illegal) owner - her boyfriend; and what happened to the crime weapon next has already been mentioned above.

By the way, Shlyafman became Talkov’s director literally three months before his tragic death- in July 1991, and it was at that time, according to the recollections of the singer’s relatives, that strange things began to happen. In his creative team for some reason, serious squabbles and discord began to break out every now and then; and the performer’s widow is sure: Shlyafman deliberately infiltrated there to create such unpleasant situations. And just a couple of days before Talkov’s death, phone conversation with one of the recently fired employees, who during this “communication” threatened the singer.

Investigators, however, failed to arrest Shlyafman: shortly after the murder of his ward, he fled first to his homeland in Ukraine, and then to Israel, and it was not possible to agree with the police of this state on permission for interrogation, and even more so for extradition.

So, Talkov’s killer remained unpunished, and even if investigators could now find irrefutable evidence of Shlyafman’s involvement in the crime - or someone else - he would no longer end up behind bars, because the statute of limitations had expired.

Biography and episodes of life Igor Talkov. When born and died Talkov, memorable places and dates important events his life. Quotes from a musician and actor, Photo and video.

Years of life of Igor Talkov:

born November 4, 1956, died October 6, 1991


“Tomorrow I’ll go into battle again,
But I know for sure that I will return,
Even after a hundred centuries
To a country not of fools, but of geniuses.
And, defeated in battle,
I will rise again and sing
On the country's first birthday,
Returning from the war."
From Igor Talkov's song “I'll be back”


His parents met in the zone where they were repressed. His older brother, Vladimir, was born there. Nevertheless, Igor himself always grew up cheerful and kind child- red-haired, freckled, cheerful. The biography of Igor Talkov should have developed as the story of a talented and sought-after performer, which he was, but, alas, Talkov’s death cut short his bright star path.

Since childhood, he wrote poetry, played the piano, guitar, accordion, and learned to play the bass guitar and violin. After school, he moved from Shchekino to Moscow to enter drama school, but, alas, he was unable to enroll. I had to go to serve. The service played big role in the biography of Talkov. Then, in the army, the cheerful Igor began to understand what a deplorable state the country was in. It was a time of destruction of ideals. He began to become interested in the history of his country, its past and present. At the same time, he became interested in music and performed with various musical groups, worked in musical theater. Finally, he began to perform on his own. In his work one could feel love for the country and empathy for its fate and tragedy. IN last years Talkov’s life seemed as if he felt his imminent death and was trying to have time to tell his listeners as much as possible.

On October 6, 1991, Talkov performed at a concert at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. There was a quarrel between the director of the singer Aziza, one of the concert participants, and the administrator of Talkov’s group over the order of going on stage. A scuffle ensued, during which several shots were fired. One of the bullets hit Talkov’s heart. He died almost instantly. The arriving doctor confirmed the death of Igor Talkov. The cause of Talkov's death was an injury incompatible with life. The news that Talkov was killed shocked his fans. A long investigation began into who killed Talkov; the main accused were Aziza’s director Igor Malakhov and Talkov’s administrator Valery Shlyafman. The investigation showed that the last shot was fired by Shlyafman; he was accused of the death of Talkov, but at that moment Shlyafman had already left for Israel, and the murder case was suspended.

Talkov's funeral took place on October 9, 1991; Talkov's grave is located at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Hundreds of his fans came to say goodbye to their beloved singer at the funeral of Igor Talkov. A monument to Talkov may soon be erected in Tula region, in the city of Shchekino, where the musician was born.

Igor Talkov has always been very deeply interested in the history of Russia

Life line

November 4, 1956 Date of birth of Igor Vladimirovich Talkov.
1973 Writing the first songs of a musician.
1974 Graduation from high school.
1975 Admission to the Tula Pedagogical Institute, where Talkov studied for a year.
1976 Talkov's performances on the professional stage.
1987 Performance of Talkov’s song “Chistye Prudy” by David Tukhmanov in the “Song of the Year” program.
August 22, 1991 Talkov's speech on Palace Square in St. Petersburg during the putsch.
October 6, 1991 Date of death of Igor Talkov.
October 9, 1991 Funeral of Igor Talkov.

Memorable places

1. high school No. 11 of the city of Shchekino, where Talkov studied.
2. Tula Pedagogical University(former pedagogical institute), where Talkov studied.
3. St. Petersburg State University culture and arts (formerly the Krupskaya Institute of Culture), where Talkov studied.
4. Nakhabino, where Talkov served in a construction battalion.
5. Palace Square in St. Petersburg, where Igor Talkov spoke during the days of the August putsch.
6. The Yubileiny Sports Palace, where Talkov’s murder took place.
7. Moscow Youth Palace, where farewell to the musician took place.
8. Cemetery Vagankovsky, plot number 25, where Talkov is buried.
9. Igor Talkov Museum in Moscow.

Episodes of life

Shortly before his death, Talkov starred in the film “Beyond the Last Line.” In the film, his character dies from a gunshot wound to the stomach. Two months after the end of filming, Talkov dies in exactly this way.

One day Talkov was flying on a plane with his group to Tyumen for a concert. The plane hit a zone of turbulence, everyone began to worry, and the musician began to calm everyone down: “Don’t be afraid. As long as you are with me, you will not die. They will kill me in front of a large crowd of people, and the killer will not be found.”

Still from the film with the participation of Igor Talkov “Beyond the Last Line”


“Live, don’t be afraid of anything. The more afraid we are, the longer it will take us to reach a normal human life.”

“You have to fight with yourself. Fighting - winning. Victory is self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is a force that helps you find the only true path to your happiness.”

The plot of the series of programs “Secrets of the Century” about Igor Talkov


“While candles are burning all over Russia in memory of Igor, he lives next to us, in every Russian soul, in every heart that aches for our Great Russia, which he loved so much."
Dmitry Ivanov, musician

“In general, he was a completely unselfish person. But despite a large number of positive traits, the character of this man was very complex. He was sharp and very independent. Immediately before Igor died, I felt that it was very difficult for him. All of him external conflicts somehow sharply worsened, he began to withdraw into himself, alienation appeared in him. He was lonely, and this is a large part of our fault; we should have had enough sensitivity and understanding to forgive him for being wrong and making some mistakes, because he was an extraordinary, very talented and vulnerable person, he was a Poet. And it is always more difficult for such people to survive in this world, especially without the support of friends.”
Andrey Dmitrishin, musician

"To each creative person little reality - he has something hidden from others inner world. And Igor was all wide open, his whole life was a stage. And if someone wants to know everything about him, let him listen to his songs. They are autobiographical. There is so much pain and sadness, kindness and warmth in them...”
Andrey Blinov, Talkov's manager, friend

“Igor left us, taking with him his dreams and hopes. But the soul put into the songs remains with us, and we will preserve and protect it. After all, as long as the Soul is alive, the Poet himself is alive.”
Mikhail Skubilin, former director Talkov group