The smallest people on earth. The shortest and tallest man in the world

Many short people remember very well how they suffered in childhood and in life. adult life. Not only and not so much from the nagging of peers, but from the injustice of this high world. The juice you need in the supermarket is always on the top shelf, the headrest on the seats starts where the head already ends, bar counters, chairs, attractions, cars, equipment... All this is designed for people of average height.

But in this case we're talking about about a 20-, maximum 30-centimeter difference in height, which is easy to ignore if desired. Imagine how difficult it is to cope with these inconveniences for people whose height falls short of the average by about a meter. But the shortest person in the world is not even two, but three times less than the average height.

In 2010, news spread all over the world - a new shortest man had been found. The 24-year-old man from Colombia was 70 centimeters tall, 4.6 less than the previous champion, China's Hi Pingping.

Award as tall as the winner

Edward's story is quite typical, he was born in ordinary family, has four brothers. All relatives are of normal height, with the exception of one of the brothers, who is a little short of a meter. At birth, Edward was no different from his peers, but at the age of two he simply stopped growing. No one knows what caused it, but obviously it is hereditary in nature.

Despite the catastrophic short stature, Edward leads active life, performs programs Latin American dances, acts in films. He dreams of buying a special car for himself and traveling around the world.

But Edward's record did not last long. Just a month after the Guinness Book of Records registered his record, Henger Thapa Magar came of age. According to the terms of the “competition,” the result of only an adult person can be recorded, and the Nepalese has been waiting for this moment for several years.

This kind of growth has its benefits.

The new record significantly surpassed the previous one: Heneger’s height is only 67 centimeters and weighs just over 5 kilograms. At birth, he weighed only 600 grams and easily fit in the palm of his father.

It is clear that in life this extremely short person experiences an incredible number of difficulties and restrictions, but is not going to give up. Initiative and caring people created a website to raise funds necessary for regular medical examinations, treatment, and education.

But now Heneger leads a fairly active lifestyle. He performs with dance group, and was also chosen as one of the ambassadors good will from Nepal.

But the Nepalese record did not last too long. In 2011, another contender for this page in the Guinness Book of Records reached adulthood, then experts measured and recorded his growth.

Happy Birthday, Junri!

It turned out that the height of the new champion differs significantly from the current record - 60 centimeters. His father says that he stopped growing when he was about a year old. And, worst of all, around the same time his intellectual development. Until now, his speech consists mainly of simple words and short phrases. Because of this, he didn't even get school education. In addition, it is difficult for him to walk without assistance.

Djungri's parents hope that the registration of this record will attract more attention to the problem of short stature in general, and their son in particular. After all, local specialists were unable to find the cause of his illness and help in any way. Perhaps international specialists can handle it.

After the registration of Djungri's record, many doubted that its result would ever be surpassed. But less than a couple of years later, a double sensation spread around the world: a man of even smaller stature was found. But what’s even more interesting is that at that time his age was 72 years old. “Little people” often have a wide range of different diseases, and their lives, alas, are short-lived. Therefore, the new record holder aroused unprecedented interest.

He lives in a Nepalese village remote from civilization. That is why they did not know about him before. A random tourist saw it and told it to the press, who couldn't help but check it out. amazing fact.

And for good reason, because his height is 54.6 centimeters. So far this is an absolute record. And it is unknown when a person will appear who can become his competitor.

Junry Balawing, who lives in a remote town in the southern Philippines, stands just under two feet tall. He was officially declared the most low man in the world and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Junri Balauing, who just turned eighteen, is 23.5 inches (59.93 centimeters) tall and is 7 centimeters shorter than the previous holder of the world's shortest man title, Khagendra Thapa Magar of Nepal, who is 26 inches (26 inches). about 67 centimeters).
The Guinness World Records team ceremoniously entered Junri Balauing's data into the book in the remote Philippine town of Sindangan, where Balauing lives.

According to the rules, the record holder must be at least 18 years old. The smallest man in the world celebrated his coming of age this Sunday.

Juneri Balawing's father said his son, the eldest of four children, stopped growing in his first year of life. His speech has also stopped developing and his communication is now limited in short phrases. Balauing mostly stays at home because he needs help getting from place to place. His condition prevented him from attending school.

Although inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records does not include money prize Guinness World Records chief Craig Glenday said the team hopes publicizing Balauing's case will help draw the attention of medical professionals who may be able to help him. Local doctors were unable to explain the reasons for his current condition. “The previous record holder received medical care... He even underwent free surgeries that were done at US public expense,” noted the head of the Guinness Book of Records, Craig Glenday.

Khagendra Thapa Magar received his title of the shortest man in the world on his eighteenth birthday on October 14, 2010.

Edward Nino Germandez held the title of the world's shortest man for a brief period from March to October 2010, between the death of the previous record holder and Hagendra Thapa Magar's eighteenth birthday.

He Pingping from China received the title of the shortest man in the world in January 2007. In 2010, he died of heart disease at the age of 21. He was 74 centimeters (2 feet 5 inches) tall.

He Pingping was famous all over the world. In this photo he is next to Bao Xingshun, who held the title of tallest man in the world until September 2009. He was 2 meters 36 centimeters (7 feet 9 inches) tall.

He Pingping next to Sultan Kozen of Turkey, the next holder of the title of tallest man in the world. His height is 246.5 centimeters (8 feet and 1 inch).

Juneri Balawing celebrates her eighteenth birthday with cake and balloons.

Previous holder of the world's shortest man title, Khagendra Thapa Magar, who is 67.08 centimeters (26.4 inches) tall, displays his record holder medals in Pokhara, west of Kathmandu. He is more than seven centimeters taller than Junrie Balawing.

The first holder of the title of the shortest man in the world, whose height and age were officially documented by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, is Guy Mohammed from New Delhi, India. His height was only 57 centimeters. Guy Mohammed died at the age of forty in 1997 due to breathing problems caused by tobacco abuse.

More recently, we talked about the tallest man on the planet. We will leave a link to that video at the end of the issue, and in this one we will talk about the shortest people on Earth.

In third place in our ranking is Junri B A Luing, whose height is 60 centimeters. He was born in 1993 in the Philippines into an ordinary family, where no one had any health or growth problems. Already at the age of 2 years, parents began to notice the child’s uncharacteristically small stature and frailty, which as a result turned out to be a consequence of a congenital disease. At the age of 18, Junri received the title of the most little man on the planet according to the Guinness Book of Records, but very soon his record was broken.

Second place went to Gul Mokh A mmeda, men come from India. He was born in 1957 and lived long enough long life for people with such serious growth problems, dying in 1997 at the age of 40. His height at the time of death was 57 centimeters. The relative poverty of his family, addiction to smoking and, as a result, constant respiratory diseases, ultimately destroyed this record holder. For for long years he managed to hold the Guinness World Record until our next participant beat him.

First place for a man named Ch A Ndra Bach A dur dang And. His height is 54 centimeters and 6 millimeters. The citizen of Nepal is not only the shortest person who has ever lived on Earth, but one of the longest-livers among the owners of this disease, because at the time of his death he was 75 years old. He was born in large family, where some of the children were also short, but only he became the record holder. According to scientists, grow H A Ndra stopped around the age of 18, but since he did not experience any special health problems and no desire to become famous, he managed to get into the field of view of the Guinness Book of Records only at the age of 72 years. Alas, in 2015 this man fell ill with pneumonia and died suddenly in his homeland.

And finally, I would like to talk about the shortest woman on the planet. Her name is J O ty Amj And, and her height is 62 centimeters and 8 millimeters. She was born in India and only at the age of 18 became known to the general public thanks to the Guinness Book of Records. On this moment She is 23 years old and has quite successfully acted in some films and even managed to play a prominent role in the fourth season." American history horrors." Like all the participants this issue, from birth she suffered from achondroplasia - a hereditary disease known to science for a long time, but not treatable.

Last time, on the pages of our website you read an article about. But after it the question remained unanswered: who is the smallest person on the planet. The shortest is Chandra Bahadur Dangi, whose height is only 54.6 cm. You can learn about this and other little people in the world below.

The smallest:


Only Chandra Bahadur Dangi is shorter

The smallest person in history, and also today, is Chandra Bahadur Dangi, his height is 54.6 cm.

Chandra is from Nepal, he was born on November 30, 1939, in a remote village. He became the record holder for height only in 2012, and this was not due to the fact that the previous record holder passed away, they just learned about the little old man quite recently and by accident.

Chandra was born in poor family, and as it happens, the parents and brothers and sisters of the men were of quite normal height. Throughout his life, the man was looked after first by his parents, and after their death by his older brother. When his older brother passed away, his nephews took care of the then unknown record holder.

We learned about the record holder recently and by accident. The man grew up in a remote outback, and throughout his entire life, Chandra never turned to doctors for help. The low record holder was discovered by a logger who reported amazing person to the newspapers. Representatives from the Guinness Book of Records immediately flew to the record holder to officially set the record.

Even despite his age, and Chandra is already in his eighties, he feels great and cheerful, moves and lives normally interesting life. Chandra works as a weaver and sews national clothes.

The little man’s personal life never worked out. He couldn't find a wife and doubts that this will happen. Chandra's dream is to travel around the world, and thanks to his fame, he can already afford it.

Slightly higher than the record

The second smallest on earth is Filipino Junry Baluing, his height is 59.93 cm.

The guy was born in the Philippines on June 12, 1993 in a large family. It is noteworthy that Junri's parents and siblings are of absolutely normal height. The reason why the guy did not grow was the baby’s frequent and long-term illnesses after birth. After a year of life, the baby’s height simply stopped increasing.

Junri's family is quite poor, so it is very difficult for parents, because their baby can barely walk on his own legs, and then only with the help of a stick. Standing on his feet for a long time causes pain for the vice-record holder, so the guy moves only when necessary and for a short distance. Junri is fully cared for by his parents, since he cannot take care of himself on his own.

When examined in childhood, doctors suggested that by producing the most complicated operation, the baby may begin to grow, but the parents simply do not have enough money for it. The likelihood of solving the growth problem after the operation was extremely low, and there was a great threat to life.

The guy really likes the fact that he is a record holder, because now the whole world knows and learns about him. Despite his height, the guy is quite active, and whenever possible he always helps his parents. In an interview, Junri stated that he dreams of starting a family: finding a wife and having children.


Little lady

The shortest female representative today is Yoti Amge, with a height of 62.8 cm.

The girl was born on December 16, 1993 in India. Unlike other small people, Yoti's growth is a consequence of the disease achondroplasia (a hereditary disease that impairs the growth of bone tissue). On the day she turned 18, the girl was officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest woman in the world.

Yoti Amge is a very popular person: she has already appeared in films, TV series and even took part in one of the reality shows. In between projects, the girl often gives interviews. The little lady does not complain about life, as she is always in the center of attention and has a fairly good income.

The smallest man on the planet, Junri Baluing, met with the smallest woman, Yoti Amge, in 2012, on the occasion of the publication of the 57th edition of the Guinness Book of Records.

Thumbelina from Holland

The shortest woman in the history of data keeping was Pauline Masters, her height was 30.5 cm.

Pauline Masters was born in 1876 in Holland. The Guinness Book of Records claims that this little lady was the smallest woman in the world.

Not much is known about the girl. At the age of 18, she was quite popular, which prompted her to go to work in the circus, where she took the stage name - Princess Pauline. Touring with the circus, the girl visited Belgium, Great Britain, Germany and France. At the age of 19, the “Dutch Thumbelina” had many gentlemen. Thanks to her popularity and work in the circus, the girl earned good money. She performed acrobatic tricks, and sometimes liked to invite spectators onto the stage and dance with them.

While on tour in the USA in 1894, Pauline gained popularity in this country. On New Year The “Princess” came down with pneumonia and meningitis, but medicine was powerless. On March 1, 1895, the little record holder dies.

In our daily bustle ordinary life, we sometimes do not notice the unique people with whom fate confronts us. And today we decided to make a rating of the smallest people on the planet, who are as unique as.

But despite their small stature, most of these heroes live absolutely full lives, not at all embarrassed by their small stature.

1. Ajay Kumar is a hero of Indian cinema.

Indian comedy actor Ajay Kumar was officially recognized by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest actor on the planet.

His height is only 76 cm. During his 13-year career in Bollywood, Ajay, under the stage name "Unda Pakru", starred in 50 films and became incredibly popular in his home state of Kirala.

And despite his small stature, this cheerful man was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in India. Until, in 2005, he got married to his wife Gayatri, who is almost twice as tall as her husband. The unusual wedding ceremony was broadcast by all local TV channels in the southwestern states of India.

2. Chen Gilian and Li Tangong(the smallest married couple) - height 80 cm and 1m 8 cm, respectively.

Maybe out of love, or maybe just hoping to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest married couple in the world, in 2007 in China, in the city of Shunde, Chen Gilian and Li Tanyong got married. Not only crowds of onlookers came to watch this wedding, but also many local media journalists.

3. Edward Niño Hernandez

In September 2010, Edward Niño Hernandez was recognized as the smallest person on the planet, which was accordingly recorded in the Guinness Book. At 24 years old, Hernandez was only 70 cm tall and weighed 10 kg.

Edward lives in Bogota, Colombia, and has not gained a single millimeter in height since his second birthday. Why his growth stopped remains an unsolvable mystery for doctors.

4. Khagendra Thapa Magar

Nepalese Hagendra Thapa Magar was born on October 14, 1992, and upon reaching adulthood, in October 2010, he took the title of the smallest man from the Brazilian Hernandez. Khagendra Thapa Magar's height was only 67 cm! He was recognized as the shortest teenager on the planet.

True, the Nepalese was not destined to enjoy his title for long; literally a few months later, this title was taken from him by Junri Balwing.

5. Junry Balwing.

On his 18th birthday, Filipino Junri Balung received a long-awaited gift that he had long dreamed of - the official title of the smallest man in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

And it was worth it, the Filipino’s height is a record 55.8 cm. The son of a simple blacksmith from the small village of Sindangan in the southern Philippines celebrated his new birthday and title on a grand scale.

Representatives from Guinness were present at the celebration, and guests were treated to roast pork and birthday cake. The hero of the occasion was simply strewn with gifts and balloons. Unforgetable day!

6. Yoti Amge

Indian girl Yoti Amge is currently considered the smallest woman in the world. Her height is only 58 cm and her weight is about 5 kg. The girl suffers from a rare form of genetic disease - achondroplasia, which ultimately led to her growth stopping.

But despite this, Yoti is not at all discouraged and is even proud of her uniqueness and the attention that she receives from others. People from all over India come to her house to see unusual woman, and some even treat her as embodied in human body goddess.

Yoti really hopes to one day conquer Bollywood as a dramatic actress.

7. Stacey Herald (the smallest mother in the world) - 71 cm.

An American from Kentucky, Stacey Herald is not only very small in stature, but is also a happy mother of three children! The woman suffers from osteogenesis, a disease that causes brittle bones. Due to complications of the disease, her growth stopped in childhood.

Even during her first pregnancy, doctors warned the young mother about possible serious consequences for her health. And they categorically forbade her to give birth again. But despite the doctors’ threats and the risk to her life, Stacey Herald then gave birth two more times! The small woman gets a lot of help from her husband Will, whom she met in 2000 while working in a supermarket in their hometown. By the way, my husband is not a giant either - his height is only 160 cm.

8. Aditya Dev (smallest bodybuilder in the world) - 84 cm

Aditya Dev, nicknamed Romeo, was considered the smallest bodybuilder on the planet, according to the Guinness Book of Records. Unfortunately, the short but very cheerful bodybuilder died on September 13, 2012 from a brain aneurysm.

Romeo is remembered all over India, especially in his hometown - Fagwar. The little strongman was able to lift dumbbells weighing 1.5 kg, with his body weighing only 9 kg!

Every day, crowds of people flocked to the local gym to watch the little strongman train. And despite the fact that most people of dwarf stature have incorrect body proportions, Aditya Dev was physically developed perfectly.

9. Gul Mohammed

Gul Mohammed was born in New Delhi, India on February 15, 1957, and died on October 1, 1997. This little man was only 57 cm tall and weighed no more than 17 kg.

Mohammed died at the age of 40, after a long battle with asthma and chronic bronchitis caused by very frequent smoking. The Indian never let a cigarette out of his mouth almost from childhood.