Is it necessary to have an education? Availability of jobs. Attack. Higher education is a waste of time

People hear about how important studying at a higher educational institution is from a young age. Many parents, from the first grade, begin to prepare their child for the fact that he will have to enter a university in order to achieve success, make a dizzying career and gain material well-being.

If necessary higher education In fact? This issue worries many people today, so we simply cannot afford to ignore it. In this article we will try to find comprehensive answers to it.

What do all-knowing statistics say about higher education?

To thoroughly understand the problem, let's first turn to statistics, which, as we know, knows everything about everyone. If you look at the results of sociological surveys that are very fashionable today, you can get the following information, which will be very useful for us:

  • Among respondents who have not yet turned 30 or more years old, 80 percent support the need to obtain higher education. It’s probably not worth saying that this is a fairly high result, which speaks volumes. The conclusions suggest themselves;
  • 67 percent of respondents are ready to bear even large expenses to provide higher education to their children or grandchildren. However, among older people the result is much lower - only 57 percent who are ready to make significant savings in order to educate their young relatives;
  • In general, 74 percent of respondents are in favor of higher education, which is also quite a lot.

So, the results of statistics indicate that higher education is a necessity in our time.

But is this really so? Why is enough a large number of people are opposed to studying at universities? You will learn about this below.

Arguments against higher education

What arguments are given by those people who view the need for higher education with some skepticism? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main arguments:

  • Studying at an institute or university is simply a waste of time. One of the most common arguments. Opponents of higher education believe that immediately after graduating from school you can safely go to work and gain experience, which is valued much more than a diploma;
  • the low quality of education provided by the vast majority of commercial educational institutions created only to make money. One cannot but agree with this point of view, since there are indeed a lot of different commercial academies and universities today;
  • the cost of training is too high. Usually, universities have restrictions on the number of budget places, and not everyone can take them. Therefore, most families have to save on everything in order to ensure that their offspring receives a diploma and successfully passing the Unified State Exam and sessions;
  • imperfect education system, providing students with huge amounts of information that will never be useful to them in real life.

Another frequently encountered argument is that a university graduate lacks any real practical skills, which is why he cannot find good options employment in the specialty. However, most people cope with this problem, managing to combine study with work, gaining the necessary experience.

Reading these arguments, many agreed that a university or institute is indeed a waste of time. But to decide whether you need higher education, you also need to listen to all the arguments in favor of getting it.

Why you need a college education to succeed

When arguing in favor of the need for higher education, we will not talk about the fact that without a diploma you will not be able to get a well-paid job, since this theory can be easily refuted by numerous success stories. Therefore, we will focus only on the following advantages of studying at a university:

  • Over the course of 4-6 years of study, the future graduate develops excellent intuition, allowing him to easily cope with solving the most non-trivial problems. After all, higher education is mostly needed not to pore over formulas or analyze any literary works. In the learning process, a person learns to think and accept right decisions in any situation;
  • flexibility of solutions. The brain of a man who spent best years at a university, it adapts much faster to any sudden changes. This quality will be necessary for specialists working in almost any field - programmer, doctor, engineer, and so on. It is especially necessary for starting a business, since starting a business requires constant flexibility and adaptation to different conditions;
  • acquisition necessary connections. Entering a university after school is a transition to a new level of socialization, which makes it possible to make a lot of new acquaintances. As practice shows, many of them become extremely useful for a young specialist in the future;
  • priority in the job search process. This simply cannot be ignored, since any employer, without knowing the applicants for a particular position, will definitely choose the one who has a diploma. Despite the fact that its owner will still have to practically learn again, taking into account the specifics of the activities of a particular company, this document will be a clear argument in favor of its owner;
  • a powerful impetus for a successful career. The lack of a diploma almost always means the need to work in the same place all your life, with no hope of moving up the job ladder. With higher education this problem disappears by itself.

Finally, student years- this is a lot of pleasant and vivid memories, without which life can seem very boring.

So do you need a higher education diploma?

We can endlessly talk about the fact that higher education is needed only for those who are going to build their careers in those areas in which it is impossible to do without a diploma. For example, it is simply necessary for a doctor, a lawyer, or a person applying for the position of a top manager in any large company. But why then do hundreds of job advertisements for security guards or sales consultants, couriers or even loaders contain a mandatory requirement for a diploma?

The thing is that almost any employer representing a self-respecting company knows that people with higher education at least know how to behave in society and adhere to generally accepted limits of decency. In addition, an applicant for a position with a diploma can think outside the box, which is also important for the employer.

Is education necessary today? ? Surprisingly, we hear this phrase more and more often these days. And not only because now great attention is paid to the levels and quality of education.

Modern youth are increasingly thinking about a prosperous life and a dignified old age. And even though many teenagers are not used to making conscious decisions at that age (sometimes they even make serious mistakes), sometimes they may not think about a plan “ahead,” but it is still worth doing. And why?

Why do you need higher education, and is it possible to live without it? Let's try to figure it out.

Is it possible to realize oneself in life without higher education?

The choice of each person is unique, everyone arranges their own life. Now there are rumors that you can be realized in this life without higher education. What are those rumors? It is enough to enter the importance of higher education into the search engine, and we will see that now it is still possible to work without it. But is it? Actually, not really. This rumor appeared a long time ago; you should not blindly believe that without a higher education you will be able to get a decent and well-paid job. Of course there are exceptions. Even without counting those people who got a job thanks to influential or wealthy relatives, there are people with talent and skills at the highest level. But where is the confirmation of this? Nowadays, employers give preference to people who have a higher education diploma.

“If you don’t have a brain, even 5 higher educations won’t help you”

Quite a strange joke, but there is truth in it. Why give up higher education if you have a thirst for knowledge, a desire to find Good work and natural talent? A diploma of higher education will confirm your knowledge and skills in this specialty. Judge for yourself: you need to entrust important work one of two workers: one of them knows his job, and the second person is a mystery, it is unknown what he is capable of. Any boss, of course, will choose a more qualified employee, because why should he take risks? The bottom line is that higher education is not necessary, but getting a prestigious job with help is much easier.


It is also important to highlight that at present education is just a formality. You often find people with higher education working for pennies, or vice versa. But an important advantage here is your skill and understanding of your specialty. Do you have these qualities? Then completing college and obtaining a higher education will help you in your career growth! Entrepreneurs always take care of “valuable” workers. It is enough to prove yourself, you will become in demand as a representative of your specialty, and thereby ensure your career growth. The fact is that your boss will help you if he does not want to lose a highly qualified worker with a higher education. But don’t forget about diligence: without it nothing will come of it.

Own business

Many students also dream of their own personal business. This is also an option for making good money the right conditions and on its own “soil”. But few people realize that most entrepreneurs with their own businesses have higher education. And it is very important here! Building a strong business that will not bankrupt you and will begin to make a profit even in the first couple of years will be difficult for a person who has not graduated from college . IMPORTANT:Here we are talking specifically about a diploma of higher education! If a person does not have talent or desire, then nothing will help him. Higher education here will only simplify the process of starting a business and its development.


Here we will talk about the difference in education, and specifically about higher and secondary – vocational. It is enough to understand that since 2004, the average - professional education"diluted" with school curriculum. In this case, we are being prepared to pass exams, not to receive future profession and skills in the area of ​​interest to us. In all kinds of institutes, by decree of the Ministry of Education, increasing attention is being paid to the ability of future workers to take advantage of the acquired knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Long learning time. Indeed, for some specialties, five years of study is too much. However, you just have to come to terms with this.
  • Sessions and nerves. Of course, sessions are also present during secondary education, but the requirements for higher education are more stringent, and therefore the sessions are more painful.
  • Lack of skills. There is nothing to add here: a higher education diploma is of no use if a person cannot work in his profession. In this case, “With a higher education for six thousand rubles” will come out.


  • The advantage when applying for a job is more high level. It was written above that the employer will choose a person who understands his profession.
  • Possibility of fast career growth. With the appropriate skills, you can easily become a boss yourself.
  • The opportunity to easily grow your business. A business can be founded without a diploma, but again, an entrepreneur with a higher education will have an advantage.


Higher education will significantly spoil your nerves and will take a lot of time (depending on the qualification you choose). At times, many people will also have problems understanding their profession. However, it's worth it. A diploma of higher education will give you undoubted advantages in the future, will provide you with a rise in career ladder. In addition, now is the time: without a higher education, it will be difficult to get even the simplest job, not to mention the legal fields. It turns out that the importance of higher education in modern world It’s quite difficult to overestimate.

Nowadays there are still many people who doubt the usefulness of the knowledge obtained in various educational institutions. Some people think that it is better to go to work immediately after graduating from school or college, not wanting to spend money and time on hard study. Others enter higher education institutions and receive higher qualifications.

Graduating from a university, getting a job in a specialty and receiving a stable high salary is one of the most common life patterns, which testifies in favor of education in prestigious educational institutions. But there are no guarantees at all that this is exactly what will happen. On the contrary, there are many examples where people without special knowledge and “towers” ​​behind them achieved success.

Advantages of obtaining higher education

One of the most important skills that we acquire in the learning process is the ability to obtain information. Yes, people forget formulas, rules and theorems, but the skills to work with the necessary data remain for life. At any time you can find and remember the necessary calculation system or understand the operation of some unfamiliar device.

New knowledge broadens your horizons and allows your thinking to be more flexible and faster. Your own individual opinion is formed on various situations, new opportunities and ideas appear. In addition, it becomes easier to learn new information, acquire new skills and rationalize their actions in the course of their work.

If we return to the opinion that a higher education gives advantages when applying for a job, then this is indeed the case. Employers usually prefer to invite more educated and competent people to cooperate. Such employees look more promising, purposeful, attractive and reliable.

When learning something new, a person trains his brain. Indeed, educated and well-read people They maintain mental clarity longer and have excellent memory. This means, indirectly, that the overall health of the body preserves its tone.

There is another important aspect of the need for training - “utilitarian”. The state needs new qualified workers in various industries and areas of activity: economics, politics, medicine, industry and many others. There are many professions that modern age impossible to master for an unskilled and uneducated person.

When viewed globally this issue, only through the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation is the progress of civilization and the growth of people's living standards possible. And the better the quality this procedure, the faster progress is made. “Live forever and learn” - truly wise and helpful advice for every person.

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I recently had a very interesting discussion with a 17-year-old young man, which began with his phrase, “Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of school and became successful.” I saw in him the same stupidity and naivety that was in me, with the only difference that when I was 17, there was no Facebook, and my “uneducated” and successful idol was Bill Gates. I diligently explained to my parents that they were completely wrong, and that success can be achieved without a higher education. They, in turn, hammered into my head that with a diploma from a good university I would never be left without a job and stuff like that. In a discussion with a young man, I became convinced that this issue is still relevant. I hope that this text will help all 17-year-old “me” who cannot understand whether they need to study at a university or not.

“You won’t find a job without a diploma”

A phrase that I often heard from my parents in one interpretation or another. There is some truth in it, since from the point of view of the labor market, a specialist without a “crust” really has enormous difficulties in finding a job, and such an employee costs much less than “certified” ones, even if they are not from “top” universities. However, every time parents tell their children this, they are actually deceiving both themselves and their children. On the part of parents, there is a need for a stable and high-quality standard of living for their child, so they want him to have a diploma, because... this is a certain condition of “stability” in the existing system. But such formulations create an incorrect value system in children: they go for a diploma, and not for knowledge and brains, hence the reluctance to learn - skipping lectures, “freebies, come” and the like. For them, education = diploma, which is fundamentally wrong. The question is not at all that it is difficult to find a job without a diploma, the question is that you don’t need to go to university for a diploma.

“Mark Zuckerberg dropped out and became successful”

Mark Zuckerberg never dropped out of school, and neither did Bill Gates. Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison and others. They all abandoned systemic (classical) education in favor of self-education and very hard work. And 17-year-old me didn’t realize this at all. I was in illusions about the ease and coolness of entrepreneurship, about the uselessness of education (namely education, not a diploma), I wanted to go against the system and become a millionaire at the age of 20. But, no matter how trivial it may be, not every person is an entrepreneur. The essence of entrepreneurship is not only to generate cool ideas, but also to be able to implement them, which means to be able to take serious risks. Refusal of classical education is one of these risks. The thing about people like Mark Zuckerberg is that their self-education and talent allowed them to quickly get a cool result that took them out of classical system determining the value of personnel. They had cases that were orders of magnitude more valuable than diplomas from MIT and other “top” universities. Do you have absolute confidence that you can quickly create such cases? And to be honest?

Classical education or self-education

The most important advantage of classical education is the long-established system of motivation through tests, exams, coursework and other certifications. You find yourself in a system that constantly puts pressure on you and forces you to study. This is why students don’t like studying, but also what makes them study in principle. In the case of self-education, there will be no such system, which is the most important risk of abandoning classical education, which must be understood. I know many examples of people who dropped out of universities and degenerated very quickly. Not because they are stupid or bad people, but because they did not have enough of their own will and interest to engage in self-education. In addition, at the age of 17, you most likely are not able to properly organize your own education in terms of the completeness, relevance and necessity of the knowledge acquired, at a time when classical education, although it gives a lot of unnecessary things, at the same time gives really a lot necessary.

Do I have enough motivation to develop?

For a long time I had no interest in studying, I was always lazy and studied with grades of three or four. After my second year of study at MEPhI, I realized that I was doing the wrong thing and transferred to a commercial, non-prestigious university, where I formally continued my path to obtaining a diploma, but in reality I concentrated on “work.” Moreover, I soon found a “dream job”, where I was paid a very good salary, and where I had to do practically nothing. After a year and a half, I realized that, to put it mildly, I had become stupid. I fell behind the trends, lost my competencies, my brain, not loaded with new tasks, atrophied, I stopped engaging in education, in short, I fell behind and fell behind very much. I measured my worth by the salary I received, not realizing that I was losing my real value day by day. The only thing that brought me out of this whirlpool was that I radically changed the direction of my work and “caught the wave” - I began to get real pleasure from my activities, which is why my laziness disappeared both in terms of work and in terms of education. I have shaken my brain again, I have gained and continue to gain the necessary competencies and experience. I went to get a second higher education for the sake of education, and not for the sake of a diploma. I began to understand what exactly I wanted to study. I'm already thinking about where I will study next. In other words, you will only get real motivation at the moment when you find something you really want to do. Then you will begin to understand what exactly you need to study in order to achieve more success in your business. But all this rarely happens at 17 years old, so what you see as your future now may not be what you want in 3-5 years.

Three main assets

What creates real value for you: developed brains, accumulated knowledge and accumulated experience. Do everything to systematically pump up these assets. It doesn’t matter how you do it: studying at a university, reading books, participating in thematic parties, working for your uncle or for yourself. If you are absolutely sure that you know how to pump up all three assets without a classical education, how to stand on your feet (earn money), and are confident that your own motivation will be enough and that you understand exactly what you are going for and how you are going - go for it. But don’t have your head in the clouds, remember that you are building your life and someone else’s examples or advice should not be decisive in this. Be aware of all the risks and disadvantages of this approach. And yes, if you refuse classical education, still get a formal diploma; universities are a dime a dozen, it’s not difficult to do this without interrupting your other activities. The “crust” will not create additional value for you, but it is still needed. The rules are like this.

Tags: higher education, university, diploma, self-education, motivation

Higher education is one of the first points in describing the requirements for most vacancies. In fact, HR specialists do not often file higher education diplomas in employees’ personal files. There is an idea that universal higher education is necessary, and life without it will go downhill. But is this really so? The approach to higher education has become overgrown with many clichés. Today we will look at the most common reasons for obtaining higher education, and what they lead to in reality. To understand whether you need to start.

When is higher education needed?

    Obtaining a specialty that is impossible to study on your own. And this is perhaps the only one hundred percent objective reason. Indeed, a number of specialties require higher education. For example, becoming a doctor or chemical engineer without long-term specialized training impossible. Higher education provides close control over the acquisition of skills and provides a basis for practicing them in practice.

    Initially, the higher education system was aimed specifically at teaching specific skills, the independent development of which difficult, unreliable or even unethical. Over time, higher education began to cover a wider range of activities and expanded to professions that previously did not require higher education.

    Increasing the general level of erudition. Higher education primarily teaches not a specialty, but what where to find information and how to process it to learn the specialty on your own. This is one of the key skills for successfully adapting to changing living conditions. Of course, you can learn this without a university, but the institute provides a good opportunity to do this in a short time. If you want to learn how to learn, a college degree can really help. In addition, higher education provides knowledge in general basic academic disciplines - psychology, philosophy, economic theory, sociology, law, conflictology. Basic knowledge on these subjects can only help in life. At least for general development.

    A smooth transition from childhood to adulthood. If the two previous reasons apply to people of any age, then this one applies only to school graduates. Adulthood different from the everyday life of yesterday's schoolchild. For many teenagers, the period of adaptation to a new status can be traumatic. Students can become a kind of psychological buffer for saying goodbye to childhood. The reason for pursuing higher education is, of course, subjective and not for everyone. But it’s still a plus sign, because the desire to be a student in order to prolong your carefree youth at least a little more is completely normal.

Whenever it seems necessary

    Impossibility of getting a good job without higher education. The manipulation, beloved by older generations, “if you don’t study, you will become a janitor,” of course, firmly settles in the consciousness and takes on a negative connotation. If such attitudes force you to get a higher education, then it is better to think hard before entering a university or even work with a psychologist. This will help separate real desire from imposed feelings of guilt. Success in life depends on one's ability to adapt, not one's penchant for academic success. But we're talking about something else.

    Getting a good job without a higher education is not so difficult, it’s enough have any skills. Doing renovations in apartments, for example, is good work. Being a flight attendant on a passenger plane, responsible for the safety of passengers, while seeing the whole world is also good. Neither one nor the other specialty requires higher education. And the list goes on and on. In addition, some positions that do not require higher education for employment allow you to study at the employer’s expense. This can be done, for example, by the police.

    Impossibility of being a respected specialist (and person) without higher education. This reason also requires psychological work. Or, again, real examples who destroy this myth. Midwives, jewelers, architectural restorers - all of them do not have higher education, only secondary education. But it is unlikely that anyone will call their work little respected.

Bad reasons to get a higher education

    Parents said - it is necessary. Listening to parents is good, and no one argues with that. But a person lives his life independently and only he determines the need for training, the right specialty for himself, etc. Parents, of course, can advise something, but they must make categorical decisions only about themselves.

    Everyone gets a higher education. Doing something for a company is not the path that will lead to success. Getting an education is a conscious, responsible step that can seriously change your life. And this step should be based on personal goals and desires.

Higher education is a great tool that can make you a professional. But it is not necessary for every specialty. For example, many humanitarian areas can be mastered independently much faster and much more deeply than at a university. A trivial example of this is famous writers, poets who did not receive higher education, but throughout their lives honed their literary skills and achieved brilliant success. Technical specialists were also not spared from receiving higher education. Many well-known companies can showcase self-taught programmers on their staff who are in no way inferior to their colleagues with a diploma.

Examples can be given endlessly, but the essence is the same: higher education is not always the only source for mastering a profession

The decision to obtain higher education should be purely individual. Some people really need it; it is simply impossible to carry out certain types of activities without higher education. Higher education is a wonderful tool that can unlock extraordinary potential. But in modern times, even without higher education, you can live with dignity, there is no doubt about that. Therefore, whether you need higher education or not is not controversial issue. This is a question whose solution is determined individually in each specific case. And the decision depends on goals, wishes And existing skills And resources.