Nikolai Chernyshevsky interesting facts. Literary and historical notes of a young technician Where Chernyshevsky is buried

1851-1853 - teaching at the Saratov gymnasium.
1853 - beginning of work in the Sovremennik magazine.
1855, May 10 - defense of the dissertation “Aesthetic relations of art to reality.”
1862, July 7 - arrest and imprisonment in the Alekseevsky rave of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
1862-1863 - creation of the novel “What is to be done?”
1864, May 19 - civil execution on Mytninskaya Square in St. Petersburg.
1864, May 20 - sent to Katorgy in Eastern Siberia.
1889, October 17 (29) - died in Saratov.

Essay on life and work

The making of a critic.

In his writings, he clearly formulated the positions of the revolutionary democratic movement, which attracted the close attention of the III Department. As N.G. Chernyshevsky foresaw, he was not only arrested, but also long years excluded from active political struggle. Imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress, civil execution, and many years in prison broke his health. In 1883, a man came from Yakutia to Astrakhan who no longer had
strength not only for this struggle, but also for creativity.

Literature. 10 grades : textbook for general education. institutions / T. F. Kurdyumova, S. A. Leonov, O. E. Maryina, etc.; edited by T. F. Kurdyumova. M.: Bustard, 2007.

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Publicist and writer, materialist philosopher and scientist, revolutionary democrat, theorist of critical utopian socialism, Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky was an outstanding personality who left a noticeable mark on the development of social philosophy and literary criticism and literature itself.

Coming from the family of a Saratov priest, Chernyshevsky was nevertheless well educated. Until the age of 14, he studied at home under the guidance of his father, who was well-read and smart person, and in 1843 he entered the theological seminary.

“In terms of his knowledge, Chernyshevsky was not only superior to his peers and fellow students, but also to many teachers at the seminary. Chernyshevsky used his time at the seminary for self-education.", wrote Soviet literary critic Pavel Lebedev-Polyansky in his article.

Without completing the seminar course, Chernyshevsky in 1846 entered the historical and philological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University.

Nikolai Gavrilovich read with interest the works of major philosophers, starting with Aristotle and Plato and ending with Feuerbach and Hegel, economists and art theorists, as well as the works of natural scientists. At the university, Chernyshevsky met Mikhail Illarionovich Mikhailov. It was he who brought the young student together with representatives of the Petrashevites circle. Chernyshevsky did not become a member of this circle, but he often attended other meetings - in the company of the father of Russian nihilism, Irinarch Vvedensky. After the arrest of the Petrashevites, Nikolai Chernyshevsky wrote in his diary that visitors to Vvedensky’s circle “do not even think about the possibility of an uprising that would free them.”

After graduating from the university course in 1850, the young candidate of sciences was assigned to the Saratov gymnasium. Your position new teacher used, among other things, to promote revolutionary ideas, for which he was known as a freethinker and a Voltairian.

“I have such a way of thinking that I should expect from minute to minute that the gendarmes will appear, take me to St. Petersburg and put me in a fortress for God knows how long. I do things here that smell like hard labor - I say such things in class.”

Nikolai Chernyshevsky

After his marriage, Chernyshevsky returned to St. Petersburg and was appointed as a teacher in the second cadet corps, but his stay there, despite all his pedagogical merits, was short-lived. Nikolai Chernyshevsky resigned after a conflict with an officer.

First literary works future author of the novel “What to Do?” began writing in the late 1840s. Having moved to the Northern capital in 1853, Chernyshevsky published short articles in St. Petersburg Gazette and Domestic notes" A year later, having finally ended his career as a teacher, Chernyshevsky came to Sovremennik and already in 1855 began to actually manage the magazine along with Nekrasov. Nikolai Chernyshevsky was one of the ideologists of turning the magazine into a tribune of revolutionary democracy, which turned a number of authors away from Sovremennik, among whom were Turgenev, Tolstoy and Grigorovich. At the same time, Chernyshevsky strongly supported Dobrolyubov, whom he attracted to the magazine in 1856 and handed over to him the leadership of the criticism department. Chernyshevsky was connected with Dobrolyubov not only general work in Sovremennik, but also the similarity of a number of social concepts, one of the most bright examples- pedagogical ideas of both philosophers.

Continuing his active work in Sovremennik, in 1858 the writer became the first editor of the Military Collection magazine and attracted some Russian officers to revolutionary circles.

In 1860, Chernyshevsky’s main philosophical work, “Anthropological Primacy in Philosophy,” was published, and a year later, after the announcement of the Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom, the author came out with a number of articles criticizing the reform. Although not formally a member of the “Land and Freedom” circle, Chernyshevsky nevertheless became its ideological inspirer and came under secret police surveillance.

In May 1862, Sovremennik was closed for eight months “for its harmful direction,” and in June Nikolai Chernyshevsky himself was arrested. The position of the writer was worsened by Herzen’s letter to the revolutionary and publicist Nikolai Serno-Solovyevich, in which the former declared his readiness to publish a magazine abroad. Chernyshevsky was accused of having connections with revolutionary emigration and was imprisoned Peter and Paul Fortress.

Investigation into the case of the “enemy” Russian Empire number one” lasted about a year and a half. During this time, the novel “What to do?” was written. (1862–1863), published in Sovremennik, which reopened after a break, the unfinished novel “Tales within a Tale” and several stories.

In February 1864, Chernyshevsky was sentenced to hard labor for 14 years without the right to return from Siberia. And although Emperor Alexander II reduced hard labor to seven years, in general the critic and literary critic spent more than two decades in prison.

In the early 80s of the 19th century, Chernyshevsky returned to the central part of Russia - the city of Astrakhan, and at the end of the decade, thanks to the efforts of his son, Mikhail, he moved to his homeland in Saratov. However, a few months after his return, the writer fell ill with malaria. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky died on October 29, 1889, and was buried in Saratov at the Resurrection Cemetery.

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich is a famous Russian writer and journalist. He was born in 1828 in Saratov. Since his father was a priest, Nikolai began his studies at a theological seminary. Then, at the age of 18, he entered St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of History and Philology.

At the age of 25, Chernyshevsky marries Olga Vasilyeva. In marriage, he adhered to gender equality, which at that time seemed like a revolutionary idea.

At the same time, he moved to St. Petersburg and began to build a career as a publicist. He gained particular fame while working for the Sovremennik magazine.

In the 50s, the writer’s works were actively published, in which he openly expressed his opinion about the expected peasant uprising. The magazine was closed for its revolutionary-democratic views. Chernyshevsky continued to promote his ideas and wrote revolutionary proclamations. The authorities put him under surveillance, and soon Nikolai was arrested and sent to the Peter and Paul Fortress for the duration of the investigation. According to the verdict, he was sentenced to 7 years of hard labor and exile to Siberia for the rest of his life.

During the investigation, Nikolai Chernyshevsky created his work “What to do.”

In 1883, Chernyshevsky was allowed to leave for Astrakhan. In 1889, Nikolai Chernyshevsky passed away.

Grade 10. By dates

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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  • Prologue
  • About writers and poets 2. Critical articles, Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) - Russian materialist philosopher of the 19th century, democratic revolutionary, theorist of critical utopian socialism, scientist, encyclopedist, literary...

1828 , July 12 (24 according to the new style) - born in Saratov, in the family of the priest Gabriel Ivanovich Chernyshevsky.

1836 , December - Chernyshevsky was enrolled in the Saratov Theological School.

1842 , September - Chernyshevsky entered the Saratov Theological Seminary.

1846 , May - Chernyshevsky’s departure from Saratov to St. Petersburg to enter the university. This summer, Chernyshevsky successfully passed the exams and was enrolled in the historical and philological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University.

1850 - After graduating from the university, Chernyshevsky became a literature teacher at the 2nd St. Petersburg Cadet Corps.

1851–1853 - Having received an appointment to the Saratov gymnasium as a senior teacher of Russian literature, Chernyshevsky went to Saratov in the spring of 1851.
1853 – meets O.S. here Vasilyeva, who later became his wife.
May– leaves with O.S. Vasilyeva to St. Petersburg. The beginning of cooperation in Otechestvennye zapiski. Work on a master's thesis “Aesthetic relations of art to reality.” Secondary admission as a literature teacher to the 2nd St. Petersburg Cadet Corps. In the fall, Chernyshevsky meets Nekrasov and begins working at Sovremennik.

1854 - Chernyshevsky’s articles appear in Sovremennik: about the novels and stories of M. Avdeev, “On sincerity in criticism,” about the comedy of A.N. Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice” and others.

1855 , May – public defense of Chernyshevsky’s master’s thesis “Aesthetic relations of art to reality” at the university. In issue 12 of Sovremennik, Chernyshevsky’s first article from the series “Essays” was published. Gogol period Russian literature".

1856 – acquaintance and rapprochement with N.A. Dobrolyubov. ON THE. Nekrasov, going abroad for treatment, transferred his editorial rights to Sovremennik to Chernyshevsky.

1858 - Chernyshevsky is appointed editor of the Military Collection. In No. 1 of Sovremennik, the article “Cavaignac” was published, in which Chernyshevsky castigates liberals for betraying the people’s cause. In No. 2 of Sovremennik, the article “On the new conditions of rural life” was published. The magazine "Athenaeus" (Part III, No. 18) published the article "Russian man at the rendez-vous." In No. 12 of Sovremennik there is an article “Criticism of philosophical prejudices against communal ownership.”

1859 - in the magazine “Sovremennik” (from No. 3) Chernyshevsky began to publish systematic reviews of foreign political life under the general title "Politics". In June, Chernyshevsky went to London to see Herzen for an explanation about the article “Very dangerous!” (“Very dangerous!”), published in Kolokol. Upon returning from London he leaves for Saratov. In September he returns to St. Petersburg.

1860 – in No. 1 of Sovremennik, Chernyshevsky’s article “Capital and Labor” was published. From the second issue of Sovremennik, Chernyshevsky began publishing his translation of D. S. Mill’s “Foundations of Political Economy” in the magazine, accompanying the translation with his own critical commentary. In No. 4 of Sovremennik, Chernyshevsky’s article “The Anthropological Principle in Philosophy” was published, which is one of the most remarkable declarations of materialism in Russian literature.

1861 – a trip to Moscow to participate in a meeting of St. Petersburg and Moscow editors on the issue of easing censorship. In No. 6 of Sovremennik, Chernyshevsky’s article “Polemical Beauty” was published, which is a response to the speeches of reactionary and liberal writers against the article “Anthropological principle in philosophy.” In August, the provocateur Vsevolod Kostomarov, through his brother, delivered two handwritten proclamations to the Third Department: “To the lordly peasants” (author N.G. Chernyshevsky) and “Russian soldiers” (author N.V. Shelgunov).

1862 – Chernyshevsky was present at the opening of the Chess Club in St. Petersburg, which had the goal of uniting representatives of the leading public of the capital. Censorship prohibited the publication of Chernyshevsky’s “Letters without an address,” since the article contained sharp criticism of the peasant “reform” and the then situation in the country. In March Chernyshevsky performed at literary evening in the Ruadze Hall with a reading on the topic “Meeting Dobrolyubov.” In June, Sovremennik was banned for eight months. On July 7, Chernyshevsky was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

1863 - in No. 3 of Sovremennik the beginning of the novel “What is to be done?” was published. (subsequent parts were published in Nos. 4 and 5 for 1863).

1864 , May 19 - public “civil execution” of Chernyshevsky on Mytninskaya Square in St. Petersburg and his exile to Siberia. In August, Chernyshevsky arrived at the Kadai mine (in Transbaikalia).

1865–1868 – work on the novel “Prologue of the Prologue”, “Levitsky’s Diary” and “Prologue”.

1866 – O.S. Chernyshevskaya and her son Mikhail arrived in Kadaya in August for a meeting with N.G. Chernyshevsky. In September, Chernyshevsky was sent from the Kadai mine to the Aleksandrovsky plant.

1871 - in Irkutsk in February, the revolutionary populist German Lopatin, who came to Russia from London with the aim of freeing Chernyshevsky, was arrested. In December, Chernyshevsky was sent from the Aleksandrovsky plant to Vilyuysk.

1875 - attempt by I. Myshkin to free Chernyshevsky.

1883 – Chernyshevsky is being transferred from Vilyuysk to Astrakhan under police supervision.

1884–1888 – in Astrakhan Chernyshevsky leads a large literary work. Here he wrote “Memoirs of Turgenev’s relationship with Dobrolyubov”, articles “Character human knowledge", "The origin of the theory of the beneficialness of the struggle for life", prepared "Materials for the biography of Dobrolyubov", translated from German language eleven volumes " General history» Weber.

1889 – Chernyshevsky was allowed to move to Saratov, where he moved at the end of June.
October 17 (29) Chernyshevsky, after a short illness, died of a cerebral hemorrhage.