Literature is an artistic reflection of human life and society. The artistic image of a work as one of the forms of reflection of the real

Psychologism - a set of means used in a literary work to depict the inner world of a character, his thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This is a way of creating an image, a way of reproducing and understanding character, when the psychological image becomes the main one.

Methods of depicting a character’s inner world can be divided into images “from the outside” and images “from the inside.” The image “from the inside” is carried out through internal monologue, memories, imagination, psychological introspection, dialogue with oneself, diaries, letters, dreams. In this case, first-person narration provides enormous opportunities. Image “from the outside” - a description of the hero’s inner world not directly, but through external symptoms psychological state. The world surrounding a person shapes and reflects a person’s mood, influencing a person’s actions and thoughts. These are details of everyday life, housing, clothing, and the surrounding nature. Facial expressions, gestures, speech to the listener, gait - all these are external manifestations inner life hero. In a way psychological analysis“from the outside” can be a portrait, detail, landscape, etc.

For example, an important means of Dostoevsky’s psychologism is the description of the hero’s dreams, allowing the author to penetrate deeper into the hero’s subconscious. Thus, in the novel “Crime and Punishment” four dreams of Raskolnikov are presented. They clearly demonstrate the evolution of the hero's theory from complete confidence in its correctness to its collapse.

Nationality - reflection in literature of the life, creativity (and also, according to some concepts, the “radical interests”) of the people.

Pushkin was one of the first to define the nationality of literature. “For some time now it has become our custom to talk about nationality, to demand nationality, to complain about the lack of nationality in works of literature, but no one thought to define what he meant by the word nationality...” he wrote. - Nationality in a writer is a virtue that may well be appreciated by some compatriots - for others it either does not exist, or may even seem like a vice... The climate, the way of government, the faith give each people a special physiognomy, which is more or less reflected in the mirror of poetry . There is a way of thinking and feeling, there is a darkness of customs, beliefs and habits that belong exclusively to some people.”

The classics of Russian criticism did not reduce nationality to depicting only those close to each writer national characters. They believed that, even showing the life of another people, a writer can remain truly national if he looks at it through the eyes of his own people. The famous critic Belinsky expressed the idea that it is true folk piece maybe, if it fully reflects the era.

Historicism - the ability of fiction to convey the living appearance of a historical era in specific human images and events. In a narrower sense, the historicism of a work is related to how accurately and subtly the artist understands and depicts the meaning historical events. Historicism is inherent in all truly artistic works, regardless of whether they depict the present or the distant past. Examples include “Song of prophetic Oleg" and "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin.

The reflection of realism in literature is a description of reality, whatever it may be. You can immediately distinguish realism in a work. Firstly, realism does not imply the presence of embellished or distorted facts of life. Realism presupposes a description of a life that will seem familiar and believable to the reader. With the help of a real description, some will be able to understand for themselves the whole essence of the current and past life, identify inconsistencies between your understanding of entities and the author’s understanding. Reality can be different for everyone. For example, now many are not satisfied with the quality of life, and for some the current state of affairs is very successful.

Realism is also characterized by detailed descriptions of specific situations. By using of this description you can dwell more thoroughly on existing problems.

Descriptions of real events can often be tragic, cruel or dramatic. At the same time, the meaning of realism is an instructive interpretation of certain individual narratives. With the help of works in the genre of realism, the reader must find out for himself all the nuances and aspects of life, present and past, the subtleties of relationships, criteria for communication, and much more.

Realism also examines many historical processes in order to identify patterns between them, establish the trend of development and differentiation of various times, historical events and consequences after them. Some historical and even scientific literature can be attributed to the genre of realism.

Authors who wrote in the genre of realism did not resort to the realm of fantasy, distortion of facts, or sophistication of description in their work. They could reflect their attitude to the plot, their worldview and their life concepts. But the plot of a work of realism has always remained traditional.

Main actor Realism has always remained a person. All storylines always swirling around human society. The author can dilute the work with his thoughts and his attitude.

Realism has changed over time. If earlier realism reflected existing reality, then now realism takes on more the character of dreams about how it would be better in reality. Authors are increasingly conveying their thoughts and their dreams about ideal images, not real ones. This is what defines modern realism. Nowadays, this trend in literature is gaining popularity.

    The depiction of a landscape in literature is one of the most powerful ways to convey a fictional image in the author’s work. Landscape image...

    A tragedy in literature is a work that has some dramatic character. With one word “tragedy” the reader can immediately...

    A story in literature is a rather vague and broad genre term that cannot be fitted under a single concept that defines it. In its...

    The study of linguistics does not include consideration of a single language, but the concept of language as a whole. Linguists consider individual characteristic...

    Most literary scholars believe that this Russian term refers to a European short story. In fact, between these historically established...

    Website of the poet Yuri Mineralov, professor at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky,
    the doctors philological sciences- poetry, prose, linguistics, literature, criticism and literary criticism.

    Yuri Mineralov 2018. All rights reserved.

    Copying texts without the written permission of the author is a gross violation
    federal law on the protection of copyright and related rights.

The fifth grade literature course begins with an introductory lesson on the topic “Literature as an artistic reflection of life,” which is a natural continuation of the work begun in the fourth grade (“Initial concept of literature as the art of speech”), and is subordinated to the task of giving students an initial understanding at an accessible level O fiction as a special form of knowledge of reality. This idea, formulated in the most general outline in the lesson, forms the basis of the entire subsequent literature course of the fifth grade as a guideline for the teacher’s methodological efforts aimed at overcoming the naive-realistic perception of literary works by schoolchildren and the formation of special reading skills(the ability to recreate pictures of the life depicted by the writer, empathize with the characters, understand and evaluate their behavior, motives for actions, relationships, etc.; the ability to see the author’s attitude to the world he created).

Naturally, the complexity of the topic forces the teacher to limit its consideration to any one aspect. It seems necessary already at

At the first stages of literary education, direct students’ attention to the features of the artistic reproduction of life, to the difference between a work of art and the facts of life on which it is based.

It is advisable to start a conversation about fiction with the question of what a literary work can give a person, what a reader should be like in order for the work to be revealed to him in all the richness of thoughts, feelings, and aesthetic value.

In order for this conversation to become meaningful and not be limited to the children’s groundless guesses, it is necessary to work with the students to understand the texts proposed for the introductory lesson: “Love the Book” by M. Gorky, “The Ballad of a Boy” by F. Iskander, a fragment from an article by V. Kaverin “Memory and Imagination” and an excerpt from K. G. Paustovsky’s memoirs about V. Lugovsky. Let us turn first of all to M. Gorky’s statement “Love the book.” His deep meaning can be identified in the process of discussing the following questions: what significance did the book have in the life of M. Gorky? What attitude towards man and his affairs did M. Gorky develop under the influence of reading?

Carefully reading the text, students will note that the books revealed to M. Gorky the richness and diversity of life, showed how “great and beautiful a person is in striving for the best,” sharpened his attention to people, and aroused respect for his work. Schoolchildren should realize that books helped the writer, already in his childhood, determine his attitude towards the world around him. Reflections on the text “Love a Book” allow the teacher to draw the attention of fifth-graders to what a thoughtful reader M. Gorky was, why he believed that a book could make a person’s life easier, help sort out the “confusion of thoughts, feelings, events,” and teach respect for a person and ourselves. At the same time, the teacher tries to update and revive the personal reading experience of students and encourage them to evaluate themselves as readers.

Fifth-graders can meet another type of reader when reading “The Ballad of a Boy” by F. Iskander:

A long time ago, the whole house fell asleep... A book is wide open, An excited boy is reading it at the table. A boy is sitting at the table and in the silence of the night, as if around the corner, he hears this fight. They brought “legions of darkness, and each one a dozen,

And I want to shout to him “Wrong! Can not be so!" Spartacus is being squeezed by the legion, and is surrounded on four sides by the Romans. Everything is at stake!

Spartak is calling his friends over, but where are his friends? There is dust and clouds above them, The ground is not damp for them. They don't see Spartak, they don't hear the commander. The teacher himself will read the ballad in class, and then ask the children the following questions and tasks: Did you like this poem? How does a boy read a book? How does he respond to what he reads? Can he see in his imagination the pictures drawn by the author? Does he experience them, does the characters evaluate the events? Support your judgments with the text of the poem. Pay attention to the last part of the poem. What does the boy's dream tell us? How tall human qualities appear in a boy under the influence of reading?

It is important that the children appreciate the boy’s lively reaction to the fate of the characters in the book, become infected with his experiences, and understand his desire to change the course of events. And at the same time, the teacher needs to show the children that unbridled imagination when reading sometimes takes them beyond the boundaries of the world created by the writer, preventing them from perceiving with sufficient depth and completeness the author’s intention, the time and historical circumstances depicted.

All this work should help the student gain, on the one hand, an idea of ​​the enormous possibilities of the book, and, on the other hand, about different readers: a qualified, experienced reader and a novice reader who perceives a work of art as real life. The testimony of an authoritative writer will provide especially convincing confirmation of these conclusions for fifth-graders.

Let's read to them an excerpt from an article by V. A. Kaverin, the author of the beloved teenager. mi of the novel “Two Captains”: “It is a rare work of art that does without invention, without imagination. Imagination is involved both in thinking about the character of the hero and in drawing up a plan. Many readers intertwine literature so closely with life, with such captivating, touching insistence, they accept literature as a photographically accurate record of what is happening in reality, that it is not uncommon to receive a letter asking how this or that hero is doing now, how he is doing, did he get married, etc.

In fact, one cannot equate a real person with a hero. literary work. The basis of the personality that the writer talks about is almost always a genuine, real biography. But the writer selects from it only those features that he needs to create his hero. The character that he intended to portray is subordinate to the general concept of the work, his main idea, his plan." Let’s ask after reading: what readers does V. A. Kaverin write about?

As an option for an introductory lesson based on repeating material about a work of art already familiar to fourth-grade students, it compositional elements, we can offer a comparison of fate literary character Gerasima from the story “Mumu” ​​and history real prototype- mute janitor Andrei, serf of I.S.'s mother, Turgenev.

Create similar things:

  1. The vocabulary of Gogol's language in the poem “ Dead Souls” is determined, on the one hand, by the grandiose theme chosen by Gogol - “to show Rus' at least from one side” - on the other hand, by the attitude of the author...
  2. The poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus',” which he wrote for about 20 years, is the result creative path poet. She is deep artistic research folk life, lifts...
  3. In the first half of the 19th century, two major important events in the history of Russia, which had a serious influence on the development of the entire social and spiritual life of the country. One of them - Patriotic War...
  4. Historical era late XVIII- the beginning of the 19th century is particularly complex. At this time, the crisis of feudalism was already clearly manifesting itself, capitalist tendencies were gradually intensifying, which led to an aggravation of class contradictions. Domestic...
  5. Foreign literature always attracted attention. It was worth it to someone to a foreign writer gain fame as it was immediately translated into Russian. “Translators are the post horses of enlightenment,” A. S. Pushkin once remarked. The meaning of these...
  6. Original and translated children's literature first half of the 19th century century is distinguished by a great variety of ideological and artistic trends. Keep appearing in large quantities all kinds of children's encyclopedias and educational books in which noticeable...
  7. Literature As one of the most important manifestations of human culture, it exists not just in the form of individual literary works of art, but as a form of social consciousness, a phenomenon of a socio-historical nature. In progress historical development in socio-economic,...
  8. The main problem of the existential philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre is the problem of choice. The central concept of Sartre’s philosophy is “being-for-itself.” “For-itself-being” – ultimate reality for a person, the priority for him is first of all his own inner world....
  9. For many generations of Russian readers, the name Radishchev. surrounded by an aura of martyrdom: for writing the Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the author was sentenced to death, which was commuted by Catherine II to ten years of exile to...
  10. In many cases, responses to Andreev's works were negative. The story “The Abyss” was almost unanimously condemned. The idea of ​​the story is quite complex. One can see in it an exposure of the hypocrisy of bourgeois morality: the hero of the story is a high school student...
  11. called romanticism artistic direction, which arose in early XIX century in Europe and lasted until the middle of the 19th century. Romanticism is observed in literature, fine arts, architecture, behavior, clothing, human psychology. The prerequisite...
  12. A work based on the story “Executed Lives” by Arkhip Teslenko. The pinnacle of Arkhip Teslenko’s work is considered to be the story “Executed Lives,” which is called “ artistic document, deserving even sociological research about the era of “black silence”. This story is a reflection on...
  13. “Hero of Our Time” is the first prose socio-psychological and philosophical novel in Russian literature. Each individual story included in the novel is associated with an already existing genre tradition: a travel essay, Caucasian story, secular...
  14. I. S. Nechuy-Levitsky enriched Ukrainian literature works about Ukrainian antiquity, describing in detail Ukrainian nature, customs and life of peasants, traditions of Ukrainians, their daily affairs. A consistent story about the life of the Kaidash helps to recreate...
  15. Essay topic: Artistic originality poems. “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is a broad epic canvas, imbued with ardent love for the homeland and people, which gives it that lyrical warmth that warms and enlivens...
  16. Euripides finds valuable material for depicting passions using the theme of love, which was almost completely untouched in the previous tragedy. The tragedy “Hippolytus” is especially interesting in this regard. The myth of Hippolytus is one of... The collapse of the world imperialist system in the second half of the 20th century is characterized by the intense struggle of former colonial countries for their independence. National liberation movements are expanding in the countries of Asia and Africa, completely new, free ones are emerging...
  17. New public relations New social relations are determined by the radical revolution in literature that took place in the 13th century. Along with life increasingly losing touch and chivalric poetry falling into abstraction, a new one is rising...

Literature as an artistic reflection of life

Target: give the concept of literature as an art form in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Material for the lesson:

  • A.P. Chekhov “At Home”.
  • V.V.Veresaev “Competition”.
  • R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451◦”.
  • Musical series:
  • ♪ I. Krutoy. Music from the film “Long Road in the Dunes”.
  • ♪ G. Sviridov. "Time forward!".
  • ♪ Beethoven “Moonlight Sonata”.

Visual range:

  • Slides on the topic “WE” (Slides can be obtained from the author).
  • “Portrait of Ginevra de Benci” by Leonardo da Vinci.

Lesson summary


  • "The beautiful awakens the good." D.S. Likhachev.
  • Beauty captivates forever.
    You don't get cold feet towards him. Never
    He will not fall into insignificance...
    S. Narovchatov.

Prologue:<♪ Звучит инструментальная композиция И.Крутого из к/ф “Долгая дорога в дюнах”>.

− Huge Universe. Cosmic winds blow in it, cosmic blizzards rage, centuries fly by in it like one day. In this vast cold Universe there is a blue planet called Earth. Forests rustle here and rivers flow. Winter gives way to autumn, and after spring always comes summer. And after day comes night, and after night invariably comes day.

There is one day on this huge blue planet. On this day you were born. And loving women's eyes shed tears of happiness. And your mother’s heart wished you a good journey. And your mother’s hands blessed your first steps on this earth. And they wished on a star with your name. And at that very second a new star lit up in the sky. Your star. She shines for you all your life, even if you don’t know about it. This is the star of your love, your happiness, your life. You didn't choose her. It was given to you from birth, like life. And you choose everything else in your life yourself. It's your right. Human right. And if you choose the right path, your star will illuminate it. And it depends only on you whether it goes out ahead of time.

May your star burn for a long time, you can and should do this!

Formulation of the problem:

<♪ Г. Свиридов “Время, вперед!”; слайдовый ряд “МЫ”>

XXI Century. Beginning of the century. We live in an age when one dictator threatens: “I will drown you in blood!” When another politician promises: “I will raise Russia from its knees!”

And somewhere there, in the Siberian wilderness, the district children's doctor writes out a prescription. He writes out a prescription... for an apple, for milk. It was. That's it. Will it be like this?!

The 21st century is called the century of science and technology. Progress creates the illusion that it is science and technology, the level of their development, that have become the measure of human values. Is it so? What is our attitude towards culture? Art? Literature?

Development I. Input.

Yes, books are disappearing from the lives of modern schoolchildren. And it’s scary to imagine the implementation of the situation that was modeled in the fantastic dystopia of the American writer Ray Douglas Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451◦”. This dystopia depicts a city where reading and possessing books is a terrible crime. All the books there have long been destroyed. And now, if even one book is found on someone, it is burned along with the house, and the owner is put to death. You can't save books there without dying yourself. Firefighters in this city don't exist to put out fires. And in order to burn books and the houses in which they are found. The hero of the novel, Guy Montag, is a fireman. For ten years he conscientiously and even enjoyed his terrible work. But then one day while on duty he came to the house old woman, which. Not wanting to part with her books, she burned down with them. From that day on, everything changed in Montag's life. The question began to torment him: what was written in these books. If because of them people go to their deaths? And to get an answer, he starts reading...

Express questionnaire:

  1. Who would you be with if you were in this fantastic city:
  • with those who can easily do without books;
  • with those who secretly read books and kept them in memory;
  • with those who destroyed books.
  1. Admit it to yourself honestly, do you need books when you have television, cinema, or a computer?

(Processing the results of the express questionnaire and summing up).

Development 1I. Literature as a form of art.

Literature is not just an academic subject that provides a certain amount of knowledge, but, first of all, literature is a type of art.

Dictionary of literary terms:

Literature (from the Latin litera - letter, writing) is a type of art in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Fiction is a type of art that is capable of most comprehensively and widely revealing the phenomena of life, showing them in movement and development.

(Write definitions in a dictionary)

As an art of words, fiction arose in oral folk art. Its sources were songs and folk epic tales. The word is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and an amazing means for creating artistic images. In words, in the language of any people, their history, their character, the nature of the Motherland are captured, the wisdom of centuries is concentrated. The living word is rich and generous. It has many shades. It can be menacing and gentle, instill horror and give hope. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said this about the word:

A word can kill, a word can save,
With a word you can lead the shelves with you.
In a word you can sell and betray and buy,
The word can be poured into striking lead.

Development III. “Literature is a textbook of life.”

But words in human speech and in fiction do not live separately. They are united and coordinated by thought, the idea of ​​a work, and animated by human speech. Simple familiar human word. But with the power of his talent, like a magic wand, a writer or poet turns the word to us in an unexpected way, forcing us to feel, think, and empathize.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov has a story: it’s called “At Home.” Here is its summary: “To Evgeniy Pavlovich Bykovsky, the prosecutor of the district court, who had just returned from the hearing, the governess of his seven-year-old son complained that Seryozha smoked and that he took tobacco from his father’s desk.

“Send him to me,” said Evgeniy Petrovich.
“I’m angry with you, and I don’t love you anymore,” the father cut off the boy’s greeting. – Now Natalia Semyonovna complained to me that you smoke. This is true?
- Yes, I smoked once, that’s true.
“You see, you’re lying on top of that,” said the prosecutor. – Natalia Semyonovna saw you smoke twice. This means that you have been convicted of three bad actions: smoking, taking someone else’s tobacco from the table and lying. Three faults!
“Oh, yes,” Seryozha remembered. And his eyes smiled. - That's true, that's true! I smoked twice: today and before.

Evgeniy Petrovich began to explain to his son that it is impossible to take someone else’s property, that a person has the right to use only his own property. He began to explain to him what property means, about the dangers of tobacco, that tobacco smoke produces consumption and other diseases, from which people die.

Evgeny Petrovich was painfully thinking about what else to say to his son in order to capture his attention. He saw that Seryozha was not listening to him. The boy first picked a hole in the cloth upholstery of the table with his finger, and then climbed onto a chair standing on the side of the table and began to draw.

And it seemed strange and funny to Evgeniy Petrovich that he, an experienced lawyer who had spent half his life practicing all kinds of suppressions, warnings and punishments, could not convince the boy that he had acted badly. Ten o'clock struck. Evgeny Petrovich tiredly sank into a chair. And Seryozha, sitting comfortably on his father’s lap, asked: “Daddy, tell me a story.”

Like most business people, Bykovsky did not remember a single fairy tale, so every time he had to improvise.

“Listen,” the father began, raising his eyes to the ceiling. - In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old, aged king... He lived in a glass palace that shone and sparkled in the sun like a big piece pure ice. The palace stood in a huge garden where oranges and cherries grew, tulips and roses bloomed, and colorful birds sang. There were glass bells hanging on the trees, which, when the wind blew, sounded so softly that you could listen...

The old king had his only son and heir to the kingdom, a boy as small as you. But this prince began to smoke, fell ill and died when he was 20 years old.

The decrepit and sickly old man was left without any help. Enemies came, killed the king, destroyed the palace, and there were no cherries, no birds, no bells in the garden.

Seryozha listened intently. His eyes were filled with sadness and something like fear; For a minute he looked thoughtfully at the dark window, shuddered and said in a fallen voice: “I won’t smoke anymore...”

Conversation with students:

− What happened? Why in A.P.’s story? Did Chekhov's fairy tale turn out to be a better educator than all the logic of facts and beliefs?


- Now sit down more comfortably. Close your eyes. Your hands lie calm and free... (sounds instrumental music"Waterfall").

“Away with worries and worries. Lose yourself in thought: the music and sounds of the sorceress of nature will take you to a sparkling mountain stream. You will not find such peace and tranquility anywhere - only here, near the cool, clean waters., easily running down the green velvet of mossy stones. The banks of the stream are covered with a multicolored carpet of the brightest colors, and easy breath the breeze carries their delicious aromas. A variety of birds sing in the foliage of tall trees. You are lying on the shore, looking at the sky, where lush clouds of various shapes float by. This wonderful moment can only be repeated by the Sparkling Time of Spring...”

- Open your eyes. Smile at yourself, your neighbor. You feel good and calm. You are in a good mood. So, you're ready to listen further.

Development IV. “The world will be saved by beauty”

What is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness?
Or a fire flickering in a vessel? -

The answer to these questions is in V. Veresaev’s story “Competition”.

Teacher's retelling with selective reading of the end of the story against the background of music<♪ Бетховен “Лунная соната”>and reproductions of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci.


Art is a great wizard and a kind of time machine. Any writer, observing, studying life, embodies with the help of words everything that he saw, felt, and understood. Literature has the special power of educating humanity in a person. It enriches us with very special knowledge - knowledge about people, about their inner world. Literature as the art of words has an amazing ability to influence the minds and hearts of people and helps to reveal the true beauty of the human soul.


<♪ Инструментальная музыка>

You enter life as if through the doors of a workshop.
At your disposal from now on
Wonderful world beautiful, human
Built by tragedy in the desert.
And his brand burns on you
Responsibility, actions and words.
It contains a lot of new old,
And the old is significant and new.
Enter it as a master boldly!
He is waiting for you and demands an answer.
Warm him up its tragedy,
Add more love and light to him!

− Today in class you opened the art world literature, heard the works of great writers, felt loving attention and respect for living life and man, nature, and the world as a whole.

Literature is an artistic reflection of human life and society

If on each page of this textbook we write the names of works of Russian literature that have left an eternal mark on people’s memory and have become the property of world art, these pages would not be enough.

Over its thousand-year history, Russian literature has been enriched with outstanding works - a wonderful world of images, thoughts, ideas. It is impossible to study all the works and get a complete picture of each one. But it is necessary to know the names of outstanding poets and writers and to read the works they created. Literature, like any other form of art, enriches us, making us smarter, more educated, develops character, and gives pleasure. The way to everything truly significant and beautiful in the world of literature is opened by those works that we callclassic.

The creator of a work that is destined to become a classic can only be a particularly outstanding, brilliant artist. If in his work he managed to express what worries everyone and resonates with every reader, then we have before us a great creation. Speaking about such works, we also raise the question of the time when they were created. This time may be completely different from the present. It would seem that the art of a certain era can only be of historical interest. But no. The peculiarity of a classic work is that it is typical of its time and at the same time reveals universal human values. It reflects a certain era with its unique characteristics and at the same time expresses views, thoughts, and ideas that are significant and important for humanity. At the same time, the universal human principle in the work becomes the most important.

The word "literature" comes from the Latinlittera, which is translated as “letter”, “writing”, i.e. writing, everything written.

It's been a long road from pictorial writing ancient man to modern letter literature. Along this path there were hieroglyphs and cuneiform writing, stone slabs, baked clay tablets, and tablets covered with wax. The advent of paper and the printing press in the Middle Ages was a real information explosion. Relief image of a letter on a wooden, metalliceskom, a plastic block, has been called since then and to this dayletter.Everything printed became literature. This is how the first, most general meaning of this word arose.Literature -this is the entire collection of written works of a particular people, era, of all humanity as a whole.

Writing as a means of information has two sides: the first is the ability to write, the second is the ability to perceive text. It may seem that reading is much easier than mastering the rules of spelling. Actually this is not true. A person’s true education and culture are determined not only by how many and what books he has read, but also by how he knows how to read.

A person can satisfy his curiosity by turning to political, journalistic, and popular science literature. The media introduce him to the life of the country and the planet. But fiction occupies a very special place, with which another meaning of the term “literature” is associated as a set of artistic verbal works. The name of the educational subject is connected with this meaning. In this meaning, literature is a phenomenon of art, the art of words.

Reading works of fiction has its own characteristics; there are sometimes very complex “formulas” that are very difficult to understand.

Provides answers to many important questionsliterary criticism- a science that studies the world of fiction, patterns of development, and the uniqueness of individual works. so and creative heritage writers, connection with the traditions of national and world literature.Literary studies studies the theoretical concepts necessary to comprehend a literary text. You already met some of them in 7th grade and know what they aresystem of images, image-character, author-narrator, artistic time Andartistic space, landscape in artetc. You probably realized that comprehending a work of art is a complex process. Its complexity is also explained by the fact that literature has changed throughout its history and has passed a thousand-year journey from oral folk art to a modern, extremely multifaceted system calledliterary process.

Literature as a specific type of art, artistically reflecting the life of man and society from ancient times to the present day, like history, develops according tochronologicalprinciple.During the course of history, trends and directions, continuity and traditions developed in literature, and main stages were formed that gave names to periods and styles in literature. In the 8th grade, you will study from a historical and chronological perspective the main trends, periods and styles in literature: ancient Russian literature, literature of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and Enlightenment, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism and realism in Russian literature.

What is itdirectionAndstyle?

Direction, or flow- these are literary conceptsTia. denoting the commonality of substantive and aesthetic principles, genre-thematic and stylistic features characteristic of the work of several writers, creative groups and schools.The literary direction is characterized by the commonality of the spiritual and aesthetic foundations of artistic works, due to the similarity of the socio-cultural situation and the same type of worldview of the writers. However, the ideals of individual authors, their attitude to the problems posed and ideas about ways and means of solution may be different.

Thus, the basis of the romantic worldview and romanticism as a literary movement are deep disappointment in reality, a thirst for perfection, and a passionate desire for absolute ideals. However, the specific content of “discord” and “dream” among romantic writers was not the same: some longed for a radical restructuring public life(for example, Byron, Lermontov), ​​others sought salvation in religion (Chateaubriand, Zhukovsky), others - in merging with nature and returning to folk antiquity.

Alternation and a certain sequence, chronology of changes in literary trends in different countries allow us to consider them as a supranational, international phenomenon, as a phenomenon of world literature. However, in each individual country and in national literature literary direction has a number specific signs. Thus, Russian romanticism is characterized by a combination of strictly romantic principles with sentimentalism (for example, in Zhukovsky), classicism (in Ryleev), anacreontics (in Batyushkov), and realism (in Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol).

With all the specific historical originality of national varieties of literary movements, they can be similar in meaning in literary process. This is like this, for example. the role of sentimentalism - the “opponent” of classicism and the predecessor of romanticism in the literary process of France and Russia. Between national varieties literary trends Thus, there is an internal connection - the expression of laws of a general literary order and the basis of mutual influences in literature.

The concept ofstylein literature. In a wordstylosthe ancient Greeks called a wooden, bone or metal stick, pointed at the end and intended for writing on wax tablets. But the scientific conceptstyle, of course, much more complex and multifaceted.

Literature, like art in general, has a unity of content and form of the work. Style provides this strong connection in the creative process itself. The original meaning of the word “style” helps to understand that the phenomenon is associated with creativity, a unified way of processing the material that the artist had before starting work.

The nature of the print depends onstylos, but does not depend on the wax tablet; handwriting depends on the pressure of the pen, but not on the quality of the paper. In other words,art style- is a tool for mastering and conveying reality by a writer.

The same topic (for example, " little man”) differently is solved by Pushkin in “The Station Agent”, Gogol in “The Overcoat”, Dostoevsky in “Poor People” due to the difference in styles that realize the difference in the artistic consciousness of the authors. They appear differently in different styles the same objects, events, thoughts. And such material as language is also transformed under the influence of style, which is why we say “the language of Pushkin,” “the language of Gogol,” “the language of Dostoevsky.”

This is Dostoevsky’s world: the word sounds with tension reaching the point of frenzy, with the constant intonation of a question requiring an immediate answer. The details and descriptions are sharply contrasting, the events and relationships of the characters are conflicting, every idea finds sharp expression in the plot. From this we can conclude that tension, contrast and hyperbolicity are properties of Dostoevsky’s style, which correspond to the tragic image of the world that he created in his novels and stories.

Formationliterary styles, movements, periods- a complex historical process that requires knowledge to understand theoretical concepts, reading and analyzing the works of different writers.

What are the features of classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism in Russian literature, how are they refracted in creativity? individual writers and poets; what's happenedhistoricism, cyclicality, chronologyin relation to the history of literature; what is the place of Russian literature in the history of world literature?

You will find answers to these and other questions by carefully studying the textbook, starting from fragments from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and “The Tale of Bygone Years” to the works of writers of the 20th century. World literature represented in the 8th grade by the works of W. Shakespeare, J. B. Moliere, J. Byron, whose works to a certain extent influenced the development of Russian literature. The section of the textbook “Russian Literature of Kazakhstan” includes works by I. Shukhov and Y. Gert.

1. What is literature: history, science or art? Coconut definition and why do you think it is the most accurate?

2.What is the difference between literature and other types of art: music, painting, architecture, cinema, theater, television, etc.?

3.What, in your opinion, is the task of literature - to teach, educate, convince, console, disturb? Justify your answer with examples from the books you have read.

4.What is the place and significance of literary analysis in the process of comprehending a literary text?

5.Read and retell the text “The Poet’s Advice” in your workbook.

6.Read the text “Trust in Art” in your workbook and complete the tasks for it.

7.Read aphorisms and statements about art and literature in your workbook. Choose the ones that are most interesting from your point of view and explain their meaning.

8. Fill in Vworkbook table about the importance of literature in human life with quotes from books read and aphorisms.

9.Complete task 1 in your workbook.

10. Tell me about a book you read in Lately and to a certain extent changed your outlook on life.

1. What does literary criticism study as a science?

2. What is literary direction?

3. What is stylein literature? What is the original meaning of the word "style"?

4. Give examples that characterize the writer's style.

5. What does the chronological principle mean in literature?

6. What is the chronological framework for studying literature in 8th grade?