Where to go to use maternity capital. When can you use maternity capital?

To increase the birth rate and regulate the demographic crisis in Russia, the state creates various types of material incentives for citizens. One of these measures is the introduction of maternity capital.

Maternity capital can be used for one or more purposes. In this article we will tell you in detail how to use maternity capital within the limits of the law.

The purposes for which maternity capital is permitted to be used are defined in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 (Part 3, Article 7):

  • For children to receive education.
  • To improve living conditions in Russia.
  • To form a funded pension for the mother or adoptive mother.
  • For social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children (purchase of appropriate goods, for example, wheelchairs, prostheses and payment for the services of medical specialists in accordance with the relevant List of Goods and Services).

A peculiarity of the use of maternity capital is that the start of its use may not be earlier than three years have passed since the birth of the child, whose birth gave the right to receive maternity (family) capital.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If maternity capital funds are used to repay the principal debt and pay interest on a mortgage loan, to pay a down payment on a mortgage, or to purchase goods and services for the social adaptation of a disabled child, maternity capital in accordance with Law No. 256-FZ (Part 6, 6.1 art. 7) can be used immediately upon receipt of the right to it.

The review approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces on June 22, 2016 (clause 4) makes a reservation according to which the use of maternity capital to repay the principal debt under a housing purchase and sale agreement is not allowed until the child is three years old.

These are the only restrictions on the use of maternity capital funds. Otherwise, maternity capital can be spent at the discretion of the parents, including for several purposes at the same time. Law No. 256-FZ (Part 4, Article 7) allows the use of part of maternity capital for the child’s education, and the other part for improving living conditions.

Important: Upon divorce, maternity capital funds, as a measure of state support for the family with a targeted nature of use, cannot be considered as part of the joint property of the spouses and, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 34, art. 38 of the RF IC and clause 1 of FNP Letter No. 2305/03-16-3 dated July 1, 2016, are not subject to division.

Let's consider an example: a certificate for maternity capital on the occasion of the birth of a second child was received by the mother during marriage. The children's parents divorce and a court decision determines the children's future place of residence with their father. In this case, the certificate for maternity capital remains with the mother, since the law does not provide for the division of the certificate in the event of a divorce.

Procedure for managing maternity capital

1. Submission of documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the list specified in clauses 6, 7 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 12, 2007:

  1. Application for disposal of maternity capital, drawn up in writing.
  2. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.
  3. Documents proving the identity of the certificate owner. If documents are submitted through a representative - the representative’s passport and a notarized power of attorney with the appropriate powers.

2. Also in some cases, a document (passport) of the spouse of the certificate holder, a marriage certificate, birth certificates of children with a mark on citizenship are required, and, if the application is submitted by a guardian (trustee) or adoptive parents, permission from the guardianship authority to spend maternity capital funds on selected goals.

Documents confirming the chosen purposes of using maternity capital are presented separately.

The methods for submitting an application for the disposal of maternity capital are specified in paragraphs 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2 of the Rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 779 n dated December 26, 2008. Thus, you can submit an application to the Pension Fund office at the place of residence, residence or stay in person or through your representative. You can also send documents by mail with a list of attachments and receipt of receipt.

A method of submitting documents through the MFC is available. Finally, you can use the website of state and municipal services and submit documents and applications electronically.

Electronic submission of documents and applications is also implemented through the personal account of the insured person in the PFR information system. When the Pension Fund official receives your documents, he will send you an electronic notification of receipt of the application, which will indicate the deadline within which you must submit to the Pension Fund all the necessary documents in the form of originals. This period is five working days from the date of receipt of your application by the Pension Fund.

The period for consideration of an application for disposal of maternity capital by the Pension Fund of Russia is 30 days from the date of receipt of all documents. During this period, the Pension Fund makes either a decision to approve your application or a reasoned decision to refuse. You will be notified of the decision within five days of the decision being made. If your application is satisfied, then in accordance with Federal Law No. 256-FZ (Part 1, 3 Article 8), Rules No. 862 (Clause 17) and Clause 9 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 926 of December 24, 2007 g., the funds will be transferred to your chosen goal within 10 days.

Illegal use of maternity capital funds is prosecuted by law. Thus, if maternity capital is used for the purpose of cashing out with further misuse of funds, this will lead to the Pension Fund of Russia demanding the return of amounts cashed out through illegal schemes. In this case, the actions of the certificate holder may be regarded as fraud, which will entail criminal liability.

Penalties include a fine, mandatory correctional labor and arrest. If signs of criminal article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are found in the actions of the violator, restriction or imprisonment may be applied. Exemption from criminal liability is possible only under existing conditions and actions of the offender that create the possibility of applying Art. 76.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for using maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions

According to Art. 10 of Law No. 256-FZ and clauses 8-13 of Rules No. 862, maternity capital can be used to improve housing conditions if this improvement manifests itself in the forms of:

  1. Purchasing residential premises.
  2. Construction of a residential building with the involvement of a contractor.
  3. Construction (reconstruction) of a residential building on your own, without the involvement of a construction organization.
  4. Payments for participation in shared housing construction.
  5. Payment of a down payment for the purchase or construction of housing when receiving a target or mortgage loan.
  6. Compensation for costs incurred for the construction or reconstruction of a residential building.
  7. Repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on a mortgage loan or a loan for the construction or purchase of finished housing.
  8. Payment of a fee to join a housing or housing construction cooperative, etc.

Housing purchased, as well as built or reconstructed using maternity capital funds, is registered in the common shared ownership of all family members, including the certificate holder, his spouse and all children. The size of the shares is determined by agreement. If housing purchased using maternity capital funds is registered exclusively in the name of children, according to Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. 216/06-11 dated February 7, 2013, the legitimacy of such a transaction will be called into question.

Conditioned by the use of maternal certificate funds during the construction of housing, registration of shared ownership in the hands of spouses and their children does not depend on the period of commissioning of the building. Even an unfinished house can be registered as shared ownership of family members, according to clause 5 of the Review approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces on July 6, 2016.

Registration of the use of maternity capital funds for the purpose of improving housing conditions involves submitting to the Pension Fund, in addition to the set of documents that we reviewed just above, additional documents, the list of which will depend on the type of improvement of housing conditions (see paragraphs 8-10, 10( 2) – 10(4), 11-13 Regulations No. 862).

The procedure for using maternity capital for children's education

The education of children, including the first, second, third and all subsequent ones, is one of the legitimate purposes for which maternity capital is provided. To pay for children's education using maternity capital, educational institutions must have the appropriate license and state accreditation. According to the requirements of Law No. 256-FZ (Parts 2, 3, Article 11), the age of the child at the time of starting education at an educational institution should not exceed 25 years.

In addition to paying for higher education, according to Rule No. 926 (clause 8(1)), maternity capital can also be used to pay for the maintenance and care of a child in an educational organization of preschool education (kindergarten), as well as in an educational institution of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.

In addition, according to clause 6 of Rule No. 926, maternity capital funds are allowed to be used to pay for accommodation and utilities in dormitories for students from other cities.

Depending on the chosen type of educational services, payment for which is planned to be made from maternity capital, the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in addition to the standard set of documents, will need to submit additional documents:

  • Agreement between the educational institution and the certificate holder. The contract, in accordance with clause 8(2) of Rules No. 926, must contain the calculation of tuition fees and the obligations of the educational institution in relation to the child. Also, according to Letter No. LCh-28-24/843 of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. MD-36/03, the agreement may indicate the amount sent by the Pension Fund of Russia to pay for the maintenance of a child in an educational institution, indicate the deadline for sending funds and stipulate the possibility of returning unused funds upon expiration of the contract or upon its termination.
  • Documents, in accordance with clause 7 of Rules No. 926, confirming that maternity capital funds are used to pay for the child’s stay in a hostel for non-residents and to pay for utilities.

The procedure for using maternity capital funds to form a funded pension

For mothers and adoptive mothers, Law No. 256-FZ (Part 1, Article 12) established the possibility of directing maternity capital funds to form a funded pension. To do this, the owner of the certificate for maternity capital must write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in which he indicates the purpose of using maternity capital to form a funded pension.

Mothers and adoptive parents have the right, until the moment they are assigned a funded pension, to abandon this purpose of using maternal capital and direct the funds to other purposes provided for by law, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 256-FZ. The law (Part 5, Article 12) allows the use of maternity capital funds as part of the pension savings of the mother (adoptive parent) when assigning her a funded pension, if she has not yet disposed of the maternity capital funds up to this point.

Maternity capital (MC) is state material support provided to the family, issued after the birth and subsequent children. All issues related to MK are regulated by the Law “On measures of state support for families with children” No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

The program was introduced in 2007, then the payment amount was 250 thousand rubles It was indexed annually and by 2019 it had increased by 80%. Now its value is RUB 453,026

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The last time the payment was increased by 5.5% was in January 2019. After that, the government did not change it, citing the difficult financial and economic situation in the country.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has developed a draft law according to which the indexation of this payment is suspended until 2020.

Main conditions

Once you receive money, it is important to use it wisely. In Russia, there are a sufficient number of options on what you can spend maternity capital on.

The state allows the use of financial assistance in the following areas:

  • repayment of loans and loans.

The most common ways to use MK are the following:

  • sale;
  • transfer to a pension fund;
  • payment for education;
  • obtaining a loan or mortgage;
  • housing improvement.

In the future, the authorities plan to expand the areas of how to use MK.

In particular, for the following purposes:

  • purchasing a car;
  • purchasing medicines, treating children with serious illnesses using high-tech methods;
  • development of subsidiary farming - for rural residents;
  • purchase of furniture, equipment, and other goods with a long service life;
  • covering sanatorium and resort expenses;
  • purchase of technical devices for disabled children.

In some regions of the country, the above methods are already being used. Thus, in the Ivanovo region, money from a certificate can be spent on designated tasks from the day the document is received.

Directions of order

Maternity capital funds can be spent in full or in parts in the following areas:

Home improvement
  • construction (purchase) of residential premises or houses;
  • individual housing construction (IHC) or reconstruction without the involvement of a third party;
  • reimbursement of expenses for individual housing construction or reconstruction;
  • down payment for the purchase or construction of housing when applying for a loan;
  • payment of debt and interest on housing loans;
  • entrance fee for participation in housing cooperatives.
Child's education
  • accommodation in a dormitory of an educational institution;
  • payment for services of a Russian educational institution;
  • payment for the maintenance of the offspring at school;
  • payment for sports and developmental sections and courses.
Formation of a funded pension
  • The application is submitted by the mother to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) at the address of residence or to a non-state pension fund. In it, it reflects the goals and amount of expenses.
  • The document can be submitted before May 1, then the money can be spent starting July 1 of the same year. If the application is submitted between May 2 and October 1, then the funds can be used in the first half of next year.

Citizens are concerned about the question: is it possible to receive money using a certificate in cash? Cashing them out is prohibited by law. Any such fraud is illegal. They are regarded as a crime in terms of misuse of public funds.

The list of applications of MK means is expected to be expanded in the future. In many regions of the Russian Federation, a regional MK is being introduced, additional to the federal one. Along with existing ones, local authorities can offer other options for spending it. For example, for the purchase of a car, land, treatment.

It is important to know that MK funds allocated for a funded pension can be redirected for other purposes at any time before the pension is assigned: purchasing housing, educating children

What can the owner spend maternity capital on?

In 2019, it is planned to approve new directions for using MK at the legislative level. The government wants the introduced spending targets to be more relevant than the existing ones.


In 2019, deputies advocated amending the Law. Their essence is the opportunity to invest MK funds in a deposit. Many citizens would like to take advantage of this. Along with indexation, it would be possible to receive income and increase the initial amount. However, the proposed innovations have not yet been adopted.

Educating children and supplementing a funded pension cannot be considered worthy investments. Investing MK in housing is the most profitable option. Real estate is always valued, so purchasing it is the most profitable option for spending money. The certificate funds will be a good help in purchasing the desired living space.

MK can be spent in parts; unused funds will be indexed according to general rules.


Most families spend MK on purchasing housing. This is a simple procedure, but it requires compliance with a number of conditions.

You can improve your living conditions in the following ways:

  • buy an apartment immediately;
  • apply for a loan to purchase housing;
  • build a new house;
  • reconstruct an existing home.

If the family has a housing loan or takes out a loan for similar purposes, the certificate funds can be used immediately after the birth of the baby. In other cases, you will have to wait until he reaches the age of three.

The purchased property must not be dilapidated or in disrepair.

The money is transferred to the seller after documents are completed in Rosreestr and expenses are approved by the Pension Fund. Sometimes its employees, in the interests of children, go to the purchased property in order to inspect it and check its suitability for habitation.

To spend MK funds on mutual settlements with the seller of the apartment, you need to visit the Pension Fund at your place of residence. The owner of the certificate must apply to dispose of the money.

Apply to it:

  • passport with registration of the child’s parents;
  • certificate for MK;
  • SNILS;
  • housing contracts registered in Rosreestr: purchases, mortgages, credit, etc.;
  • a copy of the property document, if available;
  • paper on granting a loan (for a mortgage);
  • an obligation to allocate shares to family members, certified by a notary.

If the decision is positive, the Pension Fund will transfer the money to the account specified in the agreement within two months.

To avoid problems, you should consult with Pension Fund employees in advance about what to do to receive money under the certificate. The employees will answer questions about the housing being purchased, possible reasons for refusal of payment, and will also help you draw up a contract correctly.

You can buy a room with MK funds. However, this must be a separate area, and not a share in the apartment. It must be documented in a separate certificate of ownership. That is, it is allowed to purchase a room in a communal apartment or in a private house.

You cannot buy living space in a building that has dormitory status. This area is considered specialized and cannot be alienated (Article 92 of the RF Housing Code).


With MK funds you can improve your living conditions.

There are some nuances here:

  • the money can be used from the child’s third birthday;
  • money is transferred to the recipient directly from the Pension Fund;
  • the share in the new housing must be registered as the child’s property;
  • the apartment or house must be located on Russian territory.

You can take out a mortgage with capital money. To do this, you will need sales and purchase agreements, mortgage agreements, and a document confirming the ownership of the property. With this option, the money is transferred to the bank until the child turns three years old.

MK can be spent on building or increasing the area of ​​a house, renovating it, or purchasing building materials. The Pension Fund will reimburse half of the funds after submitting documents confirming the costs. The rest is transferred to the person conducting the construction after he presents documents indicating the improvement of the housing.

When registering home ownership, the shares of children are taken into account. This is specified in the relevant agreement. At the request of the mother, money from the certificate can be transferred to form her funded pension.

It is allowed to sell MK to pay for the education of offspring: kindergarten, school, institute. The educational institution is chosen by the family independently. It is allowed to pay for the education of any of the children. The only restriction is that the child must not be older than 25 years old at the start of studies.

MK can be spent on all purposes approved by law, and in addition, it can be divided, implemented in stages, or not spent at all, this is all a woman’s right


Using family capital to buy a car has positive aspects:

  • the issue of movement of families with children is being resolved;
  • for rural residents, personal transport will help eliminate the problem of medical care, children receiving education, purchasing necessary goods, etc.;
  • Taxi work available;
  • sales growth and support for the domestic automotive industry.

Families can use capital without investing additional funds, since the cost of the car is commensurate with the amount of the certificate. The above facts confirm the convenience of having a car in the family. Its presence improves living standards.

Purchasing a car with a certificate also has negative sides. The risk of cashing out the document and resale of the car increases. A purchased car may be stolen or rendered unusable. Technical malfunctions may occur. Authorities will not be able to track how a machine purchased in this way is used.

Today, the approved options for spending MK funds do not involve the purchase of a car. For many families, especially large ones, the presence of this type of transport would make everyday life easier.

You won't be able to buy a car illegally. The Pension Fund is responsible for accruing money. They are transferred to the bank account of the relevant organization. It is impossible to receive the amount on the certificate in hand.

Deputies put forward a proposal to include the purchase of a car in the MK program. The car is the property of all family members. It must be domestic and not be registered. The proposal was made in 2009, 2011, 2019, but not a single bill was approved.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • the interests of children are not taken into account, since transport cannot be issued for them;
  • a car can have different values, which allows you to exchange money and, if there is a shortage, add an additional amount;
  • an illegal transaction deprives the family of payments and provides for criminal penalties for fraud.

It is not allowed to officially purchase a car using the certificate. Only certain regions have installed this option. For example, Rostov, Ulyanovsk, Kaliningrad regions.

You can register an MK at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. To do this, you will need to prepare a package of documents; a list of them for purchasing a car can be obtained from specialists of an authorized organization.

Typically required:

  • statement;
  • copies of documents on the birth or adoption of children;
  • loan agreement;
  • certificate of outstanding balance (for a car in installments).

The papers will be reviewed within a month. The foundation will then notify the family in writing of the results. If the outcome is negative, the refusal is given reasons. Buying a car with a certificate is allowed only in those regions where this is permitted. You can spend half of the money on building a house and the rest on a car.

What does the new regulation say?

According to the new regulation, from the beginning of 2019, a new direction for spending MK funds was introduced. It consists of compensation for the costs of adaptation into society for disabled children under the age of three. The government has established a list of technical means, measures for the treatment and rehabilitation of children.

Currently, you can get 20 thousand rubles from MK. Payment is made once. The state does not establish a list of what maternity capital issued in cash can be spent on. You do not need to confirm the expenditure of this amount. The money is transferred by the Pension Fund to the mother’s account upon her request.

The rules for submitting a document and the list of required papers are contained in Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 251n dated April 27, 2015.

Prohibitions in the rules

The issuance of a certificate for MK may be refused on the following grounds:

  • the mother or eldest offspring does not have Russian citizenship;
  • a woman has been deprived of parental rights to her last child or children preceding the child for whom the certificate is issued;
  • providing the Pension Fund with inaccurate data on the order of birth of babies;

If you are refused to issue a document for MK, you should contact the higher authority of the Pension Fund or the court.

The received MK cannot be spent on the following needs:

  • purchasing real estate abroad;
  • purchase of land;
  • purchase of building materials;
  • payment of loans, except mortgages;
  • paying off rent debt;
  • treatment;

So, mom received a certificate for maternity capital. Now she has to decide an important question: what to spend the money on? Our children need so much - toys, clothes, healthy food, good housing, quality education...

Maternity capital funds are clearly not enough to satisfy all the needs of the family, so it is necessary to choose the most important and necessary. Besides, legislation imposes a number of restrictions on the use of the certificate.

Limitations and features of use

  • The first thing a woman needs to know is that money cannot be spent at your own discretion. The law clearly defines the purposes for which maternity capital funds are allowed to be spent.
  • Secondly, maternity capital funds can be used in parts. Let’s say you need to pay 50 thousand rubles for a child’s education. Mom can write an application for this amount and use the rest of the money later. At the same time, the balance of maternity capital will be indexed every year.
  • Third, money according to the certificate is not issued in person. In order to use maternity capital funds, you must write an application to the Pension Fund indicating the purpose, the required amount and the bank account to which the money will be transferred.
  • Fourth, an application for the use of maternity capital funds is accepted after the child turns 2 years and 6 months. Payments are made after the child reaches three years of age. There are two exceptions to the rule - mortgage payments and payments for everyday needs. In these cases, money is paid regardless of the age of the child.

What can you spend maternity capital on:

  1. To improve living conditions.
  2. For children's education.
  3. To form the funded part of the mother’s labor pension.

Initially, the law on maternity capital did not provide for other payments, but in 2009, due to the difficult economic situation, the rules were changed. Now a woman can receive a one-time payment for everyday needs in the amount of up to 12 thousand rubles.

We improve living conditions

Maternity capital funds can be invested in the purchase of real estate under construction, an apartment in a new building or secondary housing.

The law allows you to buy any real estate - apartment, house or cottage, as long as this property is located on the territory of the Russian Federation and is intended for human habitation.

You can purchase housing in any way: buy outright, enter into a mortgage agreement (by the way, there is such a federal mortgage), take part in a housing construction cooperative. If real estate is purchased under a mortgage agreement or on credit, maternity capital funds are transferred to the account of the borrower (bank or other credit institution).

Funds for the purchase of housing are allocated in the usual manner after the child turns 3 years old.

You can pay off your mortgage debt at any time, regardless of the child’s age. The application is reviewed within 1 month. The money is paid within 1 month after the decision is made by the special commission.

We pay for children's education

  1. With money from maternity capital you can pay for clubs, sections, classes in a music, sports or art school, secondary special or higher education of the child.
  2. The funds can be spent on the child’s accommodation in a dormitory during their studies.
  3. Tuition is paid at a state, municipal or private educational institution. A private educational institution must have a state license and the right to provide paid educational services.
  4. Funds from maternity capital can be spent on the education of any child in the family, and not just the one for whom the certificate is issued.
  5. The child must be under 25 years of age at the start of training.
  6. The application must be submitted 6 months before the desired payment date.

Increasing mom's future pension

Using maternity capital funds, you can increase the funded part of your mother’s labor pension. Funds may be directed both to the State Pension Fund and to non-state funds (private management companies).

If a woman writes an application to transfer funds to the funded part of her labor pension, and then changes her mind, the money is returned to the maternity capital account.

We receive money for everyday needs

Payment for daily needs can only be received once. The maximum payment amount is 12 thousand rubles. When receiving a lump sum payment, you do not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old. Payment period is limited:

  • Women who received the right to maternity capital in the period from January 1, 2007 to September 31, 2009 can submit an application to the Pension Fund until December 31, 2009.
  • For mothers whose eligibility arose between October 1 and December 31, 2009, the application deadline has been extended until March 31, 2010.

Money for everyday needs is transferred within two months after submitting the application.

Federal law provides only three opportunities to spend maternity capital. Each of them is specific and requires a special package of documents for disposal.

In order to take advantage of family capital, You must contact the Pension Fund with an application and all prepared documents.

The period for consideration of the application and verification of documents takes at least 1 month. After this, the money will be transferred for its intended purpose, and the certificate holder will receive documents indicating the disposal of the state subsidy funds.

So, where and how can you spend maternity capital?

Buying an apartment or building a house

Improving living conditions. This laconic formulation hides a whole host of possibilities. Indeed, statistics show that most married couples take advantage of the opportunity to either pay off an already taken loan.

So, maternity capital is primarily spent on building and renovating a house and buying an apartment. It does not matter whether the apartment is purchased in a new building or on the secondary market. An important point: use maternity capital for a down payment when taking out a mortgage or to purchase building materials when building a house This is possible only after the child for whom the subsidy has been received reaches three years of age.

Exception: if at the time of receiving maternity capital a mortgage has already been taken out. Then you can use the capital for an extraordinary payment. In practice, there is often a case when they take out a mortgage just for the amount of maternity capital, for example, if a family sells an old apartment and takes a new one with an increased area. The difference in price is precisely covered by a mortgage, actually paid at the expense of the state.

In order to purchase an apartment with a mortgage using maternal capital, you must take the following steps:

  • contact the bank and find out if they work under the maternity capital program;
  • draw up a certificate and, while it is being drawn up, look for suitable housing and formalize with a notary an obligation to allocate a share in the purchased property to the children;
  • after receiving the certificate and finishing the search for an apartment, you need to submit documents to the bank (which ones will be indicated by the loan specialist);
  • wait for bank approval;
  • After receiving approval, start applying for a mortgage;
  • after receiving the funds, an apartment is purchased and ownership is registered (minimum for one parent and two children);
  • documents for the apartment, an agreement with the bank and a payment schedule are transferred to the Pension Fund;
  • a month after checking all the submitted papers, the Pension Fund settles with the bank.

For buying a house or part of a house, the algorithm is similar.

If you need to use matkapital to pay off an existing mortgage, you just need to submit documents to the Pension Fund. Important: the subsidy can only be used to repay the principal and interest, and fines and penalties, if any, will have to be paid independently.

If a family plans to build a private house, then there are two options:

  • Builders are involved in the work (team contract);
  • construction is carried out independently.
  • In any case, a package of documents is submitted to the Pension Fund:
  • certificate of registration of land rights;
  • building permit;
  • obligation to allocate a share in the house to children;
  • agreement with builders (if available).

The pension fund pays the construction organization by bank transfer. If the family builds a house themselves, then 50% of the requested amount is first transferred to their account, and after submitting a report on where the money was spent, the rest is transferred.

Home renovation as such cannot be produced at the expense of maternal capital. But it is possible to carry out repairs and reconstruction of housing if expansion of the area is a prerequisite. Such requirements are unlikely to apply to apartments, so the house is usually rebuilt: a floor, a veranda, an adjoining room are added, and so on. The package of documents submitted to the Pension Fund is similar to the package for construction.

For studies and meals

Maternal capital for a child’s education is possible, and in a broad sense. That is, money is spent not only on paying the teacher, but also on food, additional classes in kindergarten or clubs, and at school. It is important that the institution providing educational services has state accreditation and a license to operate. what is the amount of maternity capital? What size of maternity capital will you find out?

That is, private tutors do not fit this definition unless they are representatives of some licensed educational center. You can also spend money on your child’s accommodation in a dormitory if it is provided by a university or technical school.

Family capital can be spent on the education of any child. For example, if the eldest child has already entered the university and lives in a dormitory, you can pay for his accommodation using maternity capital. And “sponsor” the baby for meals in kindergarten and payment for additional classes.

In order to use the subsidy to pay for kindergarten, you need to submit the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • passport and SNILS of the person for whom the certificate is issued;
  • the certificate itself;
  • an agreement with a kindergarten for the provision of services;
  • payment agreement and payment schedule;
  • a certified copy of the kindergarten license;
  • documents on the birth or adoption of children.

For my mother's future retirement

According to statistics, only 2% of families who received maternity capital take advantage of this opportunity. As a rule, these are fairly wealthy families who do not need an apartment and who do not need to spend money on their child’s education, or the child is studying abroad and paying for his studies with maternal capital is difficult.

Material capital funds will be used to form the funded part of the pension. Their can be received in the future in the form of a significant increase in pension or as a lump sum payment– this possibility is also provided.

To register the service you will need the following documents:

  • certificate and passport;
  • SNILS;
  • statement.

The procedure is extremely simple, given that the funds will be at the disposal of the Pension Fund, which, in fact, is involved in the distribution of “family” money.

Important: in the event of the death of the certificate holder before her retirement, all accumulated funds are transferred to the heirs, but not to all, but only to the husband or children. Want to know more about or what will happen to? Click on the highlighted phrases.

When can you use maternity capital and how? This is also discussed in the video.

Maternity capital for a car

Federal legislation does not provide for the possibility of spending maternity capital on a car. Although deputies have already voiced proposals to expand the scope of use of family funds more than once. However, such an initiative does not find support from the Government.

In particular, it is believed that purchasing a car is not an urgent family necessity, and it’s difficult to call this investment an investment.

Investing in maternity capital still implies a foundation for the future: this is either housing that will last a long time, or education, the quality of which will affect the child’s entire life, or a high mother’s pension, that is, a decent life in old age.

On the other hand, it is rare that a family, especially a large one, can now do without personal transport. In a number of Russian regions, regional maternity capital is issued. In the Kaliningrad region, for example, it is directly stated that these funds can be spent on purchasing a car. In other regions, the subsidy is simply given in cash, and the family can spend it anywhere - including buying a car.


The disposal of maternal capital funds is strictly regulated by the state. At the federal level, there are three opportunities to use the subsidy: for the purchase or construction of housing, or for the reconstruction of existing housing with an increase in living space, for payment of educational services, and for the formation of a mother’s pension.

In each case, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund and submit documents so that the fund’s specialists, after verification, can make a non-cash transfer of funds.

Federal family capital cannot be spent on a car. But in a number of regions there are local subsidies, and some entities provide the opportunity to purchase a car with this money.

Where to spend maternity capital? Find out more in the video.

When the state was developing such a measure of support for families with children as maternity capital, the question of determining the purposes for using these funds was acute. It was necessary to resolve the issue so that the assistance was valid and attempts at fraud were kept to a minimum.

To receive maternity capital, it is necessary that a second or subsequent child be born or officially adopted into the family. Date of birth - after 01/01/2007.

Matkapital is not a cash sum of money, but a certificate that gives the family the right to use these funds exclusively for their intended purpose. Deviation from the goals set by the Government is not allowed. Cashing out maternity capital funds is also not allowed. It is transferred only by non-cash method to the account of the organization that will use these funds.

At the beginning of 2007, when the program was just launched, the amount of maternity capital was 250,000 rubles. Then each year this indicator was indexed in accordance with the established inflation rate. So, in 2015, the value of maternity capital became 453,026 rubles.

Then indexation was stopped, as the country’s budget “could not last” due to the economic crisis. To date, indexation has not resumed, and as of January 1, 2018, the value of maternity capital remained at 453,026 rubles.

The implementation of this state program is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia. It is he who is entrusted with the functions of regulating these payments and maintaining the legality of their use. It is important to understand that this is not cash and it is impossible to cash it out and receive some (or all) of the amount in your hands. If someone proposes to do this, then he is breaking the law. He needs to be held accountable.

Maternity capital has clearly defined goals for which this money can be spent. Misuse of funds is prohibited! The state has determined the following purposes for using maternal capital funds. You can spend these funds on:

  • improving the family's living conditions. This could be buying an apartment or house with a mortgage, building your own home, or purchasing building materials to build a house;
  • payment for a child’s education at a university, college, private school or preschool institution, both public and private;
  • payment for the services of a nanny hired by a licensed organization;
  • transfer of funds to the mother's funded pension;
  • purchasing necessary things for a disabled child or other necessary means for his adaptation to society.

Deviation from these goals is not permitted.


According to the intended purpose of maternity capital, it can be used as follows:

  • make a down payment to obtain a mortgage loan;
  • pay off part of the principal debt with these funds, significantly reducing the amount of the monthly payment.

To receive funds, you must contact the bank, which will act as a lender. It is he who will act as an intermediary with the bank. But you will have to wait until the Pension Fund approves the application and transfers the funds to the bank account. This usually takes about two months.

Building a house

With this money you can not only buy an apartment or a house, but you can also use it to build your own home. The concept of construction, specifically for the intended use of funds, in this case includes the following actions:

  • management of funds for the construction of a new house from scratch;
  • use of a certificate for the completion or reconstruction of a previously built house;
  • allocation of funds for the completion of an almost completed house.

You can build a house yourself, or you can use contractors. If a family has decided that they will hire a contractor to build their own house, the Pension Fund will transfer funds to the contractor’s account only after the latter provides an estimate. Funds will be transferred within the maternity capital.

If the family decided to build on their own, to invest in construction and capital, then 50% will be transferred to the account during the initial application, and the remaining 50% only after the house is completely completed.

Important! The Pension Fund of Russia will approve an application for the use of maternity capital funds only if the land is intended for individual housing construction. Land intended for gardens/vegetable gardens/dachas is not suitable.


When the family is large, you need a roomy car. For this reason, public figures proposed adding the purchase of a car or repayment of a car loan to the list of purposes for using maternal capital. But this initiative did not find a response in the hearts of legislators.

The fact is that initially maternity capital implies funds to help the whole family. It is for this reason that when funds are used for the purpose of purchasing real estate, the purchased property is registered as the property of all family members, including children. It is not practical to register such ownership with a car.

In addition, it was assumed that it would be possible to buy only a domestic car. But this initiative did not find a response in the hearts of Russian families. Therefore, as of 2018, it is impossible to use federal maternity capital funds to buy a car or repay a car loan.

Many regions provide their families with additional assistance in the form of regional maternity capital. Its amount is not as large as that of the federal one. On average, this is 100,000 rubles, and they are not subject to annual indexation.

So, some regions allow you to use these funds to buy a car. And, as practice shows, families willingly use these funds for these purposes. But it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • the car does not have to be a passenger car. It could be a minivan or a truck;
  • it cannot be sold for a certain period of time. The family should "enjoy" ownership of the vehicle in question;
  • the car must be manufactured in the country. That is, it is either a domestic car or a foreign car, but assembled in Russia;
  • funds can only be allocated for the purchase of a new car; you cannot buy a used car.


This is also a fairly popular direction for using maternity capital funds. Many families spend this money specifically on the education of their older children, because the law does not stipulate the obligation to spend funds on the child for whom it was allocated.

Funds are transferred to the account of the training organization. It doesn't have to be a university. This could be a college, technical school or kindergarten, both public and private. To transfer funds to the account of an educational organization, you need an agreement that specifies the amount of training or stay for a certain period.

For example, when paying for tuition at a university, the contract stipulates that the fee is charged per semester, or less often, per year of study. To use the entire amount of funds or only part of it, you must contact the Pension Fund (if we are talking about regional capital, then social protection), and write a corresponding application, and attach to it a training agreement and a certificate stating that the child is successfully studying. Then the funds will be transferred.

After each transfer of funds, you must take a document from the educational institution confirming the fact that the money has been transferred and that the student has no tuition debt.


When the program was just being developed, an initiative was proposed to use a certificate for the mother's future pension. That is, this is a kind of gratitude from the state for maintaining the state’s demographic policy. If the mother makes a decision, she can put this money into her personal account in the state or non-state Pension Fund.

To do this, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund and attach to it an agreement with the Pension Fund itself, or with a non-state pension fund. Then the funds will be sent to the mother’s personal savings account.

When a woman retires in old age, she will be able to add the money previously invested to her pension. In addition, during the period while the amount is kept in a personal account in the NPF, these funds will “accrue” interest. Therefore, you can consider this a profitable investment in your old age.


Many families want to live outside the city. But for this you need both land and a house. And if maternity capital funds can be used to purchase or build their own home, then can they be used to purchase a plot of land on which the family will then build a house.

The law does not allow state aid to be invested in this way. The fact is that the purchase of land does not improve the living conditions of the family, therefore the funds cannot be used for such a purpose.

As mentioned above, funds can be invested in building a house on a plot that already belongs to the family as a property. For example, a large family receives a plot of land under the state program for assistance to large families. This family probably already has maternal capital. You can use it to build a house for the whole family. In this case, the house must be intended for year-round housing.

Country house

According to current legislation, a dacha is a place for seasonal residence. The category of land under a country house is not intended for individual housing construction. It refers to agricultural land that can be used for planting a garden.

Many people provide all the necessary communications to their dacha, which allows them to live here all year round. But maternity capital funds can only be used to build or buy a house on land intended for individual housing construction. Therefore, it is impossible to buy a dacha using maternal capital.

Get cash from maternity capital

In the midst of the economic crisis, the Government took an anti-crisis measure - it began to issue lump sum payments to families who received a family capital certificate. Their size was 20 and 25 thousand in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

According to statistics, more than 2 million families took advantage of their right and received such one-time assistance. The largest number of applications were approved in the summer periods of 2015 and 2016, respectively. This may indicate that assistance from the state helped these families get their children into school or another educational institution.

As soon as the country's economy recovered, the Government canceled this anti-crisis measure. There were families who took their applications to the Pension Fund and were sincerely surprised that they could exercise the right to receive a lump sum payment. Neither 2017 nor 2018, the Government adopted bills according to which families could receive a certain amount from maternity capital funds.

In addition, every family should know that it is impossible to receive cash from the certificate. It can only be transferred by non-cash method to the bank account of the organization that will use it for its intended purpose. In this case, you first need to write a corresponding application, attach all the documents to it, and then transfer the package to the Pension Fund. The application will be considered on its merits, and a reasoned decision will be made on it.

Therefore, any offer to cash the certificate and pay the family the amount in cash is fraud and falls under an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


Any attempts to illegally use the certificate or cash it out with the help of shell companies are suppressed by law enforcement officials. In this case, not only the party that proposed such a scam, but also the family that owns the certificate will be punished. This family will be deprived of the right to government assistance.