Competition “The world through the eyes of young people. heirs of the great victory. The world around us through the eyes of young artists The world through young eyes


All-Russian competition of young amateur photographers “The world through the eyes of young people. Heirs of the Great Victory”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held in order to improve and develop children's and youth photographic creativity. Founders of the Competition: Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region, Union of Photographers of Russia.

Organizer: State budgetary educational institution of additional education for children Samara Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (GBOU DOD SDDYUT).

Objectives of the Competition

Formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of young citizens based on historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world, preservation and development of a sense of pride in their country.
Popularization of photography among children and youth of the Russian Federation.
Promoting the establishment and expansion of creative connections between young photographers.
Identifying young talented photographers, creating conditions for improving their professional level and providing the opportunity to realize their creative potential.
Improving the professional skills of photo association managers.

Participants of the Competition

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 11 to 25 years, as well as children's and youth studios, schools, and other creative photographic associations are invited to participate in the Competition. The selection of works will take place in four age categories: 11-13, 14-16, 17-19 and 20-25 years.

Competition nominations

1. “Winners” - single photographs or series showing the life of participants in the Great Patriotic War, the attitude of others towards them, the connection of generations, preserving the memory of the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland.
2. “People and Everyday Life” - single photographs or series illustrating the richness and diversity of everyday life, including portrait photographs.
3. “Nature” - single photographs or series about the natural world (mammals and birds, landscapes, macro photography, plants, the underwater world, etc.).
4. “Free theme” - single photographs or series, which in their content do not correspond to other nominations (still life, architecture, abstraction, etc.).
Note: the organizers of the Competition reserve the right to move competition works from one nomination to another.

Procedure for the Competition

Works for the Competition in electronic form along with the application (see sample) must be received by the organizing committee before April 20, 2015.

Mailing address for accepting work: [email protected]
Each author can submit up to 7 works for the competition. This number may include one series, which is considered one work. The number of photographs in a series is from 3 to 8. This condition also applies to collections of photo associations. The total number of works in the photo association’s collection should not exceed 180.

Requirements for submitted materials:

The competition will not accept works that violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, those that promote or incite social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity. As well as works that violate generally accepted moral standards of society.
Each photo can only be presented once: as a single photo or as part of a series. Photos submitted more than once will not be considered.
For photographs in the “Winners”, “People and Everyday Life” and “Nature” nominations, it is allowed to adjust brightness, contrast, color balance, sharpness, cropping, and correcting perspective distortions using computer or other technologies. Computer technologies can be applied to photographs in the “Free Theme” category without restrictions.
File format - jpeg. The image size is 800 pixels on the long side. RGB color space. Absence of decorative frames and signatures of the author in the field of the photograph.
The application is completed in accordance with the sample.

Sample application:

Dates of the Competition

First round (21.04 – 20.05) - selection of photographic works by the jury of the Competition for the final exhibition. Based on the results of the first round, participants in the final photo exhibition are determined.
The winners will be determined in the second round.
All participants in the photo competition will be sent invitations to participate in the second round to the email specified in the application. Authors of works included in the final photo exhibition (the list will be in the invitation) will have to send files in full resolution and high quality (for printing photographs measuring 30 x 40 cm). Photo printing is carried out by the organizing committee.
Second round (final) of the All-Russian Photo Festival “The World through the Eyes of Young People. Heirs of the Great Victory" and the final photo exhibition will be held in Samara from July 8 to July 11, 2015 (the date of the second round may be changed, about which the Competition participants will be informed additionally).

Approximate program of the Photo Festival

Opening and presentation of an exhibition of the best works;
blitz competition;
conducting master classes for participants of the photo festival;
analysis of the results of the photo competition;
cultural program for participants and guests of the Competition;
awarding the winners;

The final version of the program, accommodation and food conditions will be included in the invitation.

Jury of the Competition

Svetlana Pozharskaya is the chairman of the Competition jury. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. For more than 25 years she worked as a leading specialist in the photography department of the State Russian House of Folk Art. Member of the jury, participant and prize-winner of international, all-Union, Russian photo exhibitions, festivals and competitions. 20 personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad. The works are stored in the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, in the State Center for Contemporary Art, as well as in private collections.

Jury members:

Georgy Korchenkin - Secretary of the Union of Photographic Artists of Russia, Chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Photographic Artists of Russia for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (Surgut).

Vladimir Vyatkin – Honorary member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, photo reporter for RIA Novosti, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, winner of the Golden Eye award and six gold medals of World Press Photo, teacher at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (Moscow).

Galina Temchina - head of the Moscow Window photo studio (1986-2000). She taught photography at the Faculty of Journalism of the IMPiE named after. Griboedova (2002-2012). Currently a consulting psychologist. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia (Moscow).

Yuri Strelets is the editor of the illustration department in the regional newspaper “Samara Izvestia”, chairman of the photo association at the Samara regional organization of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Samara).

Out of more than a hundred works by young artists, the jury members selected 89 in the categories: “Easel painting”, “Graphics”, “Decorative and applied arts”, “Sculpture”, “Collective work”, among four age categories. The authors of these works were awarded diplomas of I, II, III and IV degrees, and their works will go to the regional stage, which will take place in late April - early May this year in Murmansk.

- The variety of work is colossal. New items were also presented this year. One of them is the work “Deuce Again” in the “Sculpture” nomination. A very interesting lithograph and, of course, painting, graphics, - says Daria Silushina, director of the North Sea Children's Art School. - Every time I admire the work of our children, because sometimes you look and think: “where did you see this in our city?” And they see it! It is truly unusual to look at the world around us through the eyes of a child. Every time I smile, I am happy. Thanks to them for this!


Since 2000, in the Samara region, on the anniversaries of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the All-Russian competition of young amateur photographers “The World through the Eyes of Young People. Heirs of the Great Victory." This good tradition was born in the photo school “Samara” of the Samara Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

The 2015 competition received more than 2,800 photographs from 582 authors from 53 Russian photo studios from Oryol, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Tver, Tyumen, Kostroma, Leningrad, Omsk, Lipetsk, Penza, Ryazan, Irkutsk, Kurgan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Kaluga regions, as well as from the Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Kamchatka, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Perm Territory, the Republic of Crimea and from Kazakhstan.

1. "Winners"single photographs or series showing the life of participants in the Great Patriotic War, the attitude of others towards them, the connection of generations, preserving the memory of the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland.

2. "People and Everyday Life" - single photographs or series illustrating the richness and variety of everyday life, including portrait photographs.

3. "Nature" - single photographs or series about the natural world (mammals and birds, landscapes, macro photography, plants, underwater world).

4. "Free topic" - single photographs or series, which in their content do not correspond to other nominations (still life, architecture, abstraction, etc.).

The selection of works took place in four age categories: 11-13, 14-16, 17-19 and 20-25 years old.

The founders of this photo competition are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region and the Union of Photographers of Russia, the Public Chamber of the Samara Region, the organizer of the photo competition is the Samara Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

  • Formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of young citizens based on historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world, preservation and development of a sense of pride in their country.
  • Popularization of photography among children and youth of the Russian Federation.
  • Promoting the establishment and expansion of creative connections between young photographers.
  • Identifying young talented photographers, creating conditions for improving their professional level and providing the opportunity to realize their creative potential.
  • Improving the professional skills of photo association managers.

Svetlana Pozharskaya - chairman, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, For more than 25 years, Svetlana Georgievna worked as a leading specialist in the photography department of the State Russian House of Folk Art. Member of the jury, prize-winner of international, all-Union, Russian photo exhibitions, festivals and competitions. 20 personal exhibitions were held in Russia and abroad. Photographs by Pozharskaya S.G. are kept in the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, in the State Center for Contemporary Art, as well as in private collections.

Vladimir Vyatkin— Honorary member of the Russian Union of Photographers, photo reporter for RIA Novosti, member of the Russian Union of Journalists, winner of the Golden Eye award and six World Press Photo gold medals, teacher at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (Moscow).

Galina Temchina- head of the Moscow Window photo studio (1986-2000). She taught photography at the Faculty of Journalism of the IMPiE named after. Griboedova (2002-2012). Currently a consulting psychologist. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia (Moscow).

Mukhanov Nikolay- Samara conceptual photographer, member of the photo association at the Union of Journalists of Russia, winner of the Grand Prix of the Baltic Biennale.

Yuri Strelets- editor of the illustration department in the regional newspaper “Samara Izvestia”, chairman of the photo association at the Samara regional organization of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Member of the Union of Photographers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Samara).
All teams that sent works to the competition are awarded certificates of participation in the photo competition.

The best young artists from all over the region gathered in Stary Oskol. A regional children's drawing competition in memory of Ilya Khegai was held at the children's art school. This year it gathered 56 participants.

The full class of participants, silence and only the rustle of pencils and rustling brushes speak of the intense work of the young artists. Concentrating over their easels, the guys depicted on paper how beautiful this world is. This is exactly the theme of the regional competition in memory of Ilya Khegai this year. Participants are not limited by any form or technique of performance.

Children can work with oil pastels, watercolors, and gouache. Choose any technique, work on toned paper with a brush, felt-tip pens, pencils. The competition itself is very interesting because children come and work in real time. What the children did here in two hours is exclusively the child’s independent work, there is no teacher’s hand here, and we can really evaluate the children’s work.

13-year-old Sofya Niroda from the village of Rovenki decided to depict Crimea. She is the only one of the competition participants who works using the grattage technique - this is an ancient method of drawing a picture by scratching. I prepared the blank for the competition over the course of a week.

Of course I wanted to win. I participate with pleasure in order to enjoy the process and see other works.

- Sofia Niroda.

Natalya Sukhenko from the Korochansky district also prepared thoroughly for the competition. This year, after finishing 9th grade, she plans to continue her studies at college in the graphic design department.

At my art school I tried to paint this picture in color, then at home I allocated time. I have never drawn in a hurry, usually the competitions were not face-to-face, but now the lack of time is greatly affecting my work.

- Natalya Sukhenko.

Eight-year-old Ksenia Tulinova from Gubkin completed the task ahead of schedule. She drew a plot based on her summer vacation memories.

I remember most of all how we went fishing as a family in the summer. I depicted everything that reminds me of this event, I drew how my uncle was sailing on the boat. I probably inherited my grandfather’s ability to draw.

- Ksenia Tulinova.

The jury selected the winners in three age categories. This is very difficult to do; 56 participants gathered here.

The best of the best came to us. Talented work, I want to look at each work and admire it, the children are great, in principle, they all did a great job.

- Olga Gladkikh, director of the Stary Oskol children's art school.

The competition in memory of Ilya Khegai has been held for the seventh year. It started as a school-wide program, then became city-wide, and in 2016, regional.

Ilya Nikolaevich is a world-class artist, as I never tire of repeating. There is an encyclopedia “Artists of All Times and Nations”, which has been published in Germany for many years, including this encyclopedia.

- Tatyana Bryzhik, competition organizer.

As a result of the competition, the nine best artists received memorable gifts and cash prizes.

An extensive program was prepared for young researchers, which included:

An interactive educational game “Island of Discovery”, in which guests and participants of the festival, having received route sheets, went on an exciting journey through scientific stations. At each station, entertaining experiments, quizzes, and master classes awaited them;

Theater of Entertaining Science performances creative team of Moscow school No. 439“Intelligence”, which are of constant interest to children and adults;

Competition-exhibition of scientific and educational projects of students.

About 200 people took part in the festival. 24 teams from educational organizations in Moscow and the Moscow region took part in the exhibition competition, presenting 68 scientific and educational projects to the jury. The jury determined the winners.

Nomination “An experimental research project that reveals in an entertaining way the manifestation of the laws of nature.”

1st place - Dmitry, project “Gymnastics for the eyes”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1621 Tree of Life” (director E.A. Fomchenko);

1st place - Pavel, Ksenia, Varvara, Vera, Daria, project “Nature and I are best friends”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 2103”, Preschool No. 6 (leaders Linina A.E. and Bagdasaryan M.G.);

2nd place - Ksenia, Yaroslav, Nastasia, Gleb, Lev, Elizaveta, Taisiya, project “Swimming School”, School of Self-Determination named after. A.N. Tubelsky, preschool department, “Amazing Water” club (headed by N.P. Pavlova);

3rd place - Daniil, project “Chemical Experiments with Common Products”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1621 Tree of Life” (headed by E.A. Fomchenko).

1st place - Maria, project “Restoration of a crystal with complete and partial loss of shape”, Center for Intellectual Leisure “UnicuM” (director N.A. Balova);

1st place - Lev, project “Geotropism and phototropism: which is stronger?”, Center for Intellectual Leisure “UnicuM” (director N.A. Balova);

1st place - Sergey, project “Propellers, seeds, parachutes, flying squirrel”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills” (supervisor Shumeiko K.A.);

2nd place - Makar, project “Magnets. Magnetic phenomena", State Budgetary Educational Institution "Sparrow Hills" (head Shumeiko K.A.);

3rd place - Daniil, Nika, Narana, Alexey, Polina, project “Light and Image”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills” (director Tomalenko T.V.);

3rd place - Yan, project “Why don’t tall trees and two-legged animals fall?”, GBOU DO Palace of Children and Youth Creativity “Undiscovered Islands” (headed by Anashina N.Yu.).

1st place - Alexey, project “Foaming paints as a demonstration of the neutralization reaction”, Center for Intellectual Leisure “UnicuM” (director N.A. Balova);

2nd place - Mikhail, project “Correct Bus Stop” (director Nikulin A.N.);

3rd place - Elizaveta, Alena, Ignatius, Yuliana, project “Our Solar System. Layout", GBOU "School No. 1874" (head Sumina S.E.).

Nomination “Game-based teaching of natural sciences”.

1st place - Anastasia, Svetlana, project “Assemble a space station”, GBOUDO Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after. A.P. Gaidar (headed by S.S. Redichev);

1st place - Peter, Alexey, project “Robotic complex for collecting fallen leaves in park areas”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills” (headed by Sukhotskaya T.G.);

2nd place - Nikolay, Maxim, Ilya, Alexander, Nikolay, Maxim, project “Entertaining Zoo”, GBOU School No. 1569 “Constellation” (supervisor Strungis I.G.);

3rd place - Alisa, project “Cleaning water bodies using natural materials”, GBOU School No. 1569 “Constellation” (director I.G. Strungis);

3rd place - Dmitry, Dina, project “Air Relay Race” of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills” (director T.V. Tomalenko).

1st place - Igor, project “Robot Dog Gosha”, controlled by an IR remote control and a smartphone via Bluetooth”, GBOU School No. 1569 “Constellation” (leaders: Strungis I.G., Rasyuk A.V.);

1st place - Margarita, project “Game “YES-NO”, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Educational Education Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after. A.P. Gaidar (headed by S.S. Redichev);

2nd place - Oleg, project “Learning Lessons Playfully” GBOUDO Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth “Undiscovered Islands” (head Anashina N.Yu.);

3rd place - Anna, project “Laws of Bionics in Origami”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 444” (director G.A. Gukhman);

3rd place - Alexander, project “Educational game walker”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 444” (leaders: Maltseva A.V., Navernyuk A.Yu.).

Nomination “Master class on making scientific toys from available materials.”

1st place - Ksenia, Yaroslav, Anastasia, Gleb, Lev, Elizaveta, Taisiya, project “Rocket”, School of Self-Determination named after. A.N. Tubelsky, preschool department, “Amazing Water” (director O.V. Charushina);

2nd place - Andrey, Kirill, Mikhail, Alexander, Liliya, Vladislav, project “LEGO around us”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1739” (leaders Yakovleva E.V. and Ryzhova I.T.)

1st place - Oleg, project “Amazing gyroscopic devices”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 444” (director O.A. Dimova).

1st place - Yuri, Evgeniy, project “Making the “Propeller” - a toy of Gagarin’s childhood”, Moscow Club of Friends of the Game (leader E.K. Lesovaya).

As part of the exhibition-competition, a People's Choice Competition was held. All visitors could evaluate the contestants by casting their votes for their favorite project. The winners of this competition were:

1st place - Alexey, project “Alternative Energy Sources” (director V.A. Kuznetsov);

2nd place - Andrey, Kirill, Mikhail, Alexander, Liliya, Vladislav, project “LEGO around us” GBOU “School No. 1739”, LEGO construction studio “Samodelki” (directors Yakovleva E.V. and Ryzhova I.T.);

3rd place - Alina, project “The Fascinating World of Secret Writing”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 444”, Solar Energy Laboratory (headed by Averkeeva L.M.).

The most active participants in the educational game “Island of Discovery” were:

1st place: team “Igrotechniki”, GBOU “School No. 626 “Dimitrievskaya” - 480 points and team “Solnechnaya”, GBOU “School No. 1874” - 460 points;

2nd place: “Air relay” team, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills” - 390 points; Lev, Center for Educational Inventions “Unicum” - 380 points; team “Mysteries of the Scientific World”, GBOU “School No. 1208” - 360 points; team “Islanders”, GBOU DO Palace of Children and Youth Creativity “Undiscovered Islands” - 350 points; team “Iskorka”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 2103” - 350 points; Dobromir, GBOU “School No. 1621 “Tree of Life” - 310 points; Team “Kometa”, GBOU DO Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after. Gaidar" - 300 points.

3rd place: Team GBOU "School 1569" - 290 points; Maria, CID “Unicum” - 290 points; team “Game Workshop”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sparrow Hills” - 280 points; Dmitry, GBOU “School No. 1621 “Tree of Life” - 270 points; "Gaidar" team, GBOU DO Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after. Gaidar" - 260 points; team GBOU “School No. 1621 “Tree of Life” - 260 points; Team “Flying Squirrel”, MAOO Secondary School No. 4 - 260 points; Daniil, GBOU DO Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after. Gaidar" - 250 points; team “Slava and Yulia”, GBOU “School No. 734, School of Self-Determination named after. A.N. Tubelsky" - 240 points; Daniil, GBOU “School No. 1621” - 240 points; Alina, GBOU “School No. 444” - 240 points; Mikhail, State Budget Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 1528” - 220 points; team “Stars”, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 2103” - 220 points; team of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1739”, LEGO construction studio “Samodelki” - 220 points; team "Crystal", GBOU "School No. 1739" - 210 points; team GBOU "School No. 118" - 200 points.

Congratulations to the winners!