Library image: from ideal to real. The image of a librarian in fiction Lilia Belyaeva “Seven years don’t count”

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The image of a librarian in literature and cinema.
Being a librarian is like riding a bicycle:

if you stop pressing the pedals and moving forward,

you fall.

D. Schumacher.
I was educated in the library.

Moreover, it is completely free.

R. Bradbury.
The library profession is not what it is usually imagined to be; it is not for the weak at heart.

In fact, the lack of prestige, the common idea of ​​librarians as deeply withdrawn, introverted, out-of-this-world individuals - professional associations of librarians have to put up with this and exist or fight not only in our country, but throughout the world. The specifics of library work, both in ancient times and in our days, remain a mystery to most.
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It is interesting that it is absolutely impossible to define all the variety of activities of a librarian using one single verb, while a doctor treats, a teacher teaches, a cook prepares food, etc.

The word “librarian” is often absent from encyclopedic dictionaries. The word “library” exists, but the word “librarian” does not. The interpretation of the word that denotes our profession often sounds like this: a librarian is a library worker whose responsibilities include processing books received by the library, storing them and issuing them to the reader.

In French encyclopedic dictionary Larousse 1980 edition has this definition: librarian - a person entrusted with the management or supervision of a library.

I decided to settle on the following definition, which I liked more than others for its versatility.

A librarian is a library employee who performs an operation or a set of operations to form a library collection, serve users, create and use material and technical resources, manage personnel and the library as a whole.
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One of the many tasks of a modern librarian is to create conditions and organize the library’s information environment so that, with the greatest savings in the user’s mental energy and time, information is internalized (that is, deeply assimilated) by him.
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The library profession is one of the most interesting and exciting in the sense that every day brings acquaintance with new books, fresh issues of newspapers and magazines, new people, and different unique situations arise every day.

On its Facebook page, the Russian State Library opened interesting section"Historical Complaint" Here are published the most outstanding notes received in complaint book libraries.

Here are some of them:
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“We kindly ask you to double or triple the number of consulting librarians at work stations in the evening hours, especially in the catalog room. Demchenko I.V. May 5, 1936 ".
“When asked where readers could drink water with syrup, the librarian answered: “nowhere.” To me, to the Soviet man, this attitude is incomprehensible. There is sometimes a samovar next to the wardrobe, but only as a mockery, because there is no glass with it! Isn’t there something we can do to fill this gap?”- a certain N.V. Chernykh was indignant on July 12, 1937.
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"I believe that cultured person should not watch others read, even if this person is a library employee! You still need to trust people and understand the peculiarities of their mood! And employee Rosenthal brazenly continued to remain within the reading room and sometimes cast sidelong, suspicious glances in my direction until I left there. I think that all this was done on her part rudely, shamefully and tactlessly,”- an unknown reader is indignant in a book of complaints on June 21, 1937.
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We work for our reader, whatever he may be. The professional feature of a librarian should be high pedagogical skills. First of all, you need to love people, differentiatedly approach different categories of readers, taking into account the characteristics of their information requests, help navigate the reference and bibliographic apparatus, explaining clearly and patiently. In addition to erudition, we must be sensitive and responsive, always consistently polite and attentive.

Contact with the reader must be confidential. After all, a positive attitude towards a specialist arises not only and not so much because he is well versed in the fund, but also because of his friendliness, ability to have a relaxed and exciting conversation, and willingness to help in choosing books. A real librarian is characterized by empathy and empathy for another person.

Communication with the reader is an exchange of information. Do you remember that 40% of information is absorbed thanks to the intonation of speech, that in addition to the text, there is subtext? Unfortunately, the “discovery” of these truths sometimes occurs in conflict situations.
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For librarians who are in constant contact with readers, the ability to communicate in a businesslike manner becomes a professionally necessary quality, therefore increased demands are placed on the librarian’s speech. Of particular importance is the frequency and clarity of pronunciation, coherence, logic, richness vocabulary, clarity when asking questions and answers, optimal speech speed for perception.

Personal charm and good looks are also essential for a librarian. A good psychological climate in the library is created by the cheerfulness and sense of humor of its employees.
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Today, the librarian profession is viewed in a broad social context. In our current, very stressful life, people come to the library not only for books, but also for the sake of communication, to gain mental comfort and balance.

In the conditions of global informatization, everything changes: interiors, funds, material and technical base, and library equipment change. But are librarians themselves ready for change?..

I haven't been working in the library for very long. But having studied this problem, I became interested in why the domestic librarian still appears in the eyes of others in the image of a gray mouse, why he does not look the best in the best possible way?

The character of the image of a librarian in fiction and cinematography appears to be a reflection of society’s attitude towards them (that is, towards us, dear colleagues).
In Russian cinema and literature, the following characteristic images of librarians can be distinguished:
1. Ascetic or saint. This is the type of righteous librarian who thinks only about the well-being of the library in which he works. Such librarians see their life's purpose and happiness in preserving books for future generations. They help people free of charge and selflessly, providing them with knowledge and information.

2. An idealist who dreams of introducing all readers to the “reasonable, good, eternal.” Librarians of this type dream of re-educating their readers through serious, thought-provoking literature.

3. Rebel, revolutionary, disagrees with political system, views and orders existing in society. Unfortunately, very often such librarians view the library only as a forced and temporary refuge.

4. An honest and poor worker. The most common type of domestic librarian.
IN foreign literature and film images of librarians are somewhat brighter and more noticeable. However, writers and directors have often depicted and depict the library as a symbol of the collapse of life plans. (There is nowhere to go any lower.) Such stereotypes persist until the 2000s.

Today, in foreign art, the image of a librarian has become much more interesting. You can “meet” our colleague in both science fiction and romance novels, and in action-packed films, detective stories, mysticism and even horror films...
I would like to present to your attention a selection of works by domestic and foreign writers and directors on this topic.

The film opens our selection

"Librarian" USA, 2004. Directed by Peter Winser.
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Having received an invitation to an interview at the capital's library, botanist student Flynn Carsen did not even think that this work would become the meaning of his life. However, what his employers offered him was very different from the everyday work of a librarian, sorting through visitors' cards and arranging books on shelves. It turns out that the library may have a secret side hidden from the eyes of ordinary people...
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"Marriage of convenience". Russia, 2002. Director – Yu. Pavlov. Cast: N. Kurdyubova, E. Stychkin.

The provincial librarian was sure that marriages were made in heaven. But when she and her father were saddled with a huge debt, she decided to urgently find a rich husband who would settle everything financial problems. After numerous searches, the heroine realized that she could only rely on herself...
"Crimson Rivers" France, 2000. Director: Mathieu Kassovitz.

Remy, hereditary The librarian of a prestigious college in the Alps does not appear directly in the film - he is brutally killed before the thriller begins. However, it turns out that it was the library employee who was involved in genetic experiments within the walls of the college... And the librarian fulfilled his role, seating readers in pairs, according to the scheme drawn up by the rector’s office...
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"Falling Leaves Blues" Russia, 2006. Director: Alexander Mikhailov. Cast: Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Ilya Rutberg, Yulia Rutberg.

The young librarian Ksenia, who until recently was solving her numerous family and financial problems, one day becomes the owner of an inheritance - a huge apartment, a bank account and a new Mercedes, and with it many secrets and mysteries. Ksenia understands that in this life nothing happens for nothing...
"In love by choice." USSR, 1982 Director: Sergey Mikaelyan. Cast: Evgenia Glushenko, Oleg Yankovsky.

The heroine of the film is a young, sweet, educated, but outwardly unattractive librarian Vera with a personal life that is not going well. By chance she runs into a guy on the subway former athlete Bragin. He quit sports, his wife left him, he drank everything he had accumulated over the years sports career and works at a factory as a turner, which does not make him happy at all. After talking, the heroes come to the conclusion that you can fall in love at will, with a person you just choose. And they decided to try out this theory, built on auto-training and self-hypnosis...
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“There lives such a guy.” USSR, 1964. Director: Vasily Shukshin. Cast: Leonid Kuravlev, Bella Akhmadulina, Lidiya Alexandrova.

The story is about a young Altai driver Pasha Kolokolnikov, who, risking his life, prevents a fire in a fuel tanker. A joker and joker, Pashka loves to show off. He likes Nastya, the local librarian, but the girl prefers him to a visiting engineer who does not consider her his equal.
"By the lake." USSR, 1970. Director Sergei Gerasimov. In ch. Cast: N. Belokhvostikova, V. Shukshin.

Librarian Lena Barmina – main character film that thundered throughout the country more than 40 years ago. “By the Lake” is a film reflecting on a person’s responsibility to other people, native nature and the world around us. It's also a love story.

Best Film according to a survey by the magazine “Soviet Screen” in 1971.
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"The gun is in Betty Lou's purse." USA, 1992. Directed by Allan Moyley. In ch. roles: Penelope Ann Miller.

The heroine of the American comedy detective Betty Lou Perkins works in a quiet provincial library. She adores her husband, a policeman, but he is too busy with his work and does not pay attention to her. One day Betty finds a real pistol on the river bank, puts it in her purse, and then incredible adventures begin.

This film shows the rebellion of library workers when, tired of their hopeless existence, monotonous work and general indifference, they take risky actions.
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“How to get to the library?” Russia, 2011. Directed by E. Malkov. Cast: T. Bibich, T. Cherkasova.

The owner of a chain of nightclubs, Oleg Barinov, on his way to work stops at the district library to donate unnecessary books, of which he has accumulated a lot at home, and his upbringing does not allow him to throw them in the trash. In the library, he meets Alla, a nondescript, inconspicuous librarian girl who at first does not make the slightest impression on him...
"The Mummy" USA, 1999 Directed by Stephen Sommers. Cast: R. Weiss, B. Fraser.

Of course, I couldn't miss this movie, because its main character Evelyn says: “I'm proud of who I am... I'm a librarian!”

Evelyn is not only a librarian, she is also a historian, linguist, and she knows the most difficult ancient language, dreams of reading Book of the Dead. It is thanks to Evelyn’s knowledge that the film’s heroes defeat the mummy that has risen from the tomb.
Films are films, but our professional destiny (and for many it is inseparable from personal) is still contained in the book. The fate of a librarian is to look at a book and see his own reflection in it. This leaves a certain imprint and forms a special image, which is not always unambiguous.
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Vasily Shukshin “Until the third roosters. A fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, how he went to distant lands to gain his wits.”

This is a fairy tale parable. Here, the revived literary characters call the librarian “vulgarite.” The content of the telephone conversation conducted by the heroine does not attract fans to her, but quite the opposite, makes the image of a female librarian primitive and vulgar.

Liliya Belyaeva “Seven years don’t count”

The librarian in the book is an honest and poor worker. Main character leaves for seven years to earn money on Sakhalin. During this time, his wife Larisa turns into a typical (according to the author) librarian with a bun of hair at the back of her head and in a shapeless sweater: “Alone... in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening... At home, in the library. Books, shelves, books..." The story also describes other librarians. This is the principled head of the reading room, as well as two of Larisa’s friends, for whom seeing the world of wealthy people is like “flying to Mars.”
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Alexander Volodin “Idealist”

The author does not even mention her name. She is a librarian by profession and an idealist in life. She believes with all her might in pure and bright love for life, although she knows that many easily get together for just a week. Love stories are mixed in her head - Ophelia, Agafya Tikhonovna, Poor Lisa, Anna Karenina and even Dulcinea Toboso. And neither age nor life's adversities will ever change her romantic perception of the world. Because, as the play says, “it’s a shame to be unhappy.”
N.K. Gorbunov "Report"

The “holiness” of the librarian leads to tragicomic situations. Thus, in the story, the librarian is sincerely happy for the professor, who shamelessly uses rare materials in her speech that she has collected bit by bit over time.
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Ilya Erenburg. "Day two."

Looking at the heroine of this novel, librarian Natalya Petrovna Gorbacheva, “people thought that she looked like a book bug and that in her head there were only catalog numbers. To others she seemed like a big ugly letter... Natalya Petrovna Gorbacheva did not save her life, her property, or the revolution. She saved books. She was lonely, middle-aged and ugly. No one even knew her name - they said: librarian. They didn’t know Natalya Petrovna... She came up to them and plaintively whispered: “Comrades, please be careful!” She suffered because none of these people felt the love for books that filled her heart. Sobbing awkwardly, Natalya Petrovna said: “Books are a big thing! ...they cannot be burned, they must be stored..."
Larry Beinhart "The Librarian, or How to Steal the President's Chair"

University librarian David Goldberg works for an eccentric elderly billionaire whose last wish is to leave a memorial library about himself and his achievements for posterity. However, the most memorable thing in his activities, as Goldberg accidentally discovers, is the secret of big politics that should never come out. This is a conspiracy to rig the presidential election! A real hunt begins for the main character, a librarian who systematizes archival information.
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Roman Senchin "Yeltyshevs"

Valentina Viktorovna, the mother of a family that is steadily heading towards complete destruction - a librarian, an elderly woman, tired and heavy. We will never see her with a book: such a familiar way to lose yourself in hopeless everyday life does not occur to either the author or the heroine. We will not discern in her a single glimmer of bookish (in the sense of high) principles and values. From time to time she remembers who wrote such and such a book that she once gave out. Not remembering, he quickly calms down.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn " Cancer building»

One of the characters is a certain Alexey Filippovich Shulubin - in his youth a military commander, later a “red professor” - a philosophy teacher. He escaped Stalin's camps, but in freedom he went through all the stages of intimidation and humiliation. In the action of the novel, Shulubin is a librarian. The profession of a librarian in the novel turned out to be the extreme limit to which a person could be humiliated, making him unhappy, completely broken.
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Lyudmila Ulitskaya “Sonechka”

Lyudmila Ulitskaya wrote bright, amazing image librarian Sonechka: “For twenty years, from seven to twenty-seven, Sonechka read almost without a break. She fell into reading as if in a faint, ending with the last page of the book.... She had an extraordinary reading talent, and perhaps a kind of genius. Her responsiveness to the printed word was so great that fictional characters stood on a par with living, close people...".

The story “Sonechka” was once published in one of our professional publications. The author of the article wrote: “Sonechka” is the anthem of our profession, an anthem in prose that must be read while standing. “Sonechka” is our honor and glory, ... our main and favorite thought about the librarian.”

My opinion about the character of the main character differs from the opinion of the author of this article, and I think that not every one of us will see in Sonechka a role model both professionally and personally.
Vera Kalashnikova “Nostalgia”

The action in the story takes place in our days. Her heroine Polina, a librarian by profession, “speaks English and French... she has collected a lot of material for her dissertation; you just need to rummage a little in the German archives... She is smart, determined modern woman(a type of new Russian librarian), very well read.

She is horrified by the surrounding lack of spirituality, drug addiction, and prostitution. Disappointed with the domestic reality, Polina leaves for Germany to join her fiancé. However, even there she does not find peace... The story is unusual and attracts attention because in it, in one of the first in Russian modern literature, a simple librarian is equal to academicians, endowed great intellectual potential.
And it is on this high note that I would like to end. Of course, there are other images and many other characters. The regulations of our event do not allow us to demonstrate all examples of the image of a librarian that can be found in fiction and cinema (it is pleasantly surprising that there are many of them).

Strange as it may seem, but sociological research show that in gambling There are two types of people who play most often. Most of them have very quiet professions (for example, librarians), while the rest are engaged in professional activities associated with high risk (police officers, rescuers). The first ones do this due to a lack of thrills in everyday life, and emotions, meanwhile, are rushing out; and for the second, the tendency to take risks turns into a habit.

I do not encourage you to gamble, but I would like to wish you to bring this excitement, the fire in your soul, to our professional activity; maintaining traditions, constantly wanting something new. And then, in the near future, completely different images of Russian librarians will appear in cinema and literature.

1st year students of the specialty “Library Science” of the correspondence department of TOKKI had a discussion on the topic “The image of the librarian and the library in fiction” (the discipline “Ethics and psychology of professional activity”).

The focus was on very interesting and contradictory images of librarians of Russian and foreign fiction.

For analysis, students took the following works by domestic authors, Soviet and post-Soviet times: Babel I.E. “Public Library” (Zolotykh K.S.), Likhanov A.A. “Children’s Library” (Samorukova E.S.), Georgievskaya S.M. “Silver Word” (Berestova V.P.), Elizarov M.Yu. “Librarian” (Petina Yu.N.), Ulitskaya L.E. “Sonechka” (Podshchekoldina I.V.).

The works of foreign authors, characterized by students: Myron, W. Dewey, were distinguished by their genre diversity. “The cat from the library that shocked the whole world” (E.S. Golodok), Bell Logan “The Librarian” (A.S. Kotukhova), Terry Pratchett “Staff and Hat” (Zh.E. Tatarnikova) Larry Beinhart. “The Librarian, or How to Steal the Presidential Chair” (Pechnikova O.V.), Ion Colfer “The Very Scary Miss Murphy” (Kotova A.D.) Here is both a political detective story and women's novel, and children's fantasy. Some of the authors give a specific description of the heroine - a librarian, others open inner world librarian through action, often on an abstract topic.

Fiction analyzes library stereotypes in detail and accurately, allowing an ignorant person to imagine the place and role of the library profession in society.

Very often the image of a librarian does not correspond to our idea of ​​ourselves. As examples from fiction show, a librarian is a very inadequate person in the eyes of writers, journalists, that is, those who voice and at the same time predetermine public opinion.

Nevertheless, you need to read fiction about people in your profession: everything is described and analyzed here psychological types and situations. And we cannot talk about the development of our professional consciousness until we know enough about ourselves.


Methodological consultation for students of the “Librarian School”.

Its favorable image is of great importance for the library. The image of a library can be defined as an emotionally charged image that has developed in the mass consciousness, determined by society’s attitude towards the library, its services, resources, and goods. The image of the library is constantly changing. The quality of these changes depends on the activities of the team and library management, who must purposefully and systematically form an image based on available resources.

Today, the topic of library image is one of the most discussed and interesting in library circles. Questions that are raised in the professional press: “what influences the formation of a favorable image of a library in the eyes of the reader, how to make the internal library environment more comfortable, what skills should a librarian have, what is necessary for the dynamic development of a library?”

Library image policy is long-term and predictable, aimed at creating public opinion, creation of value attitudes that increase the possibility of library and information services in the eyes of the user.

The library image consists of an external library image and an internal library image.

Creating a positive image and forming a reliable reputation among the general public becomes the basis of a modern library institution and its priority direction.

Formation of the library image depends on the following components:

  • authority and competence of managers;

  • personnel qualifications,

  • culture of communication in the library;

  • library design (external and internal);

  • employee workplace culture;

  • comfortable conditions for users;

  • quality of information resources;

  • library advertising;

  • documentation (its compliance with the standards of modern office work);

  • having your own corporate style;
Based on the proposed definitions, we can distinguish 4 main directions for creating a positive image of the library:

1.Qualification of personnel.

2. Equipped, comfortable environment.

3. Multifunctional library activities.

4. Social partnership.
Let us consider the most, from our point of view, important components of the library image.

External library image - this is how the library is perceived by its visitors, local authorities. It consists of the quality of services provided to users, the tangible image (library building), the appearance of the staff and measures aimed at improving the image (advertising, contacts with the press, etc.).

In modern information society advertising is the most effective tool for informing the reader about the wealth of the fund, the breadth of services provided, and creating a positive image. Therefore, libraries are faced with the task of mastering the process of advertising library services and products, creating professional and effective library advertising.

Advertising activities as an integral part of the library’s marketing policy contribute to the approval of the image, shape public opinion through the implementation of a system of events that establish a communicative connection between the institution and different categories population, government bodies, authorities.

For the successful formation of a library image, it is legitimate to talk about the conditions effective organization advertising activities of the library: creating an image plan, starting with planning and development of advertising ( advertising campaign) and ending with determining the effectiveness of the library’s advertising activities. The main source for developing an advertising campaign strategy is the library's overall program of activities. Based on this, the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign are formed.

Cooperation with funds mass media(mass media) is an important part of the advertising, information and image policy of a modern library. When working with the media, the library, as a rule, determines the range of sources: newspapers, magazines, radio and television companies that most willingly cooperate with it, and organize regular columns about its work. Basically, these are cultural pages reflecting mass work with the population, literary compositions, stories about events in library life, about books, new additions to the library.

As a result of such cooperation, libraries improve their image, enjoy free advertising of their services, and attract the attention of the public and sponsors. Much attention is drawn to materials about the library’s capabilities in providing readers with the Internet, and about the work of cultural and entertainment complexes. Charity events, library sponsorship, and library participation in competitions at various levels are actively covered in the media.

When covering significant events in the life of the library - anniversaries, opening of exhibitions, organizing specialized departments, creating additional services, the library holds press conferences.

In the age of electronic technology, libraries cannot stay away from the benefits of a website. Today, advertising on the Internet is already a fairly common type of advertising; the number of Internet users is constantly growing. Libraries post information about the library, services, electronic catalogs on their websites, and provide the opportunity to order books by email. The way you evaluate the results of an online advertising campaign depends on its goals. This may be an increase in the number of users, an expansion of the scope of services, and an increase in site traffic. The Internet, as an information environment, provides an opportunity not only to obtain the necessary information, but also to provide information about oneself to the Russian and world public.

The other side of the external library image - the image of library specialists - is directly related to the performance of professional duties and consists of external appearance, demeanor, and ability to communicate. His success largely depends on the impression a librarian makes on others. The image of a librarian influences the work of the library; the status and role of the library in society largely depend on it.
Image of a librarian.

The author of the article posted on the Internet, T. I. Ivanova, “The problem of the image of the library profession at the present stage,” gives the following formulation of the image of the librarian. Status-it: as it should be. Status quo: how others perceive us. In relation to the library profession it looks like this. Status-it: business woman, professional, information manager. Status quo: “gray mouse”, not a professional in this field, a random person in the library. So, we can say that the question about the image of the librarian profession is legitimate. It is believed that image should become part of the actions of public people. This is especially true for representatives of the library profession.

For a long time, in the media, fiction (both Russian and world), cinema, negative image librarian (dull appearance, hair tied in a bun, quiet, and sometimes even downtrodden woman). And what is surprising is that the librarians did not try to break this idea of ​​themselves.
But time passed, and interest in others’ perception of their profession appeared. This is due to changes in the country and in the library community itself. Librarians reach the international level, communicate with colleagues from different countries, and as a result of this, they come to understand themselves and the place of their profession in the world. There is a need to look at oneself from the outside, and the problem of the image of the library profession arises.
The problem of the image of the library and the librarian is studied in many countries (but, unfortunately, not in Russia). Australian research notes that librarians themselves perpetuate their negative image. In 1990, P.G. Schuman noted that a librarian's image often centers on physical stereotypes. The criticism is expressed not so much in the image of a shy spinster, but in the lack of awareness of the responsibilities of the librarian. From guardians of knowledge answering isolated reference questions, librarians must move to the role of active professionals assisting users in solving their problems. The study “Image of a Librarian in US Medical Libraries” was conducted in the USA. Its results showed that, on the one hand, librarians are perceived as educated people, ready to help, and on the other hand, like old-fashioned people, timid, focused on themselves, following the letter of the law.
In our country, no similar studies have been conducted to study the image of librarians.

What needs to be done to form the image of a librarian?

First of all, in order to break the negative perception in society of the image of a librarian, it is necessary to break this perception in the soul of each of us.

The image of libraries will be judged by the image of each librarian. And if we want city residents to have a perception of a librarian as a specialist in the field of information, and not “an object for issuing books,” then we need to form a corresponding image of ourselves about ourselves. And for this you need them to have a certain opinion about you. This is why it is necessary to form an image.

The perception of a person by his clothes, makeup, hairstyle is called “habitary image” (external). We often hear constant complaints from librarians about the lack of money, book collections, etc. But if you ask the question: “Have you tried to change the situation (find a job with a decent salary, write a program on collections and get money for it)?” - then you will hear in response: “Who am I? I'm a simple librarian!

I can't help but comment this position quote from Natalia Pravdina’s book “I Love Myself”: “If you feel free, you will become free; if you feel independent, you will become independent, because your thoughts influence how you move, how you begin to speak, and even the speed and ease of your gait. But first, you should cultivate an attitude towards your merits. Encouraging your successes can increase the rate of their growth several times... A woman feels the way she looks... We may think that we may not be appreciated enough? What do you mean not worth it? After all, dignity is determined by your own attitude towards yourself. This is the price we set for ourselves. And it turns out that the more we value ourselves, the more likely we are to be correctly assessed. And the more we value ourselves, the more it manifests itself in our appearance and actions. A woman who values ​​herself highly will not allow herself to appear in public with unwashed hair, a stale blouse, or worn-out shoes.”

One of the main tasks in forming the image of the library profession is creating attraction, creating a pleasant opinion about specialists in this field. And if it is possible not to create artificial obstacles on this path, then this should be done.
The content of a librarian’s activities as an integral part of his image.

The image of librarians is directly related to their professional existence. If earlier librarians who did their job well could be confident in their continued existence, today’s librarians need active marketing of yourself and your role in society. Librarians should not be indifferent to how they look from the outside, because through the impression they and their libraries make on users, the path to determining the status and role of these libraries lies.

J. Kogep believes that the image is formed under the influence of the range of services that the library provides. Thus, if librarians are not seen as information workers, then they cannot take responsibility for providing information services. Librarians must be active in providing information services, which will influence their image. IN modern society librarians should be viewed as information professionals.
There can be no talk about any image of a librarian if he does not have vocational education.

Thus, it is recognized that a librarian and bibliographer are the same specialists as a teacher, doctor, engineer. And the work of libraries has its own specificity, which is more understandable, familiar, performed by people, specially trained in this profession. And it is a professional, despite the low salary, who will create a modern library. Because that’s how he was taught, and he can’t do it any other way. The “era of old grandmothers” who filled libraries must go into oblivion. Employers must understand, and we must be able to prove to them, that it is more expensive to hire a non-specialist.

A) Librarian's advertising activities.

The first place comes to the level of professional training of the librarian as a specialist with a marketing mindset, interested in the demand for information collected in the collections.

Therefore, I consider it necessary for successful work and creating a positive personal image to master the basics of PR and advertising. Advertising is one of the most important activities of the library and one of the components of its image. . And if the image of a library is formed under the influence of the range of services that this library provides, then it is from the advertising of this library that you will learn about these services. It is necessary to create a corporate identity in each library (the presence of a business card, an advertising booklet for the library, advertising leaflets, letterheads with the library logo). How we present ourselves determines how others perceive us.
b) Marketing research in the activities of a librarian
Modern library life is impossible without such concepts as management, marketing, and fundraising. But it’s not enough to know these concepts, you need to master their technologies practical application. Thus, fundraising is the activity of petitioning for the allocation or donation of funds for the implementation of any projects or programs.

Many librarians believe that to create the image of a library it is enough to equip it with office equipment, a computer, and make repairs. But the main thing in our work is information service, providing users with the necessary information. And it is precisely the mastery of marketing methods that allows you to conduct a marketing study of your library’s activities and answer the questions: “Is what you do in demand? What types of services are needed in your library? How have the information needs of modern library users changed? What new collections are needed in this library?

V) Professional growth as an integral part of the image of a librarian.
The need for constant learning, improving one’s qualifications and, as a result, changing the space around oneself. If previously a library with a good book collection was the ultimate dream, then the modern information situation and the emergence of new non-traditional information products for libraries raise the question of creating media libraries on the basis of libraries. Thanks to the Internet and the use of computers and office equipment in library practice, the question arose about training librarians in modern information technologies and the influence of the latter on the formation of the image of a modern librarian.

The ability to work on a computer and fluency on the Internet makes it possible to learn about the activities of your Russian and foreign colleagues, participate in projects and competitions, and study remotely. As we see, modern life is constantly raising the level of requirements that modern librarians must meet, and it is very difficult to stay at this level.

3. Internal library image.

The internal library image is determined by norms and values ​​(the mission of the library), the organization of internal communications, the history of the library, and the socio-psychological microclimate of the team. It seems most rational to consider the internal library image through three concepts: management, socio-psychological climate and organizational culture.

In relation to the internal library image, the following qualities of a leader are of greatest importance: reasonable persistence, determination, energy, sincerity, high self-discipline, and the ability to support subordinates. In the absence of an ideal leadership style, the most convincing assumption is that the best leader is the one who is responsible for everything that is part of his job responsibilities.

The socio-psychological climate in the library as the psychological state of the team consists of satisfaction with the management system, interpersonal relationships and assessment of working conditions in the team. It is important not only for the optimal organization of work, but also because without it any work to improve the image is practically useless. Many reasons for the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the library are “eternal”, since they do not depend on its type, size of staff, etc. factors (conflicts with management, psychological incompatibility of employees, etc.).

Among the main factors of the socio-psychological climate in work collective vertical and horizontal relationships can be noted; style and norms of communication; organization and working conditions; incentive system. Depending on the state of these factors, a more or less stable emotional mood of the team members develops. The composition of the team is of no small importance in terms of psychological compatibility its members.

The norms of business interaction accepted in the team develop into office etiquette, which determines the rules of behavior in situations where people act in the official roles of a manager and a subordinate.

Office etiquette shapes the style of relationships in a team, in which formal and informal elements of office interaction are closely intertwined. It includes such informal elements as mood, the manager’s manner of greeting and addressing employees, forms and methods of criticism. Knowledge of office etiquette is essential professional quality, which must be acquired and constantly improved.

The moral element in the “librarian-librarian” relationship is the desire of each employee to hide Bad mood, negative character traits, rejection of criticism and thereby maintain your individual image at the required level. This moral sense of purpose contributes to the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere for the realization of goodwill and creativity, professional opportunities, both for the individual librarian and for the entire team.

Organizational culture is the way of thinking and the way of action of library employees, aimed at harmonizing relationships in the team and creating a favorable attitude towards the library from the public. Organizational culture can be considered in three aspects: a) as the ability and desire of each library employee to defend its interests and help strengthen its authority; b) as trustworthiness, loyalty and commitment to your library; c) how the employee behaves outside the library, including the impression he makes on others. In general, it is the organizational culture that contributes to the manifestation of the main characteristics of the image: identification of the library by society, difference from other libraries and the formation of reputation.

Reader's image- an important component of the library’s internal image. It includes reading orientation, interests and reading needs, preparedness for the process of working in the library (availability of necessary writing materials), appearance reader. Compliance with the rules of behavior in the library also characterizes the level of positive image of the reader.

On the other hand, the librarian acts as a teacher in relation to readers, using in practice methods of influencing them in the process individual conversations, book recommendations. This achieves the librarian’s image impact on readers, which, in turn, requires the librarian to increase professional qualifications to meet the needs of all categories of library visitors.


1. Averyanova N.V. The image of the library as a factor in its development //

2. Altukhova, G. A. Fundamentals of library image [Text]: educational method. allowance / G. A. Altukhova. – M.: Litera, 2008. – 224 p. – ( Modern library. Vol. 33).

5. Vaneev, A. N. Conflicts in the library: prevention and resolution [Text] / A. N. Vaneev. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Profession”, 2001. – 121 p. – (Series “Library Workshop”).

2014 -> Man in communication: from categorization of emotions to emotive linguistics
2014 -> Educational program of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 504 for the 2014 – 2015 academic year

In everyday practice, a library, like any social organization, is faced with the parallel existence of three different images: ideal, mirror and real.

Ideal image - the one that the library strives for. It reflects the direction of movement, aspirations, and general goals of activity. The ideal image always remains so, since as the goal is achieved, new, even more complex tasks are set. The ideal image serves as an evaluation criterion long-term plans and current decisions.

In a mirror image reflects the opinion of employees about the attractiveness of the library for readers, its reputation, and the attention paid to it by government agencies and the population.

Real image characterizes the actual attitude of various groups of citizens towards the library, their satisfaction with the quality of service, and understanding of the importance of libraries for society.

Naturally, the mirror and real images do not coincide, but they must be close to ideal.

Research conducted by domestic libraries shows that such compliance is not always achieved. Therefore, it is very important to constantly monitor the opinions, views, preferences of readers and librarians, achieving their maximum convergence.
The success of a library is determined by how created image confirmed by the quality of daily service or the extent to which declared obligations coincide with their actual implementation. That is why the tasks of increasing prestige affect all aspects of the library’s activities and are relevant to each of its employees.

So, the image is a general idea of ​​the library, which depends on everyday work and is developed over many years. What influences the formation of a favorable image of a library in the eyes of the reader? Let's reason together.


Libraries cannot always afford large material costs for the purchase of equipment, BUT everyone tries to artistically decorate their space and create their own unique style.

The rural library as an information and leisure center for the local community, a powerful lever for promoting books and reading to rural residents, will facilitate access to various information and document resources as a remote user. It is assumed that an aesthetically modern, technically equipped library will attract problematic social groups, youth, children, youth, the unemployed, the elderly by providing them with a wide range of services that will combine paid, free, and preferential. Thus, the library will become not only a place where one touches reading, books, information, but it will turn into a meeting place, communication, intellectual leisure, and work.

Creating an attractive image of the library is the main function performed by a comfortable library environment. It can be represented as a combination of several components: providing readers with related information; organization of library space; condition of workplaces and recreation areas; organization of library collections.

A special role is played by the creation of a corporate identity, which consists of many components. Ideally, specialists, artists, designers are involved in its development, who, thanks to their professionalism and creative approach, find features that distinguish the library from others. In most cases, librarians themselves play these many roles.

“The content richness of a library space does not depend on the size of the area, the abundance of material media (including modern technology), and even on the number of readers and visits. This is a non-quantifiable atmosphere of creativity, co-creation between the librarian and the reader, interpersonal communication in informal associations, a developed communication system, including through the coupling of library space with social networks, a combination of its visual and virtual parts,” says S.G. Matlina

A positive image is formed quality of services and level of service to library users. The library reader should easily obtain information about its services and not get confused by advertisements.
Library workers must be constantly searching for new forms of communication with readers, and coming up with something unusual that will attract potential readers to the library.
The saturation of the library space depends on the level of its eventfulness. An event that determines the configuration of the library space can be an exhibition that is unusual in content or design, or a meeting with an interesting interlocutor, the publication and presentation of a new book... In a word, everything that creates an atmosphere of joy and elation “explodes” the monotonous, monotonous rhythm of everyday life , which means it stimulates the creative activity of the individual.

An example from the professional press: targeted program for studying reading “The Journey of the Blue Suitcase”.
The scenario for this program is as follows. Librarians compile a list of books to fill the suitcase based on recommendations from children's reading experts and reader surveys. The list consists of new high-quality children's literature. The filled suitcase is sent to the selected city or area. “Blue Suitcase”, with the aim of promoting reading, goes to those libraries that have their own reading development programs (initiatives and new developments are especially welcome). The library must submit its proposals for conducting the program. Based on these proposals, a travel plan is drawn up. The program lasts two months, and then the Blue Suitcase moves to another city or area. The program is aimed at achieving the following results: increasing the number of library readers; improving reading skills in children; development of literary taste through the popularization of the best modern Russian and foreign works; development public initiatives, involving children as volunteers; family involvement; cooperation with other cultural and social organizations; promoting the program through local media.

Usage advertising for users of library services, is one of the key links in promoting library products and services on the market. This is also extremely important in forming a reliable reputation and a favorable opinion about the library and its services in society.
The popularization of the library is facilitated by the creation of sound advertising recordings and videos, booklets, brochures, bookmarks, calendars, postcards, and guidebooks. Information materials about the library will help create a positive image, reveal the history and current state of the library and popularize its services.

Examples of slogans.

1. Open your book.
2. Books are the building blocks of your career!
3. A book is the beginning of your career!
4. There should be a lot of books
5. Do you want to know everything? No need to sleep! Take a friend - Go to the library!
6. Enjoying reading is – Enjoying life.
7. New generation – chooses reading!
8. Do you want to be advanced? Head to the library!
9. The library is a place where reading is appropriate!
10. The Internet is a waterfall, the library is a water tap. What do you choose to quench your thirst?
11. “To avoid being branded an ignoramus, read “White Robes!”
12. “Now I have forever best friend- library!"
13. If you didn’t go to the disco, go to the library!
14. You and I are on the same path. Advertising slogan in Russia, 2008 Many people listen to audiobooks in cars, stuck in traffic jams...
15. “A piece of the heart is for the reader, the library is for family comfort.”
16. “Every book has its reader.”
17. “Time to read is time to know!”
18. “A book for the reader”
19. "Library Stop"
20. “This is your library”
21. “The library works for you”
22. “The library is ready to provide you with all its book treasures”
23. “Don’t forget to go to the library: books are missing you”
24. “Come back often! Library books are missing you!”
25. “In the library you are loved, appreciated, remembered...”
26. “Your library is always waiting for you!”
27. “Only here and only today - maximum information about women’s reading!”
28. “Your presence will brighten our meeting!”
29. “Pleasant surprises await you!”

Recognition and the formation of a positive image of the library are facilitated by corporate identity : logo, branded business cards, desk calendars, printed materials.

The creation of a positive image of the library is also facilitated by introduction of new information technologies. Your own website, your own electronic products, electronic delivery of documents - all these are effective ways to promote and advertise the library in the international information society.

It is impossible not to mention such an important component of the work on shaping public opinion and image as relations with media. Actively working with the media, you can feel that they largely contribute to the formation attractive image library, the growth of its authority, social relevance.

It is very important to see the future of your library, continue to form a new image of it, look for new ideas, saying modern language– form a “brand strategy”. After all, caring about improving its image is clear evidence that the organization cares about the needs of its users. And the lack of new ideas is an indicator of the dysfunction of the team. The high public prestige of the library and our own satisfaction from work depend only on us.

Librarian Having received an invitation to an interview at the capital's library, student Flynn Carsen did not even think that this work would become the meaning of his life. However, what his employers offered him was very different from the everyday, half-asleep work of a librarian sorting through visitor cards and arranging books on shelves. It turns out that the library has a second, secret side, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people... USA, 2004. Director: Peter Winser.

Marriage of convenience The provincial librarian was sure that marriages are made in heaven. But when she and her father were saddled with a huge debt, she decided to urgently find a rich husband who would settle all their financial problems. After numerous searches, the heroine realized that she could only rely on herself... Russia, 2002. Director - Yu. Pavlov. Cast: N. Kurdyubova

Crimson Rivers Remy, a hereditary librarian at a prestigious college in the Alps, does not appear directly in the film - he is brutally killed before the thriller begins. But when an investigator from Paris and a local policeman begin to investigate this crime and several other terrible murders that took place here, it turns out that the young man was involved in genetic experiments within the walls of the college... And the librarian acted as a pimp, seating readers in pairs, according to a document compiled by the rector’s office scheme. France, 2000. Director: Mathieu Kassovitz.

Blues of Falling Leaves Young librarian Ksenia, who until recently was solving her numerous family and financial problems, one day becomes the owner of an inheritance - a huge apartment, a bank account and a new Mercedes, and with it many secrets and mysteries. Ksenia understands that nothing happens in this life just like that... Russia, 2006. Director: Alexander Mikhailov. Cast: Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Ilya Rutberg, Yulia Rutberg and others.

In love of his own accord The heroine of the film is a young, sweet, educated, but outwardly unattractive librarian Vera with a personal life that is not going well. By chance, she runs into former athlete Bragin on the subway. He gave up sports, and his wife left him, he drank everything he had earned during his years of sports career and works at a factory as a turner, which does not make him happy at all. After talking, they came to the conclusion that you can fall in love not at first sight, but at will, with a person whom you simply outline. And we decided to try this theory, built on auto-training and self-hypnosis... USSR, 1982 Director: Sergey Mikaelyan Starring: Evgenia Glushenko, Oleg Yankovsky.

There lives such a guy. The story is about a young Altai driver Pasha Kolokolnikov, who, risking his life, prevents a fire in a fuel tanker. A joker and joker, funny and touching, Pashka loves to push himself. He met Nastya, a local librarian, at a club, but the girl prefers him to a visiting engineer who does not consider her his equal. Therefore, when confronted with an engineer in the library, he could not in his reading preferences fall below Karl Marx's Capital. “Well, why am I worse than him?” – Pashka is tormented by the question, and Shukshin’s entire film confirms that Pashka is not “worse”. USSR, 1964. Director: Vasily Shukshin. Cast: Leonid Kuravlev, Bella Akhmadulina, Lidia Alexandrova, Larisa Burkova and others.

By the Lake Librarian Lena Barmina is the main character of the movie “By the Lake” that thundered throughout the country more than 30 years ago. The film tells about the construction of a pulp and paper mill on Lake Baikal, which is destroying the pearl of Siberia. Lena is romantic, sublime, and experiences the tragedy of Baikal as her own. And she loves the director of the plant under construction, Vasily Chernykh, who honestly and conscientiously carries out the work entrusted to him, and sincerely believes that everything is calculated, and he will not harm anyone. One of the central scenes in the film was the scene in the library. Lena Barmina reads Blok’s poem “Scythians”: Oh, old world, before you perish, While you languish in sweet flour, Stop, wise as Oedipus, Before the sphinx with an ancient riddle. According to the director's plan, behind Blok's lines she hides a declaration of love for Shukshin's hero, who listened to them while standing at the door in reading room and afraid to believe that I understood correctly. The characters in the film never speak directly about their feelings. USSR, 1970 Director Sergei Gerasimov In ch. Cast: N. Belokhvostikova, V. Shukshin.

The Name of the Rose English-language film based on the cult novel by Umberto Eco. The duration of the action is 1327. In the company of the young novice Adson, the French monk William of Baskerville investigates the series tragic deaths monks in a Benedictine monastery in northern Italy. Behind all these deaths lies terrible secret, it is connected with an ancient manuscript, which is kept in the secret library of the monastery. England, 1986 Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud Starring: Christian Slater, Sean Connery.

A gun in Betty Lou's purse The heroine of the American comedy detective story, Betty Lou Perkins, works in a quiet provincial library. She adores her husband, a policeman, but he is too busy with his work and does not pay attention to her. Modest and shy Betty is worried, it seems to her that not only her husband, but the rest of the world does not take her seriously, everyone only sees her awkwardness and forgetfulness. One day, Betty finds a real pistol on the river bank, puts it in her purse, and then... In the film, a respectable judge exclaims admiringly: “We should go to the library more often!” USA, 1992. Directed by Allan Moyley. In ch. Starring: Penelope Ann Miller.

Miranda with ice The hero of the film, the genre of which can be defined as a romantic thriller with a light English humor– young librarian Frank. He falls madly in love with an unusual girl, Miranda, without even speaking to her. He finds her touching and vulnerable, but while he is in a hurry to go on a date, Miranda is running a scam with the sale of the building in which his library is located... 2002. Directed by Marc Munden. In ch. Cast: John Simm, Christina Ricci.

The Mummy Evelyn, the heroine of the science fiction film “The Mummy,” is one of those who search for the pharaoh’s treasure in the Egyptian desert. But she is not only an adventurer, she is also a historian and a librarian, she knows a very complex ancient language, and dreams of reading the Book of the Dead. And it is thanks to Evelyn’s knowledge that the film’s heroes defeat the mummy that has risen from the tomb. Evelyn is played by Rachel Weisz. USA, 1999 Directed by Stephen Sommers

Volodin, A. Idealist. For theater and cinema: plays / A. Volodin. – M.: Art, – 312 p. “She sits (the librarian, the main character of the play - B.S.) at her table and, a little shy, says: “Our library dates back to nineteen twenty-six.” Then we were not far from here, in a small old church. However, the library was just a name. The books were piled so high that the doors could not be opened. No catalog, no forms, nothing. But I wanted to talk about our readers...” And she tells how she first met one of her longtime readers, S.N. Baklazhanov, who has now become a professor, a major scientist... In this first meeting-dialogue, our entire heroine. The author does not even mention her name. She is an idealist (also one of the stereotypes of public opinion about the librarian profession). Next, the heroine retells several more dialogues with this reader and with his son, who also became a reader of her library. You really become convinced that neither age nor life’s adversities have changed her romantic perception of the world.

Ehrenburg, I. G. Collected works in 8 volumes. T. 3. Stormy life Lazek Roytshvanec; Day two; Book for adults: novels / I.G. Ehrenburg. – M.: Fiction, – 607 p. Looking at the heroine of this novel, librarian Natalya Petrovna Gorbacheva, “people thought that she looked like a book bug and that in her head there were only catalog numbers. To others she seemed like a big ugly letter... Natalya Petrovna Gorbacheva did not save her life, her property, or the revolution. She saved books. She was lonely, middle-aged and ugly. No one even knew her name - they said: librarian. They didn’t know Natalya Petrovna... She came up to them and plaintively whispered: “Comrades, please be careful!” She suffered because none of these people felt the love for books that filled her heart. They took books greedily, like bread, and they had no time to admire... Sobbing awkwardly, Natalya Petrovna said: “Books are a great thing! ...they cannot be burned, they must be stored..."

Solzhenitsyn, A.I. Cancer Ward: a story / A.I. Solzhenitsyn. – M.: Fiction, – 462 p. One of the characters is a certain Alexey Filippovich Shulubin - in his youth a military commander, later a “red professor” - a philosophy teacher. He escaped Stalin's camps, but in freedom he went through all the stages of intimidation and humiliation. In the action of the novel, Shulubin is a librarian, a completely broken, unhappy person. The profession of a librarian turned out to be the extreme limit to which a person could be humiliated. This is what he says about his life and his real work: “...Tell me, is a person a log?! This log does not care whether it lies alone or next to other logs. And I live in such a way that if I lose consciousness, fall on the floor, die, the neighbors won’t find me even for several days... I’m still careful, I look around! ...Should I have admitted my mistakes? I recognized them! Should I have renounced? I have renounced! Some percentage survived, right? So I fell into this percentage. ...Should I have left the lectures? - ok, I left them. I went to assist, I agree to be small!..”

Shukshin, V.M. Until the third rooster: The tale of Ivan the Fool, how he went to distant lands to gain wisdom - reason / V.M. Shukshin. – M.: Soviet Russia, – 96 p., ill. In the fairy tale, the revived literary heroes call the librarian “vulgarite,” and the content of the conversation that she conducts not only does not attract fans to the heroine, but quite the opposite, makes the image of the librarian’s woman primitive and vulgar: “One day in one library, in the evening , around six o'clock, the characters of Russian classical literature began to argue. Even when the librarian was there, they looked at her with interest from their shelves - they waited. The librarian finally talked to someone on the phone... She spoke strangely, the characters listened and did not understand. They were surprised... “I don’t understand anything,” someone in a top hat said quietly - either Onegin or Chatsky - to his neighbor, a heavy landowner, Looks like Oblomov. Oblomov smiled: “They’re going to the zoo...”

Kalashnikova, V. Nostalgia / V. Kalashnikova // Star. – – 9. – C The action in the story takes place in our days. Her heroine Polina, a librarian by profession, “speaks English and French... she has collected a lot of material (for her dissertation - B.S.), she just needs to rummage a little in the German archives....". She is an intelligent, decisive modern woman (the type of the new Russian librarian) and, what is very important, very well read - “all her life she did nothing but read books.” At the same time, she is horrified by the surrounding lack of spirituality, drug addiction, prostitution: “... under the communists... there was order... you could watch TV. And now we are showing sex films... the question is, where did this nasty thing come from?” Disappointed with reality, Polina leaves for Germany to join her fiancé. However, even there she does not find peace: the German man is too calculating, there are also prostitutes and drug addicts there... The end of the story is tragic. Polina dies in a car accident. This story is symbolic. In it, one of the first in Russian modern literature, the image of a librarian is endowed with high intellectual potential, capable of communicating on equal terms with the color of the nation (in this case, academicians).

Ulitskaya, L. Sonechka / L. Ulitskaya // New world. – – 7. – In the story “Sonechka”, Lyudmila Ulitskaya brought out the bright, surprisingly selfless character of the librarian Sonechka: “For twenty years, from seven to twenty-seven, Sonechka read almost without a break. She fell into reading as if in a faint, ending with the last page of the book.... She had an extraordinary reading talent, and perhaps a kind of genius. Her responsiveness to the printed word was so great that fictional characters stood on a par with living, close people...” L. Ulitskaya “Russia is the most reading country in the world” - this myth about our country is one of the most pleasant. I myself belong to the reading generation, which from childhood learned to escape reality by burying itself in the pages of books. For many people, reading partly replaced life itself; it was not one of its constituent parts, but perhaps the best and most significant. The heroine of "Sonechka", as if in a long-term faint, reads books voraciously, but the reality of life - love, family, motherhood - knocks her out of reading... Old age sets in: her husband dies, her daughter leaves - and her soul returns to great literature, which provides food for the soul, reconciliation, pleasure... Literature as a religion of life. The Russian myth, so close and so fragile. Like any myth."

Roerich N.K. Pigeon book. 1922 Pigeon book. Nikolai Zabolotsky. 1937 In my infancy, I heard many times the half-forgotten story of my great-grandfathers about the hidden book... Across the river, the bloody ray of dawn used to burn a little, It was time to sleep, already in a white veil the fog was creeping from the river and chilling the heart, Already the poor world, having forgotten its sufferings, had fallen silent all, and only in the distance the Grasshopper, the little worker of the universe, all working, singing, not demanding attention, - alone, in an incomprehensible language...

ContentURL" src="" width="800" align="left" alt="Selçuk Demirel Tomasz Walenta - Polish artist, born in 1974, lived and studied in Canada. Ten years ago he returned to Poland. Extreme laconicism, wit, poster style." title="Selçuk Demirel Tomasz Walenta is a Polish artist, born in 1974, lived and studied in Canada. Ten years ago he returned to Poland. Extreme laconicism, wit, poster style."> !}

The work of the wonderful American photographer Jerry Uelsmann was made without the use of Photoshop. Uelsmann creates images from many negatives, working for a long time on each composition in the darkroom. The work of the wonderful American photographer Jerry Uelsmann was made without the use of Photoshop. Uelsmann creates images from many negatives, working for a long time on each composition in the darkroom.

An observation deck near the Yenisei River, from which you can clearly see the village of Ovsyanka, where the writer V.P. Astafiev (1924–2001), author of the story “The Tsar Fish”, was born, lived and worked. The monument was erected in 2004 to mark the writer’s 80th birthday. An observation deck near the Yenisei River, from which you can clearly see the village of Ovsyanka, where the writer V.P. Astafiev (1924–2001), author of the story “The Tsar Fish”, was born, lived and worked. The monument was erected in 2004 to mark the writer’s 80th birthday.

Courtyard of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. “Reflections on the Little Prince”, artist Arsen Avetisyan. Here, on a stack of books, as if on a throne, sits the allegorical image of the philosopher of life, the lover of truth and the truth-bearer, the Jester, and holds in his hands the open pages of the wonderful story of Exupery. The fragile figurine of the Little Prince perched a little further away. Courtyard of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. “Reflections on the Little Prince”, artist Arsen Avetisyan. Here, on a stack of books, as if on a throne, sits the allegorical image of the philosopher of life, the lover of truth and the truth-bearer, the Jester, and holds in his hands the open pages of the wonderful story of Exupery. The fragile figurine of the Little Prince perched a little further away.

What to pray for, oh friend? There would be an abundance of books... Horace Studying with books nourishes youth. Old age is amused, happiness is beautified, In misfortune they also provide consolation. Houses bring joy, but not houses do not interfere. Cicero It’s a good thing to collect good books, but it is more useful to refer to them and read them more often. Petrarch

The book has always been an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm for me, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits, saving them for the most important occasions. George Sand When a book collides with your head and a dull, empty sound is heard, is it always the book's fault? G. K. Lichtenberg

You need to know the book. You have to love her and believe in her. You need to develop the ability and practical dexterity to work with the help of a book. N. A. Rubakin A true scribe is distinguished by talent. Talent in book writing is the same as musicality. V. G. Lidin A good, knowledgeable librarian is a faithful assistant to any serious researcher and even a serious person V. V. Stasov

Material used in the presentation: 1. Brazhnikova S. A. The image of a librarian in literary works[Electronic resource] / S. A. Brazhnikova. - Access mode: Collection bookshelves. Book lover's chair [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 3. The image of a librarian in cinema [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Monument to the book [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Reproductions of paintings [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: answer. compiled by Dedyulya A.V. Malysheva N.G. Scientific and technical library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Krasnoyarsk State Trade and Economic Institute"