Gogol anniversary dates in the year. Calendar of significant and memorable dates. Turns in July

Of course, the poles of interests change every year. And literature is no exception. Young people are switching to light reading: detective stories, romance novels, fiction. And the majority don’t read at all. Many for one, but banal reason: there is simply no time. The older generation remembers popular Russian writers and looks through calendars with interest in search of birthdays of literary geniuses. That's why datesanniversaries of writers and poetsin 2017in demand among loyal readers.

We celebrate the anniversaries of our favorite writers and famous poets

  • January . On a frosty January morning 85 years ago Rimma Kazakova was born. But her poems are sunny and bright.
  • Who among us has not followed with excitement the adventures of little hobbits and their friends? And the film is based on the book of the same name by Tolkien, whose anniversary is celebrated by the whole world in the second month of winter.
  • In educational institutions, during Russian literature lessons, the works of Moliere are studied. But already 395 years passed from the birth of this satirical writer.
  • It's always interesting to find out who wrote the fairy tale about Alice Through the Looking Glass. The character is also smiling Cheshire cat became favorite heroes of many generations. So there is a reason to celebrate L. Carroll's anniversary.
  • The older generation literally read the works of Valentin Kataev, who was born 120 years ago.
  • February. In this cold winter month, Russians will celebrate the birthday of the writer Konstantin Fedin, and then with a very short hour interval and 135th anniversary writer from foggy Albion Charles Dickens.

  • Only Victor Hugo’s heroine Esmeralda aroused sympathy for herself among high school girls when studying the pages of the novel “Cathedral” in class. Notre Dame of Paris" And in February there is an opportunity to lay flowers at his monument. Because the anniversary of this brilliant Frenchman will be celebrated by all admirers of his work - we will celebrate two hundred and fifteen years since the birth of Hugo.in 2017 by monthand their February list will be incomplete if we do not remember N. Garin, a Russian writer born 165 years ago.
  • March. In the first month of spring, we celebrate the round birthday of the once popular writer Valentin Rasputin. “The Witches of Eastwick” is a film that captivated the female population of the planet. It was based on John Aldike's novel of the same name. 85th anniversary which is very soon - in March next year.
  • April . In this changeable month, the author of “Tsushima” Novikov-Priboi was born. Book about Russian-Japanese war. The plot is exciting. The writer very subtly tracks the intertwined destinies of the main characters of the two-volume book.
  • Antoine Prévost, French writer was born 320 years ago.
  • About Konstantin Aksakov wide circle knows few Russians. But the anniversary will be an occasion to get acquainted with his work. Let's celebrate this month 200th anniversary publicist from Russia Konstantin Aksakov.
  • Browsing Listschildren's writers-anniversaries 2017year we pay special attention to K. Chukovsky. Almost everyone knows about the cheerful and brave doctor and the trusting clattering fly. The heroes were invented by Korney Chukovsky. And now 135 years The author of his favorite children's works will celebrate his birthday.
  • It was in April that Bella Akhmadulina, a poetess, was born, whose poems, set to music, were remembered from the film “Enjoy Your Bath.”
  • May. In the days of the last spring month, Igor Severyanin was born. A famous publicist and poet with a touch of crystal in his soul. In the same spring month we celebrate 140 years from birth Russian poet M. Voloshin.
  • If you select2017 anniversary writers for schoolchildren by month, then it is also necessary to remember the poet K. Batyushkov and the writer K. Paustovsky. They are included in the general education school curriculum.
  • June. A century and a half ago, Konstantin Balmont was born. He was a talented poet and no less talented writer. His essays won the hearts of sincere admirers of his brilliant talent.
  • Celebrates his 45th anniversary author fantastic works Yulia Galanina.
  • The Russian public will note and 205 years from the birth of I. Goncharov - a Russian prose writer with a capital letter.
  • Poet-songwriter Robert Rozhdestvensky was born eighty-five years ago. And much earlier - as much as 305 years Frenchman J. Rousseau was born back.
  • July. “The Forsyte Saga” first appeared on the wide screen, and then everyone who loved the film began to sweep John Galsworthy’s books off the shelves. This month this rather famous novelist was born.
  • Almost a full anniversary for the creator of the work about the royal musketeers, Alexandre Dumas (215 years).
  • August . In all, probably, without exception, theaters in the country and near abroad, plays written by Alexander Vampilov, one of the best playwrights of our time, enjoyed success.
  • John Galsworthy also has a round birthday anniversary. And in Belgium they are preparing to widely celebrate 150 years from birth Belgian writer and author Nobel Prize M. Materlinka. IN lately These are the ones that arouse the interest of readersanniversary writers of 2017. For librariesthis is an occasion to organize exhibitions of their works.
  • September. In the first month of autumn, two Russian writers were born. And both are two hundred years old from birth. Isn't this an anniversary? Already in the spring, preparations will begin to celebrate the birth of Sukhovo-Kobylin, the great Russian playwright born 200 years ago and the writer Alexei Tolstoy.
  • Another one was born in the same month literary genius. O. Henry is the author of works imbued with very subtle humor and sarcasm.
  • October. We can talk a lot about the adequacy or inadequacy of Don Quixote. But the fact that Sancho Panza and the Spanish hidalgo will not leave the reader indifferent is a great merit of the man who wrote the novel “Don Quixote”. And the Spaniards will definitely remember their famous countryman M. Cervantes this month. Because it's already October 470 years from the birthday of the author of Don Quixote.
  • November. Manyanniversary writers of 2017celebrate their anniversaries this month. And we will remember publicly the one who is no longer with us. Their contribution to literature and the souls of people.
  • It will be celebrated quite widely in Russia 200 years on the birthday of the publicist and writer and Nikolai Kostomarov. Swedish writer Astrid Lingren became famous for her works about the girl Pippi. This month will be 110 years from the writer's date of birth.
  • How not to remember the anniversary of Jonathan Swift, the author of the grotesque novel, which both adults and children read with pleasure - “Gulliver's Adventure”.
  • This month is rich in anniversaries. One cannot help but remember that 135 years performed on the birthday of Samuil Marshak, a children's poet.
  • In the same month, the romantic writer Alexander Bestuzhev was born.
  • The author of the script for “Gentlemen of Fortune” Victoria Tokareva was also born in November 80 years ago.
  • December . Now the name of Baron Munchausen has become a household name. Is he a liar or a big dreamer? But reading about his adventures is quite interesting. It seems that the portrait was painted from our contemporary. But the novel about the baron is more than two hundred years old, and its author E. Raspe celebrates his 280th birthday this year.
  • In the last winter month smooth 220 years ago Heinrich Heine was also born.Poets' anniversaries in 2017end with Heine's date of birth.

“Be kind!<…>Stand taller than yourself; be courageous! Then your face will change. You will be clear, and your face will become clear... It may not be beautiful, but it will be sweet.”

A.S. Green "Jesse and Morgiana"

Writers-anniversaries (November 2017)

SAMUIL YAKOVLEVICH MARSHAK (1887-1964) November 3 (October 22) 130 years since the birth of the Soviet children's writer, poet, playwright, translator.

Chi-ta-tel my especial-ben-no-ro-da,

He knows how to walk under the table.

But I'm glad to know that I know

Happy two-thousandth year.

S.Ya. Mar-shak

A native of Vo-ro-ne-zha. The son of a technical engineer, a talent for imagining. The father instilled in children respect and in-te-res for work, communicated to li-te-ra-tu-re. Mother, Ev-ge-niya Bo-ri-sov-na, raised six children. Children's love for li-te-ra-tu-re appeared in their very early years. Sister and brother Sa-mu-i-la Yako-vle-vi-cha, Leah and Ilya, pi-sa-li under the pseudonym Elena Ilya-na (author of the book -gi “Four-ver-taya you-so-ta”) and Mi-kha-il Ilyin (author of knowledgeable children’s books). Mar-shak started writing poems when he was four years old, and by the age of 11 he had already written several words and re-wrote an ode to Go-ra. tion. In Eka-te-ri-no-da-re in 1919, under the pseudonym “Dr. Free-ken,” the first collection of poems “Sa-ti- ry and epi-gram-we.” Sa-mu-il Yako-vle-vich became one of the or-ga-ni-za-to-ditch of the first children's theater in this city.

Smart, kind, amazing, but multi-faceted po-e-zia Sa-mu-i-la Yako-vle-vi-cha Mar-sha-ka enters our life since our early childhood. “The Tale of Stupid We-Sean”, “The House That Jack Built”, “Post-ta”, “Fire”, “Mi-ster-Twi- erased" - these and many other poems are my favorite reading for children. Having grown up, we recognize Mar-sha-ka-pe-re-vod-chi-ka, from-opening chi-ta-te-lyam kra-so-tu so-not-tov Sheks- pi-ra, poems by R. Burns and many other pages of foreign-class classic poetry; Mar-sha-ka-sa-ti-ri-ka; and finally, ve-li-ko-lep-no-go-li-ri-ka.

In 1923-1925, Marshak headed the children's magazine “New Robin Zone”; from 1925, for several years, he -ko-vo-dil re-dak-tsi-ey children's li-te-ra-tu-ry Le-nin-grad-skogo from-de-le-niya Go-siz-da-ta, in ka-che-stve av-to-ra and re-dak-to-ra co-worked in a whole number of children's pe-ri-o-di-che-skih from-da- ny: “Vo-ro-bey”, “Chizh”, “Ko-ster”. One of the strengths of Marsha's editor's work was the extraordinary ability to "open" » for children's li-te-ra-tu-ry of new cars. As a result of these discoveries, the children's li-te-ra-tu-ra obliges-for-Mar-sha-ku ta-ki-mi name-on-mi, like K. A. Fe-din, M. M. Pri-shvin, A. N. Tol-stoy, M. M. Zo-shchen-ko, N. A. Za-bo-lotsky, O. E. Man- del-shtam.

During the years of the Great Fatherland War, S. Ya. Mar-shak published sa-ti-ri-che-e-epis in the newspapers gram-we, pa-ro-dii, pa-fle-you, you-swept-and-va-shied and ate the enemy. In 1944, a collection of poems for children, “Military Post Office,” was published. In the subsequent years, books of poems “True-heaven-faces” were published, an en-cycl-lo-pedia “It’s a fun journey about A to Z.”

Among the drama-ma-tour-gi-che-skih pro-iz-ve-de-niy av-to-ra, the play-sy-tale is especially popular -ki “Two-twenty months”, “Smart things”, “Cat’s house”. The result of a great deal of creative writing experience was the collection of articles “Memory in Words”, published in 1961.

The writer lived a long life, wrote many creative works, plays, fairy tales, literature tour articles. K.I. Chu-kovsky, greeting Mar-sha-ka at one of the yubi-le-evs, said that in his person he greets the whole zu five Mar-sha-kov: det-sko-go po-eta, dra-ma-tur-ga, li-ri-che-sko-go po-eta, per-re-vo-chi-ka, and sa -ti-ri-ka. And li-te-ra-tu-ro-ved Si-vo-horse S.I. added to these five five more: pro-za-ik, kri-tik, editor-tor, pe-da-gog, theo-re-tik children's li-te-ra-tu-ry.

  • Geyser, Mat-vey Mo-i-se-e-vich Mar-shak [Text] / M. M. Geyser. - M.: Young Guard, 2006. - 325, p., l. ill., portrait, fax. - (Life of remarkable people: ZhZL: Series of bio-graphies; Issue 1189 (989). Bibliography: pp. 324-326.
  • Bar-che-va, T.F.“I thought, I felt, I lived...” [Text] / Ta-tya-na Fe-do-rov-na Bar-che-va // We read, we learn , play-ra-eat. - 2017. - No. 8. - P. 7-12: 5 photos. - (Books are the best gift). Scenario about the life and work of the children's poet S. Ya. Mar-sha-ka for children aged 11-12 years and younger .
  • Glu-bo-kov-skikh, M. V. Po-e-zia S. Ya. Mar-sha-ka [Text]: to the 130th anniversary of the birth of pi-sa-te-la / M. V. Glu-bo-kov-skikh // Books, notes and games for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2016. - No. 11. - P. 15-16. Vik-to-ri-na for children 7-9 years old.
  • Kuts, A. G.“Creativity is the meaning of my being...” [Text]: recalling S. Mar-sha-ka / A. G. Kuts // Books, sheet music ki and ig-rush-ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2014. - No. 12. - P. 14-15. Scenario of the event for children aged 7-9 years.
  • Mar-shak Sa-mu-il Yako-vle-vich: [ Izo-ma-te-ri-a-ly; text] / auto-stat. M. S. An-dre-eva, M. P. Ko-rot-ko-va; lists: Kor-shu-no-va L. E.; hands pro-ek-ta and resp. ed. series by L. E. Kor-shu-no-va. - Moscow, Russian school library-technical as-so-ci-a-tion, 2017. - 8 p. color ill.. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional (Pro-fes-sio-nal-naya bib-lio-te-school bib-lio-te-ka-rya. Ser. 2. You-stayed at the school library -ke; Issue 7.2017). - Attachment. to the journal “School library.”
  • Ma-ts-ko, G.“And then on-ver-nya-ka... pro-chi-ta-yut Mar-sha-ka...” [Text]: to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Pi- sa-te-la: whether-te-ra-tur-hour / G. Ma-ts-ko // Elementary school - First of September. - 2012. - No. 9. - P. 52-57. Pri-ve-den ma-te-ri-al to the 125th anniversary of the birth of po-eta, dra-ma-tur-ga, per-re-vod-chi-ka S. Ya Mar -sha-ka, which can be used when preparing for the hour.
  • Pesh-kun, L.G. Po-et, drama-ma-turg, zhur-na-list, per-re-vo-chik [Text]: pa-my-ti S. Mar-sha-ka / L. G. Pesh-kun // Book -ki, not-ki and ig-rush-ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2014. - No. 4. - P. 8-10. Brain-ring scenario for junior schoolchildren.
  • Sa-vi-nykh, L. Z. Time of year at the birthday celebration [Text]: entertainment event (for junior school -no-go-ras-ta) / Sa-vi-nykh Li-lia Za-gi-tov-na // School games and competitions. - 2017. - No. 3. - P. 6-10. Entertainment scene for junior schoolchildren on birthday celebrations, dedicated to -we are a year old on the basis of the play by S. Mar-sha-ka “Two-twenty months.”
  • Tol-sti-ko-va, T. A. Po-e-ti-che-ring [Text]: li-te-ra-tour-naya game based on the work of A. Bar-to, S. Mar-sha-ka, S. Mi- hal-ko-va, K. Chu-kov-sko-go (for primary school) / Tol-sti-ko-va Ta-tya-na Alek-san-drov-na // School new games and competitions. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 14-15. Scenario of the-th-che-s-ring-ga for students of junior classes, dedicated to the sti-ham A. Bar-to, S. Mar-sha-ka, S. Mi-hal-ko-va, K. Chu-kov-sko-go.
  • Tu-zo-va (Bru-ha-no-va), M. In a certain kingdom, Bread-bu-loch-state [Text]: te-at-ra-li-zo-van-naya game-ro-vaya pro- gram-ma according to the mo-ti-you plays by S. Mar-sha-ka “Sko-mo-ro-hi”, “Pet-rush-ka”, “Smart things” / M. Tu-zo- va (Bru-ha-no-va), Zh. Khmeleva // How to entertain guests. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 23-32. Scenario of the-at-ra-li-zo-van-noy game program based on the mo-ti-you plays of S. Mar-sha-ka on that bread-bo- baked goods.
  • Filipptsev, K. “The Good Fairy” S. Ya. Mar-sha-ka [Text] / K. Filipptsev; hands E. M. Po-po-va // Young Kra-e-ved. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 15-18. About the biography and creativity of Sa-mu-i-la Yako-vle-vi-cha Mar-sha-ka.

DMITRY NARKISOVICH MAMIN-SIBIRYAK (MAMIN) (1852-1912) November 6 (October 25) 165 years since the birth of the Russian writer.

Live you-whose life,

suffer and rejoice

you-whose heart is where the real life is

and true happiness.

D. N. Ma-min-Si-bi-ryak

“Everything that I knew how and could create, I created in my co-chi-not-s, which, if we put everything together, on -takes up to a hundred to-mov...” In these words of D. Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka there is no pre-inspiration.

The pi-sa-tel was born in Vi-si-mo - Shai-tan in the Perm province in the family of a water-holy priest. no way. He graduated from the Perm theological school, and entered the law school of the St. Petersburg University. si-te-ta, but because of the tu-ber-ku-le-za, I had to give up the job. Pi-sa-te-la’s inclination towards creativity appeared very early: he remembered that already “since childhood I dreamed of making a pi-sa-te-lem.”

“Singer of Ura-la” - so from long ago and by right they call Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka, because it is the most -the most significant part of his work is dedicated to this very land. In the broad heritage of Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka there are pro-from-ve-de-tions of various genres: fe-lie-to-ny , essays, stories, plays, legends, fairy tales, stories for children, me-mu-a-ry. But he entered the history of Li-te-ra-tu-ry first of all as a novelist. The first novel, which had great success, “Pri-va-lov-skie mil-li-o-ny,” was published in 1883. Then the novel “Mountain Nest” appeared, which established the re-pu-ta-tion of a large-scale about-for-i-ka-re-a-li-sta. Class-si-koy li-te-ra-tu-ry for children there are hundred races and fairy tales “Eme-la-hunter”, “Zi-mo-vie on Stu-de” -noy”, “Gray neck”, “Ale-nush-ki-ny tales”. Here, in Ural, fame came to Ma-mi-nu D.N., here he chose pseudonyms that soon became widely known. do-nim D. Si-bi-ryak.

Ro-ma-ny Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka has been in-scen-scen-ni-ro-va-ka more than once, among them “Pri-va-lovskie mils” -li-o-ny”, “Wild happiness”, “Bread”, “Zolo-to”. The novel “Pri-va-lov-skie mil-li-o-ny” screen-ni-zi-ro-van in 1915 and 1972. Based on the plot of “Okho-ni-ny bro-vi” com-po-zi-tor G. Be-lo-gla-zov wrote the opera “Okho-nya”.

  • D. N. Ma-min-Si-bi-ryak in the vo-mi-na-ni-yah of modern-men-ni-kov [Text]. - Sverdlovsk: Book publishing house, 1963. - 352 p. : ill.
  • Gruz-dev, Alexander Iva-no-vich. D. N. Ma-min-Si-bi-ryak [Text]: kri-ti-ko-bio-gra-fi-che-sky essay / A. Gruz-dev. - Moscow: Go-sli-t-iz-dat, 1958. - 182, p., l. portrait
  • Ser-go-van-tsev N. M.Ma-ming-si-bi-ryak[Text]: / Ser-go-van-tsev N. - Moscow: Young Guard, 2005. - 359, p., ill. - (Life of wonderful people (ZhZL); issue 934.
  • Aha-po-va, I.A. Good fairy tales are not only for Ale-nush-ki [Text] / I. A. Aga-po-va // We read, we study, we play. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 4-6. About the fairy tales of Russian pi-sa-te-la D.N. Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka.
  • God-you-re-va, N. His gold reserve [Text] / N. God-you-re-va // We eat together. - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 36. Creative bio-graphy of children's pi-sa-te-lya Dmitry Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka .
  • De-vya-ti-lo-va, I.S. Gray shei-ka and others [Text]: fairy tales by D. Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka / I. S. De-vya-ti-lo-va // Book ki, notes-ki and ig-rush-ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2012. - No. 9. - P. 5-8. Scenery of the me-ro-pri-ya-tiya for the 160th anniversary of the Russian pi-sa-te-lya Dmit-riy Nar-ki-so-vi-cha Ma-mi-na- Si-bi-rya-ka.
  • Dmit-riy Nar-ki-so-vich Ma-min (Ma-min-Si-bi-ryak)[Text] // Children's Ro-man-ga-ze-ta. - 2015. - No. 11. - P. 16. About the life and work of one of the classics of Russian literature, pi-sa- te-le, dra-ma-tur-ge Dmit-rii Ma-mine-Si-bi-rya-ke (1852-1912).
  • Mo-de-stov, V. Happiness is writing for children [Text]: in 2012, 160 years passed since the birth of D.N. Ma-mi-na-C-bi- rya-ka / Va-le-riy Mo-de-stov // Children's Ro-man-ga-ze-ta. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 26-29
  • Tru-shin, O.“My thoughts are carried away to my native green mountains...” [Text] / Oleg Tru-shin; photo of the av-to-ra // Mu-ra-vey-nik. - 2012. - No. 12. - P. 30-32. Photo-essay about the native places of the Russian pi-sa-te-lya D. N. Ma-mi-na-Si-bi-rya-ka.

ASTRID ANNA EMILIA LINDGREN (1907-2002) November 14 is the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Swedish children's writer, laureate of the International Prize. H. C. Andersen (1958)

This woman was known in all countries and all houses of the world. In Russia, its pro-iz-ve-de-niya re-re-vo-di-la Li-li-an-na Lung-gi-na.

Ast-rid's childhood was spent in the south of Sweden on hu-to-re. Ast-rid Lindgren had wonderful people - hard-working, loving, kind.

Amazing is-ties will be written at school. Later I told them to my children. In 1945, Lindgren published the book “Pep-pi Long Chul-lok”, the main character of which is a ve-se-laya de -voch-ka, on-de-len-naya bo-ga-tyr-skoy power. In 1955, Lindgren came to the immortal Carlson - “a man in the very prime of his life,” living on roof ma-lazy-to-go.

The world of Lindgren is usually inhabited by children and adults. She writes about a lot. Her books can be read by people of any age with the same mi-well, as soon as they love a fairy tale. ki. She herself believes that the children all over the world look alike to each other. It’s no coincidence that her work has won the hearts of dear children. Obviously, she managed to catch something important in the child’s soul. This is how children recognize themselves in her pro-from-ness. They joke to Lindgren: “You have a l-lu-cha-et-sya.” They believe her.

According to the count of some of them, from the books of the Swedish writer, you can add up one hundred and seventy-five Hey-fele- high towers, placed on top of each other, or you can prop it up with the globe in three rows .

For his work Lindgren na-grazh-de-na me-da-la-mi H.K. An-der-se-na and A. Shwe-tse-ra.

  • Afa-u-no-va, R. T. Visiting Peppi [Text]: entertainment-tel-no-game program / R. T. Afa-u-no-va, I. N. Shlya -co-va // Ped-co-vet. - 2012. - No. 5. - P. 5-7. Children's party with games, vik-to-ri-na-mi, kon-kur-sa-mi, sacred Ast-rid Lindgren, po-bullet-ri-za -tion of the Swedish pi-sa-tel-ni-tsy.
  • God-you-re-va, N. Lindgren, something we didn’t know [Text] / N. God-you-re-va // Reading together. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 31-32.
  • You-ry-pa-e-va, L. What a delight these fairy tales are! [Text]: [game-ra-pu-te-she-stve-stvie]: 3-4th grade / L. You-ry-pa-e-va // Elementary school - First September tyab-rya. - 2012. - No. 6. - P. 33-40. Presentation of a game for 3rd and 4th grade students based on fairy tales from foreign authors “What kind of “These fairy tales are flattering!”
  • Glu-bo-kov-skikh, M. V. Plunge into your own childhood... [Text]: dedicated to the anniversary of A. Lindgren (1907-2002) / M. V. Glu-bo kov-skikh // Books, notes and games for Ka-tyush-ki and And-dryush-ki. - 2012. - No. 9. - P. 9-11. Scenario for the anniversary of Ast-rid Lindgren for children 8-10 years old.
  • Zi-man, L. Ro-ni, daughter of raz-boy-ni-ka [Text]: a play based on the story of Ast-rid Lindgren, translated by L. Lung-gi-noy / Leonid Zi- man // I am entering the world of art. - 2016. - No. 7. - P. 132-171.
  • Ka-petskaya, G. A. Competition course “Attentive reader” [Text] / G. A. Ka-petskaya, T. A. Gav-ri-len-ko // Pedagogical council. - 2014. - No. 10. - P. 10. Scenario of a competition course for schoolchildren on the production of Yu. Ko-va-lya “Pri- key-niya Va-si Ku-ro-le-so-va”, B. Za-ho-de-ra “Ser-paradise Star-daughter” and A. Lindgren “Pep-pi Long- stocking".
  • Or-lo-va, E. A. Out-of-class reading lesson [Text]: (based on A. Lindgren’s “Pep-pi Long Chul-lok”) / E. A. Or-lo-va // About -ra-zo-va-nie in a modern school. - 2013. - No. 6 (157). - pp. 56-61. Summary of a lesson on out-of-class reading for junior schoolchildren.
  • Ross-sin-skaya, S. Ast-rid Lindgren. If you live not according to habit, your whole life someday! [Text] / S. Ros-sin-skaya // Va-sha bib-lio-te-ka. - 2013. - No. 17/18. - P. 24-29/ About the first publication of Ast-rid Lindgren’s book “Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again.”
  • Sai-ki-na, E.I. Where Carlson lives [Text] / E.I. Sai-ki-na // Game library. - 2016. - No. 3. - P. 62-77. Biblical and technical stage for 5-6 grades, dedicated to the culture and traditions of Sweden.
  • The best in the world Carlson[Text]: according to Ast-rid Lindgren’s story “Baby and Carlson, who lives on the roof” / game when-du-ma-la and na-ri- so-va-la Elena Smir-no-va // Chi-tai-ka. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 2-3 [incl.]

VICTORIA SAMOILOVNA TOKAREVA (b. 1937) November 20, 80 years since the birth of the Russian writer, screenwriter

I was born in Leningrad. Ra-no li-shi-la-father. A great influence on her formation was the mother's, who had brought her daughter to the li-te-ra-tu-re since childhood. Vik-to-ria To-ka-re-va lives near the number of the most chi-ta-e-my av-to-ditch.

Fame came to the writer after she, a second-year student of the stage fa- cult of VGIK in 1964 on-pe-cha-ta-la in the journal “Youth Guards” the story “A Day without Lies.” Her many li-ri-che-news and stories, most of which are sacred to fate our modern-men-nits, vza-i-mo-from-but-she-ni-yam in the family, instantly-ven-but-is-from-the-shops of ma-ha -zi-nov and bib-lio-tech-nyh po-lok.

The books To-ka-re-howl are light, moving, sharp-witted, but twisted, psycho-ho-lo-gi-che-ski do- a hundred-true pro-za, in which all the realities of our days, with their troubles, joys, were written , soul-shev-us-mi-ry-va-mi and ra-cha-ro-va-ni-ya-mi. All the benefits of pro-zy pi-sa-tel-ni-tsy on-feelings and esti-n-whether ki-not-ma-to-gra-fi-sty. Based on her scenes, more than 20 cinematic and television films were made, among them the films “Walked along the line” , “Mi-mi-no”, “Gentle-me-ny good luck”, “About everything”.

Sa-ma pi-sa-tel-ni-tsa claims that she is, first of all, a co-media grapher. But comedy for her is “a very well-written tragedy.”

  • Be-re-styuk, V. N. Story by Viktoria To-ka-re-howl “I am. You exist. He is” [Text]: lesson-dis-kus-sia: Grade XI / V.N. Be-re-styuk // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2007. - N 7.. - P.42-45.
  • Ku-li-chen-ko, N. Bird of Happiness Victoria To-ka-re-howl [Text] / N. Ku-li-chen-ko // New bib-lio-te-ka. - 2012. - No. 21. - P. 9-17. Article dedicated to the life and work of the Russian pi-sa-tel-ni-tsy To-ka-re-voy Vik-to-rii Sa-mu-i -lov-ny.
  • Pa-no-va, Ga-li-na Alek-san-drov-na. About the morality of you in modern li-te-ra-tu-re: for example, according to V. To-ka- re-howl “I am. You exist. He exists” and ras-ska-za T. Tol-stay “Clean sheet”. XI grade [Text] / Pa-no-va Ga-li-na Alek-san-drov-na // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2017. - No. 5. - P. 36-38. - Port-re-you. - (In search. Experience. Mastery) Bibliography. at the end of Art. Te-ma moral-no-go-bo-ra in the pro-iz-de-ni-yah of modern writers.
  • Ti-ho-mi-ro-va, I.“Responsible for those who were pri-ru-chi-li” [Text] / I. I. Ti-ho-mi-ro-va // Chi-tai-ka. - 2013. - No. 6. - P. 2-16 [incl.]/ The article includes three stories for discussion with children on the topic sensitively -sti, from-call-in-sti: “The Happiest Day” by Viktoria To-ka-re-voy, “My Sister Ksenia” by Viktor- ra Dra-gun-sko-go, “Pho-to-graphy” Ana-to-lia Pri-stav-ki-na.
  • Ti-ho-mi-ro-va, I.I.(kan-di-dat pe-da-go-gi-che-skih na-uk; do-cent) “Gu-man-but think-to-learn-xia” [Text] / I. I. Ti -ho-mi-ro-va // School library. - 2011. - No. 9/10. - pp. 129-133. - Bib-liogr. - Il. - Ph. - (Training “Gu-ma-ni-za-tsiya de-tei means-stva-mi hu-do-zhe-stven-noy li-te-ra-tu-ry”) Bibliogr. at the end of Art. I. I. Ti-ho-mi-ro-va on tre-ning-ge brings a cycle of stories for discussion with children on the topic “In response to those for those whom they tamed” (“Happy Day” by Y. To-mi-na, “The Happiest Day” by V. To-ka-re-howl )
  • Tre-gu-bo-va, I.G. Fate is not outside, it is inside you [Text]: stories of Viktoria To-ka-re-howl in lessons: / I. G. Tre-gu- bo-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra: gas. ed. house "First of September". - 2007. - February 16-28. - P. 12-15.
  • Sha-bel-ni-ko-va, V. Good yes-ro-va-nie Vik-to-rii To-ka-re-voy [Text] / Vera Sha-bel-ni-ko-va // Be healthy!. - 2013. - No. 8. - P. 90-94, 4th p. region
  • The article talks about the life and work of Viktoria To-ka-re-voy.

LOPE DE VEGA (full name Felix Lope de Vega y Carpio) (1562-1635) November 25 is the 455th anniversary of the birth of the Spanish playwright, writer, and poet.

Lo-pe de Ve-ga, this is a great miracle of nature,

carried yourself to the level of the vla-dy-ki te-at-ra,

put it under his control, put it in ak-te-rov

in full vi-no-ve-nie and on-water-nil

li-te-ra-tu-ru pie-sa-mi, good luck and good-ro-sho na-pi-san-ny-mi.

And if anyone would like to co-operate with him

and share the glory of his labors,

then everything done by all of them together is not

would be compared with the value of what was done to them alone.

Ser-van-tes M.

He was born into the family as a seamstress. From an early age, he had remarkable creative abilities (at the age of 10 he re-wrote in the poems “By -hi-sche-nie Pro-zer-pi-ny” Klav-di-a-na). I studied at the university in Al-ka-le and started writing poetry.

Lo-pe de Ve-ga was born on the border of two cultural eras - the Renaissance and the Baroque. It is at the junction of these eras that the great culture of Spain is born - its golden age. The name of the ve-li-chay-she-go is-pan-sko-go dra-ma-tur-ga of the 17th century Lo-pe de Ve-ga - along with its modern -com and with-per-no-one according to Mi-ge-lem de Ser-van-te-som - more than any other connection in na- shem vo-pri-ya-tii with sa-mim po-nya-ti-em “Is-pan-skaya na-tsio-nal-naya li-te-ra-tu-ra.” His fame was inexhaustible, his talent was inexhaustible, his creative legacy was enormous and priceless -But.

Lo-pe de Ve-ga created more than 2000 plays, of which 426 have been preserved to this day. Daring in life, Lo-pe raised ru-ku and on the tradition of the Spanish drama-ma-tur-gy: he came from the pri-nya-then-where of the principle of unity place, time and action, preserving only the latter, and boldly united elements of it in his plays -che-sko-go and tra-gi-che-sko-go, creating a class-si-che-sky type of Spanish drama. The king of the Spanish theater was the same as his subjects - see. Their uncontrollable merriment was overflowing - and in his plays the heroes sang, danced, and laughed. He didn't play with the audience and, perhaps, that's why he remained their idol until the last day .

Lo-pe's plays inspired reverence and recognition not only in Spain, but also for its de la mi. The author in his many-numbered co-me-di-yahs about-on-ru-lives-va-et the key talent of the co-mi- what the hell. His comedies, which “even now you can’t read or see without laughing” (Lu-na-char-sky), are very bright -what, sometimes several poster-like things. A special role in them belongs to the servants, the history of which creates, as it were, a parallel in-three plays. It is they, the sharp-witted, lu-ka-vye, who are very precise with words and words, - for the most part, the environment appears among the elements of the pro-from-ve-de-tion, in which Lo-pe de Ve -ha pre-resurrects Mo-lie-ra and the author of “Se-Ville-sko-go-tsi-rul-ni-ka” - Beau-mar-shay.

The enormous popularity of Lo-pe de Ve-ga's plays in our country. They play Er-mo-lo-va and Sa-vi-na, Len-sky and Da-vy-dov, Ba-ba-no-va, Gi-a-tsin-to-va, Zel -din, Str-zhel-chik and many other beautiful ak-te-ry. His stories still live on in books and on stage.

  • Var-ga, Su-zann. Lo-pe de Ve-ga [Text] / Var-ga S.; [transl. from fr. Yu. M. Rozenberg]. - M.: Young Guard, 2008. - 392 pp., 8 l. ill. : ill. - (Life of remarkable people. Series of bio-graphies. issue 1349 (1149).
  • Quiz: [Lo-pe de Ve-ga] / fig. E. Mo-ro-zo-va [Text] // Bonfire. - 2011. - N 4. - P. 11. - (Vik-to-ri-na “For seven pe-cha-tya-mi”) (Year of Is-pa-nii in Russia). Vik-to-ri-na in honor of the life and work of the Spanish drama-ma-tur-ga Lo-pe de Ve-ga.
  • From Spanish 17th century[Text]: trans. from Spanish / [comp. and comment. A. Koss; hu-doge. V. Be-gi-ja-nov]. - L.: Hu-dozh. lit. Le-ningr. Department, 1983. - 190 p. ; 17 cm. Author: Lu-is de Gon-go-ra-i-Ar-go-te, Lu-per-sio Leo-nar-do de Ar-hen-so-la, Bar-to-lo-me Leo-nar-do de Ar-hen-so-la, Lo-pe Fe-lix de Ve-ga Car-pio, Hu-an de Ar-gi-ho, Fran-sis-ko de Ke-ve-do- i-Vi-lie-gas, Fran-sis-co de Bor-ha, Prince de Es-ki-la-che, Hu-an Martine de Ha-u-re-gi-i-Ur-ta-do de la Salle, Francis-co de Rio-ha, Lu-is Car-ri-llo de So-to-may-or, etc.
  • Who is he?[Text] // Chu-de-sa and pri-klu-che-niya. - 2011. - N 1. - P.6. - (About everything). Ko-rot-kaya za-met-ka introduces its-e-ro-da ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ku on ve-li-ko-go is-pan-sko- go dra-ma-tur-ga Lo-pe de Ve-ga.
  • I prayed, sinned, repented...[Text] // Chu-de-sa and connection. - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 68: engrav. - (On the seven winds). Some facts from the life of the Spanish drama-ma-tur-ga Lo-pe de Ve-ga.
  • Fochkin, O. Lo-pe de Ve-ga - po-et and don-ju-an [Text] / O. Foch-kin // We eat together. - 2012. - No. 11. - P. 46-47. - Portrait. - Il. - (From the history of famous books). Creative bio-graphy based on the Spanish national drama-tur-gy, poetry and drama -tur-ga Lo-pe de Ve-ga (1562-1635).

ALEXANDER PETROVICH SUMAROKOV (1717-1777) November 25(14) 300th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, the first Russian playwright

I am glad that my glory will not fade,

Some people will never feel a shadow.

What need is there in my mind,

Since I just carry su-ha-ri in my bag?

Why pi-sa-te-la from-personally it’s my honor,

If you have nothing to drink or eat?

Su-ma-ro-kov A.P.

The path of the ge-ni-ev is rarely straight, it lies through thorns, and Su-ma-ro-kov was not the key.

Alexander Pet-ro-vich Su-ma-ro-kov was born in an aristocratic, but dinner-neutral family. Having received the first-to-machine establishment, Alexander in 1732, 14 years old, when he entered Su-ho-put-ny shly-khet-ny building, open only for nobles. In this corps, which was obliged to release “to the chiefs” of military, civil and court service If only young Alexander had received a wonderful picture and gotten to know Li-te-ra-tu-re and te-at-ru. Li-te-ra-tur-nye in-te-re-sy determined whether and what exactly in Shlya-khet-ny kor-pu-se there was a syg-ra-na lane -vaya Russian tra-ge-dia, na-pi-san-naya Su-ma-ro-ko-vym and po-lo-living on-cha-lo co-creation of the Russian dra-ma-ti-che-sko-go re-per-tu-a-ra. Already in the years of study, Su-ma-ro-ko-va’s da-ro-va-nie would have been revealed. First, you on-pe-cha-tan-ny-mi about-from-ve-de-ni-i-mi him were two odes for the new year, 1740, from-data from- efficient bro-shu-roy. At the end of the course at the university, Alexander Petrovich, despite the military service, which was mainly formal character, all the time he wonders whether-te-ra-tu-re. He writes odes, ele-gies, songs, basses, you-stu-pa-et like a drama-turg, relating to the li-te-ra-tu-re for the first time how to pro-fes-sio-nal-no-mu de-lu.

A.P. Su-ma-ro-kov - you are a drama-ma-turg and in his time, one of the most fruitful vi-th and practical writers of the 18th century, he turned his literary work to the nobility mu so-word. Pi-sa-tel you-laugh-and-va-et the nobles in fables and sa-ti-rahs, about-it-takes-nothing and without-for-co -nie chi-nov-ni-kov, fa-vo-ri-tism at court. Honest and straightforward, he never let anyone down. He went all the way to the is- te-ri-ki, defending his copyright from the Moscow authorities. man-du-yu-sche-go; loudly pro-cle-nal self-government, bribes, savagery of society; The noble “society” took revenge on him. Harsh in his views and unforgiving in his judgments, he rebels against himself against him -three-tsu. According to the right words of Be-lin-sko-go, “Su-ma-ro-kov was beyond measure before his modern times.” “We are disparaging ourselves too much in our time.” At the same time, this creativity was an important milestone in the history of the development of Russian literature -ces-sa of the 18th century.

Director of the first Russian theater, publisher of the first Russian private journal “True” -do-love-bee”, author of six tr-ge-diys, including the famous “Ho-rev” and “Si-nav and Tru-thief” , one drama, two texts for operas and four comedies, A.P. Su-ma-ro-kov with his own works -he contributed to the establishment of the class-si-tsiz-ma on Russian soil. His class-si-cism but-strong narrow-noble-speaking character, in contrast to the general-sovereign and society-sche-na-tsio-nal-no-go ha-rak-te-ra class-si-tsiz-ma Lo-mo-no-so-va. He acted both as a theo-re-tik class-si-tsiz-ma, and as a writer who gave in his own practice samples of many different genres, pre-viewed according to the class.

  • Ber-kov, Pa-vel Na-u-mo-vich. Alexander Pet-rovich Su-ma-ro-kov [Text]: 1717-1777 / P. N. Ber-kov. - Lenin-grad; Moscow: Art, 1949 (Le-nin-grad: Typical named after Vo-lo-dar-skogo). - 100 pp., 1 l. portrait : portrait ; 14cm. - (Russian drama-tours. Scientific-but-popular essays).
  • Za-pa-dov, A. V. Poetry of the 18th century: A. Kan-te-mir, A. Su-ma-ro-kov, V. Mai-kov, M. He-ras-kov: lit. essays / A.V. Za-pa-dov. - M.: MSU, 1984. - 235 p.
  • Poe 1790-1810s[Text]: [collection of articles] / intro. Art. and comp. Yu. M. Lot-ma-na; ready-made text-sta M. G. Alt-shul-le-ra; entry notes, biogr. certificates and notes M. G. Alt-shul-le-ra, Yu. I. Lot-ma-na. - Le-nin-grad: Soviet pi-sa-tel. Le-ningr. department, 1971. - 911 pp., 4 l. ill. : ill. ;21 cm. - (Bib-lio-te-ka po-eta. Os-no-va-na M. Gor-kim. Large series: 2nd ed.). Co-author: S. S. Bob-rov, S. A. Tuch-kov, S. S. Pestov, P. P. Su-ma-ro-kov, N. S. Smir-nov, P. A. Slov-tsov, I. I. Mar-ty-nov, E. A. Ko-ly- chev, A. I. Tur-ge-nev, A. S. Kai-sa-rov and others
  • Russian pi-sa-te-li in Moscow[Text]: [collection]. - 3rd ed., add. and re-re-work. - M.: Moscow worker, 1987. - 863 p. : ill. Co-support: About V.K. Tre-di-a-kov-sky, A.D. Kan-te-mi-re, M.V. Lo-mo-no-so-ve, A.P. Su-ma-ro-ko-ve, M. M. He-ras-ko-ve, G. R. Der-zha-vine, N. I. No-vi-ko-ve, D. I. Fon- vi-zine, A. N. Ra-di-sche-ve, I. I. Dmit-ri-e-ve, etc.
  • Apol-lo-no-va, G.V. Russian La-fon-ten [Text] / Ga-li-na Va-si-lyev-na Apol-lo-no-va // Chi-ta-eat, learn-sya, play-ra-eat . - 2017. - No. 8. - P. 66-70: 5 ill., 1 photo. -(Knowledgeable yes-you - 2017). Scenario be-se-dy about the creativity of this, drama-ma-tur-ga, pre-sta-vi-te-la of the Russian class-si-tsiz-ma A . P. Su-ma-ro-ko-va for students in grades 9-11.
  • Tarkhov, T. Quenching the sadness. Tragic life and lifeless tragedies Aleksandra Su-ma-ro-ko-va [Text] / Ti-mur Tar-khov // Na-u-ka and life. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 45-52: 1 photo, 7 portraits. - (Is-to-ria in faces).12+. The article illuminates the life and work of the Russian poet and dramatist Aleksandr Pet-ro-vi-cha Su-ma-ro-ko-va (1717-1777).

GRIGORY BENZIONOVICH OSTER (b. 1947) November 27, 70 years since the birth of the Soviet and Russian children's writer, screenwriter, playwright, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2007)

A native of Odessa. Poems began to write when he was still in his senior class. After de-mo-bi-li-za-tion from the army he became a student of Li-te-ra-tur-no-go in-sti-tu-ta named after him. A. M. Gor-ko-go. In 1975, the na-chi-na-yu-shche-li-te-ra-to-ra published the first collection of about-from-ve-de-niy for children “How it’s good to give a gift.” A year later, the play “The Man with a Tail” was written, which to this day does not leave the bridges of many ku-kol-s those-at-ditch, and three cartoon films appeared on the television screens of the country at once, where Auster played the role of the author of the scene -ri-ev. His li-te-ra-tour-world is co-mi-che-skie and ab-surd si-tu-a-tions, non-sense, hyper-bo-la and image-re- ta-tel-stvo.

A huge influence on him was the influence of Pa-ster-na-ka and pro-iz-ve-de-niya from the series “Bib-lio-te-ka fan” -ta-sti-ki”, especially-ben-but Stru-gats-ki. Gregory Oster had and still has two lovers - Do-sto-evsky and Du-ma. I sing epicly about mush-ke-to-row, he repeats it every 5-7 years, and all the time he comes up with something new for the family. bya.

The last li-te-ra-tour-works of the pi-sa-te-la are similar to the psycho-ho-lo-gi-che-sky practical-ti-kum, he co- took many short funny stories and combined them into the collection “Children and These.” Several volumes have already been published. The eternal problem is the interaction between children and adults. Both of them are trying to influence each other, they are in a continuous fight . That's why the author just used it - changed them in their place.
My most striking pro-iz-ve-de-nie of pi-sa-te-la is “A fairy tale with fractions.” This book is the same for both adults and children, everyone will like it, only in different places.

The well-known Kremlin website “The President of Russia is a citizen of our school age” was developed and maintained by Gri- go-riy Ben-tsi-o-no-vich according to the proposal of the Pre-zi-den-ta of Russia Pu-ti-na V.V.

In 1996, Gri-go-riy Ben-tsi-o-no-vich Oster became the la-u-re-a-tom of the con-course of the Chi-ta-tel-sym-pa-tiy “Zo- lo-toy key", in 2002 la-u-re-a-tom State Prize of Russia, and in 2012 - Li-te-ra-tur-noy prize -mii named after K.I. Chu-kovsky.

Fe-no-men Ostera in modern Russian culture and children's culture has no equal. With the exception of Uspensky, his status is difficult to compare with the status of any other modern man. but the children's pi-sa-te-la. His “Harmful So-ve-you” are spreading fan-ta-sti-che-ski-mi ti-ra-zha-mi, his cartoon films have become classy si-coy during the life of the av-to-ra, his auto-ri-tet in television and radio-programs for the re-creation of children and children It’s impossible for me to read.

  • Va-rak-sa, Ol-ga. 38 po-puga-ev [Text]: li-te-ra-tour-reading: [for 1st grade] / Ol-ga Va-rak-sa // Elementary school: journal . ed. house "First of September". - 2016. - No. 5/6. - pp. 16-18. - (Me-to-di-che-skaya ko-pil-ka teach-te-lya) (Si-ste-ma Zan-ko-va). A lesson was given in reading in the first grade on the topic “Reading G. Oster’s book “38 Poo-poo-ev” " Children read and discuss books in class according to the teachers' instructions.
  • Dem-chen-ko, Yu. A. Polite fairy tale [Text]: Za-nya-tie first. “Hello again!”: [cycle of these for children aged 5-6 years] // Books, notes and games for Ka -tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2013. - No. 5. - P. 21-22. - Pro-duty. follows. - (I study! I eat again! We know everything by heart!)
  • Meet: living classes![Text]: [Gri-go-riy Oster about himself] // Pre-school education: gas. ed. House "First of September". - 2009. - 16-30 Nov. - P. 18.
  • Zu-ra-bo-va, K. Harmful so-ve-ve-you from the fields of fairy tales [Text]: strokes to the port-re-t of Grigory Oster-ra / K. Zu-ra-bo-va // Pre-school education. - 2009. - No. 5. - P. 32-37.
  • Zy-ki-na, N. Fun lessons from Gregory Oster [Text]: [Scenario] / N. Zy-ki-na // Primary school: gas. ed. house "First of September". - 2004. - June 1-7. - P. 6-11.
  • Is-to-min, V. Very harmful advice [Text]: stage-play based on the poems of Gregory Ostera / Vi-len Is-to-min // How to entertain him -stay. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 15-20. - (Te-atr mi-ni-a-tyur).
  • Ki-rya-no-wa, T. P. Summer school of Gregory Oster [Text]: [scene of a children's holiday based on the pro-iz-ve-de-ni-yam of G. Oster-ra] / T.P. Ki-rya-no-wa // Ped-co-vet. - 2003. - No. 4. - P. 4-7.
  • Ko-len-ko-va, N. L. Come to the Oster class, whatever they teach you! [Text]: / N.L. Ko-len-ko-va // We read, we study, we play. - M.: LIBEREYA-BIBINFORM. - 2002. - Issue 5. - pp. 121-126.
  • Ko-lo-so-va, E.V. On a cheerful wave [Text]: a guide to the books of Gregory Oster: [scenario for children 7-9 years old] / E. V. Ko-lo-so-va // Books, notes and games for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2006. - No. 11. - P. 4-7.
  • Happy lessons of Gregory Ostera [Text] / be-se-du ve-la E. Usa-che-va // Pi-o-ner-skaya is right. - 1999. - JUNE 11. - P. 4. - photo.
  • Oster, Gri-go-riy Ben-tsi-o-no-vich. Li-te-ra-tu-ra for slow action [Text]: [the author about himself and his work] / G. B. Oster; be-se-du ve-la E. Ka-lash-ni-ko-va // Vo-pro-sy li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2006. - July-August. - pp. 261-272.
  • Oster, Gri-go-riy (pi-sa-tel). Let's learn to predict the future [Text] / Gregory Oster; be-se-do-va-la Ol-ga Mu-lers // Basically, you are without danger to life. -2015. - No. 1. - P. 48-49. - (Training experience). Inter-view with pi-sa-te-lem Gri-go-ri-em Oster about the book "Tai-na pre-ska-za-niy", blah-da-rya someone The swarm of children learn to predict the future of their actions.
  • Te-re-hi-na, T.V. About the benefits of harmful advice [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-game based on the production of E. Uspensky and G . Oster-ra: for grades 5-6] / T. V. Te-re-hi-na // We read, we study, we play. - 2009. - Issue 6. - pp. 72-75.
  • Chir-ko-va, T.V. Are you polite: the game “Happy Accident”, dedicated to this one for children 8-10 years old [based on the book G . Oster-ra “Harmful so-ve-you”] [Text] / T. V. Chir-ko-va // Books, notes and games for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2005. - No. 5. - P. 52-55.

WILHELM HAUF (1802-1827) November 29 is the 215th anniversary of the birth of the German writer-storyteller, representative of the Biedermeier artistic literary style (a branch of romanticism).

Wil-helm Hauff was born in Stuttgart, in the family of Av-gu-sta Fri-dri-ha Gau-fa, who served as a sec-re-ta-rem in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Yad-vi-gi Wil-gel-mi-ny El-zes-ser Gauf. Of the four children, he was the second oldest. Having lived through a short life, the writer wrote several novels: “Likh-ten-stein”, “Obi-ta-tel Lu-ny”, “Me-mu-a-ry sa-ta-ny”. But the best of all that Gau-f created is fairy tales. He started collecting them in his youth. Fairy tales came from different languages ​​and became a favorite read not only for children, but also for adults.

Despite his intelligence and background, Gauff does not aspire to take a place in high society, to dominate the -li-bo ti-tu-la-mi. After the university, Wil-helm worked re-pe-ti-to-rum in the family of ge-ne-ra-la, mi-ni-stra ob- ro-ny ba-ro-na von He-ge-la. Together with this family, he traveled a lot around Germany and France. Wilhelm became for the general's children not just a teacher, but actually a mentor. It was for them that Gauff wrote his first “fairy tales”, published according to the present day by ba-ro-nes-sy in Al-ma-na-he a fairy tale in 1826. The collection includes well-known fairy tales “Little Muk”, “Cold Heart”, “Kalif-stork”, etc. Pro-from -ve-de-niya Gau-fa mo-mental-but became popular everywhere, where there is no German language.

Gau-fa's tales have a special at-mo-sphere: mystical, oriental, sometimes sad and horrifying -shchi. In them, the author showed himself not only as a writer, but also as a talented pedagogue and psychologist. The evocative effect of his tale is difficult to re-evaluate. So, in “Kar-li-ka No-se” the hero is awaiting punishment for insulting a person. Having tested himself, the boy became better. In “Frozen Heart” the meaning is that wealth does not bring the same happiness. Using legends and sayings as the basis, the writer created unique magical pro-from-ve-de -nies that are still popular all over the world. In them, chu-de-sa is re-intertwined with the lessons of life's wisdom, connecting whole -le-nia.

During Gau-f's life, there were two collections of his fairy tales, another collection from three years after his death. tee. Also, the next pi-sa-te-la includes several novels and stories. Despite his short life, he was able to remain in history as the author de-niy. Such fairy tales as “Little Muk” and “Dwarf Nose” have been screened more than once -nyh countries, you-pu-shen more than one multi-pli-ka-tsi-on-ny film about-from-ve-de-ni-yam Gau-fa.

In Bayr-sbron there is a “Museum of Fairy Tales of Wil-hel-ma Gau-fa”.

  • Quiz[Text]: [Wilhelm Hauff] // Coster. - 2012. - No. 9. - P. 21. ik-to-ri-na in honor of the life and work of the German pi-sa-te-lya Wil-gel -ma Gau-fa.
  • Glu-bo-kov-skikh, M. V. Disciple of E. Gough-man [Text]: 210 years since the birth of V. Gau-fa / M. V. Glu-bo-kov-skikh // Books, sheet music and ig-rush-ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 12-14. Scenario of the me-ro-pri-i-tiya based on the work of the German fairy-tale writer Wil-hel-ma Gau-fa.
  • [Co-stu-we of the heroes of the cartoon “Ha-lif-stork” for paper ku-kol][Text] / art-designer Ok-sa-na Kor-ne-e-va // Mi-sha. - 2016. - No. 10. - P. 20. Chi-ta-te-lyu pre-la-ga-et-xia you-re-cut for paper ku-kol co-stu-we g-ro -ev the animated film “Ha-lif-stork”, directed by Va-le-ri-em Uga-ro-vym based on the fairy tale by Wil-hel-ma Gau- F.
  • Lezh-ne-va, S. Dwarf Nose [Text]: staging based on the fairy tale by Vil-gel-ma Gau-fa / S. Lezh-ne-va // Scenes and re-per-tu -Ar. - 2016. - No. 15. - P. 44-62. A play for children based on the fairy tale by V. Gau-fa “Kar-lik Nose”.
  • Tu-lo-vie-va, A.V. Ga-le-reya li-te-ra-tour-port-re-tov [Text]. Part 3 / A.V. Tu-lo-vie-va // Game library. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 22-35. Video scenes for grades 1-4, dedicated to the work of J. Harries and V. Gaufa.

JONATHAN SWIFT (1667-1745) November 30 is the 350th anniversary of the birth of the Anglo-Irish satirist, publicist, poet and public figure.

According to the author, the goal is good -

Treat human depravity.

Mo-shen-ni-kov and rogues of all

His laughter became so loud...

Jo-na-tan was born in Dublin, into a pro-te-stan-tov family. His father was a minor judicial official, but his son did not even know about him, because he was born after his death. In England, Jo-na-tan served as a sec-re-ta-rem for a friend of his ma-te-ri. In 1690, he returned to Ireland, and it was during these years that Swift began to f--k creative work, publishing poetry. In 1696-1699, pi-sa-tel na-pi-sal sa-ti-ri-che-skie in-ve-sti-parables “Tale-ka boch-ki”, “Battle of books” and a few um. It was at this time that he began to have a deep-neck desire for independence, which was influenced by -la on many steps. All this does not prevent us from getting a good re-commen-da-tion, which would lead to Joe's success -on in French, Greek and La-you-ni, and also on-the ability not bad to deceive thoughts. The author's Sa-ti-ri-che-style was bright and colorful, but did not keep it familiar to Pro -lights on-zi-da-tel-no-sti.

Since 1710, Swift became the ideological leader of the con-serv-va-to-rov, and the role of official-tsi-al-no-go ru-po-ra was played by iz-da-va-e-my them the magazine “Ek-za-mi-ner”. In 1713, for his efforts in ending the war with France, he was appointed to the position of Dub-lin-sko -th so-bo-ra of St. Pat-ri-ka, although he dreamed of being a bishop.

Swift was a uni-ver-sal-no-go da-ro-va-niya man. He proved himself to be a talented philosopher, diplomat and scientist, and once became famous in the world as a fan author. that-sti-che-skaya tet-ra-lo-gy “Pu-te-she-stations of Gul-li-ve-ra”, in which the wit-ro-mind-but you-laughed about -scientific po-ki.

The glory of pi-sa-te-la per-re-lived him for many centuries, and the history of Gul-li-ve-ra was for many -krat-but screen-ni-zi-ro-va-na, including in Russia.

  • Bar-che-va, T. F. “The journey of Gul-li-ve-ra” [Text]: book-of-the-jubilee by J. Swift (1726) / T. F. Bar-che-va // Books , notes and ig-rush-ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2016. - No. 10
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. Among the most fruitful [Text] / V. Bi-ke-e-va // Holiday at school. - 2015. - No. 2. - P. 46-70. About one of the great sa-ti-ri-kovs of the world, English pi-sa-te-le - D. Swift.
  • B-ke-e-va, V. A. The journey of a chi-ta-te-la to the country of Swift [Text] / V. A. Bi-ke-e-va // Game bib-lio-te-ka . - 2014. - No. 11. - P. 84-97. Scenario of the evening for 9-11 grades, dedicated to the work of the English writer J. Swift.
  • God-you-re-va, N. Fighter for the cause of freedom [Text] / N. Bo-ga-you-re-va // We eat together. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 34. Creative biography of the children's pi-sa-te-lya Joe-na-ta-na Swift.
  • Zi-man, L. Ya. What-you-re-pu-te-she-stations Le-mu-e-la Gul-li-ve-ra [Text]: to the 345th anniversary of the birth of Joe-na-ta-na Swift / L. Ya. Zi-man // School library. - 2012. - No. 6/7. - pp. 153-159. Biography and creativity of D. Swift.
  • Kov-ro-va, O. I. Class-si-ki and modern-men-ni-ki [Text] / O. I. Kov-ro-va // Game library. - 2014. - No. 5. - P. 4-13. Questions and quizzes for 6th grade, dedicated to the creativity of English writers.
  • Kuz-ne-tso-va, S. Pu-te-she-stvo Gul-li-ve-ra [Text]: music-cal-naya game-ra-tale-ka according to the mo-ti-you of one-name-no-ro-ma -na D. Swift-ta on mu-zy-ku V. Mo-tsar-ta / S. Kuz-ne-tso-va, T. So-ro-ki-na, O. Yun-ge-ro-va // Musical manual. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 48-53. Presentation of a stage of a musical fairy tale for senior pre-schoolers with the use of music by V. Mo-tsar-ta.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B.A.“He thought of giving a lesson to all the people...” [Text] / B. A. Ma-ka-ro-va // We read, we study, we play. - 2012. - No. 8. - P. 26-31. About the life and work of the English pi-sa-te-lya D. Swift.

VIKTOR OLEGOVICH PELEVIN (b. 1962) November 22 is the 55th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer.

Viktor Olegovich Pelevin was born in Moscow. Father Oleg Ana-to-lie-vich Pelevin pre-da-val at the military department at the Moscow State Technical University named after. Ba-u-ma-na. Mother pi-sa-te-la, Zi-na-i-da Se-myo-nov-na Ef-re-mo-va, pre-da-va-la English language at school . Pi-sa-te-la's childhood years passed in Moscow.

After school, I went to the Moscow Energy Institute (MPEI) at the Faculty of Electricity and av-to-ma-ti-za-tion about mouse-len-no-sti and trans-port, which graduated in 1985. In 1989, Pelevin joined the Li-te-ra-tour institute named after. Grief-to-go, for very-och-noe from-de-le-nie (se-mi-nar pro-zy Mi-ha-i-la Lo-ba-no-va). While studying at Li-t-in-sti-tu-tu-te Pele-vin got-to-be-acquainted with the young pro-for-and-com Al-ber-t Ega -for-the-row and therefore (later - whether-te-ra-tur-kri-ti-k) Vik-tor Kul-le. Ega-za-drov and Kul-le os-no-va-li their-da-tel-stvo (at first it was called “Day”, then “Raven” and “Myth”), for someone Pele-vin, as an editor, under- the three-volume nick of the American pi-sa- te-la and mi-sti-ka Kar-lo-sa Ka-sta-ne-dy.

In addition, in 1989 he began working in the journal “Na-u-ka and re-li-gia”, where he published a dis- tale pi-sa-te-la “Kol-dun Ig-nat and people.”

In the early 90s, Viktor Pelevin published in serious publications -yes-tel-stvah. In the winter of 1991, the novel “Omon Ra” was published in the editorship of the journal “Zna-mya”. And in March 1992, the novel “Life for all of us” was published there. That's when the first collection of the story-telling “Blue Lantern” comes out. Once upon a time the book was not for-me-che-na kri-ti-ka-mi, one year later Pele-vin received Ma-luya for it -Kerovsky prize, and in 1994 - the “In-ter-pres-skon” and “Golden snail” awards.

Then in “Neza-vi-si-my ga-ze-te” the essay “John Fowles and the Russian Tra-ge-dia” was published -be-ra-liz-ma”, which became the result of a pi-sa-te-la to the unapproval-re-ac-tion of some critics against him creation. In the same year, Pelevin was admitted to the Union of Journalists of Russia. In 1996, Zna-me-ni published a novel by the author, “Cha-pa-ev and Pu-sto-ta.” Kri-ti-ki talk about it as the first “Zen-Buddhist” novel in Russia, the writer himself called it pro-iz-ve-de-nie “by the first ro-man, the action of something happens in the ab-so-lute pu-sto-te” . The novel won the Strannik-97 award, and in 2001 was included in the short list of the world's biggest tour. Noah International Impac Dublin Literary Awards.

In 1999, the novel “Generation P” was published. There was pro-yes all over the world, but more than 3.5 million prizes, in particular, the German li-te-ra-tour-prize named after Ri-har-da Schön-fel-da, and at-ob-re-la st- tus kul-to-howl.

In 2003, after five years of re-re-ry in publications, Pele-vi’s novel “Dia- lek-ti-ka re-hod-no-go pe-ri-o-da. From nowhere to nowhere” (“DPP. NN”), for which the writer received the Apollo Gri-go Prize -rye-va and the “National Best Seller” award. In addition, “DPP (NN)” was included in the short list of the Andrey Belo-go Prize for 2003. In the next novel, written by “Empire V”, also known under the title “The News of the Present Day” we have a super-che-lo-ve-ke” there is a translation from “Generation P”. The creation of such re-cross lines is ha-rak-ter-but for the style of the author. In 2009, the Eks-mo television company released the novel “t”, in which the Russian story is mixed -to-ria and eastern my-sticism, where the graph “t” is put in place (a hint at Tolstoy) in Op-ti-nu Pu-stin equal to Sham-ba-ly's search. In 2011, a post-apo-ka-lip-ti-che-sky novel by Pele-vi-na “S.N.U.F.F” was released. Work from-me-che-on the pre-mi-ey “Electronic book”.

Books by Pele-vi-na per-re-ve-de-ny in the main languages ​​of the world, including Japanese and Chinese-Thai.

Vi-ktor Pele-vi-na is called the most famous and the most important pi-sa-te-lem “by-co-le-niya trid” -tsa-ti-let-them.” The author himself is inclined to agree with this statement.

  • Vla-di-mir-sky, V.[Class-si-ka] [Text] / Va-si-liy Vla-di-mir-sky // World of fan-ta-sti-ki. - 2013. - No. 117: May. - pp. 38-39. A review of books that once managed to receive awards “In-ter-pres-skon” and “The Bronze Snail” .
  • Voz-ne-sen-sky, A. From NOWHERE TO NOWHERE [Text]: iconic writer Viktor Pelevin clicked on “dia-lek-ti-ku per-re-ho-no-go ne” -ri-o-da” new book / A. Voz-ne-sen-sky // Neza-vi-si-maya ga-ze-ta. - 2003. - AUG 20.. -S. 1-2.
  • Ga-li-na, M. Ma-ria Ga-li-na. Fan-ta-sti-ka / Fu-tu-ro-lo-gia [Text]: the undead who are beating us or once again about “you-feast-ro-ma- nah" Vik-ra Pele-vin // New World. - 2013. - No. 8. - P. 222-229. About Vik-to-ra Pele-vin’s “you-pir-ro-mans.”
  • Ga-ri-ful-li-na, E. G. Following the “Yellow Arrow” [Text]: [reading conference based on V. Pele-vin’s “Yellow Arrow” : [for grades 10-11] / E. G. Ga-ri-ful-li-na // Chi-ta-eat, study-eat, play-eat. - 2009. - Issue. . - pp. 89-91.
  • Gr-zi-no-va, I. Pro-fi-lak-ti-che-che-reading [Text]: [Nar-ko-ti-ki] / I. Gru-zi-no-va / / First of September. - 2003. - September 20. - S.
  • La-nin, B. A. Viktor Pelevin: on the ka-che-lyah of success [Text] / Bo-ris Alek-san-dro-vich La-nin // Li-te-ra-tu-ra. - First of September. - 2015. - No. 7/8. - pp. 25-28. A creative portrait of Vik-to-ra Pele-vin's action.
  • Po-la-ko-va, N. The image is empty in the story of V. Pele-vi-na “Omon Ra” [Text]: lesson in the 11th grade gu-ma-ni-tar-no-go pro- fi-la / N. Po-la-ko-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra: gas. ed. house "First of September". - 2005. - 1-15 Nov. - P. 5-6.
  • Pro-ni-na, E. Fractal lo-gi-ka of Vik-to-ra Pele-vi-na [Text] / E. Pro-ni-na // Questions of whether-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2003. - JULY - AUGUST.. - P. 5-30.
  • Rod-nyan-skaya, I. So-me-lie Pele-vin. And so-look-da-tay [Text] / Irina Rod-nyanskaya // New world. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 181-191. About the work of Viktor Pelevin.
  • Ro-ma-ni-che-va, E. Let's learn to read a post-modernist text [Text]: la-bo-ra-tor-naya ra-bo-ta according to the story of Viktor Pele-vin “Ni -ka” / E. Ro-ma-ni-che-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra: gas. ed. house "First of September". - 2005. - December 16-31. - P. 13-17.
  • Sverdlov, M. Technology of writing power: (about the two latest novels by V. Pelevin) [Text] / M. Sverdlov // Vo-pro-sy li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2003. - JULY - AUGUST.. - pp. 31-47.
  • Su-mer-ki fo-re-va[Text] / rub-ri-ku ve-det Ana-to-liy Star-ro-dubets // Echo of the planet. - 2013. - No. 21. - P. 48. Review of the book by Vic-to-ra Pele-vin “Batman Apollo”, yav-la-yu-schu-yu- I’m talking about “Empire V”, which is in the genre of you-feast-of-the-ro-ma-na.
  • Te-re-khov, A. This train is on fire [Text]: reflection on the story of Viktor Pele-vin [“Yellow Arrow”] / A. Te-re- howv // Teacher's newspaper. - 2000. - AUG 22. - P. 17
  • Shai-ta-nov, I. Project PELEVIN [Text]: [about the work of V. Pelevin] / I. Shai-ta-nov // Vo-pro-sy li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2003. - JULY - AUGUST.. - pp. 3-4.

KURT VONNEGUT (1922-2007) November 11, 95 years since the birth of the American writer, satirist and artist.

Kurt Vaughn came from a family of German em-grants. Great-grandfather of the future pi-sa-te-la Clement Von-ne-gut was born in the German city of Münster and in 1848 emi-gri-ro-val in the USA.

After the United States entered World War II, Kurt Vaughn volunteered to join the army. In December 1944, Won-not-gut, next to the 423rd Infantry Regiment of the 106th Infantry Division , was captured during the Ardennes counter-operation of the German troops. Yon-ne-gut was the name of the old group of military prisoners, because he spoke a little German. After he told the guards what he would do to them when the Russians arrived, he was beaten and deprived of his status. sa old-ro-sty.

Estimation of the number of people who died in Von-not-gu-tom, who was involved in the time-re-za-loving , as well as the burning of corpses, amounts to 250 thousand people. His re-livings were found in many pro-iz-de-s, among which was the novel “Fight” -nya no-mer five, or the Cross-movement of the children,” brought the av-ru news.

He was liberated in May 1945 by the Red Army. Upon his return to the USA, he was awarded the “Purple Heart” medal, which is awarded to the shim ra-ne-niya in the result of actions against-against.

In view of the left-wing beliefs of the pi-sa-te-la and the gu-ma-ni-sti-che-skaya on the right-linen-no-sti of creativity pro-from-ve- de-niya Won-ne-gu-ta shi-ro-ko from-yes-va-were in the USSR hundreds of thousands of ex-landers and suc-sta-and-va-las -go-la-tel-noy cri-ti-ki. Pere-re-vo-di-la them Ri-ta Wright-Ko-valyo-va. Kurt Vaughn came to the USSR twice: in 1974 to Moscow, in 1977 to Leningrad, where he met with chi-ta-te la-mi.

Per-re-zhi-va-niya mo-lo-do-sti lay down in the os-but-woo of the first pro-iz-ve-de-niya of Kur-ta Won-not-gu-ta - fan-ta-sti-che-sko-go-ma-on “Utopia 14”, in which he draws gloomy pictures of the future : You do all the work for people, and you don’t need people.

Kurt Von-not-gut considered himself a gu-ma-ni-stom and a co-tsi-a-li-st, following the ideas of Yu-zhi-na Deb-sa . In 2003, he took part in the American Co-operation’s campaign for the defense of civil liberties in support of fundamental civil liberties and strengthening the role of the Union in protecting these rights, in the course of a sharp cry Ti-ke came under the internal po-li-ti-ka of George Bush.

The author of such pro-iz-ve-dens as “Si-re-ny Ti-ta-na” (1959), “Mother Darkness” (1961), “Ko-ly-bel for cat- ki" (1963), "Battle number five, or the Crusade's march of children" (1969) and "Breakfast for something-pi-o-new" (1973), with -What elements in you are sa-ti-ry, black humor and scientific fan-ta-sti-ki. Von-ne-gut was honored to be called the “Pi-sa-te-lem of the State of New York” in 2001-2003.

  • Ka-ra-ev, N. Life according to Von-ne-gu-tu, or In the search for one’s own Kar-ra-sa [Text] / Ni-ko-lay Ka-ra-ev // World of fan-ta-sti- ki. - 2012. - No. 111: November-November. - P. 52-57: ill. - (Special-ma-te-ri-al). An article in honor of the life and work of America.
  • Ki-ki-lo, V. Kurt Von-ne-gut knew what was worth living for / V. Ki-ki-lo // Echo of the plane. - 2007. - N 16.. - P. 33-34.
  • Kud-ryav-tsev, L. Cross-walk in the name of the word. Screen-ni-za-tion Kur-ta Won-ne-gu-ta [Text] / Leonid Kud-ryav-tsev // World of fan-ta-sti-ki. - 2012. - No. 111: November-November. - P. 74-77: ill. -(Videodrome) (Remember everything). The article is dedicated to the screen-none-behind-the-tsi-yam about-from-ve-de-niy Kur-ta Von-not-gu-ta.
  • Li-ver-gant, A. Kurt Von-ne-gut: “service of op-ve-sh-cheniya”: [about the creativity of the American pi-sa-te-la] / A. Lee-ver -gant // Foreign li-te-ra-tu-ra. - 2008. - N 7.. - P. 213-215.
  • Onuf-ri-en-ko, G. F. The tongue-in-cheek joker Kurt Von-ne-gut: [About the life and work of the American writer] / G. F. Onuf-ri-en-ko // World of bib-lio-graphy. - 2005. - N 2.. - P.69-75.
  • Ross-sin-skaya, S.(za-ve-du-yu-shchaya). Kurt Von-ne-gut [Text]: whether-the-tour-re-investigation for the 90th anniversary of the birth, the 5th anniversary day of death of the Amer-i-kan-skogo pi-sa-te-la / Svet-la-na Ross-sin-skaya // Va-sha bib-lio-te-ka. - 2012. - No. 35. - P. 6-29: ill. - (Great worlds here). Bibliogr.: p. 29 (14 characters). Talk about the famous American pro-za-i-ke of the 20th century, the author of many novels, ras-ska-zov, es-se and plays Kur-te Von-ne-gut.

We bring to your attention a calendar of significant and memorable dates November 2017, which contains not only historical, cultural, patriotic and international holidays, but also anniversary dates, Andsignificant events.

  • 130 years ago, A.K.’s novel was published. Doyle "Study in purple tones"(1887);
  • 100 years ago the RSFSR was formed (1917), now the Russian Federation;
  • 55 years ago, Novy Mir published a story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962);
  • 20 years ago, the all-Russian state channel “Culture” went on air (1997);

November 3, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (1797-1837), Russian writer, critic, Decembrist;

November 3, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Y. Kolas (1882-1956), Belarusian writer, poet and translator;

November 3, 2017 - 130 years since the birth of S.Ya. Marshak (1887-1964), Russian poet, playwright and translator;

November 4, 2017 - National Unity Day. This holiday was established in honor important event in the history of Russia - the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders in 1612.

November 6, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912), Russian writer;

November 7, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of D.M. Balashov (1927-2000), Russian writer, folklorist, publicist;

November 7, 2017 - Day of Accord and Reconciliation. Day October Revolution. The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

November 8, 2017 - International KVN Day (since 2001). The idea of ​​the holiday was proposed by the president of the international KVN club, Alexander Maslyakov. The date of the celebration was chosen to honor the anniversary of the first Merry and Resourceful Club game, which aired on November 8, 1961.

November 9, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of Emile Gaboriau (1832-1873), French writer;

November 11, 2017 - 95 years since the birth of Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), American novelist;

November 13, 2017 is International Day of the Blind. On November 13, 1745, Valentin Hauis was born in France, a famous teacher who founded several schools and enterprises for the blind in Paris and St. Petersburg. According to the decision of the World Health Organization, this date became the basis for International Day blind.

November 14, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), Swedish writer;

November 15, 2017 - 155 years since the birth of Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946), German playwright and novelist;

November 16, 2017 - No Smoking Day (celebrated on the third Thursday of November). It was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977.

November 18, 2017 - 230 years since the birth of Louis Daguerre (1787-1851), French artist, inventor, one of the creators of photography;

November 18, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of E.A. Ryazanov (1927-2015), Russian director, screenwriter, poet;

November 20, 2017 - 80 years since the birth of V.S. Tokareva (1937), Russian prose writer, film playwright;

November 21, 2017 - World Welcome Day (since 1973). This holiday was invented by two brothers - Michael and Brion McCormack from the American state of Nebraska in 1973. The rules of this holiday-game are very simple: it is enough to say hello to ten strangers on this day.

November 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of B. Spinoza (1632-1677), Dutch rationalist philosopher;

November 25, 2017 - 455 years since the birth of Lope de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish playwright and poet;

November 25, 2017 - 300 years since the birth of A.P. Sumarokov (1717-1777), Russian playwright, poet;

November 26, 2017 is World Information Day. Celebrated annually since 1994 on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization and the World Information Parliament. On this day in 1992 the first International forum informatization.

November 28, 2017 - 260 years since the birth of William Blake (1757-1827), English poet and artist-engraver;

November 28, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Alberto Moravio (1907-1990), Italian writer and journalist;

November 29, 2017 - 215 years since the birth of Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827), German writer;

November 29, 2017 is the Day of the World Conservation of Nature. On this day, in 1948, the World Conservation Union was founded, which is the largest international non-profit environmental organization. The Union unites 82 states (including Russian Federation represented by the Ministry natural resources and ecology).

November 30, 2017 is the 350th anniversary of the birth of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), English satirist and philosopher.


We bring to your attention a calendar of significant and memorable dates October 2017, which contains not only historical, cultural, patriotic and international holidays, but also anniversary dates, Andsignificant events.

  • 525 years ago, the expedition of H. Columbus discovered the island of San Salvador (the official date of the discovery of America) (1492);
  • 145 years ago, Russian electrical engineer A.N. Lodygin filed an application for the invention of an electric incandescent lamp (1872);
  • 130 years ago, the premiere of P.I.’s opera took place. Tchaikovsky's "The Enchantress" at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg (1887);
  • 120 years since the first football match(October 24, 1897);
  • 95 years ago, the book and magazine publishing house “Young Guard” was created in Moscow (1922);
  • 60 years ago, the film “The Cranes Are Flying” (1957) directed by M. Kalatozov was released on the screens of the country. At the Cannes Film Festival in 1958, the film was awarded the Palme d'Or;
  • 60 years ago, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in our country (October 4, 1957);

October 1, 2017 is International Music Day. Established in 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment of International Music Day is composer Dmitry Shostakovich.

October 1, 2017 is International Day of Older Persons. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990, celebrated since October 1, 1991.

October 1, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Gumilev (1912-1992), Russian historian-ethnologist, geographer, writer;

October 2, 2017 - International Day of Non-Violence. Established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly of June 15, 2007. The date was not chosen by chance: on October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the philosophy of non-violence, was born. According to the UN resolution, the International Day serves as an additional occasion to “promote non-violence, including through educational and public awareness activities.”

October 2, 2017 - World Architecture Day (first Monday in October). This holiday was established by the International Union of Architects.

October 3-9, 2017 – International Writing Week. Held annually during the week on which World Post Day falls.

October 4, 2017 - 170 years since the birth of Louis Henri Boussenard (1847-1911), French writer;

October 4, 2017 - Day of the beginning of the space age of mankind (since 1967 by decision of the International Astronautical Federation).

October 7, 2017 - 65 years old Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (1952), President of the Russian Federation, statesman;

October 8, 2017 - Employee's Day agriculture and processing industry (second Sunday of October, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999 No. 679).

October 12, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Koshkin (1912-1992), Soviet engineer-inventor;

October 14, 2017 - 275 years since the birth of Ya.B. Knyazhnin (1742-1791), Russian playwright, poet;

October 14, 2017 is World Egg Day. In 1996, at a conference in Vienna, the International Egg Commission announced that the world egg holiday would be celebrated on the second Friday of October.

October 15, 2017 is World Handwashing Day. Celebrated on the initiative of the UN Children's Fund.

October 19, 2017 - Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. All-Russian Lyceum Student Day. This holiday owes its appearance to an educational institution - on October 19, 1811, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened, where Alexander Pushkin and many other people who glorified Russia were educated.

October 21, 2017 - Apple Day (or the weekend closest to this date). In the UK, this event was first organized in 1990, on the initiative of one of the charitable organizations. Although the holiday is called “Apple Day,” it is dedicated not only to apples, but to all orchards, as well as local island attractions.

October 22, 2017 - White Crane Festival. A holiday of poetry and memory of those who fell on the battlefields in all wars. Appeared on the initiative of the poet Rasul Gamzatov.

October 23, 2017 is International School Library Day (fourth Monday in October).

October 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), Dutch naturalist;

October 24, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Imre Kalman (1882-1953), Hungarian composer;

October 25, 2017 - International Women's Day for Peace (since 1980 by decision of the International Democratic Federation of Women).

October 26, 2017 - 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagin (1842-1904), Russian painter, writer;

October 27, 2017 - 235 years since the birth of Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840), Italian composer, violinist;

October 28, 2017 is International Animation Day. Established on the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association in 2002 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the public presentation of the first animation technology.

October 31, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of John Vermeer (Vermeer) of Delphi (1632-1675), Dutch artist;

October 31, 2017 is the 180th anniversary of the birth of Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890), French writer and traveler.


Celebrating the anniversaries of your favorite writers is a good reason to re-read familiar works or plunge into the world created by a talented author for the first time. In 2017 the following will celebrate their anniversary:

Anniversaries of classics in 2017

The works of classics, both ours and foreign ones, never lose their relevance. They are read, re-read, they put eternal concepts into our souls:

  • honor;
  • good;
  • beautiful.

Month Full name Creative area Most famous works Date of birth and death Date celebrations What anniversary are we celebrating?
January John Ronald Ruel Tolk English writer, poet "The Lord of the Rings" 1892-1973 3 125
Jean Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) French playwright "A tradesman among the nobility" 1622-1673 15 395
V.V. Veresaev Russian writer "Doctor's Notes" 1867-1945 16 150
Virginia Woolf English writer "Miss Dalloway" 1882-1941 25 135
Lewis Carroll English writer "Alice Through the Looking Glass" 1832-1898 27 185
R.F. Kozakova Russian poetess "Love me" 1932-2008 27 85
V.P. Kataev Russian writer "Son of the Regiment" 1897-1986 28 120
February James Joyce Irish writer, poet "Exiles" 1882-1941 2 135
Charles Dickens English writer "David Copperfield" 1812-1870 7 205
Sydney Sheldon American writer "The Other Side of Midnight" 1917-2007 11 110
I.D. Shaferan Russian poet "Listen to your heart!" 1932-1994 13 85
N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky Russian writer "Gymnasium students" 1852-1906 20 165
K.A. Fedin Russian Soviet writer "Angels of Death" 1892-1977 24 125
Anthony Burgess English writer "Shakespeare in Love" 1917-1993 25 100
Carlo Goldoni Italian playwright "The Innkeeper" 1707-1793 25 310
Victor Marie Hugo French writer "Les Miserables" 1802-1885 26 215
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow American poet "Songs of Hiawatha" 1807-1882 27 210
John Ernst Steinbeck American writer "The Grapes of Wrath" 1902-1968 27 115
March S.P. Gudzenko Soviet poet "Before the Attack" 1922-1953 5 95
V.G. Rasputin Russian writer "Live and Remember" 1937-2015 15 80
John Updike American writer “Rabbit (note deleted by the owner) run” 1932-2009 18 85
A.S. Novikov-Priboy Russian writer "Tsushima" 1877-1944 24 140
OK. Chukovskaya Russian writer, poet "Notes about Anna Akhmatova" 1907-1996 24 110
Alfred Victor de Vigny French writer, poet "Death of the Wolf" 1797-1863 27 210
A.K. Gladkov Soviet writer "John of Paris" 1912-1976 30 105
D.V. Grigorovich Russian writer "Gutta-percha boy" 1822-1899 31 195
K.I. Chukovsky Russian writer, poet "Moidodyr" 1882-1969 31 135
April Antoine Francois Prevost French writer "The Story of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier des Grieux" 1697-1763 1 320
A.I. Herzen Russian writer "Past and Thoughts" 1812-1870 6 205
Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina Russian poetess “Deceiving the soul with immortality” 1937-2010 10 80
V.V. Lipatov Russian poet "Autumn" 1927-1979 10 90
K.S. Aksakov Russian writer "Cloud" 1817-1860 10 200
V.A. Kaverin Russian writer "Two Captains" 1902-1989 19 115
Henry Fielding English writer "The Story of Tom Jones, Foundling" 1707-1754 22 310
May I.A. Efremov Russian writer "Hellfire" 1907-1972 22 110
Roger Zelazny American writer "The Chronicles of Amber" 1937-1995 13 80
I. Severyanin Russian poet "Oh, pitiful, powerless people" 1897-1941 16 130
N.I. Kostomarov Russian writer "Mazepa" 1817-1885 16 200
Teffi (N.A. Lokhvitskaya) Russian poetess, writer "Poor Azra" 1872-1952 21 145
M.A. Voloshin Russian poet "Koktebel" 1877-1932 28 140
K.N. Batyushkov Russian poet "On the ruins of a castle in Sweden" 1787-1855 29 230
I.S. Sokolov Russian writer "Petka" 1892-1975 29 125
L.I. Oshanin Soviet poet “I was traveling from Berlin” 1912-1996 30 195
G.K. Paustovsky Russian writer "Warm bread" 1892-1968 31 215
June K.B. Balmont Russian poet "Goldfish" 1867-1942 16 150
I.A. Goncharov Russian writer "Oblomov" 1812-1891 18 105
V.T. Shalamov Russian writer "Kolyma Tales" 1907-1982 18 110
R.I. Christmas Soviet poet "Requiem" 1932-1994 20 85
V.K. Kuchelbecker Russian poet "Elegy" 1797-1846 21 220
A.A. Tarkovsky Russian poet "Night Rain" 1907-1989 25 110
July Hermann Hesse Russian writer "A novel without lies" 1877-1962 2 140
A.B. Mariengof Swiss writer, poet "Peter Camenzind" 1897-1962 6 120
A.M. Remizov Russian writer "Loyalty" 1877-1957 6 140
P.V. Oreshin Russian poet “Overcoming your way of the cross...” 1887-1938 16 130
K.K. Pavlova Russian poetess "Butterfly" 1807-1893 22 210
P.A. Vyazemsky Russian poet "Bosphorus" 1792-1878 23 225
A. Dumas French writer "The Three Musketeers" 1802-1870 24 215
A.A. Grigoriev Russian poet "It was time" 1822-1864 28 195
August Percy Bysshe Shelley English poet "Cenchi" 1792-1822 4 225
Jorge Amadou Brazilian writer "Gabriela, cinnamon and cloves" 1912-2001 10 105
John Galsworthy English writer "The Forsyte Saga" 1867-1933 14 150
A.V. Vampilov Russian playwright "Date" 1937-1972 19 80
V.P. Aksenov Russian writer "Star Ticket" 1932-2010 20 85
Theodore Henri de Coster Belgian writer "The Legend of Ulenspiegel" 1827-1879 20 190
S.K. Makovsky Russian writer "Portraits of Contemporaries" 1877-1962 27 140
Mary Shelley English writer "Frankeystein" 1797-1851 30 220
September A.K. Tolstoy Russian writer "Amena" 1817-1875 5 190
O. Henry American writer "Leader of the Redskins" 1862-1910 11 155
William Faulkner American writer, prose writer "The Sound and the Fury" 1897-1962 25 110
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Spanish writer "Don Quixote" 1547-1616 29 470
Sukhovo-Kobylin Russian playwright "Krechinsky's Wedding" 1817-1903 29 200
October Louis Aragon French poet "Fireworks" 1897-1982 3 120
Louis Henri Boussenard French writer "Hell's Gorge" 1847-1910 4 170
M.I. Tsvetaeva Russian poetess "Mother's Tales" 1892-1941 8 125
I.A. Ilf Russian writer "Twelve Chairs" 1897-1937 15 120
Samuel Taylor English poet "The Legend of the Ancient Sailor" 1772-1834 21 245
E.A. Permyak Russian writer "Pichugin Bridge" 1902-1982 31 115
November S.Ya. Marshak Soviet poet “He’s so absent-minded” 1887-1964 3 130
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak Russian writer "Alenushka's Tales" 1852-1912 6 165
A. Zweig German writer "The Great White Man's War" 1887-1968 10 130
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren Swedish writer "Pippi Longstocking" 1907-2002 14 110
V.G. Benediktov Russian poet "Towards a new generation" 1807-1873 17 210
A.P. Sumarokov Russian writer "Dimitriady" 1717-1777 25 300
William Blake English poet "Songs of Innocence and Experience" 1757-1827 28 260
V. Gauf German writer "Frozen" 1802-1827 29 215
Jonathan Swift English writer "Gulliver's Travels" 1667-1745 30 350
December A.I. Odoevsky Russian poet "Vasilko" 1802-1839 8 215
G. Heine German poet "Book of Songs" 1797-1856 13 220
Heinrich Böll German writer "Through the eyes of a clown" 1917-1985 21 100

Celebrating the anniversaries of writers and poets is a great opportunity to learn new things and become spiritually enriched.