Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language, what is smeared with one world, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. “Anointed with the same world...” what does this phrase mean?

A story that is still relevant today. I really like this text...

Offshore scams, cut-backs, lemons-epaulets... state campaign against corruption... Seeing on TV another performance of the brilliant trio prosecutor-lawyer-accused, we often say “ yes they are smeared with the same world! ».

What does this phrase mean? What kind of “world” is this? And why “smeared”? And what does this phrase have to do with the history of Moscow?

No matter how strange it may sound, this expression is originally Moscow. It was born in Moscow. And it’s not at all about the level of corruption in our capital! I don't even want to consider this version! In other cities and villages it is no less...

And while the competent authorities are conducting one investigation, why don’t you and I conduct another? This is, you know, a historical and philological excursion. You can’t imagine how much historical information can fit into eighteen characters with spaces!

Well, let's begin...

Historical memory can be imprinted not only in bronze on squares or in stone of steles and obelisks. From ancient times to the present day, all events, great and small, are transmitted primarily through the Word. Speech, whether written or oral, is the main carrier of information.

Therefore, in order to get to the bottom of the truth, it is extremely important to understand the meaning of each of the words that interest us. It's not as simple as it seems.

What do we understand from this phrase? From the context it follows that a certain number of not the most decent people are stained with the same substance, and this fact unites them all.
It would seem that everything is clear. But, still, what kind of substance is this world? I personally am not familiar with such a substance...
Or maybe this phrase has some other – hidden – meaning?

Let's turn to dictionaries. I take from the bookshelf the oldest dictionary I have: an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Vladimir Dahl, published in 1881. I inherited this treasure trove of wisdom from my beloved grandfather-editor.

And!... the surprises begin immediately! Word " world"at different times in different situations had different interpretations: " the whole universe», « our planet as part of the Universe th", " all people are like the human race», « community as a society of peasants», « meeting to resolve issues" All this is very interesting, but does not answer our questions. “It’s cold,” that’s what the kids would say.

We open the second explanatory dictionary, the one edited by Professor D.N. Ushakova. It is slightly newer, published in 1938.
« The world is like a universe" Not that. " The world is like a planet" Not the same again. " Community" We have already read this interpretation. " People" He said, they read it. Give me something more relevant!

Please! " An agreement between the warring parties, the same as a peace treaty" An interesting interpretation, especially in light of the anti-corruption campaign. Let's take note.

« Silence, peace, tranquility" Pleasant condition, but this is not our case. Rest only in our dreams…

« Friendly relations between someone and, as a result, the absence of serious disagreements" It’s already “warmer”, because no one will be caught anyway.

« Some particular sphere of life or area of ​​objects or phenomena». « World of plants», « animal world», « world of a child's soul"... Mmmm, interesting in itself, but again not that.

« The laity and their life as opposed to monastic life and the church" Cold!

As can be seen from the list, there are several interpretations that are quite suitable in the context. Completely, but not completely. None of the many listed worlds can “smear”. Was the search in vain?! Maybe we made a mistake somewhere?

The search was not in vain!! Learning a language is a most interesting activity. And our mistake was that we were deceived by the ending characteristic of masculine singular nouns in the instrumental case. For those who are confused, I will explain it clearly and highlight it in color - world [ohm ].

Not " world"we need something similar in sound and spelling! And in explanatory dictionaries, indeed, the word you are looking for is there! And not one, but two! Here they are, next door - “ myrrh" And " myrrh" And the meaning of each of them suits us much more, since they mean an oily liquid.

So, two words. The meaning of both suits us. The question remains, which of these words do we need? Open the dictionary again and read:

« Myrrh" is a special type of aromatic resin obtained from a number of African and Arabian trees, and is used in medicine and perfumery." Get covered in resin? As easy as pie! But we are not in the Arabian desert. But we’re almost there, right?

“Myrrh” is an artificially prepared oily, beneficial substance used in Christian church groups, in particular, during anointing or during the crowning of the kingdom.” . Hot! Very hot!!

Words " myrrh" And " myrrh"although they sound similar and mean a pleasant-smelling liquid, there is a difference between them. And it is she who gives the phrase “the same world is smeared” with the correct meaning! Welcome to the “Moscow” part of our story...

Spring afternoon, the river is silver,
The people came out of the temple.

Yes, dear friends, there was a period in our history when attending a church service was as natural as eating or sleeping. A simple but very effective formula “Eat. Pray. Love” was discovered long before Elizabeth Gilbert was born. And our people would have lived further, following these words, but one day the “red year of seventeen” came.

Why did I suddenly remember the church and the past centuries? Only so that you and I can clearly imagine the context of that time, that life, that Russia. Everything was different - both the Church and the attitude towards it - all life was different.

The sacrament of “confirmation” is one of the seven that exist in Orthodoxy . The meaning of this sacred rite is that through the ointment applied by the cross, God's grace passes to man. It is also noteworthy that the now forgotten word “ God's anointed"also has its roots in this sacrament. However, during the wedding to the kingdom, it could not have been any other way. Who is the king? God's protege on earth, his anointed one.

For some time, until the 17th century, myrrh was brewed throughout Russia. Then it was decided that from now on and forever the creation of the world would take place in one and only place. Namely, in the Patriarchal Palace of the Moscow Kremlin.
The process of world-making itself deserves special mention. Both in “secular” and in church life, everything newly created is regulated by various rules. But unlike GOSTs or TUs, world standards have not changed for centuries!

First day Holy Week The patriarch himself and his immediate circle visited the Patriarchal Palace, where they held a special service. After him, everything related to the process of world-making was sprinkled with holy water. And when all the components (and there were almost thirty types!) were inside a special cauldron, the fire under it was kindled by the Patriarch himself.

The question is quite natural: what does myrrh consist of? What does God's grace smell like?

Of course it is oil. Of course, this is incense, and not just one, but three - white, black and pink. Of course it's wine; but not red, but grape white. But that's not all. Not everyone.

Take a moment to listen to the list of aromatic oils that are essential when making peace: rosemary, cinnamon, orange, clove, nutmeg, marjoram, lignorhodia, rose, bergamot, lavandula and lemon oils. Add to this the oil of Bogorodskaya grass, violet roots (white!), ginger, pocket and galangal roots.

Are you tired yet? Then let me end this list with sandarac, basil, mastic, rose flowers, styrax, Peruvian balsam and Venetian turpentine.

What happens after His Holiness lights the fire under the silver vessels? All three days of Holy Week, from Monday to Wednesday, a fire burns continuously under these cauldrons. And just as continuously the Gospel is read over them. This process should not be interrupted for a second!

On Wednesday evening, the myrrh was poured into vessels so that on Holy Thursday, under the ringing of bells, it would end up in the Assumption Cathedral, where it would be consecrated. After consecration, the vessels with this fragrant substance were sent on a journey throughout Russia. And we…

We have arrived at the final station of our journey through time. Take a closer look at the facts: both the composition and the place of world formation are the same. And if so, then literally all the parishioners were anointed with the same world, that is, of the same faith !

How did it happen that the meaning of the expression changed to the exact opposite?

Mid-19th century. The word “ nihilism" It means the absence of any authority and the denial of moral and cultural guidelines. Moreover, the meaningfulness of human existence has been declared an obsolete concept. There is no God, he is no longer needed.

It is curious that some of the ideologists of nihilism came from the clergy. Read the biography of Nikolai Dobrolyubov or his namesake, the utopian Chernyshevsky with his eternal “What is to be done?” Both of these far from stupid people were born and raised in clergy families. Moreover, they were given names in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, one of the most popular saints in Rus'!

But... there is Power hidden in the Word! The new rulers of thought, who knew church texts perfectly (by heart!), in their speeches reinterpreted them “to suit themselves.” It is precisely here that lies the answer to why the expression, which was initially completely light, acquired such an obviously unkind meaning. And the energy, hidden from the uninitiated and directed against the order established over centuries, got out of control.

The Cossack women are talking quietly,
The old people stand decorously.
And little do they know that they will end soon
These are free days.
This world will be called stupid and old,
Everything, they will say, must be scrapped,
And they will become useless paper
Money with a double-headed eagle...

With this “picture” I would like to finish today’s story. And before I say “see you again!”, let me parting words with you in the words of my favorite writer, the author of “The Golden Rose”:

Love for the Motherland is unthinkable without love for the native language.

No language - no homeland. Take care of them!
See you again! All the best!!

The expression “Anointed with the same world” came into our vocabulary with the adoption of Christianity. And this is not surprising. After all, Christians, both Catholics and Orthodox, have the same ritual. This is when, during a certain church service, a priest uses a brush to paint crosses on the foreheads of parishioners with a special mixture of oil, red wine and incense. This ritual is very significant for believers. Thus, they join the spiritual world.

The rite of anointing is carried out when a person already feels that he does not have long to live. Then relatives invite a priest to the dying person, who confesses, gives communion and anoints with myrrh.

In those not very distant times, when states were ruled by kings, accession to the throne was necessarily sanctified by the church. During the coronation ceremony, the ritual of anointing was also performed. Therefore, the reigning persons were called God's anointed and an attempt on their life was a terrible crime.

The meaning of the phraseological unit "Breathed with the same world"

  • belonging to the same religion;
  • people who share common interests;
  • can be used in an ironic sense in relation to people with the same shortcomings.

Despite the fact that our society is now spiritual and not religious, the expression “all anointed with the same world” is still actively used in everyday vocabulary. It must be assumed that it will not go into the obsolete category very soon.

Moscow words, catchphrases and popular expressions Vladimir Bronislavovich Muravyov

smeared with the same world

smeared with the same world

“They are all smeared with the same world” - this is what they usually say now about people who, in the eyes of society, are united by some internal negative trait, hidden behind statements and external decency, but in the end necessarily manifested in their actions. In the newest explanatory dictionary, this expression has a categorical mark on its stylistic use: disapproving.

Previously, the saying “By the same name” did not have such a connotation, but was stylistically neutral, simply denoting the community of a group of people. For example, the famous writer of the 1950s–1960s Galina Nikolaeva, having said about the factory workers that they are honest, good, hardworking people, summed up her statement: “everyone is tarred with the same brush.”

This duality of the saying was determined by its origin and the fact that it talks about things and circumstances that are now known only to a small circle of people.

Modern spelling also played a role, abolishing some letters that were in the traditional “Russian alphabet”: “yat”, “fitu”, “izhitsa”, “and - with a dot or decimal”. This created difficulty in understanding the meaning of some words in which these letters had a distinctive meaning. These are the words “peace” - the state opposite to war and “peace” - the Universe, society. The first was written with the usual “and”, the second - with the “and with a dot”. The title of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” in modern writing gives the right to interpret it in both meanings: years of war - and years of peace, as well as war - and society. In Tolstoy, “world” is written through “and”; the author’s intention was reflected not only in the content of the novel, but also in its title.

But in the title of V.V. Mayakovsky’s poem “War and Peace,” written in 1916, the word “peace” is printed with a “and with a dot”; we are talking about a war that engulfed all countries, the whole world.

Now, in the expression “smeared with the same world,” the word “world” is perceived in some incomprehensible way as having the same root as the words discussed above. In fact, here the word “peace” has nothing in common with those two except the sound. The confusion was again brought about by the reform of the previous spelling: in the word “mirom” the sound “and” was denoted by the letter “upsilon”, or, as it was called in the Russian alphabet, “izhitsa”, in addition, this word in the nominative case consists of two syllables - miro .

Myrrh is a specially prepared incense that is used in the rituals of Christian churches; in certain cases, it is used for anointing, that is, applying the world with a special brush to the forehead, eyes, lips, nostrils, ears, chest, arms and legs. Confirmation imparts the grace of God, and it is one of the Christian sacraments.

Therefore, the original meaning of the saying “smeared with the same world” denotes that people belong to the same faith.

In the 17th century, the Russian Orthodox Church decided to prepare - cook - myrrh for all of Russia in only one place - in Moscow, in the Kremlin, in the Patriarchal Palace, because in provincial cities there were difficulties in obtaining the necessary components for the world, which did not allow cook it according to all the rules.

The composition of the world, according to the rites of the Orthodox Church, consisted of a certain set of fragrant resins, herbs and oils. It included the following substances: oil, white grape wine, styrax; incense - dewy, plain white and black; mastic, sandarac, pink flowers, basil; roots - white violet, ginger, buttermilk, galangal, cardamom; olive oil, thick nutmeg, Peruvian balsam, Venetian turpentine; fragrant oils: bergamot, lemon, lavandula, clove, Bogorodskaya herb, rosemary, lignorhodia, rose, cinnamon, marjoram, orange and nutmeg liquid.

In this list, the modern reader will encounter a number of substances that he has never heard of, but can get an idea of ​​the incredible complexity of the composition of the world.

The process of making peace took place in the ceremonial Cross Chamber of the Patriarchal Palace in the Kremlin, also called the Peace Chamber, and according to a special, strictly observed ritual.

The Cross Chamber, built in the mid-17th century, was decorated with paintings and icons of the best royal artists - Simon Ushakov and Fyodor Kozlov. The chamber was illuminated by a large copper chandelier.

In the middle of the chamber there was a stone hearth under a canopy; two gilded silver cauldrons for brewing myrrh were placed on the hearth; next to it on a stand stood a large silver tub for draining the myrrh, covered with a silver lid. There was also a wooden step pyramid, on the steps of which the substances needed to prepare the world were laid out.

The world-making took place during Holy Week. On Monday, the patriarch and the senior clergy performed divine services, blessed water, and sprinkled holy water on everything prepared for the preparation of myrrh. Then all the components of the world were placed in cauldrons, and the patriarch himself lit a fire under the cauldrons.

The myrrh was cooked continuously for three days, the deacons in vestments stirred the myrrh, and the priests continuously read the Gospel. On Wednesday evening, the myrrh was poured into special vessels; on Thursday, when the bells were ringing, with a procession of the cross, the myrrh was delivered to the Assumption Cathedral, and it was consecrated during the liturgy. How important an event this act was considered in the Russian Orthodox Church is evidenced by reports about it in major newspapers, for example in Moskovskie Vedomosti on April 11, 1902: “The consecration of the newly prepared world took place in the Assumption Cathedral.”

The consecrated myrrh was returned to the Patriarchal sacristy, and from there it was sent to all dioceses. Therefore, all Orthodox Christians throughout Russia were anointed with the same chrism.

This is how the proverb “all over the world is born” was born in Orthodox Russia, and it was true.

This expression begins to acquire an ironic connotation in the middle of the 19th century with the spread of materialistic and nihilistic views in society. Since the leaders of the revolutionary-democratic camp in childhood, as a rule, received a traditional Orthodox upbringing, moreover, a significant part of them, for example N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov, came from the clergy class, they, knowing church texts and sayings well , quoted them in speeches, putting a different meaning into them.

In Soviet times, atheism became a state policy; atheists used religious texts and images in a humorous and satirical, blasphemous context in their propaganda. This is how the “disapproving” meaning of the expression “smeared with the same world” was established in society, which was recorded by a Soviet linguist.

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Same; one is not better than the other.

What is meant is that faces ( X) have the same weaknesses, shortcomings, negative character traits. speech standard. X's smeared with the same world .Name part unism.subject You used V meaning "you and everyone else."Often with the word everything.As a nominal part tale, less often - self-sufficient statementOrder of component words fixed

Near one rickety hut with geraniums, a frail old woman, Khavronya, sat behind dusty glass. ... I said hello. ... - How is life here, you ask? - she mumbled. ... - Eh! Every day there is joy, but the tears never diminish. Tomorrow is the same as yesterday. But everyone is a sinner, so there is no one to judge. There is not a single right person - that’s all smeared with the same world. Teacher's newspaper, 2003. There was some kind of unmistakable similarity between the mother and the janitor.... Something like that..., what they mean when they say: we are all people... or one, they say, smeared with peace..., in something, in a word, that is very, very common, common to all people. B. Pasternak, Childhood Eyelets.

Do you think all women have saws like this? Or am I the only one so unhappy? - No, that's it smeared with the same world, - Luka answered for Ganka. K. Sedykh, Fatherland.

“Take it, go to the brigade and remember who you’re dealing with, they’re all sons of bitches, smeared with the same world..." V. Maksimov, Ark for the Uninvited.

Capa, he said. - Tonya left me... Who is she having this with... - I don’t know. - Pal Palych looked at Kapa... and was silent. - You all smeared with the same world, - he said finally, “you don’t know everything.” Yu. German, Our friends.

And later - make peace! - Semisadov said from his corner. - Your always your godfather... All of you smeared with the same world. Yu. German, Young Russia.

I am no better or worse than others. All of us smeared with the same world. (Speech)

cultural commentary: Initially phraseol. had the meaning of “one faith.” ( Shansky N.M., Zimin V.I., Filippov A.V. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1997. P. 158.)Image phraseol. goes back to the Christian rite of confirmation - to the sacrament during which participants are “anointed” peace- a special fragrant oil, consisting of olive oil with red wine and incense, consecrated on Maundy Thursday for the sacrament of anointing, as well as for the consecration of altars and antimensions (used to cover the altars of silk cloths in which the relics of some saint are sewn and on which depict the position in the tomb of Jesus Christ). ( Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 139.) Miro marks the diversity of the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit imparted to everyone through the sacrament of confirmation. ( Brief church and liturgical dictionary. M., 1997. P. 260.) In phraseol. component myrrh correlates with the artifactual material code of culture. Component phraseol. one correlates with the numerical code of culture and is closely related to the idea of ​​unity, unity, one whole. Component smear corresponds to the activity code.Image phraseol. generally associated with the idea of ​​different people as one whole. Wed expressions all as one, as one person, in one voice, with the whole world and so on. In church, on the road, in the bathhouse - in places where people come together, where their individuality is not taken into account, their individuality is lost, a person behaves like everyone else, like one world person. ( cm. about this in book: Airapetyan V. Russian interpretations. M., 2001. )Based on the image phraseol. lies the religious idea that all people are sinners and, on the basis of this, are equal to each other. Wed with the text of the Gospel: “He who is without sin among you, be the first to throw a stone at her” ( In. 8: 7).In modern use the image phraseol. underwent desacralization, i.e. original meaning phraseol., rethought as a result of the loss of religious life skills, was simplified and reduced to everyday life. This was probably facilitated by the partial homonymy of the word myrrh and shapes TV P. units h. words world. Component phraseol. myrrh is perceived by modern Russian speakers as world"community of people" The belonging of people to the same circle is reinterpreted as their similarity in their negative manifestations. phraseol. generally acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​people who have the same qualities or shortcomings. S. V. Kabakova


Same; one is not better than the other.

What is meant is that faces ( X) have the same weaknesses, shortcomings, negative character traits. speech standard. X's smeared with the same world . Nominal part unism. subject You used V meaning "you and everyone else." Often with the word everything. As a nominal part tale, less often - self-sufficient statement Order of component words fixed

Near one rickety hut with geraniums, a frail old woman, Khavronya, sat behind dusty glass. ... I said hello. ... - How is life here, you ask? - she mumbled. ... - Eh! Every day there is joy, but the tears never diminish. Tomorrow is the same as yesterday. But everyone is a sinner, so there is no one to judge. There is not a single right person - that’s all smeared with the same world. Teacher's newspaper, 2003. There was some kind of unmistakable similarity between the mother and the janitor.... Something like that..., what they mean when they say: we are all people... or one, they say, smeared with peace..., in something, in a word, that is very, very common, common to all people. B. Pasternak, Childhood Eyelets.

Do you think all women have saws like this? Or am I the only one so unhappy? - No, that's it smeared with the same world, - Luka answered for Ganka. K. Sedykh, Fatherland.

“Take it, go to the brigade and remember who you’re dealing with, they’re all sons of bitches, smeared with the same world..." V. Maksimov, Ark for the Uninvited.

Capa, he said. - Tonya left me... Who is she having this with... - I don’t know. - Pal Palych looked at Kapa... and was silent. - You all smeared with the same world, - he said finally, “you don’t know everything.” Yu. German, Our friends.

And later - make peace! - Semisadov said from his corner. - Your always your godfather... All of you smeared with the same world. Yu. German, Young Russia.

I am no better or worse than others. All of us smeared with the same world. (Speech)

cultural commentary: Initially phraseol. had the meaning of “one faith.” ( Shansky N.M., Zimin V.I., Filippov A.V. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1997. P. 158.) Image phraseol. goes back to the Christian rite of confirmation - to the sacrament during which participants are “anointed” peace- a special fragrant oil, consisting of olive oil with red wine and incense, consecrated on Maundy Thursday for the sacrament of anointing, as well as for the consecration of altars and antimensions (used to cover the altars of silk cloths in which the relics of some saint are sewn and on which depict the position in the tomb of Jesus Christ). ( Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 139.) Miro marks the diversity of the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit imparted to everyone through the sacrament of confirmation. ( Brief church and liturgical dictionary. M., 1997. P. 260.) In phraseol. component myrrh correlates with the artifactual material code of culture. Component phraseol. one correlates with the numerical code of culture and is closely related to the idea of ​​unity, unity, one whole. Component smear corresponds to the activity code. Image phraseol. generally associated with the idea of ​​different people as one whole. Wed expressions all as one, as one person, in one voice, with the whole world and so on. In church, on the road, in the bathhouse - in places where people come together, where their individuality is not taken into account, their individuality is lost, a person behaves like everyone else, like one world person. ( cm. about this in book: Airapetyan V. Russian interpretations. M., 2001. ) At the heart of the image phraseol. lies the religious idea that all people are sinners and, on the basis of this, are equal to each other. Wed with the text of the Gospel: “He who is without sin among you, be the first to throw a stone at her” ( In. 8:7). In modern use the image phraseol. underwent desacralization, i.e. original meaning phraseol., rethought as a result of the loss of religious life skills, was simplified and reduced to everyday life. This was probably facilitated by the partial homonymy of the word myrrh and shapes TV P. units h. words world. Component phraseol. myrrh is perceived by modern Russian speakers as world"community of people" The belonging of people to the same circle is reinterpreted as their similarity in their negative manifestations. phraseol. generally acts as a stereotypical idea of ​​people who have the same qualities or shortcomings. S. V. Kabakova
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  • - Smear someone with the same world. ANOINT someone with ONE CHRISTMAS. Razg. Express Consider someone similar to each other in their qualities, properties, position, etc.; find them worth each other...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Outdated. 1. Without censure or punishment. Old man! Go in peace. But damned be whoever follows you! . 2. Approval...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Covered in peace, sleeps in peace. See LIFE -...
  • - They are all smeared with the same world...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See GROOM -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CRAFT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Sib. Live together, in harmony. FSS, 112...
  • - About very similar, similar in some way. qualities of people. DP, 854; BTS, 513, 545; F 1, 289; Mokienko 1989, 44; Glukhov 1988, 116...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Kursk., Psk. Joking. About identical people, very similar to each other. Ivashko, 1993; BotSan, 106. /i> Mur - glaze for pottery. Ivashko, 1993...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - See similar.....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary


One equation

From the book The Man Who Was God. Scandalous biography of Albert Einstein author Saenko Alexander

With one equation, Everything has a beginning and an end, and Einstein knew his time was coming to an end. But right now he realized: the unified field theory that he had dreamed of since childhood would never be found again. The dream of describing everything that exists with one equation, which excited him all his life and

Become one of us.

From the book Jewish Plagiarism author Larichev Yuri

Become one of us. The Torah (Old Testament) says nothing about human immortality. At least you won’t find detailed discussions on this topic. He came out of the dust, and there he will go. In this sense, the book “Ecclesiastes” - a masterpiece of world literature - speaks out quite

One day

From the author's book

One day, well, what can I tell you about how they were released: they gave me a passport, a ticket to Arkhangelsk - and go. My mother died, she didn’t wait for me for two years, my daughter was sent to an orphanage. Now she is 67 years old, and she does not remember anything about him. Nothing. Memory is such a selective thing...* * *I never worry

One finger

From the book The Near Sea author Andreeva Julia

With one finger Marina Orgasmus wrote her first book “Hemorrhoids, or Marinochka, you are so tender” by hand. Fragment by fragment, this strange, frank, in some ways attractive, and in some ways repulsive story gradually took shape. Leaving twelve years ago from

Two follows one

From the book More Than You Know. An unusual look at the world of finance by Mauboussin Michael

Two follows one In his lecture, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman describes two decision-making systems4. System No. 1, the experiential-emotional system, is “fast, automatic, effortless, associative, and difficult to control and change.”

In a word

From the book Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go. Employee development in practice author Giulioni Julia

In a word, Experienced managers know how to speak in a way that immediately reveals an almost unlimited number of ways in which you can grow while remaining in your place. Don't know this language? Use a development dictionary. These words have power, all of them

Chapter 7. Communication with spirits: a bridge between our world and the other world

From the book The Place We Call Home author Grant Robert J

Chapter 7. Communication with Spirits: The Bridge Between Our World and the Other World “I do not hide my conviction that the personality not only continues to exist, but that its continuing existence is even more intertwined with everyday life. In fact, between

5. One of the names of Andronicus-Christ was Euclid, and one of his studies was geometry

From the author's book

5. One of the names of Andronicus-Christ was Euclid, and one of his studies was geometry. The “History” of Niketas Choniates contains an indirect but unambiguous indication that Andronicus-Christ was called EUCLID. Talking about the embassy of the German king Henry to Isaac

From the book The Great Russian Revolution, 1905-1922 author Lyskov Dmitry Yurievich

Chapter 7. Between peace, war and peace

smeared with the same world

From the book Moscow words, catchphrases and catchphrases author Muravyov Vladimir Bronislavovich

They are smeared with the same world “They are smeared with the same world” - now this is what they usually say about people who, in the eyes of society, are united by some internal negative trait, hidden behind statements and external decency, but in the end necessarily manifested in their actions. IN


From the book Tsar of the Slavs author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

5. ONE OF THE NAMES OF ANDRONIK-CHRIST WAS EUCLID, AND ONE OF HIS STUDIES WAS GEOMETRY The “History” of Niketas Choniates contains an indirect but unambiguous indication that Andronicus-Christ was called EUCLID. Talking about the embassy of the German king Henry to Isaac

Model with one producer and one consumer

From the book Fundamental Algorithms and Data Structures in Delphi author Bucknell Julian M.

Model with one producer and one consumer First, let's consider a model with one producer and one consumer. Then we will expand it to a model with one producer and several consumers. We need that immediately after generation by the manufacturer

Thunderstorm over the world Thunderstorm over the world 08.08.2012

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 975 (32 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper


From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 84 (2003 8) author Literature Day Newspaper

Oleg DOROGAN BETWEEN THE WORLD AND GOD BETWEEN THE WORLD AND GOD I. True poets have always suffered attacks. They saw the abysses - but they did not understand them, and if they understood, they pretended that they did not understand. And they tried to destroy, pass over in silence or belittle them

6. Fundamental differences between the world of the rationalist and the world of the mystic

From the book Introduction to the Philosophy of Judaism author Polonsky Pinchas

6. Fundamental differences between the world of the rationalist and the world of the mystic 6.1. Creation and Emanation. For rationalists, the main term will be creation, and for mystics, emanation. What is the difference between these concepts? Creation is the creation of something other than the original. God