Color wheel color combination presentation. Lesson topic: “Color wheel” - Lesson. Type of activity: painting, studying the basics of color science

Additional education teacher

Zarechenskaya O.A. (MBOU DOD "DYUTS")

Topic: “Color wheel”.

Type of occupation: painting, studying the basics of color science.

Goals and objectives : development of graphic skills, expansion of knowledge about the various possibilities of artistic materials; studying the basics of color science, determining the level of training of children.

Equipment: watercolor, gouache, paper, brushes, palette.

Literary series:poems about flowers, about rainbows.

Visual range : methodological tables: “Color wheel”, “Warm and cold colors”, “Contrasting colors”, “Close colors”, selections of shades of different color combinations.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.Checking readiness for class.

2. Conversation. Introduction to the topic.

Guessing riddles and reading a poem.

Painted rocker

It hung over the river.


Colorful gates

Someone built it on the moon

But it's not easy to get through them,

Those gates are high.

The master tried

He took some paint for the gates

Not one, not two, not three -

As many as seven, look.

What to call those gates?

Can you draw them?


Not in a dream, but in reality -

What's wrong with this? -

I live on a rainbow in a purple house.

I run out in the morning

In beige boots,

Eating in the lilac forest

Scarlet cloudberry.

Dew comes from the leaves

In the dark blue thicket,

Eagle owl yellow eyes

Stares at me.

Where the nightingales whistle

In the nooks and crannies of the forest,

Streams make their way

To the pink lakes,

Squirrel waving behind a bush

Purple tail

White fish swim

Under the cherry bridge.

I live on a rainbow

Come to visit.

T. Belozerova.

How many colors do you know? 5,10,15, 100? Try to name as many as you can remember. You should get at least 6 colors. Exactly

as much as is contained in the minimum set of paints and pencils: red, yellow, blue, green, brown, black. Colors are made from paints. By mixing paints you can get many more colors than 6.

-Where do we mix? What can serve as a palette?

There are many colors and shades in nature. Much more than the human eye can discern. And to make it easier to navigate them, people came up withcolor classifications.

Chromatic and achromatic colors.

“Chroma, chromatos” - translated from Greek as “color”.

Achromatic – not colored, it’s white, black, gray.

Chromatic - all the rest, which in turn are divided into primary and composite colors.

The original progenitors of all colors are three colors: red, yellow and blue. That's why they were named basic, since they underlie all other colors (except achromatic ones).

Mixing primary colors in pairs gives us a group of colors called compound.


Red + yellow = orange

Red + blue = purple

Blue + yellow = green

If you've been paying attention, you've probably noticed that the resulting 6 colors are the colors of the rainbow. Do you know the saying that helps remember the composition and order of colors?

Every red

Hunter orange

Wants yellow

Know green

Where is the blue

Sitting blue

Pheasant purple

Blue color is not a composite color, since it is obtained not by mixing primary colors, but by mixing the primary (blue) with white. In this series, composite colors alternate with the main ones. For convenience, this strip can be closed in the form of a ring.

3. Practical part.

Exercise. Take a compass and draw a large circle on a piece of paper.

Let's divide it into six or nine equal parts.

a) b)

Now let’s take three primary colors in turn and cover with them a part of the circle (slice) after one (or two) in the following order:

Red, yellow, blue.

Leave gaps for the composite colors.

a) b)

Don't paint too thickly. The paints should apply smoothly, with strokes from left to right in horizontal lines, preferably with a brush No. 5-8 with a sharp tip. There should be enough paint so that it does not dry out, but not too much, otherwise it will flow down. Excess paint is removed with a brush, after squeezing it out.

We obtain composite colors on the palette using those primary colors with

which they have already worked with.

In a circle a) one orange, green, purple color each, which are obtained by mixing an equal amount of the main ones. Paint over the gaps.

In a circle b) two shades of composites, with an excess amount of one primary color (red-orange and yellow-orange, blue-green and yellow-green, red-violet and blue-violet). Paint over the gaps.

If you are careful and don't rush, you will get the right color wheel.

4. Warm and cool colors.

Take a look at the color wheel and you can easily determine where the warm and cool colors are.

Warm red, orange, yellow and their mixtures are considered. These are the colors of the sun, fire, heat. They stick together on the color wheel.

Cold colors blue, violet and mixtures thereof. These are the colors of the moon, twilight, winter, frost.

And green is a special color: if there is more yellow in it, it is warm, if there is more blue, then it is cold.

Red and blue are absolute colors in terms of coldness and warmth. It is no coincidence that they are in a spectrum (circle) opposite each other, like the poles of a globe.

Contrasting colors -opposite, they emphasize and enhance the brightness of each other.

Red Green

Blue - orange

Yellow – purple

Similar colors are those that are nearby in the spectrum, and their mixtures and shades.

Exercise: Paint the color circle with watercolors, starting with the main color, red, to the right.

What composite colors are obtained from mixing red and yellow, yellow and blue, red and blue paints. Use the resulting new colors to paint the component colors in a certain order. Color the squares with contrasting colors, taking into account the colors indicated in the circle by arrows.

red blue yellow

5. Summing up.

Selection of completed (best) works.

6. Reflection.

"I found out…"

Lesson #1. Topic: Color wheel. Color relationships. Date ______________

Educational goals and objectives:

    Educational: Introducing a new technique of working with watercolors - glazing. Implementation of acquired knowledge in practical application. Formation and development of skills in working with watercolors.

    Developmental: Development of students' imagination and artistic taste.

    Educational: nurturing the creative taste of students.

Lesson type: learning a new topic

Lesson type: decorative drawing

Methods: story, conversation.

Equipment, visual materials: color wheel table;

illustration with a rainbow, watercolor.

Lesson structure:

    Organizing time.

    Psychological mood.

    Communication of new educational material.

    physical minute

    Practical work.

    Analysis of completed work.

    Summing up the lesson.

    Homework assignment.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

    Psychological mood.

I am glad to see your faces, your smiles, and I think that this day will bring you joy and communication with each other. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and repeat after me:

“I'm at school, I'm in class. I'm happy about this. My attention is growing. As a scout, I will notice everything. My memory is strong. The head thinks clearly. I want to learn. I'm ready to go.I am working

    Learning new material.

  1. Color classification

    Chromatic colors

    Color circle

    Warm colors. Cool colors.

    Absolute, contrasting, close colors.

    Guess the riddle: Is the painted rocker hanging over the river? Of course it's a rainbow. And here's another riddle: Someone built a multi-colored gate on the moon, But it's not easy to get through it, Those gates are high.

That master tried, he took paints for the gates, not one, not two, not three - seven, just look. What is the name of this gate? Can I draw it?

What colors does a rainbow consist of (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)

To remember the order of colors in the rainbow, you need to remember the saying: Every (red) Hunter (orange) Wishes (yellow) Know (green) Where (blue) Sits (blue) Pheasant (purple).

    There is a classification of colors: Achromatic colors(from Greek α - negative particle + χρώμα - color, that is, colorless) Black, white and all shades of gray. Chromatic colors(Chroma, chromatos) - translated from Greek “color”.

    Chromatic colors, in turn, are divided into primary and composite. Primary colors: yellow, blue, red. They are called basic because they cannot be obtained by mixing paints. Composite colors: orange, green, purple. Can be obtained by mixing two or more paints.

Yellow + red = orange Blue + red = purple Yellow + blue = green

    The color wheel consists of six colors, three primary and three composite. (name them)

    There are also warm colors. Red, orange, yellow and mixtures thereof. This is the color of the sun, fire, heat. They stick together on the color wheel. And Cold colors. Cold colors are the colors of the moon, twilight, winter, frost. These are blue, cyan, violet and their mixtures.

    Exist absolute colors: orange and blue. Contrasting colors - opposite. They highlight and enhance each other's brightness. Red-green, orange-blue, yellow-violet. Similar colors- those that are nearby in the spectrum, and their mixtures and shades

    Physical exercise.

    Practical work.

Today you will get acquainted with a new technique of working with watercolors called glazing. Glazing is done by applying a transparent layer of paint over a dried paint layer.

Sequence of the exercise:

Fill half the circle with yellow paint. (1, 2, 3 parts)

Let the first layer of paint dry and fill the dry layer with red color (3, 4, 5 parts). In this case, the yellow color in 3 parts should turn into orange.

After the next layer has dried, 5, 6, 1 parts are filled with blue. In this case, 1 part turns out to be green, and 5 parts turn out to be purple.

    Analysis of completed work.

In the process of students’ independent work, the teacher makes the necessary additional explanations. Errors are identified and corrected. Students' attention is focused on the need to do the work carefully, choosing the right colors.

    Summing up the lesson.

Demonstration and analysis of the most successful works.

Summing up the lesson, grading.

    Homework assignment.

Repeat the exercise using a different, previously familiar method – pouring.

First, the primary colors are filled in (1 part - red, 3 parts - yellow, 5 parts - blue).

Composite colors are obtained on a palette by mixing paints (yellow + red = orange, yellow + blue = green, red + blue = purple).

Color circle is a diagram showing how the colors of the visible spectrum are related to each other. There are many such schemes in color theory. The first model color wheel It was also suggested by Isaac Newton. It consisted of seven sectors - as you might guess, these were the 7 colors of the rainbow. Actually, Newton identified these colors of the spectrum as the main ones.

The idea of ​​color continuity turned out to be very valuable, color wheel you can clearly see how one color smoothly transitions into another.

As you can see, in color wheel black and white are absent, that is, achromatic colors, which, strictly speaking, are not colors. This is an interaction model.

Nowadays, artists and designers most often use Itten's color circle:

The model is based on 3 primary colors: red, yellow And blue. These colors are enough to produce all other colors of the spectrum. The intermediate colors will be orange, green and purple.

The 12-step color wheel is convenient for selecting harmonious color combinations of 2, 3 or 4 colors.

How to choose harmonious colors using the color wheel:

Combinations of 2 colors:

Complementary colors - located at the ends of the diameter of the circle.

An extremely distant couple.

Combinations of 3 colors:

Classic triad - colors are located at the vertices of a regular triangle inscribed in the color wheel.

A similar triad is the 3 colors closest to each other.

Contrasting triad.

Combinations of 4 colors:

In this scheme, each pair of colors will be complementary.

When using these schemes, you need to consider the amount of color. The simplest option is to take one color as a base, and use the rest as additional colors, as accents. You can also change it - that is, dilute the original color with white. In general, there are quite a lot of options.

I must say that Itten circle will be correct only in the case of physical mixing of paints - in painting, printing or industry. When mixing light rays, the primary colors will be red, blue And green(RGB). I'll write about different color mixing options later.

The circle is not the only geometric model of the spectrum. Different color schemes can be applied to triangles, prisms, even a star. Nowadays, square schemes are often used - they combine 2 color models: CMYK and RGB. That is, the main colors will be red, yellow, green And blue. Compare:

And finally, diagrams are not an ironclad rule; you can use them, or you may not even know about their existence and rely only on your taste. Still, the perception of color is a deeply individual thing, and the same color can appear completely different, depending on where and how it is used.

If you want to know more about color, you can read:
Art of color | Johannes Itten - this book was and remains one of the best books on colorism.

I.V.Kurbakova Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5, Nizhny Novgorod

Visual arts, 5th grade

Lesson topic: “Color wheel”

Type of activity: painting, studying the basics of color science

Goals and objectives:

Development of graphic skills, expanding knowledge about the various possibilities of artistic materials, studying the basics of color science, determining the level of preparation of children.

Equipment: for students - watercolor, gouache, brushes, palette; for the teacher - the same, methodological tables .

Literary series: poems about flowers (paints).

Visual range: methodological tables: “Color wheel”, “Full color circle”, “Warm and cool colors”, “Contrasting colors”, “Close colors”

. Type of software used in the lesson:

Presentations (POWER POINT): “What kind of rainbow is there?”

multimedia laptop, projector, screen.


Required hardware: multimedia laptop, children's laptops

During the classes

I. Organizational moment:

    Checking the class's readiness for the lesson;

    Announcement of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

II. Introductory conversation

Colorful gates

Someone built on the moon

But it's not easy to get through them,

Those gates are high.

The master tried

He took some paint for the gates

Not one, not two, not three -

As many as seven, look.

What is this gate called?

Can you draw them? (Rainbow)

Screening of the presentation “What kind of rainbow is there?”

Here's another tale:

Not in a dream, but in reality -

What's wrong with this? –

I live on a rainbow

In the purple house.

I run out in the morning

Wearing beige boots, eating in a lilac forest

Scarlet cloudberry.

Dew falls from the leaves

In a dark blue thicket, an eagle owl has yellow eyes

Stares at me.

Where the nightingales whistle

In the nooks and crannies of the forest,

Streams make their way

To the Pink Lakes,

Squirrel waving behind a bush

Violet bush,

White fish swim

Under the cherry bridge.

I live on a rainbow

Come to visit.

T. Belozerova

How many colors do you know? 5, 10, 100? Try to remember and name them. At least 6, this is the minimum set of colors: red, blue, yellow, green, brown, black. By mixing colors you can get much more colors than 6 colors.

Mix colors on a palette (special board)

There are many colors and shades in nature; in order to better distinguish them, there is a classification of colors.

Chromatic and achromatic colors.

"Chromatos" - "color", translated from Greek

Achromatic colors are not colored, they are white and black, all gray.

Chromatic - all the others, which are divided into primary and derivative colors.

Three main colors: Yellow, red, blue. They form the basis of other colors. Mixing primary colors in pairs gives us a group of colors called composites.

Mix: red + yellow = orange

red + blue = purple

blue + yellow = green

You will notice that the six colors are the colors of the rainbow. There is a saying that will help you remember the composition and order of colors.

Everyone is red

Hunter – orange

Wishes – yellow

Know - green
Where is blue

Sitting – blue

Pheasant - purple.

Cyan is not a composite color, but is obtained by mixing blue and white colors.


We mix primary colors and get derivatives.

IV.Warm and cool colors.

Warm colors are considered to be red, yellow, orange and their mixtures. The color of the sun, fire, heat. They are all nearby.

Cold colors are considered blue, violet, and their mixtures; they are similar to the color of winter, cold, and the moon.

Green - a special color, if there is more yellow, then it is warm, if there is more blue, then it is cold.

Red and blue are absolute colors in terms of coldness and warmth. They are on a spectrum opposite each other.

Contrasting colors are opposite, they emphasize the brightness of each other.

Red Green;

Blue – orange;

Yellow – purple.

Contiguous colors are those that are nearby in the spectrum.

A test is carried out on laptops “Cold and warm tones” in the form of fixing the material.

V. Lesson summary.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge.
