Alla Dovlatova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Alla Dovlatova: my eldest daughter pushed me to have a fourth child Beginning of professional activity

Alla Dovlatova became a mother for the fourth time. The woman gave her husband Alexei a charming baby girl. Good news reported the press service of Russian Radio.

The presenter’s birth took place in Lapino, under the guidance of Mark Kurtser, one of the most famous obstetricians and gynecologists in the capital. “This is an amazing clinic... They showed me a single room with all the amenities, and if possible, they will provide a double room so that the baby and I can always be close,” Alla told StarHit. By the way, actress Oksana Akinshina, singer Pelageya and figure skater Tatyana Volosozhar previously used the services of the medical center.

At the moment, the star and her baby are feeling great and are accepting congratulations from family and friends. In turn, fans of the radio host wish her child to grow up healthy and happy.

“It was today that our beloved colleague Alla Dovlatova gave birth to a charming girl, 50 centimeters tall and weighing 3.2 kilograms. We are very happy to announce that mother and daughter are doing well,” the radio press service reports.

While Alla Dovlatova was within the walls of a medical institution, her parents came from St. Petersburg to look after the celebrity’s older children. By the way, in one of the interviews, the presenter said that her daughter Daria insisted most of all on adding to the family. So when the girl found out good news from her beloved mother, she was in seventh heaven. The presenter's other heirs - Alexandra and Pavel - supported their sister and were looking forward to talking with the baby.

During a conversation with correspondents, Alla also admitted that she did not plan a fourth pregnancy, but fate decreed otherwise. Preparing to become a mother again, the presenter did not stop working and did yoga. Dovlatova performed asanas almost every day to maintain flexibility and not gain weight. excess weight. The celebrity's training was supervised by her mentor, who belayed the star during pair exercises.

Let us add that 42-year-old Alla Dovlatova was not at all afraid of possible discussions from the public. She admitted that she did not feel the age indicated in her passport. According to the presenter, if a woman is young in soul and body, nothing prevents her from becoming a mother. By the way, with my thoughts about interesting position actor Stanislav Sadalsky shared the celebrity. “She went crazy giving birth to her fourth in her fifties. Doctor Mark Kurtser says that in two months an absolutely healthy girl will appear, and the Russian Radio star has a good chance of having a fifth, and then a sixth... Sergei Sobyanin will simply be forced to allocate them a three-room apartment. And Vladimir Vladimirovich - hang the star of the heroine mother...” the artist joked on social networks.

“She’s gone crazy: in her fifties to give birth to her fourth,” said actor Stanislav Sadalsky about the pregnant Alla Dovlatova, who will turn 43 in August.

No, she didn’t and gave birth successfully. On April 13, the actress and radio host became a mother for the fourth time. IN big family, where two daughters and a son are growing up, they meet another girl. The baby's height is 50 centimeters, weight is 3200 grams.

The girl was born in the elite Lapino maternity hospital. Ksenia Sobchak also gave birth there at one time and paid about a million rubles for the doctors’ services.

Dovlatova’s birth took place as planned, most likely with the help caesarean section at 39 weeks of pregnancy. Mom and daughter feel great. Alla has already posted on Instagram that she is not going to go on maternity leave and will return to work in a week:

“Yesterday I started maternity leave on Russian Radio, and I already really miss my listeners, my guests, and my colleagues! I can’t wait until April 20, when I’ll be back on air!”

As Dovlatova says, water aerobics helped her quickly recover after childbirth, as well as yoga, which she did throughout her pregnancy, starting from the 9th week.

“Breathing practices during pregnancy improve metabolism, saturate the body of the woman and baby with oxygen, help relax and reduce the tone of the uterus, gently adapt the body of the woman and baby to increased stress, relax and relieve pain during contractions,” Alla agitates her subscribers. “And in general, yoga makes us more beautiful and healthier!”


There is a real baby boom in celebrity circles these days. Recently, 34-year-old Anna Sedokova became a mother three times. The singer gave birth to her son in an elite clinic in Los Angeles, whose clients included Salma Hayek, Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Milla Jovovich and Christina Aguilera. (

The radio presenter became a mother for the fourth time. The celebrity’s birth took place in one of the elite medical centers located in the Moscow region. Alla Dovlatova and her husband accept numerous congratulations from family and friends.

// Photo: Instagram

Alla Dovlatova became a mother for the fourth time. The woman gave her husband Alexei a charming baby girl. The good news was reported by the press service of Russian Radio.

The presenter’s birth took place in Lapino, under the guidance of Mark Kurtser, one of the most famous obstetricians and gynecologists in the capital. “This is an amazing clinic... They showed me a single room with all the amenities, and if possible, they will provide a double room so that the baby and I can always be close,” Alla told StarHit. By the way, actress Oksana Akinshina, singer Pelageya and figure skater Tatyana Volosozhar previously used the services of the medical center.

At the moment, the star and her baby are feeling great and are accepting congratulations from family and friends. In turn, fans of the radio host wish her child to grow up healthy and happy.

“It was today that our beloved colleague Alla Dovlatova gave birth to a charming girl, 50 centimeters tall and weighing 3.2 kilograms. We are very happy to announce that mother and daughter are doing well,” the radio press service reports.

While Alla Dovlatova was within the walls of a medical institution, her parents came from St. Petersburg to look after the celebrity’s older children. By the way, in one of the interviews, the presenter said that her daughter Daria insisted most of all on adding to the family. Therefore, when the girl learned the good news from her beloved mother, she was in seventh heaven. The presenter's other heirs - Alexandra and Pavel - supported their sister and were looking forward to talking with the baby.

During a conversation with correspondents, Alla also admitted that she did not plan a fourth pregnancy, but fate decreed otherwise. Preparing to become a mother again, the presenter did not stop working and did yoga. Dovlatova performed asanas almost every day to maintain flexibility and not gain excess weight. The celebrity's training was supervised by her mentor, who belayed the star during pair exercises.

Let us add that 42-year-old Alla Dovlatova was not at all afraid of possible discussions from the public. She admitted that she did not feel the age indicated in her passport. According to the presenter, if a woman is young in soul and body, nothing prevents her from becoming a mother. By the way, actor Stanislav Sadalsky shared his thoughts about the interesting situation of the celebrity. “She went crazy giving birth to her fourth in her fifties. Doctor Mark Kurtser says that in two months an absolutely healthy girl will appear, and the Russian Radio star has a good chance of having a fifth, and then a sixth... Sergei Sobyanin will simply be forced to allocate them a three-room apartment. And Vladimir Vladimirovich - hang the star of the mother-heroine...” the artist joked on social networks.


In 1996, the celebrity graduated from St. Petersburg state university– Faculty of Journalism. Alla Dovlatova began working on radio in 1990. At first she was the author and presenter of the student issue “Nevskaya Volna” on the Radio Broadcasting Network, then, in 1992, the girl moved to radio “New Petersburg”. There she broadcast live, was the author and host of the Cowperwood Club and W-E-studio show programs. And at the same time she was already hosting a television festival on RTR “Musical Exam”.

In 1993, Alla Dovlatova went back to school. She entered the workshop of Igor Vladimirov at the Theater Institute.

However, the presenter did not abandon her radio career. Since 1994, she broadcast live on the Modern radio station; a year later she hosted the TV show “Full Modern,” which aired on a regional channel. And already in 1996, the presenter became the head of the program on the LOT channel, “Guessing Things from Allochka.”

Radio work

After Alla Dovlatova began to storm the federal radio networks. On January 14, 2002, she conducted her first broadcast - morning show“Sunflowers” ​​together with Andrei Chizhov - on Russian radio. Periodically, the presenter appeared on television screens. So, in 2006 and 2007, she hosted television projects on Channel One and TNT. Since 2008, Alla Dovlatova’s voice can be heard on Mayak radio.

Actress and TV presenter

Alla Dovlatova also showed herself as an actress. She can be seen in the series “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Secrets of the Investigation”, “National Security Agent”, “Mongoose”, “My Fair Nanny” and “Who’s the Boss”.

In the new century, Alla Dovlatova began to actively express herself as a TV presenter. Until 2002, she hosted the TV show “ Good morning", then "Golden Gramophone". In 2007, she could be seen in the program “Cosmopolitan. Video version." And in 2010, she began acting as a co-host in the “Girls” project. In 2001, the program “Daughters vs Mothers” started.

Alone with everyone. Alla Dovlatova

Alla also plays in the theater. She is involved in the plays “Decorator of Love”, “Who is Last for Love?”, “How to Become Desirable”, “Divorce in Moscow”, “ Bat».

Personal life of Allna Dovlatova

Truly the most beautiful DJ of Russian Radio, Alla Dovlatova, lived for 12 years with a St. Petersburg entrepreneur named Dmitry Lyuty-Evstrakhin. The couple has two children - daughter Dasha and son Pasha.

IN social gathering the couple have always been admired. Both spouses are beautiful, do what they love and, moreover, earn good money.

Alla Dovlatova. All inclusive

Dmitry and Alla met on St. Petersburg television. Alla was involved in advertising, and Dima was in the directorate. The young man came from Yalta and immediately attracted Alla’s attention. A little later, colleagues began dating. Moreover, the relationship was immediately serious, even Alla’s dad Alexander Evstrakhin (who now heads the St. Petersburg Hockey Federation, and then worked with Vladimir Putin in the St. Petersburg administration) helped buy Dmitry a one-room apartment.

When Alla and Dmitry got married (Alla was only 21 years old), the bride’s parents gave the newlyweds a luxurious gift - a 3-room apartment on Nevsky Prospekt. Alla, with the help of her father’s connections, helped her husband open his own advertising agency. Over time, Dmitry was able to make him one of the most successful in St. Petersburg.

There were not enough children in the family to achieve complete happiness. For four years, Alla Dovlatova tried to get pregnant, but to no avail. Desperate, the TV presenter turned to a traditional healer. She replied that she would become pregnant as soon as she quit her job. Allegedly there is a black aura of envy around Alla.

Dovlatova immediately got a job at Radio Records and Chanson, and she also had her own project, Telecourier. Alla worked a lot and was on maternity leave for only two weeks.

When Dasha turned one year old, Alla Dovlatova was offered to host a rating program on “Russian Radio” “Sunflowers” ​​- in Moscow. Dima supported his wife, advised her to go and said that later he would also move to the capital.

For almost a year, Alla and her daughter lived in a rented Moscow apartment. Every weekend they flew to St. Petersburg to visit their dad and grandparents. During one of his visits, it was decided to sell three rubles in the city on the Neva and buy housing in Moscow. With the additional payment, the family got a three-room apartment on Aviatsionnaya Street. But Dmitry never moved to the capital. His work was not going well, and he was offended by his wife for not helping him.

Tips from Alla Dovlatova

Gossip also undermined relationships. They said that Dmitry had a mistress in St. Petersburg, and Alla was having an affair with Andrei Malakhov in Moscow. Nobody believed in the gossip, but there was still an unpleasant feeling in my soul. Quarrels became more frequent, Dmitry was dissatisfied that even during his flights to Moscow Alla was working.

For a time, the couple reconciled with the birth of their second child, Pasha’s son. Dmitry was in seventh heaven. The family even started building a house in the Moscow region. But scandals based on residence in different cities started again. The husband set a condition: Alla refuses some of the projects, or he leaves. Dovlatova decided not to give up work, then Lyutoy insisted on a divorce. The court documents contained papers according to which Dmitry laid claim to part of his Moscow apartment, cottage and his wife’s car. In 2007, the Lyutye-Evstrakhins divorced. After the divorce, Alla returned to her maiden name.

Alla Dovlatova got married for the second time. Her new chosen one was Moscow police officer Alexei Boroda, who is a year older than the TV presenter.

By the way, Alexey also has a television background; he joined the authorities when he was already a popular host of the programs “Police Chronicle” and “Petrovka, 38.”

The future spouses met quite romantically: Alexey had long dreamed of meeting Alla. One day he heard an interview with singer Philip Kirkorov on her air on Russian Radio. And a little later, Beard saw the artist at one of the concerts. The young man risked approaching the celebrity and asked to meet Alla. Kirkorov did not refuse, now he is considered godfather families.

A year after they met, in 2007, the year of Alla’s divorce, the couple got married. They signed in St. Petersburg, in the Palace on the English Embankment. The wedding was attended by Alla's relatives and friends, as well as Russian movie stars. Dovlatova’s children did not leave their new dad’s side for a second. In 2008, Alexey and Alla had a common child, daughter Sasha.

Alla Dovlatova – Russian journalist, a television and radio presenter, whom fans know from a number of programs on Russian Radio and Mayak Radio, as well as from the TV shows Good Morning, Cosmopolitan. Video version", "Girls", "Daughters vs Mothers" and "Women's Happiness".

Alla Dovlatova won the love of fans as an actress. From 2001 to 2007, the TV presenter played the role of Albina, a friend of Maria Sergeevna Shvetsova in the popular detective series “Secrets of the Investigation”, and also played the role of the owner of the club Alice, main character story arc “Alice Club” of the second season of the crime series “National Security Agent”.

The most beautiful presenter of Russian Radio and actress Alla Dovlatova was born in the city on the Neva. True, her real name sounds different - Marina Evstrakhina.

Marina was born into the family of the famous hockey player, and then the president of the St. Petersburg Hockey Federation, Alexander Evstrakhin. Mom Irina Evstrakhina is an engineer by profession.

Quite early on, Marina realized that the profession she would like to pursue was later life– journalism. And the girl was most attracted to conversational genre.

Already at the age of 15, Marina tried her hand as a presenter: she worked in youth editorial office one of the radio studios in his native St. Petersburg. Soon she was entrusted with leading the student edition of Neva Wave. Then she took creative pseudonym Alla Dovlatova.

After graduating from school, Alla Dovlatova entered the local university, choosing, as planned, the Faculty of Journalism.

Journalism and television

At the time when Alla Dovlatova graduated from St. Petersburg State University, she was already a person established in the profession. Dovlatova managed to study and broadcast live on Radio New Petersburg. She was entrusted with the show programs “W-E-studio” and “Cowperwood Club”.

Back in 1992, when Alla Dovlatova had just entered university, she made her debut on television. She hosted the “Music Exam” television festival, which was broadcast on the RTR channel.

In 1993, radio and television presenter Alla Dovlatova decided to continue her studies. She entered LGITMiK, where she studied acting skills on course

At the same time, she managed to produce a television show called “Full Modernity,” which was broadcast on a local channel. Anna started running it in 1994. And in 1996, Dovlatova headed the program “Guessers from Allochka” on the regional channel “LOT”.

Alla Dovlatova on Russian Radio

In 2002, Alla Dovlatova moved to Moscow. Here she was offered to become the host of a rating program on Russian Radio. It was called "Sunflowers". Dovlatova began broadcasting in January 2002. The co-host was Andrey Chizhov.

Soon the St. Petersburg artist and journalist began to be invited to television. In 2006-2007, Alla Dovlatova already led several projects on Channel One and TNT. Since 2008, the presenter’s voice has been recognized by listeners of Mayak radio.

Regarding television projects, then viewers saw the bright St. Petersburg star in the shows “Good Morning”, “Daughters vs Mothers” and “Golden Gramophone”. And since 2010, she has fit perfectly into the women’s company humorous project"Girls".

Since 2014, Alla Dovlatova has been hosting the TV show “Women’s Happiness” together with and.

In 2015, Alla Dovlatova returned to the Russian Radio program.


Television brought all-Russian fame to the St. Petersburg woman. Alla Dovlatova’s cinematic biography began with her appearance in the popular TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns” and “National Security Agent.” But her star role turned out to be the role in “Secrets of the Investigation,” where Alla played the friend of the main character Masha Shvetsova, Albina. The actress gained widespread fame, and with it new offers to act in films.

Alla Dovlatova appeared in the TV series “Mongoose”, “My Fair Nanny” and “Who’s the Boss”. She also tried her hand at the theater. Viewers saw her in the productions “The Decorator of Love”, “Who is Last for Love?”, “Divorce Moscow Style”, “The Bat” and many others.

One of the last most striking films of Alla Dovlatova is the melodrama “Three in Komi,” where she played Larisa Krutova.

At the same time, the presenter continues to appear in various programs. Since 2014, she, together with Pavel Rakov and Oleg Roy, has been hosting the show “Women’s Happiness.”

Personal life

Alla Dovlatova met her first husband, entrepreneur Dmitry Lyuty, when she worked on St. Petersburg television. The romance broke out immediately. The young people began to live together.

For the wedding, Alla's parents gave the newlyweds a luxurious gift - a 3-room apartment in the center of St. Petersburg. Dmitry opened an advertising agency, whose business immediately took off. The couple had a daughter, Daria. At this time, Alla Dovlatova moved to Moscow. The husband remained in St. Petersburg. It was planned that he would soon also move to the capital. But Dmitry delayed. The couple's relationship began to crack at the seams. They changed for the better when their son Pavel was born. But, unfortunately, relations did not improve for long.

Dovlatova and Lyuty divorced in 2007. Same year personal life Alla Dovlatova made sharp turn: the artist and presenter got married for the second time. The TV presenter's husband was Alexey Boroda. He is a police lieutenant colonel and older than Alla for a year. I introduced the couple at Alexey’s request. The couple calls him the godfather of their family.

In 2008, Alla Dovlatova and Alexey Boroda had a daughter, Alexandra.

Alla Dovlatova now

April 13, 2017 TV presenter. The second daughter from the second marriage was named Maria. In total, Alla Dovlatova has four children today.

The child does not prevent the TV presenter from going to work, as well as participating in charity events and social events.

In November 2017, Alla Dovlatova was included in the list of stars who amazed the audience with their own outfits at the Golden Gramophone award ceremony. Moreover, the defeat had a clearly negative connotation. The media felt that a summer light blue dress with large floral prints looked inappropriate on the red carpet.

Alla Dovlatova was also among the stars who supported the traditional annual charity event of McDonald's fast food restaurants - "McHappy Day" in favor of children in need of support. The stars who took part in the action stood behind the McDonald's counter. Visitors were able to receive orders from their idols, as well as take pictures with the stars and get an autograph. Proceeds from the sale of French fries under this promotion will be directed to projects of the Ronald McDonald House Charitable Foundation, including the needs of the family hotel at the Ronald McDonald House Children's Republican Clinical Hospital in Kazan.


  • 2002 – “Good Morning”
  • 2003 – “Gourmet”
  • 2003 – “Golden Gramophone”
  • 2007 - “Cosmopolitan. Video version"
  • 2010 – “Girls”
  • 2011 – “Daughters vs Mothers”
  • 2014 – “Women’s Happiness”


  • 1998 - “Streets of Broken Lanterns”
  • 2000 - “National Security Agent-2”
  • 2001-2007 - “Secrets of the investigation”
  • 2004 - “Cavaliers of the Starfish”
  • 2004-2009 – “My Fair Nanny”
  • 2005 - “Mongoose”
  • 2008 - “Solo for pistol with orchestra”
  • 2012-2013 - “Unequal marriage”
  • 2013 - “Three in Komi”