4 form of government in Monaco. Monaco - Principality of Monaco. State structure. Legal system. Civil law. Criminal law. Judicial system

Principality of Monaco (dwarf state)

The Principality of Monaco (Principaute de Monaco) is a dwarf independent state associated with France, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea (no larger than London's Hyde Park).

It is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. The Principality is famous for the casino in Monte Carlo and the Formula 1 stage held here - the Monaco Grand Prix.

It should be noted that over the past 100 years, Monaco has been living off gambling and satisfying the whims of rich people from different countries. In addition, the Principality of Monaco became one of the world's largest sites of property speculation, a kind of low-rise Manhattan-by-the-sea, with an incredible concentration of fin-de-siecle style hotels (late 19th century) instead of skyscrapers.

Since the 13th century, the principality has been owned by the Grimaldi family and, by law, in the event of the end of the dynasty, the principality of Monaco (a dwarf state) must once again become part of France. The present ruler, Prince Rainier, is the only legitimate autocratic ruler in Europe, and all French laws must be approved by him for application in Monaco.

The principality has a parliament, which has a small set of rights and is elected only by Monegasques - subjects of Monaco, who make up only about 16% of the population. However, there is no opposition to the ruling family in Monaco. Monegasque citizens and non-French citizens pay no income tax, but their wealth is protected by strict security forces: Monaco has more police per square meter of territory than any other country in the world.

If you are a true car racing fan, then you should come to Monaco in the last week of May, during which time Formula 1 races for the Monaco Grand Prix take place around the port and casino. At this time, it is impossible to get to any place from where the track is visible without a ticket, which excludes the possibility of inspection attractions .

The oldest part of the principality, 2 kilometers long, Monaco-Ville, is concentrated around the princely palace on a high rocky cape. To the west of it are the new suburb and marina of Fontvieille. On the other side of the cape is the old port quarter of La Condamine, at the eastern border is the seaside resort of Larvotto with artificial beaches and imported sand, and in the middle is Monte Carlo.

City-region of Monte Carlo

Monte-Carlo is a city-district located in the Principality of Monaco, where a lot of money is circulating. Arriving in Monaco, you should definitely see the famous Monte Carlo casino(Casino de Monte-Carlo). Persons under 21 years of age are not allowed into the casino and may have to present a passport. The dress code is strict, shorts and T-shirts are discouraged, and for the most interesting departments a skirt (for women), a formal suit, jacket and tie (for men) are more or less required. Bags and large coats are checked at the entrance.

Amateur players who come for one day, as a rule, do not enter the casino itself, but go to a small slot machine room (one-armed bandits and poker machines) with free entry, located at the main entrance to the casino. You can stroll through the impressive lobby, use the luxurious restrooms, and check out the small theater (which hosts temporary exhibitions) without any obligation.

The first gaming room of the inner sanctuary is the European salons (Salon Europeen, open from 14.00, entrance 10 €). There are other slot machines around the American roulette, craps and blackjack tables, the dealers are trained in Las Vegas, the lighting is dim and very smoky. However, the decoration of the halls above this piece of Nevada is made in the fin-de-siecle rococo style, and the ceiling of the neighboring Pink Salon Bar is painted with images of naked women smoking cigarettes.

The heart of the entire establishment is the Salons Prives (passage through the Tuze Rooms). To get there you must look like a player and not a tourist (no cameras or video cameras), plus you will have to pay 20 € upon entry. These halls are much larger in size than European salons and more richly decorated, and the atmosphere in them, during opening hours or out of season, resembles the atmosphere of a cathedral.

No clinking of coins, just the sliding of chips and the soft talk of the dealer. Elderly players walk quietly, sorting through large banknotes (the maximum non-agreed bet here is 76 thousand €), television cameras under the chandeliers monitor the players sitting at the tables, and no one drinks anything. In the evenings at the height of summer, the halls are filled to capacity, and evil loses its solemn and noble connotation.

Next to the casino is the Opera House, and around the palm-lined Casino Square there are other casinos, palace hotels and grand cafes. The American bar of the Hotel de Paris gathers the “cream of world society.” If you are dressed appropriately and are not afraid of being judged by others for refusing to order a drink for 30 €, then you can have free fun there, against the backdrop of the decadence of the Belle Epoque times, people watching, of which, most likely, the most interesting aspect is the bank accounts.

Monaco-Ville, Fontvieille and Larvotto

After the casino, polished Monaco-Ville (buses No. 1 and 2), where every second store sells mugs with a portrait of Prince Rainier and similar trinkets, does not make much of an impression on tourists. You can wander around the luxurious Prince's Palace of Monaco(Palais de Monaco).

Admire the wax figures of princes at the Monaco Wax Museum (L’Historial des Princes de Monaco, 27 rue Hasse). View a slideshow about different aspects of the principality in the Monte Carlo Story, underground opposite the Oceanographic Museum, or walk among the tombstones of former princes and Princess Grace in the neo-Romanesque-Byzantine Monaco Cathedral(Cathedrale de Monaco).

What's really interesting in the Old Town is part of Barbara Piasecka-Johnson's collection of religious art at the Museum of the Chapelle of the Ordeal (Musee de la Chapelle de la Visitation) on Place Visitacion. This small but exquisite collection includes works by Zurbaran, Rivera, Rubens and even extremely rare early religious works by Wermeer.

Perhaps the main place to visit in Monaco is the aquarium in the basement of the Oceanographic Museum, where marine life surpasses the most fantastic inventions of Kandinsky and Hieronymus Bosch. Not so exceptional, but still distinctive are the cacti in the Exotic Garden (Jardin Exotic) on the Boulevard Jardin Exotic high above Fontvieille.

The entrance ticket also entitles you to the Museum of Prehistoric Anthropology (Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique), which traces the history of the human race from the Neanderthals to Prince Grimaldi, and the prehistoric caves of the Grotte de 1'Observtoire with illuminated stalactites and stalagmites.

In Fontvieille, the part of the city lying slightly south of the Palace, there are other museums, including his lordship's car collection, his coin and stamp collections, his collection of model ships and his zoo with rare wild animals on the Terrasses de Fontvieille; bus number 6) at the port.

Near Larvotto beach there is the National Museum (Musee National, 17 avenue Princesse Grace), dedicated to the history of dolls and robots. It's better than you might expect: some of the dollhouse scenes are very funny and the slow-crawling robots are very surreal.

Useful information about the Principality of Monaco

The train station is located at the top end of Boulevard Rainier III and has 4 exits: signs for "Le Rocher-Fontvieille" will take you to the end of Avenue Prince Pierre above Place d'Armes, and signs for "Monte Carlo" - to Place Saint Devote.

The remaining two exits lead to the boulevard Belgique and the pedestrian path in front of the station. Municipal buses run throughout the Principality from 7.00 to 21.00 (single ticket 1.50 euros, card for 4 trips 3.50 euros). Buses traveling along the Lower Corniche stop at the bus station, other routes have stops in different places, but all stop at Monte Carlo.

Local bus no. 4 from the bus station and buses no. 1 and 2 go to the "Casino-Tourisme" stop near the tourist office (2 boulevard des Moulins), which has a conveniently located branch at the train station for those arriving by train (Tuesday-Saturday 9.00-17.00) .

The incredibly clean and efficient free elevator connecting the upper and lower streets (marked on the tourist map) is very convenient. Bicycles are available for rent from Monte-Carlo-Rent (quai des Etats-Units) in the port.

MONACO (Principality of Monaco, Principauté de Monaco) is a state-state in the south of Europe.

General information

Monaco is a state in the south of Europe. Located on the coast of the Middle Sea (length of the coast line 4.1 km), with land approx. -ru-but ter-ri-to-ri-ey France (the length of the border is 4.4 km). One of the smallest states in the world, in terms of area (2.02 km2 in 2008; 1.97 km2 in 2000; increased due to the bulk territories; maximum length is less than 3 km, width from 350 to 1050 m) excellent -dit only Va-ti-kan.

In terms of the number of inhabitants (35.9 thousand people in 2010; 31.1 thousand people, 2008, census) in Europe it is only ahead -ko Wa-chi-kan. Sto-li-tsa - Mo-na-ko. The official language is French; The races of the countries are also Italian, Mo-ne-ga-sk and English languages. The monetary unit is the euro (Monaco has the right to the so-called Monaco euros - mo-not-you are mainly for the well-mis- ma-tov and tu-ristov).

Monaco is a continuous urbanized territory, administratively divided into 4 districts ( Mo-na-co-Ville, Mont-te-Car-lo, La-Con-da-min, Font-vie), including 10 sec-torov.

Monaco is a member of the UN (1993), OSCE (1973), Council of Europe (2004), representation to the EU (since 2000).

Political system

Monaco is a unitary state. The constitution was adopted on December 17, 1962. The form of government is a constitutional mo-narchy (principality).

The head of state is the Prince, who, according to the Constitution, has executive power. The prince knows and calls for members of the government, he can release the par-la-ment at any time, represents the state in state relations and has the right to enter into and establish agreements, from -yes the or-do-nan-sy in the implementation of such do-gov-rows and laws.

The prince is assisted by co-vesting bodies: the Council of the Crown, advising the head of state on matters -zh-du-people's do-go-vo-rov, ros-pus-ka par-la-men-ta, am-ni-stii and po-mil-va-niya, and the State Council, co -the one gives the-conclusion on the pro-ek-you or-do-nan-sov and for-the-new.

Following the throne, freely following death or death, proceeds in a straight line and behind -on-the-line of the right-of-the-right-prince-in-law, in the order of the first-lineage, with the prior- Tom along the male descending line at the same level of kinship.

The con-governing power lies with the prince and the National Council (par-la-ment), consisting of 24 de-pu-ta-tov, from the bi-paradise for 5 years in the same way, everything is straight-forward. The full power of par-la-men-ta og-ra-ni-che-ny: he does not have the right to control the activities of the government tel-st-va, and also you-step with za-ko-dative initi-tsia-ti-va-mi.

The executive power is exercised by the Government Council, headed by the state ministry. Minister of State, members of the Governmental Council are on-the-know-and-as-God-yes from the duties of the prince of the earth and we report only to him.

In Monaco there is a multi-part-tiy system. Political parties: National Union for the Future of Monaco, Union for the Principality, Movement for Monaco, Party of the Monaco Skov et al.


Monaco is located at the foot of the Maritime Alps, on a mountain slope up to an altitude of 500 m, 20 km to the north-east from Nits-tsy. Along the coast of the Middle Sea, its La-zur coast, is represented by a bay with a sandy beach and a steep mi ska-li-sty-mi ute-sa-mi.

The climate is soft, sub-tropical, mid-earth-sea; there are about 300 solar days in a year. There is about 500 mm of precipitation per year, mainly in the winter, in the form of short-term heavy rains. Snow falls extremely often.

Average temperatures in January are about 9 °C, in July about 24 °C. The mountain slopes, free from construction, are covered with bo-ga-ta and various sub-tropical plants.


The native village of Monaco - mo-ne-ha-ski - makes up 21.5% of the population (2008, census). The French (28.2%), the Italians (18.6%), the English (7.5%), and the Belgians also live Guys (2.8%), Germans (2.5%), Swiss (2.5%), Porto-Galians (1.5%), Americans kan-tsy (1%), etc.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Monaco has doubled (15.5 thousand people in 1903; 25 thousand people in 1975), mainly due to im-mi-gran -tov from France and Italy. Mortality rate (8.3 per 1000 inhabitants in 2011, estimate; 12.96 in 2008, census) exceeds the birth rate (corresponding to vet-st-ve-no 8.3 and 9.1 per 1000 inhabitants).

Despite the natural decline in the population, at the beginning of the 21st century the blessings of foreigners are not preserved large overall growth (on average 0.9% per year in 2002-2007; 0.4% in 2009).

Po-ka-za-tel fer-til-no-sti 1.5 children per 1 woman (2011); infant mortality rate 1.8 per 1000 live-days (2011). In the age structure of the village, the share of children (up to 15 years) is 12.8%, in the village of labor they are capable of working age (15-64 years) - 63.5%, persons 65 years old and older - 23.7% (2008, census).

Monaco is the oldest city in the world: the average age of its inhabitants is 49.4 years (men - 48.4; women - us - 50.5; 2011). Average life expectancy 89.7 years (women - 93.8, men - 85.8; 2011) - sa -My you-so-world-howl-for-a-tel. 51.2% of the population are women, 48.8% are men (2008).

The density of the village (about 17.8 thousand people/km2) is one of the highest in the world; The most densely populated area for villages and ports is La Con-da-Mine (19.2 thousand people/km2), the least administrative Mo-na-co-Ville district (5.3 thousand people/km2).

In total, there are over 45.6 thousand people in the eco-no-mi-ka, of which the residents of Monaco are about 8 thousand people, the rest are daily -they go to work from neighboring regions of France (over 33 thousand) and Italy. Among those working in the service sector, 79% (including trade 52%, tourism 11%, banking financial and social business 7%), construction industry 13%, industry 8% (2008).


Believers - some (about 90%), representatives of other denominations are few in number (2010, estimate) . There is one arch-hi-dio-cez of the Roman-ka-lych-church, one parish of the Kon-stan-ti-no-Polish legal glorious church and the Anglikan church.

Is-to-ri-che-sky essay

For the first time the name “Monaco” was for-fi-si-ro-va-but at Ge-ka-tey Mi-let-skogo (ru-beige of the 6th-5th centuries BC), co-ob- Shchiv-she-go about the “Li-Gu-ri-city of Mo-noi-kos (Μόνοιϰος).” In the future, the Greek used this to-to-be as one of the nicknames of Ge-rak-la - “alone.”

Not later than the 5th century, the Mass-Li-Greeks founded a fac-to-riu in Monaco, on the land of which there was a su-s-st-vo-val temple , sacred to He-rak-lu. At the end of the 2nd century, the city fell under the rule of the Romans and received the name Portus Herculis Monoeci. From the end of the 1st century BC. e. was part of the province of the Maritime Alps.

Through Monaco, one of the most important roads of the Roman Empire, Via Iulia Avgusta, went from Italy to Gaul. Since 476 AD e. Monaco was part of the West Gothic kingdom, from 507 - the state of the East Goths, from 552 - the Frankish state go go-su-dar-st-va. In the 9th-10th centuries, the region of Monaco was under-ver-gal, like everything in the coastal region of Pro-van-sa and Li-gu-rii, on-pa-de-ni-yam of Arabic pi -ra-tov and to a significant extent dis-eased. He began to settle again after the expulsion of the Arabs from the fortress of Frak-si-net in 972.

At the end of the 10th-11th centuries, the Count of Provence and the Gue-nu-ez-skaya republic competed for power over Monaco. In 1191, Emperor Henry VI of Staufen recognized Monaco as the ruler of Genui, which was confirmed until 1240 between do Ge-nu-ey and Pro-van-som.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, Monaco was the scene of a struggle between gwel-fa-mi and gi-bel-li-na-mi. In 1297, the noble Ge-nu-Ezes, a supporter of the Guelfs, Fran-che-sco Gr-mal-di (see Gr-mal-di), became the lord of Monaco. -ko already in 1301 the Ge-nu-ez-skie gi-bel-li-ny brought Monaco under their control. In 1331, in Monaco, France's cousin, Charles Grimaldi, settled in Monaco; in 1346 he subordinated the city of Men-to-na, in 1355 - the city of Roque-brune (now not Roque-brune-Cap-Martin). In 1357, Ge-nu-ez-tsy regained power over Monaco, but Gri-mal-di su-me-li could retain Men-to-nu and Roque-brune. Since 1419, they settled in Monaco. In 1388, when the county of Nitz passed to the Sa-voi-sko-mu house (see Sa-voi-skaya di-na-stiya), Monaco found itself with su-shi is completely ok-ru-but its power. In 1489, the lack of visibility of Monaco was recognized by Sa-voy and France, after an unsuccessful attempt to return the game -troll over Monaco with power (1506-1507) also Ge-nu-ey.

% water surface 193rd in the world
1.95 km²
0 Population
Total ()
Density 220th in the world
32,965 people
16,905.1 people/km² GDP
Per capita 177th in the world
870 million
27 000 Currency Euro¹ Internet domain .mc Telephone code +377 Timezone UTC +1 ¹before 1999 French franc

The country is a member of such international organizations as: UN (since 1993), OSCE, Council of Europe (since 2004), Interpol, UNESCO, WHO. The main office of the International Hydrographic Organization is located in Monaco. Monaco has 10 diplomatic missions in Western Europe and permanent representatives to the UN and the Council of Europe. Monaco has honorary consulates in 106 cities in 45 countries. 66 countries have consulates general, consulates or honorary consulates in Monaco


Main article: History of Monaco

The history of modern Monaco begins in 1215 with the founding of a colony of the Genoese Republic on the territory of the principality and the construction of a fortress.

Widespread interest in Monaco was aroused by the wedding in 1956 of the then ruler Prince Rainier III (acceded to the throne in) with Hollywood actress Grace Kelly. Rainier also launched active construction in Monaco.

State structure

Main article: Political structure of Monaco

The country's government is regulated by the constitution, which came into force on December 17, 1962. The Constitution, in particular, although it proclaims the principle of separation of powers, the power of the prince is absolute (cannot be limited by anything or anyone). In 2002, the constitution of the principality was revised. Officially, the powers of the legislative body (National Council) were somewhat expanded.

The Academy of Classical Dance named after Princess Grace, headed by Marika Bezobrazova, was created in Monte Carlo.

The Prince Pierre Foundation, founded by Rainier III in honor of his father, annually awards the Grand Literary Prize, the Prince Rainier III Music Prize and the International Prize for Contemporary Art.

The city is home to the famous Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, whose director was the legendary explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

Every year Monaco hosts the International Circus Festival and the International Television Festival.

The Russian artist Georgy Shishkin works and exhibits in Monaco (Christie’s, 1999, Grimaldi Forum, 2006) - the author of paintings dedicated to Russia, “Russian Dreams”. Invited to the Palace to paint a portrait of the Prince of Monaco (1998), he created a number of Monaco postage stamps: “Halle Garnier”, “Boris Pasternak”, “Centenary of Diaghilev’s Russian Ballet”.


Primary and secondary education

Monaco has 10 public schools, including 7 kindergartens and primary schools and one secondary school (College Charles III), one lyceum that provides general and technical education (Lycée Albert I) and one lyceum that provides education in the tourism sector. Also in Monaco there are two private schools funded by religious communities (Institut François d'Assis Nicolas Barré and the Dominican School) and one international school (International School of Monaco)

Higher education

There is only one higher education institution in Monaco - the International Institute of Monaco.

Various questions

  • Telecommunications in Monaco
  • Relations with France

Monaco and France have a very unique relationship. The French constitution states that this country does not recognize the independence of Monaco, but the independence of the Grimaldi dynasty. Thus, Monaco will be immediately occupied by France if the Grimaldi family is suppressed. Already, French troops may be stationed on the territory of Monaco. Monaco's sovereignty is guaranteed by numerous conventions with France. According to the agreement of 1918, 2 out of 4 seats in the Government Council, including the post of Minister of State, are occupied by representatives of France.

Armed forces

There are 82 people under arms. Monaco is apparently the only state in the world where the size of the regular army is smaller than the size of the military

A state in Southern Europe, on the Mediterranean coast, surrounded on land by the territory of France.
Territory - 1.95 sq. km. The capital is Monaco.
Population - about 32.5 thousand people. (1998); of these, the indigenous Monegasques are about 6 thousand, the French are about 13 thousand, and the Italians are about 5 thousand.
The official language is French.
Religion - Catholicism.
Since the 15th century Monaco - an independent principality under the protectorate of Genoa, in 1524-1641. - under Spanish, then under French protectorate, in 1793-1814. - as part of France. The treaty signed in 1918 between France and the principality states that Monaco undertakes to “exercise its sovereign rights in full accordance with the political, military, maritime and economic interests of France” and must “coordinate with the French government all activities relating to international relations principalities." France represents Monaco abroad.

State structure

Monaco is a unitary state. Administratively, it consists of 4 merged districts - cities: Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvielle.
The Constitution is in force, granted by the monarch in 1962 and replacing the first Monegasque constitution of 1911. According to the form of government of Monaco, there is a constitutional hereditary monarchy (principality). The political regime is democratic. Officially, there are no political parties in Monaco: there are various political organizations.
Legislative power belongs to the Prince and the National Council (parliament), consisting of 18 deputies elected for 5 years by direct universal suffrage. The powers of parliament are limited: it does not have the right to control the activities of the government, nor to come up with legislative initiatives.
The head of state is the Prince, who, according to Article 3 of the Constitution, has executive power. The Prince in Monaco appoints and recalls members of the government, can dissolve parliament at any time, represents Monaco in state relations and has the right to conclude and ratify treaties, issues ordinances in pursuance of such treaties and laws. The prince is assisted by advisory bodies: the Council of the Crown, which advises the head of state on issues of international treaties, dissolution of parliament, amnesty and pardons, and the Council of State, which gives opinions on draft ordinances and laws.
Executive power in practice is exercised by the Government Council, headed by the Minister of State (Ministre d'Etat). In accordance with the 1918 treaty between Monaco and France, 2 out of 4 seats in the Government Council are occupied by representatives of France, including the post of Minister of State. The latter is appointed by the Prince from the list three candidates proposed by the President of France. The Prince also appoints other members of the Government Council: Advisor for Internal Affairs, Advisor for Social Policy and Public Employment, and Advisor for Financial Affairs.

Legal system

The legal system of Monaco belongs to the Romano-Germanic legal family and has significant similarities with the legal system of France. In a number of areas (insurance, telecommunications, postal services, etc.), French laws directly apply.
The Constitution (Article 2) assigns to the Principality the status of a rule-of-law state based on respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.
The main source of civil law is the Civil Code of 1881, which is a version of the French Civil Code of 1804. The Commercial Code of Monaco is also very close to its French counterpart.
Monaco's economic legislation is aimed at attracting foreign capital to the country by providing an extremely preferential tax regime. There are about 800 international companies and 50 banks operating in the country.
Monaco's labor law generally complies with international standards. Workers are free to organize into trade unions. The Constitution provides for the right to strike in accordance with the law. The law prohibits government employees from striking. The statutory working week is 39 hours.
The main source of criminal law is the Criminal Code of Monaco. The death penalty for all crimes was abolished by the 1962 Constitution (Article 20). The last death penalty took place in 1847.
In legal proceedings, with some exceptions, French law also prevails. According to the Constitution (Article 19), arrest (except for arrest at the scene of a crime) is permitted only on the basis of a court warrant issued no later than 24 hours from the moment of arrest.

Judicial system. Control authorities

According to the Constitution, judicial power belongs to the Prince, who, however, fully delegates its exercise to local courts and tribunals acting on behalf of the head of state.
The judicial system consists of justices of the peace, courts of first instance, the Court of Appeal and the Court of Cassation. There is also a Supreme Court (Tribunal Supreme), consisting of 5 members and 2 deputies, appointed by the Prince for 4 years. Candidates for judges are submitted one for each seat by Parliament, the Council of State, the Crown Council, the Court of Appeal and the Civil Court of First Instance. The Supreme Court performs some functions of constitutional review and is the highest body of administrative jurisdiction. Judges of other courts are also appointed by the monarch and are usually French citizens.

Located in the south of Europe, one of the smallest states on the mainland, surrounded on almost all sides by France, the Principality of Monaco can safely be called a model of excellent taste and love of life. Of course, the interests here are the most high-society: expensive yachts, swinging in an azure casino with awe-inspiring bets and breathtaking Formula 1. And the royal family is generally the main attraction of the principality.

We will try to consider all this in more detail in this article, dedicated to the amazing and attractive country - Monaco. Let's go there!

A little more geography

The Principality of Monaco, alas, is not flattered by the map. On it it is marked by just a dot, drowned in the vastness of France. And it can be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to find it.

But it is precisely this small size that is one of the most attractive features that forces tourists from all over the world to look for the microstate on the map. How many people want to get into this world of prosperity and refined taste, which, by the way, is guarded by an army of only 82 people! Can you imagine? And this despite the fact that in the military orchestra of the same Monaco there are 85 people. But they are not afraid, because France has taken responsibility for the security of the principality in the event of an attack by other states. Like this!

And for those who find it somewhat difficult to answer the question of where Monaco is located, we will explain: where the territories of France and Italy come together, about ten kilometers from their junction on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea there is a bright point that attracts wealth , luck and success.

Meet the ruling family of Monaco

This is one of the few modern monarchies where the powers of the crowned person and the real head of state belong to the same person.

Monaco is ruled by a representative of the oldest dynasty in Europe, Prince Albert II, he is the son of Prince Rainier II and the Hollywood star, the beautiful Grace Kelly. Albert's wife, Queen of Monaco (quite in line with modern trends) is an athlete from South Africa, Olympic swimming champion Charlene Lynette Wittstock. The royal wedding took place in 2011.

Since the worthy ruler of this small state still has no official heirs, Prince Albert’s sister, Princess Caroline Louise Margherita Grimaldi and her children are still considered as such. But the principality is waiting for the appearance of a little prince who will lead a prosperous country in the future.

Where is Monaco and how to get there?

We have already talked a little about where the principality is located in the introductory part, but anyone who decides to go to this land of dreams will be interested in the details. For example, how to get there?

The easiest and fastest way to get to Monaco is to fly to Nice, and then take a bus (the journey takes 45 minutes) or a train (no more than half an hour). If you have a car, then travel from Nice to Monaco is just a 30-minute drive.

In the absence of direct flights to Nice, the flight is made to the capital of France, Paris, from where it is 950 km to the principality, covered in a few hours by train.

By the way, the train station in Monaco, the photo of which we bring to your attention, is located right in the mountain. And when leaving the carriage, travelers get the impression that they have found themselves in some kind of unreal world. Which, actually, is not far from the truth!

A few words about where to apply for a visa to Monaco

An interesting fact is that permanent residents of Monaco are only 20% of its population, the remaining 80% are rich people and businessmen traveling back and forth from the principality. But nevertheless, getting into this miniature state is not so easy. It should be mentioned that since Monaco is a member of the European Union, a Schengen visa is required to visit here.

Due to the fact that there is no representative office of this country in Russia, travelers have to apply for permission to enter the principality at the offices located in Moscow (Bolshaya Yakimanka St., 45) and St. Petersburg (English Embankment, 42). There are similar centers in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg.

Climate of Monaco

Since it is usually very important for travelers to know what kind of weather will await them at their destination, we inform you that in the places where Monaco is located, the Alps serve as reliable protection from the northern winds that bring cold, and the cool sea breeze will make the summer heat less debilitating .

This geographical position gives rise to dry, cool summers and warm, damp winters. So, in July the average temperature here is approximately +23 °C, and in winter, in January, it does not drop below +10 °C.

In Monaco, the best time to visit is the months from May to September.

Who lives where Monaco is located, or Features of the Principality

The autochthonous, that is, the original, population of the principality is the people called Monegasques. It makes up one fifth of all residents of Monaco and is recognized as a titular nation. Monegasques are exempt from all taxes, and only they have the right to settle in the old part of this city-state. This is prohibited for foreigners. It's a pity! It is from here, from a hill on Cape Saint-Antoine, that the most enchanting view of the sea and surrounding area opens up.

And now about the sights

In addition to the world-wide casinos in Monte Carlo and Formula 1 (by the way, its roar is strong and not in a figurative sense: visitors sitting in the stands are forced to cover their ears at the start so as not to lose their hearing), the country has a lot to offer number of interesting places for tourists.

Monaco is located on amazingly beautiful hills descending to the Ligurian Sea (it is part of the Mediterranean waters), and is the most densely populated state in Europe.

Its heart can be considered the ancient capital, located on a hilltop, Monaco-Ville. Here are the oldest buildings and the Cathedral, which does not fit into accepted stereotypes, built on the site of the ancient Catholic Church of St. Nicholas in 1875. Inside the cathedral, paintings by the famous artist Louis Brea are kept. It is here that all members of the ruling family have been buried since the founding of the principality.

The facade of this cathedral overlooks the admirable place where the residence of the princes of Monaco has been located for seven centuries. This is where official receptions and international negotiations are held. Every day at noon, unchanged since the founding of the principality, a ceremonial changing of the guard of honor takes place in front of the palace, which a large number of tourists gather to watch.

The 18th century fortress Fort Antoine, named after the great music lover Prince Antoine I and now an open theater, is also worthy of attention.

A little more about the wonderful places of the Principality of Monaco

Any resident of the city can tell you where the Oceanographic Museum is located. Don't forget to visit it! It is deservedly considered a masterpiece of modern architecture. The museum is located on an almost vertical cliff and has an underground aquarium. By the way, one of the very few where corals have taken root!

How beautiful are the gardens of St. Martin! This place in tiny Monaco allows city dwellers to escape from the hustle and bustle of the modern city in an almost pristine world, saturated with the aroma of herbs and flowers. The garden was opened during the reign of Honore V (first half of the 19th century). The sculptures standing along the small winding alleys that decorate the garden are a topic for a separate essay. Be sure to visit here!

Don't ignore the Church of St. Devota, which is considered the protector of the principality. By the way, on the day of memory of this great martyr, January 27, flowers always bloom around the temple.

Separately about museums

The most visited after the Oceanographic in Monaco is the Museum of Old Cars, founded by Prince Rainier III, who was a fan of them. He spent almost 30 years collecting a collection of vintage cars, which he presented in his museum. There are more than 100 models here.

And the Maritime Museum owns more than two hundred and fifty exhibits related to the sea.

The Wax Museum is a reflection of the history of the Grimaldi dynasty. All the figures are life-size, and many are also dressed in ancient clothes, preserved from the founding of the dynasty.

You can't say goodbye to Monaco!

As you can see, Monaco is a state where there are not only wealthy locals and powerful people who come to have fun, but also a huge cultural layer. And all this is located in the most amazing point of our planet. Here there is the grace of flowering gardens, the sound of the sea, the excitement of games, and the delight of tourists. And you will definitely return here!