Test "Are you kind?" Summary of a lesson on moral education "let's be kind and humane" Test is a kind person for children

This test is a means of self-knowledge, self-analysis by students of their personal characteristics, encouraging them to self-development and self-improvement. They give the student information that helps him think about himself and comprehend moral problems together with others. The most important condition is to ensure absolute sincerity, which is achieved by anonymity and the absence of mutual influence of students on each other. The answer to the question should be “yes” or “no”.



Test "Am I kind"

You are offered questions and an answer form, in which you must indicate “yes” or “no” against each question number.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?

3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?

7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?

8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?

11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?

Processing the result:

One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for each negative answer to questions 2, 5,6,8,9, 10,12.


More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, and you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.

From 4 to 8 points . Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. You will do anything for someone, but try to be equal with everyone so that there are no offenses against you.

Less than 4 points. You have difficult work to do on yourself.

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Are you kind and attentive to others? Are you able to give your last shirt to someone who needs it most? Our test will help you answer these questions.

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for your friends?

2. A friend tells you about his troubles. Will you let him know that you're not interested, even if that's true?

3. If your partner is bad at chess or another game, will you sometimes give in to him in order to please him?

4. Do you often say nice things to people just to cheer them up?

5. Do you like cruel jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you listen patiently even to something that doesn’t interest you at all?

8. Do you know how to put your abilities into practice?

9. Do you quit the game when you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent’s arguments?

11. Are you willing to fulfill requests?

12. Would you make fun of someone to make others laugh?

Now count yourself 1 point for answering “yes” to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for answering “no” to questions 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.

More than 8 points. You are kind, liked by others, and know how to communicate with people. You probably have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never try to be on good terms with everyone - you won't please everyone, and it won't do you any good.

From 4 to 8 points. Well, your kindness is a matter of chance. You are not kind to everyone. For some, you can do anything, but communicating with you is more than unpleasant for those who do not like you. It's not so bad. But, probably, we should try to be even with everyone so that people don’t get offended.

Less than 4 points. Communicating with you, I must admit, is sometimes simply torment even for the people closest to you. Be kinder and you will have more friends. After all, friendship requires a good attitude...


I know of no other signs of superiority than kindness.


All people are very different... Some are ready to give their last to their friend or just acquaintance; From others you can’t even ask for snow in winter. What category of people do you belong to? Are you always attentive and kind to others? This test will help answer these questions. On the answer form, you must indicate “yes” or “no” opposite the number of each question.


1. You have money. Could you spend it all on gifts for your friends?

2. A friend tells you about his troubles. Will you let him know that you are not interested in this?

3. If your partner is weak at a game, will you sometimes give in to please him?

4. Do you often say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you like cruel jokes?

6. How long do you remember the troubles that your friends caused you?

7. Can you listen patiently even to something that doesn’t interest you at all?

8. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent’s arguments?

9. Are you willing to fulfill the requests of others?

10. Can you make fun of someone to make others laugh?

11. Are you willing to write letters to your friends?

12. Do you often call your friends to support them?

13. Are you a supporter of the death penalty?

14. Could you help a drunk person?

15. Do you like little children?

16. Do you think that noisy dogs should be beaten?

17. Can you be the first to approach your friend after a quarrel?


Last name, first name______________________ Date_______

Question number



Question number



Total points: ____________

Processing the results

Using this key, compare your results and calculate the number of points received.



Possible answer


Possible answer





Interpretation of results and psychotechnical exercises

From 0 to 6 points.Communicating with you is not entirely pleasant for people, since you rarely trust them. Apparently, based on your life experience, you have come to the conclusion that you should not be particularly kind, since others will not appreciate it and may retaliate with evil. But this is a serious misconception. Be more friendly and kind, and you will have more friends.

Exercise “A day without comments”

Learn to restrain your dissatisfaction with others, your negative emotions. You, of course, want to express what you think about them, but it is unpleasant for others to bear the manifestation of your neglect. Learn not to swear.

Give yourself a promise - to forgive everyone everything all day long, to accept the words of others with understanding, not to criticize anyone, not to make comments no matter how much you want to), not to judge the actions of classmates, members of your family and not to quarrel with anyone. If it worked out and you were able to live like this all day, then after a couple of days increase this period to two days, etc. Bring the duration of the exercise to one week, and then analyze what has changed in you and in your relationships with people.

From 7 to 12 points.Your kindness is a matter of chance. You are not kind to all people. This is not so bad, but be more attentive in your relationships with others, more tolerant and kind, even with those you don’t know at all.

Exercise “Pleasant conversation”

If the issue that causes you unpleasant emotions is not very important, try to make communication with the person simply pleasant. Whether your interlocutor is right or wrong (now this does not matter fundamentally), try to make this person feel good, calm with you and have a desire to meet and talk with you again.

Then be sure to talk to him again and find out what he thinks about your last conversation. Did he really enjoy talking to you?

From 13 to 18 points.You know how to communicate with almost all people. You are truly friendly and kind. You don't alienate those who have different views, but never try to please everyone.

Exercise “Kind smile”

Learn to greet others with a kind and friendly smile, especially when they turn to you with a smile as well. If you don’t succeed right away, try to smile with an inner smile, it should always be there, especially since by nature you are truly a kind and sympathetic person. I wish you success!


I know of no other signs of superiority than kindness.


All people are very different... Aloneare ready to give the last to their friend or acquaintance; From others you can’t even ask for snow in winter. What category of people do you belong to? Are you always attentive and kind to others? This test will help answer these questions. On the answer form, you must indicate “yes” or “no” opposite the number of each question.


1. You have money. Could you spend it all on gifts for your friends?

2. A friend tells you about his troubles. Will you let him know that you are not interested in this?

3. If your partner is weak at a game, will you sometimes give in to please him?

4. Do you often say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you like cruel jokes?

6. How long do you remember the troubles that your friends caused you?

7. Can you listen patiently even to something that doesn’t interest you at all?

8. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your opponent’s arguments?

9. Are you willing to fulfill the requests of others?

10. Can you make fun of someone to make others laugh?

11. Are you willing to write letters to your friends?

12. Do you often call your friends to support them?

13. Are you a supporter of the death penalty?

14. Could you help a drunk person?

15. Do you lovelittle children?

16. Do you think that noisy dogs should be beaten?

17. Can you be the first to approach your friend after a quarrel?

18. Are you willing to let your friends read your books?


Last name, first name______________________ Date_______

Question number



Question number



Total points: ____________

Processing the results

Using this key, compare your results and calculate the number of points received.



Possible answer


Possible answer





Interpretation of results and psychotechnical exercises

From 0 to 6 points. Communicating with you is not entirely pleasant for people, since you rarely trust them. Apparently, based on your life experience, you have come to the conclusion that you should not be particularly kind, since others will not appreciate it and may retaliate with evil. But this is a serious misconception. Be more friendly and kind, and you will have more friends.

Exercise “A day without comments”

Learn to restrain your dissatisfaction with others, your negative emotions. You, of course, want to express what you think about them, but it is unpleasant for others to bear the manifestation of your neglect. Learn not to swear.

Give yourself a promise - to forgive everyone everything all day long, to accept the words of others with understanding, not to criticize anyone, not to make comments no matter how much you want to), not to judge the actions of classmates, members of your family and not to quarrel with anyone. If it worked out and you were able to live like this all day, then after a couple of days increase this period to two days, etc. Bring the duration of the exercise to one week, and then analyze what has changed in you and in your relationships with people.

From 7 to 12 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance. You are not kind to all people. This is not so bad, but be more attentive in your relationships with others, more tolerant and kind, even with those you don’t know at all.

Exercise “Pleasant conversation”

If the issue that causes you unpleasant emotions is not very important, try to make communication with the person simply pleasant. Whether your interlocutor is right or wrong (now this does not matter fundamentally), try to make this person feel good, calm with you and have a desire to meet and talk with you again.

Then be sure to talk to him again and find out what he thinks about your last conversation. Did he really enjoy talking to you?

From 13 to 18 points. You know how to communicate with almost all people. You are truly friendly and kind. You don't alienate those who have different views, but never try to please everyone.

Exercise “Kind smile”

Learn to greet others with a kind and friendly smile, especially when they turn to you with a smile as well. If you don’t succeed right away, try to smile with an inner smile, it should always be there, especially since by nature you are truly a kind and sympathetic person. I wish you success!

Summary of a lesson on moral education on the topic: “Let's be kind and humane”


    Give an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person, of kindness.

    Develop adequate evaluative activities aimed at analyzing one’s own behavior and the actions of others.

    To develop in students mutual respect, polite treatment, and the ability to feel and understand themselves and other people.

    Work on developing positive character traits.

    With the help of games, proverbs, and tasks, develop the child’s creative potential. Learn to express your thoughts and work together.

Equipment: Presentation, cards with proverbs, questionnaire tables, flower of goodness” for coloring.

Progress of the event:

The teacher reads the parable:

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him on all sides. It seemed like there were millions of starfish on the sand; the shore was literally strewn with them for many kilometers.

Why are you throwing these starfish into the water? - the man asked, coming closer.

There was a storm and the stars washed ashore. If they stay on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins to go out, they will die,” the boy answered, without stopping his work.

But that's just stupid! - the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the shore is simply littered with them. Your attempts will not change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw it into the sea and said:

No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

Educator: Can this boy be called a highly moral person?

What is morality?

In Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary: Morality is the personality traits that determine human behavior.

What qualities of a person do you know?

Kindness, hard work, courage, truthfulness, responsibility, responsiveness, caring, loyalty, friendliness, politeness, gratitude, frugality, selflessness, hospitality, curiosity, wisdom, modesty, compassion, sensitivity, generosity, etc.

We have listed some very good personality traits that determine a person's behavior. There are character qualities that are opposite to these qualities. Name which ones?

Anger, laziness, hostility, rudeness, irresponsibility, stupidity, greed, etc.

Well done! Listed the good and bad qualities of a person’s character. Think, look at yourself from the outside: what qualities predominate in your character.

I think I have a lot of good qualities.

Why do you think so? Give examples.

Teacher: I wish everyone to have good character qualities, develop these qualities in yourself from an early age, work on yourself, work on yourself, your life depends on it, what it will be: successful or unsuccessful. Tell me what you want to be in life: successful or failure?

Successful, fortunate, happy.

To be happy and successful in life, you must develop good character traits.

It is not possible for an immoral person to accomplish great things.”

Having solved the crossword puzzle, we will read the main personality quality of a moral person.

1.Can it be real or imaginary? (friendship)

2. Willingness to help, respond to other people's needs? (responsiveness)

3. Is this feeling necessary for every person? (Love)

4. Between friends there should be mutual…….? (confidence)

5.Clash of opposing interests? (conflict)

6. Kind, responsive attitude towards a person? (heat)

7. Caring attitude towards people? (attention)

Let's listen to the song based on the verses of N. Tulupova “Kindness”

It is not at all easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

What kind of person is a kind person?

A kind person is a person who wants others to feel good, to make others happy. He is always ready to selflessly help others, knows how to sympathize and sympathize. A person who does good to others and knows how to empathize with them feels happy.

Scene: “Happiness”

What's that in your hand?


Why so small?

It's only mine. But how radiant and beautiful...

Yes, amazing!

Would you like a piece?


Give me your palm, I'll share it with you.

Oh, it's so warm!


Thank you very much! You know, I feel much better when happiness is in my hand...

This always happens.

What if I share it with someone?

Then you will have more of yours!


Don't know. Only then will it become even warmer.

Can you burn your hands on it?

Hands burn with pain... Happiness cannot burn...

SHARE!!! Give everyone a heart

Why a heart? Because our kindness comes from our heart. Teacher: Thank you.

Restore the proverbs, explain one of them, name your own proverb about goodness.

    Good deeds...(more valuable than money)

    Changing the world is not so difficult,... (start with yourself)

    Good is not dashing - ... (wanders quietly)

    A good deed... (lives for two centuries)

    A kind word is better... (soft pie)

    To a kind person and... (someone else's illness to the heart)

Name literary works where the main character shows the best moral qualities.

Listen to the story “Shards of Kindness” by an unknown author.

And think about which proverb fits this story.

The family spent their day off on the beach. Children swam in the sea and built sand castles. Suddenly a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her gray hair fluttered in the wind, her clothes were dirty and tattered. She muttered something to herself, picking up some objects from the sand and putting them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, bending over to pick up something every now and then, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting. Many weeks later they learned that the little old lady had devoted her entire life to picking up shards of glass from the beach that children could use to cut their feet.

Changing the world is not so difficult, start with yourself.

How do you feel after reading the story?

Why do you think the old lady devoted her whole life to this activity?

Do you think if people found out what the old lady really did, what would they do? Have there been times in your life when you initially didn't like a person because he was different from others, and later you learned something good about that person?

What would happen to the world if there was no kindness in it?

List everyone whose kindness helps you grow.

The kindness of parents, grandparents, educators and teachers, friends, etc.

And now I invite you to check yourself: are you a kind person?

Test: “Are you a kind person”

You need to put one answer in front of each question: “yes” or “no”.

3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you are losing?

Let's summarize:


One point for each affirmative answer to questions: 1, 3, 4, 7,8, 11

And for a negative answer to questions: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12.

Lesson summary

What did we talk about today?

About morality. About kindness.

What have you learned for yourself? Is it worth being kind in life?

Teacher: Well done children, I hope that you understand with what character qualities it is better to live in this world. I would like to end the class hour with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “You must have great strength of spirit in order to “live with your heart”, to wish the best for others. Pay for good with good! Be kind and merciful.

Now I invite you to write on your heart the moral qualities that you possess.

Performance of the song “On the Road of Goodness”.

Ask life strict

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Forget your worries

Ups and downs

Don't whine when fate takes over

She doesn't act like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

But if things go wrong with a friend,

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always lead

On the way to goodness.

Oh, how many different ones there will be

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this is life

Not a child's game.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Ask life strict

Which way to go,

Where in the white world

Leave in the morning.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.

Test "Am I kind"

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?

2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?

3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?

4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?

5. Do you often use evil jokes?

6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?

7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?

8..Are you willing to use your abilities for the benefit of other people?

9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?

10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?

11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?

12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?