Download old version of pokemon go. Pokemon Go game for Android. Pokemon with augmented reality

The legendary monsters with superpowers “Pokemon” are returning, only not in the form of a new animated series or feature film, but as a mobile game with augmented reality Pokemon Go for Android devices, which has already become the most popular in many countries around the world. Today you can become a Pokemon trainer and start collecting them in your city using a GPS module and simple geodata.

How to play Pokemon Go on Android:

1. First you need to create your character using 8 tools: hairstyle, sweatshirt, shoes, cap, pants, backpack, face, etc.

3. The main goal is to collect Pokemon, upgrade them and participate in battles with real players, whom you can see in front of you or communicate in the tournament chat.

The Pokemon Go game on Android created a real stir all over the world and offered a completely unique gaming experience that has already been appreciated by thousands of users of different age-old categories. The developers managed to preserve the classic style and atmosphere of the popular animated series, presenting very simple mechanics with an incredibly addictive effect.

Main features of Pokemon Go for Android:

  • On your map you will see all the key areas that you need to target in connection with a particular situation.

  • There are pokestops - places to get pokeballs, arenas for battles, gyms that need to be captured, and the pokemon themselves, the proximity to which is determined by the number of paws on the corresponding label in the game lobby.

  • To catch a Pokemon, just throw a Pokeball directly at it using a simple swipe up in the desired direction.

  • It is possible to join teams and complete group quests, thereby making new acquaintances and plunging even deeper into the Pokemon universe.

  • Very high-quality graphics and animation will always please fans and connoisseurs of realism.
Today you can download Pokemon Go for Android in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries! This is quite simple to do, but remember that a demo version of the game is currently provided, and, as practice shows, users often complain about unexpected crashes or launch errors, which is normal and requires a successful restart.

How to install Pokemon Go on Android:

1. Activate in the device settings the ability to install applications outside the Google Play market;

3. Go through the normal installation procedure.

Remember that Pokemon Go is an augmented reality game, so when looking for new pets, remember to pay attention to the environment and monitor your own safety. There was already a case when a couple in Australia got so carried away that they wandered into a den of spiders and were scared to death.

Interesting facts about Pokemon Go for Android:

  • The owner of the franchise is Nintendo, which has recorded a 56% increase in shares since the release of its brainchild. Capitalization reached $42 billion.

  • Pokemon Go is named the most popular mobile game in the US and other countries around the world, where it was officially launched on July 6, 2016.

  • In Russia, authorities warned that overly enthusiastic players would be punished with fines or imprisonment (the news reported exactly what the punishment would be for).

  • To play the full game you will have to buy a special Pokemon Go Plus bracelet, the official cost of which is $35.

  • Entire football teams and even officials became interested in the game; some people quit their jobs for a new hobby.

  • There is a practice of attracting pets to search for Pokemon in hard-to-reach places in the city.

  • You can play both in large cities and in small villages.

  • Two men fell off a small mountain while trying to obtain a rare species, resulting in serious injuries.
This is a real breakthrough in the international gaming industry, for which Nintendo has been preparing for several years. The legendary Pokemon were revived in a new face and, in terms of excitement, repeated the success of the animated series of the same name, so download Pokemon Go for Android Worth it for absolutely all fans of Pikachu and other animals, which you can now tame yourself and carry out grandiose battles with them.

The game Pokémon Go was released only on July 6, but has already managed to secure all the tops in the ratings of games and applications, in terms of the popularity of porn in search queries, and a reason for criminal cases. And the hype is only gaining momentum. In Russia, Pokemon is promised to be released “soon”, but the opportunity to download Pokemon Go on iOS and Android is already available. Get ahead of your friends so you can level up in time for the official release date.

How to install Pokemon Go on iPhone or iPad

(The only side effect may be deleting songs downloaded from Apple Music from the iPhone.)

1. First, sign out of your current account in the App Store: Settings → iTunes Store and App Store → Click on your Apple ID (top line) → Sign Out

3. Finally, your game page has opened! Click Get (or “Get”). A window will appear asking you to sign in with your existing Apple ID or create a new one.

If you have already created an American account in Apple Store, then log in to it. If not, then create one following the instructions. The main thing is to use an email for which an Apple ID has not yet been registered, and select None in Billing information. You can indicate any address, for example, a hotel. We used: Street - Lexington Avenue 666; City - New York; State - NY; Zip: 10016; Phone - 212 682 *any 4 digits*.

Here's a video tutorial just in case.

4. When you log into a new or existing account, download the game: click Get, confirm the payment method as None, if required. Eventually the application will download. Hooray!

5. Create your own Pokemon trainer - and go hunt monsters!

Note. If Pokemon Go takes too long to load or says that the servers are overloaded, change your region to the USA: Settings → General → Language and region → Region.

How to install Pokemon Go on Android

System requirements for Android version: minimum - Android 4.4 (Kitkat), recommended - Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).

1. Make sure that .apk files are allowed to be installed on your gadget: Settings → Security → Allow installation from unknown sources.

2. Now you need to download Pokemon Go to your Android device. Download from trusted sources to avoid getting a virus. For example, the latest version of apk 0.39.1 can be downloaded from here.

3. Launch the apk file and install the game following the instructions.

4. Catch Pokemon, train them, conquer towers!

Pokémon GO- a game that probably only the deaf have not heard of, not seen by the blind and not played by those who do not have a tablet or smartphone, as well as those who are not smart enough to download an application that has not been officially released in their country. Meet the legendary universe of balloon warriors who are now walking the streets of your city. Stock up on power banks, because you will need a lot of energy to go around all the nooks and crannies of your city and catch as many Pokemon as possible. For those who have never left the tank, I’ll explain that by collecting all the Pokemon you will become a real master. But there is a suspicion that the Nintendo company, which brought this game to the world, is counting on the fact that no one will NEVER finish playing it, because while your collection is empty, your inner coach will force you to go out and even go on new searches. In addition to the exciting search, which uses your geolocation and camera as a lens to display augmented reality, you can perform a lot of different actions in the game, the main one of which is battles. Imagine a battle that mimics what happens in the animated series, only with you in the lead role. Some Pokemon are stronger than others, some are more pumped, and some are less, but you will only find out about this once you start the battle. The game also has an exchange where you can sell your captives, and use the resulting funds to improve your uniform.

It’s incredibly difficult to talk about this game, because its scope and capabilities are simply incredibly vast. Let's add to this that huge masses of media and bloggers have already talked about the basic things that await players in the game. Well, the last thing I want to say is that only after you try to go to the other end of the city in search of a virtual combat pet will you really understand what this game is about.

Pokémon GO is mass hysteria that gripped the whole world in the summer of 2016. Most likely, this event left its mark on the history of the development of technology and where it is heading.

It is a multiplayer mobile game for iOS and Android platforms created by Nintendo, The Pokémon Company and Niantic. It uses augmented reality technology, which Niantic is a recognized leader in creating (remember its previous work Ingress).

During the game, the user will have to find funny fictional creatures - Pokemon. But the most important thing is that you will have to do this not while sitting at home in front of the computer, but while moving in the real world. And this radically changes things.

Walking around a familiar city while simultaneously catching fantastic monsters turned out to be extremely exciting. And it’s also very good for health, since when playing Pokémon GO, you can easily reach those coveted 10,000 steps.

In addition, in the game you can find special caches that are located in interesting places nearby and contain various.

Please note that the application was created using data accumulated over the life of the Ingress project. That is why Pokémon GO knows its way around even in our open spaces and knows so many interesting objects.

Of course, the gameplay is not limited to this. Pokémon GO also has competitions, capturing points, and many other interesting features. But let’s better talk about how to install this miracle, because the game has not yet been officially released in Russia.

iOS users need to change their Apple ID to US, Australia or New Zealand. How to create an American iTunes account for free is described in detail.

  1. Sign out of your current Apple ID on your smartphone or iTunes on your desktop.
  2. Log in with your “foreign” Apple ID, you will be automatically transferred to the store of the corresponding country.
  3. Now search the App Store for Pokémon GO.
  4. Download the application and install it. After this, you can again change your Apple ID to your real one.

Please note: when the game becomes officially available, you will have to uninstall Pokémon GO and then install it again under your account. At the same time, your progress should not be reset, since it is stored on the game servers.

Android users have a much easier time installing Pokémon GO. They will only need to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources in the settings of their gadget, and then download and install the game file.

Be careful, because the huge popularity of the game has led to the spread of installation files infected with a virus. Therefore, download the APK file only from a trusted resource, such as this one.

When installing, pay attention to the requested permissions. Their number should be the same as in the screenshot.

Have you tried Pokémon GO yet? How are your impressions?

This game is both good and bad at the same time. On the one hand, it makes you work with your legs and wander through the fresh air. On the other hand, chasing Pokemon can lead to unpredictable consequences. I downloaded Pokemon Go / Pokemon GO on Android when it first appeared and was not popular. Back then it was a really interesting and useful game, which is what its developers intended. Because they came up with it in order to somehow lure young people onto the streets.

Well, no one knew how it would all turn out. At the very beginning, most parents were very happy that their children somehow got out into the street. But as they say, the further into the forest, the more firewood. And the players got out of control. Everyone started chasing Pokemon, despite various dangers and prohibitions. How many cases have there been when a crowd of young people broke into a synagogue or church during prayer to catch Pokemon? Or another case, the players knocked on the house and asked the owner to let them into the backyard to catch a rare Pokemon. The owner immediately slammed the door and, with a tablet in his hands, rushed to his backyard.

Well, there are some advantages to note here. Children began to show interest in great art. Since various bonuses often appear near such attractions, it is not uncommon to meet a crowd of young people who seem to be photographing some monument or building. Honestly, it looks pretty funny from the outside.

Of course, by that time I already understood the dangers of all this and stopped playing this game. But, despite this, the developers’ idea is really worthwhile, because in order to play, you need to constantly move along the street and look for Pokemon that can be hidden anywhere. Some of them hatch from eggs and for this to happen you need to go through a certain number of steps. Pokemon can only be seen by pointing the camera of your smartphone at it, and you need to catch them using special traps. Some players even got up at 5-6 o'clock in the morning to cut off all the mushrooms that had grown overnight before someone else picked them.

For the developers’ idea, I, of course, will give it a five, but because of the chaos that this game created in different countries, I want to give it a one, so my rating is three. Download Pokemon Go / Pokemon GO for Android or not, decide for yourself. If you are sure that this wave of madness and horror will not overwhelm you, then of course it’s worth downloading, as it will only bring benefits. But if you are a very gambling player, then it is better to refrain from this game, because in this case it can bring you more harm than good and a huge number of problems with fines.

Quite recently, such an interesting game appeared in the world that could conquer almost any user. We are, of course, talking about the game “Pokemon Go”. Downloading Pokemon Go / Pokemon GO for Android now will not be difficult, since the application is in free mode, especially since it is absolutely free.

All you had to do in the game was look for Pokemon. At the same time, look not in the fictional World, but in the present. To search, you had to turn on the GPS and start searching. At Pokestop locations you could get Pokeballs or eggs, from which Pokemon would later hatch and much more.

The application perfectly helps ordinary users leave home and travel around the city, looking for new Pokemon on the map of their city or area. After the user can find a Pokemon, it must be caught. To do this, you need to click on its avatar, after which a battle begins in which you will need to capture the Pokemon using your phone camera. However, if the user has a fairly weak mobile device, then the fishing process will occur against a statistical background.

After reaching level 5, you can choose a team for yourself. In addition, a capture mode will be opened, which will help you earn gold coins. Game coins can be spent on purchasing eggs or incubators for them, and can also be used to improve various upgrades.

Each individual Pokemon will be needed for further improvements. For example, it will be possible to improve the improvement elixir, which allows us to improve our Pokemon.

In terms of graphics, it’s quite difficult to note anything, since most of the game the user will be walking around the city in search of Pokemon, and our avatar will move with us. Here everything will directly depend on the quality of the camera in the mobile device. If the camera is modern, the application will function perfectly and additional functions will be opened. All Pokemon are made at a fairly simple, but at the same time high-quality level. And the melodic accompaniment only complements the entire process of searching for Pokemon. You can also note the appearance of vibration, which indicates the detection of a Pokemon. At the same time, downloading Pokemon Go / Pokemon GO for Android will not be difficult, since the application is quite lightweight and at the same time will not take up much space on the mobile device.

With all the abundance of Pokemon games, their creators continue to explore new horizons beyond the traditional JRPG series. They created a Mystery Dungeon spin-off dedicated solely to Pokémon without the interference of various trainers, various Coloseum fighting series, and even an entire fighting game Pokken Tournament. All this, however, only applies to those who have Nintendo consoles - the series has not expanded beyond them until recently. Everything changed with Pokemon Go, an American game that brought Pokemon into our reality. And if you want to know what it’s like to see Pokemon in our branded Khrushchev buildings, you just need to download Pokemon Go / Pokemon GO for Android.

Warning: This game does not belong to the famous Pokemon series of games, which includes Black and White, RubySapphire and other versions. There are only 150 Pokemon in the game, that is, only classic ones are available, the remaining 600 are not provided in the application. That is, roughly speaking, we have a spin-off here “on its own” - and since everything takes place in virtual reality, there will be no famous regions like Unova here.

The gameplay is firmly tied to the camera and GPS navigator. We look at the location of the Pokemon on the map and follow it. The Pokemon can be seen when you turn on the camera, and it's a pretty fun option - I once found Bulbasaur right on the swing, which looked really cute. Then you need to catch it with the help of special pokeballs, however, it is not a fact that the wild pokemon will react and you may have to spend a fair amount of balls to catch it.

But what to do with the caught Pokemon? Raise and pamper, of course, but according to the tradition of old games and anime series, you still have to fight with them. And here the advantageous difference from old games is that you have to fight with real opponents online, which only adds excitement to the game. The downside here, however, also crept in - the combat system is nothing and is tied rather to chance, nothing like the system from the role-playing series that has been perfected over the years.

With the accumulation of experience, Pokemon begin to evolve. Typically, they have three development phases (Charmander/Charmelion/Charisaurus, for example), but some have fewer or no evolution at all. Hyper-evolution from the X and Y and Sun and Moon series is not provided, which is a pity - it could greatly diversify the rather boring battles. Evolved Pokemon are much stronger, and even look much more brutal. The same Charmander, who initially looks like a cute child, after two evolutions becomes a real dragon (but, surprisingly, does not belong to the class of dragons), with a huge flaming tail, wings and an elongated mouth. And it is precisely because of Pokemon that I can recommend downloading Pokemon Go / Pokemon GO for Android. Collecting them is the most exciting part.