The project is the best on the first one. Which of the children is the best? The show “Best of All” is a deception of the audience: the program gathers a large audience in front of the screens of Channel One

On Sunday, November 6, on Channel One it starts unique project, the participants of which will be children aged 3 to 12 years. They are incredibly talented, which means the new TV show “The Best of All!” - for them. The host of the program is Maxim Galkin, who will be delighted and surprised by young talents more than once.

See what's new children's show talents “Best of All” on Channel One on Sunday, November 6, at 16:30

The show, called " The best!", is interesting because there will be no competition, assessments and rivals. This the project was created so that talented children could talk about their extraordinary abilities and perhaps become famous in the future.

Presenter Maksim Galkin will communicate with little prodigies, often trying to repeat what children can do. And the showman will not always succeed. However, the kids are sure: if famous comedian constantly work on himself, then he has every chance of learning to do what kids can do.

“If Maxim works hard, he can grow to my level,” commented the six-year-old Stefan Otto Maxim Galkin's unsuccessful attempts to repeat the ballet steps performed by the young dancer.

TV viewers, the authors of the program are sure, will not remain indifferent after the appearance on stage of those who came to the “Best of All!” project. from different corners Russia. The three-year-old motorcyclist, the charming little girl who knows poetry, will definitely cause delight and tenderness among the public Anna Akhmatova, Sergei Yesenin, Joseph Brodsky and other great poets, a five-year-old boy who accurately names the capitals of all countries, a three-year-old chess player and other children who will appear in the “Best of All!” program.

Don't miss the premiere on " Channel One"- a new children's talent show "The Best of All!" . The debut episode starts on Sunday, November 6, at 19:30.


A Channel One show that reveals the amazing talents of children.

Airing time: on Sundays at 19:30.

About the launch of casting as part of a large-scale entertainment and educational project " The best“Channel One announced it in October 2016, and already at the beginning of November the start of the show was announced under the slogan “We have found those born to win.”

On November 2, 2016, on the eve of the start of the project on Channel One, it became known that the host of the show “ The best" will be the famous showman Maxim Galkin.

A selection of videos with gifted children appeared on the channel’s website, including videos about a deft tennis player hitting a ball with eyes closed; a young stuntman simultaneously spinning a saucepan and a basketball on his index finger; a boy and a girl who move their ears and eyebrows to the music, etc.

A similar show, “Amazing People,” which is an analogue of the world’s popular project The Brain, started on September 25, 2016 on the Russia 1 channel. Everyone who had unique talents, without any age restrictions.

The best. About the show

In project " The best“Young Russians, whose ages range from three to twelve years, are given the opportunity to make themselves known throughout vast Russia.

Each of the program participants certainly has extraordinary abilities. For example, he sings songs superbly or dances beautifully, masterfully performs magic tricks or stands on his head professionally, deftly taps a ball or easily carries on a dialogue with adults. In short, children know how to do something amazing and bright, and they also dream of a big stage.

As part of the project in the Channel One studio, young talents demonstrate extraordinary abilities in sports, creativity or science.

The first episode of the show The best"Viewers of Channel One saw it on November 6, 2016. A six-year-old opened the program Stefan Otto, who can already be called a real ballet dancer, because the kid danced on the stage of the Alexandria Theater and the Musical Hall. Stefan doesn’t know what a fee is, but he was happy to demonstrate his talent, and also taught Maxim Galkin several steps.

Also in the first episode, viewers saw: an 11-year-old roller skater Sofia Bogdanova from Moscow; very serious 5 year old geographer Timofey Georgievich Tsoi, who knows all the flags of countries and the capitals of states and asked Galkin to call him by name; the most jazz and virtuoso saxophonist 9 year old Sofia Tyurina from Balakovo, who played “Flight of the Bumblebee” at a frantic pace; fan of Brodsky and Maldenstam, princess silver age and the 6-year-old Artdeco queen Nicole Plievu, which charmed not only the presenter, but also everyone who was in the studio; talented 5 year old singer Victoria Kim from Vladivostok.

Completed the first episode of the show “ The best» four year old Anna Pavlova, who dreams of becoming an artist and knows that for this “you have to work like a horse.” Anya, in principle, didn’t really need the presenter Maxim Galkin on stage - she played the violin, recited a poem with different emotions, walked to her mother and Sergei Zhilin, who was sitting among the audience.

With the beginning of the next school year, the most enchanting children's talent show returns to Channel One. The latest episodes of the “Best of All” program, which will appear on air in September 2018, will be hosted by Maxim Galkin, as always. Young talents aged from 3 to twelve years old will come to his studio.

The heroes of this wonderful program are still children, but they already demonstrate extraordinary abilities and knowledge in various fields. If your child sings better than anyone, shows excellent results in sports or dances well, and at the same time feels free on stage. Then you simply have to get on this TV project!

According to established tradition, in the show “Best of All” new season which will air on Channel 1 on Sundays, there will not be a strict jury or judges. Participants are judged solely by television viewers. Only they will decide who was the most artistic and memorable. As the creators of the project assure, in the new releases we will see even more stunning, funny and amusing performances.

Each contestant is interesting and gifted in their own way. Aspiring chefs and ballerinas, gymnasts and dancers, scientists and artists - each of them wants to demonstrate their talent and please the audience. It may not be long before we see many of them on price Bolshoi Theater or the Olympics.

For little geniuses, participating in such a TV show is a responsible step, so Maxim Galkin always supports them. Who can easily work part-time as a child psychologist. Don't miss the long-awaited premiere!

Watch online show Best of All latest releases 2018 on First for free in good quality

Genre: TV show
Country Russia

Number of issues: 16
Video available on: YouTube, Android, Tablets, Phones, iPhone and Smart TV

Official website:
Presenter: Maxim Galkin

“Doctor of all sciences. Honorary Professor and Corresponding Member. Candidate of Physics, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences with a literary bias. Mega brain. Alexander Kravchenko! – this is how Maxim Galkin introduced the participant of the “Gifted Children” portal on the air of the “Best of All!” program.

The day before the broadcast, an interesting entry appeared on the program’s hero’s blog, which attracted the attention of all users of the Gifted Children website: “On December 18, I will be shown on Channel One in the “Best of All” program with Maxim Galkin! This program is dedicated to children with different talents. And although I know what will happen there and how, I can’t wait for the broadcast! Watch Channel One! It will be interesting!"

Of course, active portal participants responded to good news and unanimously promised not to miss such an event. After all, the guys, like a real team, worry about each other at important life moments, support their peers and sincerely rejoice at their successes. Thus, users have repeatedly helped friends useful tips, suggested how to improve the work or project they had created, and shared valuable information that helped schoolchildren achieve success in various intellectual competitions. And now, under Sasha Kravchenko’s blog, enthusiastic comments have lined up with a single message - joy and pride for the gifted portal member!

On Sunday evening, December 18, both the participants and the team of the Gifted Children project Friendly family, sat down, it would seem, in front of the same TV, but in different cities Russia. The guys were looking forward to the appearance of the main character, Sasha Kravchenko, on the screen. Finally it finest hour struck: the young scientist appeared on stage and immediately delighted the audience, who were amazed by the preschooler’s abilities. After all, at only 5 years old, Sasha has knowledge in the field of exact sciences such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and cosmology! "You need to Russian Academy sciences, and not in the show “Best of All”. What will I do with you? “I can’t support a single topic,” Maxim Galkin was confused when he learned about the interests of the prodigy.

By the way, the hero of the program, despite his young age, felt confident and comfortable on stage. Sasha did not try to look like an adult professor, demonstrate his knowledge in various fields and speak exclusively scientific language. On the contrary, the young scientist chatted casually with the host of the program, talking about his hobbies: “I like to watch the periodic table and play. I’m also studying string theory and trying to understand what quantum mathematics is.” Maxim Galkin tried to find out from the child prodigy what interesting things can be seen at the age of 5 in D.I.’s periodic table. Mendeleev, except for the familiar numbers. But the gifted preschooler explained that he was studying the chemical elements located in it, and the hall exploded with enthusiastic applause. Sasha also spoke in more detail about the string theory of the Universe that puzzled the presenter: “This theory says that the Universe is a huge instrument that plays ultrasounds for us.”

Sasha’s hobbies amazed and delighted the audience, but the applause died down, and a silent question hung in the hall, which Maxim Galkin guessed and voiced: “Why do you need so much knowledge at your age? Once you become a deputy, you won’t need this at all.” But the prodigy is firmly convinced that the acquired knowledge will definitely be needed in the future, because he dreams of mastering the skills of more than one profession, working as an agent, scientist, magician, builder and investigator! In addition, a gifted preschooler’s desire to master several specialties at once is so great that he would already like to go to college without going to school.

During the entire conversation, Sasha joked and radiated positivity and cheerfulness. And the funny stories that the young scientist shared brought smiles to the audience and the host of the program: “The aunties in the minibuses call me a child prodigy. When I drive, I chatter something scientific. Well, for example, how my time machine works. I came up with it, but I haven’t made it yet.”

Already this conversation between the host and the program participant proved not only to the audience, but to the whole country that five-year-old Sasha Kravchenko from the city of Torzhok, Tver Region, has amazing abilities and extraordinary intelligence. However, the organizers of the “Best of All!” program according to tradition, we prepared a task for a young scientist, using an unusual technique - “a show within a show”, and simulated known transmission, which can test knowledge in any field. So, Sasha was able to take part in two programs at once: “Best of all!” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.”

You can watch the broadcast of the program, and look behind the scenes of the program - right here and now, together with Sasha’s mother, Lydia Kravchenko, who told us more about the fascinating filming process and the valuable experience gained.

– How did you manage to take part in the show?

– Sasha himself expressed a desire to participate in the project. He really likes speaking in public, so he asked me to help and send a questionnaire, as well as make a video with “self-presentation”, where he shared what he knows and can do.

Sasha promised that if he was invited to the show, he would tell Fermat’s theorem and the Big Bang theory. By the way, he really knows this (not only this, of course, but in particular). The questionnaire interested the television people: literally within 24 hours they called us from Moscow and invited us to come for an audition. However, we could not suddenly go to the capital, since Sasha was involved in holiday concerts. Then, as an alternative, we were offered to shoot a short video where Sasha answers some questions and chats, but not about what he is going to talk about, but just about everything. We completed this task, and we were approved for filming without casting, since the organizers really liked Sasha’s behavior and speech.

When we arrived in Moscow, the editor was even more delighted, because this was exactly the kind of child the organizers were looking for! They wanted the participant to be erudite and smart, but at the same time remain a child, and not a little old man.

– How did you prepare for filming? Did everything go according to a pre-prepared scenario?

– Sasha is a very active boy. Without knowing him, it’s impossible to imagine what’s going on in his head. In order for the children to simply get used to the place, the organizers conduct short technical rehearsals, during which they introduce the children to the structure of the studio, show them where to go and where to sit. They also talk to them a little and try to win them over to the adults, so that the children feel comfortable and can show themselves with the best side. There are no surveys, much less rehearsals of performances (unless with musicians and athletes). As for testing knowledge: the organizers try not to “train” the child, so they simply check the general level of erudition.

Sasha didn’t know that he would be playing a game show, and I deliberately didn’t show him the program so that he wouldn’t be scared complex issues and did not refuse to participate in the event when the time came.

Literally before the shooting, I told him that there is a game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” and it was once hosted by Maxim Galkin. Now the program is hosted by another person who will play with Sasha today. That's all my son knew.

– What’s left behind the scenes?

– The questions for the quiz were selected according to Sasha’s level of erudition, of course, because he doesn’t know everything in the world. But the goal was not to play for real, but to show the range of his knowledge. What happened can be seen in the TV version. However, in addition to this, Sasha recited the periodic table by heart, listing all the elements that are in it. He learned the table completely on his own, by the way. But this part was not included in the show, apparently due to time limits.

The filming lasted about two hours in total, so a lot was cut out. It’s a pity, because the conversation with Maxim Galkin was very interesting and varied. Sasha spoke not only about his knowledge, but also about other hobbies, for example, that he loves magic tricks. By the way, at another shooting he even showed a trick with a coin to real professionals in this field - the Safronov brothers (the video can be found on Sergei Safronov’s Instagram). Sasha really enjoyed filming, so he wants to continue to take part in various shows and programs. Although, as it turned out, this is quite difficult and sometimes incredibly tedious work.

Ekaterina Kudryavtseva, student of the Faculty of Journalism of IGUMO

December 29, 2016

Galkin’s program with children “The Best of All!” causes mixed impressions among viewers and participants. Some praise, share pleasant feelings, others consider this television show to be unsuccessful.

General information about transfer

Children aged three to twelve years are invited to participate in the program. The project allows each of them to announce themselves throughout the country. We are not talking about any phenomenal abilities, although many young participants leave viewers impressed.

According to the plan, children with extraordinary abilities in sports, creativity or science take part in the show, which surprise:

  • · magnificent singing;
  • · excellent dancing skills;
  • · masterful juggling and demonstration of tricks;
  • · amazing memory even by adult standards.

Bead dancers and football players, gymnasts and taekwondo athletes perform on stage. The latter skillfully demonstrate the execution of a side kick to a high-set paw.

The first episode of the program was released on November 6, 2016. Presenter: Maxim Galkin. The first participant is six-year-old ballet dancer Stefan Otto, who has previously demonstrated his skills on the stage of the Musical Hall and the Alexandria Theater.

How is it removed?

To become a participant in the program, you must have outstanding abilities. This must be indicated in the application.

Preparation for the program begins with the work of editors who are looking for young participants through various sources, viewing and studying:

  • · hundreds and thousands of profiles;
  • · regional news;
  • · links on the web;
  • · stories from friends.

Thus, there are children who blog professionally or have extraordinary knowledge about the myths of Greece.

The effect of surprise, which is demonstrated on stage when Maxim Galkin meets young talent not feigned.

The presenter actually meets the child on stage for the first time. This allows you to convey the effect of real acquaintance and surprise. However, such conditions sometimes violate the written script - it is difficult to predict the baby’s reaction, as was the case with a three-year-old chess player, who took even experienced operators by surprise with his crying.

Children's achievements

The children's performances do not leave the audience indifferent, no matter in what area their talent appears. Yaroslava Degtyareva, at the age of 8, performed a song on Maxim Galkin’s show Queen"The Show Must Go On"

Six-year-old Varya Gordeeva, who made the audience applaud with her gymnastic performance, was awarded a medal and a gift personally from the presenter - a Cocker Spaniel puppy. Unable to regularly attend gymnasiums, the girl studies using recordings of Alina Kabaeva’s performances.

Four-year-old Sofia from Podolsk impressed with her knowledge of geography, easily naming the capitals of France, Brussels or the Philippines. And five-year-old Daniil demonstrated his climbing skills by conquering a height of 6 meters.

Alexander Beyleryan surprised the audience and spectators with his phenomenal memory. At six, he calmly declared Shakespeare in the original. Backstage, he admitted that he could sing songs and poems in Italian, Spanish, French, Georgian and Korean. Admitted that last language the most difficult, and to confirm that these are not easy words, he immediately sang his favorite song Chans de lise.