Description of hometown in English. A story about the city in English. Essay on the topic “My city

Hello friends. In the process of getting to know each other, one way or another, a moment comes when the interlocutors, having finished with pleasantries, talk about what worries them.

After the weather, the British are concerned about a person’s origins, namely, where he is from, what country he is from, and even what city.

Therefore, before traveling abroad, it would be a good idea to remember the basic phrases that will help you write a description of the city in English at the right time.


The word "city" can be translated as a town and a city, but the latter is more common. A town is a small town, while a city– big and lively. Each city is divided into districts (districts) and every city has a suburb (a suburb) and surroundings (neighborhoods). A person may also find himself in a village(village).

As a rule, every city has streets (streets), area (squares), parks (parks) and squares ( public gardens). And in the suburbs or surrounding areas you can see a field (a field), river (a river) or channel (a channel).

Adjectives to describe the city

  • ancient- ancient;
  • historic– historical;
  • attractive- attractive;
  • lovely- Cute;
  • bustling– noisy, fussy;
  • contemporary- modern;
  • lively– lively;
  • picturesque– picturesque;
  • charming– charming;
  • touristic– tourist;
  • dull– dim;
  • boring- boring.

Prepositions of place

Pretext Translation
on on
at at
in V
on the right on right
on the left left
at the corner on the corner
near, next to nearby, near
in front of against
between between
across through
along along
above above
below below
opposite to against
behind behind

Transport in the city

Places to visit

a café cafe
a castle lock
a cathedral Cathedral
a church church
a cinema cinema
a college college
a concert hall concert hall
a drugstore pharmacy
a hospital hospital
a library library
a museum museum
a police station police station
a post office post office
a restaurant restaurant
a school school
a shop shop
a shopping mall shopping mall
a supermarket supermarket
a theater theater
a university university
an art gallery gallery
an opera house opera

Description of the city/ Moscow

Moscow is the biggest center and the capital of Russia. The city has a long history. The first mention about Moscow refers to the 12th century AD. The founder of the city is the Prince Yury Dolgoruky. The name Moscow derives from the name of the river that flows through the city.

During the long history of the city, it was repeatedly invaded, burned, but always reborn and rebuilt. It’s difficult to overestimate the beauty of Moscow. Its magnificent decoration was admired by many writers and poets. Its picturesque streets and areas have become an integral part of many literary works. Architecture of Moscow strikes with its variety and uniqueness. Many old buildings and constructions have preserved till our days. A number of monuments are included to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most outstanding are - Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin, Novodevichy and Donskoy monasteries, Tsaritsyno, Ostankino, Kuzminki estates. Also we should name the world famous Bolshoi Theatre. But it’s impossible to list all the monuments of this beautiful city.

Moscow is full of parks, museums, theaters and art galleries. It is a center of cultural and economic life of Russia. Large number of famous Russian institutes and universities, banks and companies are located here. Many tourists enjoy visiting Moscow. The city has great number of hotels and restaurants. Moscow is also the center of political life. Here is located the residence of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation. Today Moscow is a modern European city with a multi-million population. It is rapidly evolving and becoming more and more beautiful.

Description of the city of Moscow

Moscow is the largest center and capital of Russia. The city has a long history. The first mentions of Moscow date back to the 12th century AD. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky is considered the founder of the city. The name Moscow itself comes from the river of the same name flowing through the city.

For my long history existence, the city was repeatedly conquered and burned, but was always revived and rebuilt. The beauty of Moscow is difficult to overestimate. Many writers and poets admired its magnificent decoration. Its picturesque streets and districts have become an integral part of many literary works.

The architecture of Moscow amazes with its diversity and uniqueness. Buildings and structures dating back many centuries have survived to this day. Whole line architectural monuments is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most outstanding are considered to be Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin, Novodevichy and Donskoy monasteries, the royal and noble estates of Tsaritsyno, Ostankino, Kuzminki. The Bolshoi Theater is famous throughout the world. It is impossible to list all the monuments.

Moscow is rich in parks and museums, theaters and art galleries. This is the center of cultural and economic life in Russia. Here are the most famous Russian institutions and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian companies, representative offices foreign companies. The capital of Russia is increasingly popular among tourists. The city has many hotels and restaurants. Moscow is also the center political life. Meets here The State Duma and is the main residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Today Moscow is a modern European metropolis with a population of many millions. It is developing rapidly and becoming more and more beautiful.

I live in Vishnyovaya street. It is called so because there are many cherry trees there and they are especially beautiful in spring when they are in blossom.

My street is very nice and modern. It is not in the city center, it is in the suburbs. There are many houses in my street and the number of them is increasing every year. Also you can see some supermarkets, a filling station, a hotel, several office centers, cafés and bars.

My school is also located in this street. It is a new modern four-storeyed building that looks very nice. It is not far from my house so it does not take me long to get there.

There is a small park not far from my house. On warm sunny days you can see mothers with children walking there. Also there are some attractions and my friends and I like to go there very much.

My parents started living in this street when I was 5 years old. I want to say that I like my street very much and I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

I live on Vishneva Street. It got its name because large quantity cherry trees growing here, which are especially beautiful during spring flowering.

My street is very beautiful and modern. It is located not in the city center, but on its outskirts. There are many houses here, and their number is growing every year. In addition, there are several supermarkets, a gas station, a hotel, several office centers, bars and cafes.

My school is located here. This is a new modern four story building that looks great. It is built near my house, so I don't spend much time getting there.

There is a small park not far from my house. In warm weather sunny days mothers with small children walk there. The park has several attractions and my friends and I really enjoy going there.

My parents settled on this street when I was 5 years old. And I want to say that I really love my street, and that I am lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

Level B. My world.

My Town

I live in the most beautiful town in Russia. It is Cheboksary the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the Volga river located on the right bank.
I have many favorite places in my town: the Volga Bay, parks and cinemas.

You can see many people and children on the Volga Bay. There are many exciting colored fountains here. In summer you can boat and in winter you can skate.

We have a lot of parks. Each park is very nice and cozy, where children and their parents gather for the merry and bright holidays, musical fairy tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is located on both banks of the Volga, and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is good location on the Volga River, which flows through the picturesque and green places. Volga and Sursko beaches, attractive natural landscape are attractive moments for tourism development.

The town also has a cinema. I love to go and watch movies with friends and parents.

We have a lot of monuments. Cheboksary is the cultural center of the republic and has more than 100 monuments, including prominent figures of culture and art.

I like Cheboksary very much and I love my city.

I live in the most beautiful city in Russia. This is Cheboksary, the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the bank of the Volga, located on the right bank.

I have many favorite places in my city: the Bay, parks and movie theaters.

You can see a lot of people and children on the Bay. There are many interesting colored fountains here. In summer you can go boating and in winter you can go ice skating.

We have many parks. Each park is very beautiful and cozy, where children and their parents gather for fun and bright holidays, musical tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is located on both banks of the Volga, and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is its good location on the Volga, which flows through picturesque and green places: the Volga and Sursky beaches, an attractive natural landscape are attractive points for the development of tourism.

The city also has a cinema. I like to go and watch movies with my friends and parents.

We have many monuments. Cheboksary — Cultural Center republic and has more than 100 monuments, including outstanding cultural and artistic figures.

I like Cheboksary very much, and I love my city

Learning English is my hobby, not my job. My goal is to learn English language in a way that is simple, effective and accessible to you. In the English middle class, like in the classroom, you will learn English, systematize your knowledge of grammar and expand your vocabulary. As long as you read English, you will also speak it! Find out what my students think about it effectiveness of learning English speak with me.

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Take the test for the appropriate level of English language to qualify for a suitable language. For this test you will need 30 minutes, and after passing it you will be able to evaluate your test and select recommendations for programs in English that are best suited for you.

What schedule should I take with English language?

I currently live near Montreal, Canada. My time zone: UTC -5 (in Ukraine, for example, the difference in the hour is 7 years, if it is 19:00 for you, it is 12:00 for me). I can conduct classes after 09:00 on weekdays (after the local hour) via Skype or, for residents of Montreal, in your or my territory (I live in 15 hills of the village from the Plaza Côte-des-Neiges).

How much does English language learning cost?

The cost of one activity for one person is $30 for 90 hvilins. A job for two people costs $40 for 90 dollars (for both people). You can find out more about the ability to borrow from the English language with me.

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Today we will learn how tell about your city on English language . This topic may not seem very important, but it is not. In any language, you must, first of all, be able to introduce yourself to others, create a mini-story about your occupation, home and location. The latter is often associated with the city where the speaker has the pleasure of living.

What do you need to know to talk about the city in English?







fire station

fire Department

pet shop

pet Shop






Butcher shop











shoe shop

shoe store



clothes shop

clothing store

hardware store

computer store










petrol station

gas station



car park





vegetable shop





police station

police station






An example of how to talk about a city in English

Let's look at a small example of how you can tell about the city in English.


I live in Moscow and it is an exciting city. This place is full of energy and quite motivating for achieving any goals. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of living here. Let's start with the positive points. There are a lot of sights and you may admire them every weekend. The city impresses by its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are a lot of shop centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms, etc. In other words, you have all you might need for a quality life here. However, such life is not cheap. As any other mega polis, Moscow offers a variety of opportunities for development but you need to be active to get at least one of them.

Traffic jams at rush hour is a big problem. Very often people spend more than 1-2 hours to get to work and back home. This also affects the environment. But what to do? We need to choose between a calm place with ideal nature and a busy fast-developing city. I seem to choose the second one and have never regretted.


I live in Moscow and it is an impressive city. This place is filled with energy and it motivates you to achieve any goals. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to living here. Let's start with positive points. There are many attractions and you can admire them every weekend. The city impresses with its architecture, parks and entertainment. There are many shopping centers, theaters, cinemas, circuses, gyms and so on. In other words, you have everything you need to live a quality life here. However, such a life is not cheap. Like many other megacities, Moscow offers a variety of development opportunities, but you need to be active to get at least one of them. Back

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