Back to the future was. Back to the Future. Interesting facts (84 photos). The creators of the film invented objects and technologies of the future from real things

A multi-part epic about a young guy, Marty, who traveled through time, and his good friend Doke is a cult fantasy saga that aims not only to reproduce the atmosphere and interiors of the past, but also looks into the distant future. The predictions that the director of the film, Robert Zemeckis, decided to make in his film were very curious to the inhabitants of 1989. It's always interesting to know what will happen in a few decades. The second part of the film, released 4 years after the first, tells about the year 2015 and the features of the world of the future. So, as contemporaries of the director’s fantasies, we must take the predictions of the film “Back to the Future 2” as critically as possible and find out what turned out to be true and what was fiction.


Endless sequels and 3D

In one of the episodes, Marty finds himself in an unpleasant situation when a giant shark tries to devour an unlucky alien from the past. But in reality it turned out that this was just a 3D model of a promotional poster for Jaws 19. In this case, a direct match with endless sequels of the same films, as well as 3D cinema and 3D graphics, is counted.

Video calls

The existence of video calls was predicted with absolute accuracy. Modern devices allow you to freely communicate with a person who is on the opposite hemisphere. The same “Skype” or browser “ Google Chrome" True, the screens in the film are huge, communication is literally on TV. But keeping in mind the ability to optimize 2015 TVs for such calls, the director and screenwriter in one person are completely guessing.

Wireless virtual reality glasses

There are similar glasses both in the film and in our reality. Take the same “Google Glass” - the latest invention of the giant of the interactive world. The versatility of such glasses in Back to the Future 2 is, of course, wider than now, but we still have a whole year to catch up with the prediction from the film. And the scene during dinner, where young people do not pay attention to their families because of high-tech devices and try to quickly eat and leave, is very reminiscent of people hanging out on their iPhones.

“The justice system in the future will work quickly. After all, lawyers have been canceled.”

Doc Emmett Brown. "Back to the Future 2".


flying skateboard

This is where Zemeckis overreacted. Military technologies using air cushions have not been a secret for a long time and are common in many army units of the world. But these achievements have not yet entered into civilian use. Therefore, it is incredibly difficult to imagine how teenagers these days cut through the streets directly through the air on boards without any wheels. We will look forward to this type of movement with great interest; in conditions of suffocating traffic jams, the invention will come in handy.

Flying cars

One point comes out of the other. No flying skateboard means no flying cars. Otherwise, we would instantly be transported to the world of the “Fifth Element” and plow the heavenly expanses, ahead of swallows and other birds. Always wondered if there were any rules traffic in such conditions?

Super laces

The ideal invention for the lazy person in the 21st century is shoelaces that lace themselves. How much time it would save, how many unpleasant falls it could prevent. So we urgently ask the entire progressive scientific elite to drop everything and rush to invent such useful laces. Zemeckis would approve of these.


The biggest mistake of the director and screenwriter. For some reason, the filmmakers decided that in 2015 we would communicate via fax. It’s actually strange, considering that in the same film there was an assumption about communication between people through video calls. Why then do we need faxes?

Using a similar scheme, you can compare other pictures of the future. For example, I wonder what our descendants will think of us when they watch fantastic films made today?

The film "Back to the Future" turned 30 this year. The film premiered in 1985. The second part of the trilogy was first shown in 1989. This date is special for all fans of the film. It was on this date that I left from the past main character second part of the film. For the anniversary of the film, a gift was made for all fans. The film will be shown in 3D cinemas around the world. In honor of this event, we decided to publish for you the most unknown facts about the picture.

1) All the film studios in America rejected this film. Except Disney

When the director of the film, Robert Zemeckis, was looking for a film studio that would take on the filming, he ran into a problem. Not a single film studio wanted to take on the filming, believing that the idea of ​​time travel by car was not interesting to the youth of the 80s. The film's theme, according to studio critics, was too bland when the rebellious youth of the time demanded something different.

But in the end the director was lucky. The Disney film studio agreed to filming, on one condition. Eliminate the scene of Marty kissing his mother from the script.

2) Every teenager in the world could become Marty McFly

The filmmakers wanted the role of McFly to be played by Michael J. Fox, who was the star of the series " Family bonds". But the creators of the series did everything possible to prevent the actor from reading the Back to the Future script. As a result, Johnny Depp, John Cusack and Charlie Sheen were considered for the role, but were never cast. At some point, the creators of the film stopped believing that they would find the right actor. As a result, it was decided to consider any actor from any country. Actors such as Christopher Collet and Robert Downey Jr. were also considered for the role of Marty. But in the end, Michael J. Fox became the actor.

3) Doc Brown's pet was originally supposed to be a chimpanzee

First initial script assumed that Doc Brown had a monkey at home. But the film producer insisted that there should be no chimpanzees in the film. In their opinion, the participation of chimpanzees in filming has never been successful in the film industry.

As a result, the monkey turned into a dog named Einstein.

4) In the original script, the time machine was located in the back of the car

Also, the initial script provided that, being in the past, Marty and Doc, in order to send the car to the future, instead of being struck by lightning, had to be brought to the site of nuclear waste in order to use a nuclear reaction to send the car on a time travel. But during filming, the director decided that waiting for lightning to strike the tower was more mysterious and more exciting.

5) Eric Stoltz participated in the filming of the film as Marty McFly

Many people don't know this, but for the first four weeks of filming, the role of McFly was played by Eric Stoltz. But in the end, the filmmakers, director and screenwriter did not like the actor’s performance. The reason was that Eric was not a comedian and did not have the necessary comic timing.

This is precisely the reason why the actor had to be abandoned. After a problem with the main character, the director persuaded producer Michael J. Fox to give the script to the actor. As a result of incredible efforts and much persuasion, Michael was released to film the first part of the Back to the Future trilogy.

6) A special speedometer should have been made for the DeLorean

In 1979, the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, signed a law that provided for the installation of speedometers on cars with a maximum speed of 85 miles per hour. Thus, the President of the United States tried to dissuade people from speeding in cars. This law was repealed only in the late 80s. But when Back to the Future was filmed, the law was still in effect. But according to the script, the time machine installed in , had to accelerate to 88 miles per hour in order to travel through time. In order for everything to look real on the screen, it was necessary to set the speedometer with the appropriate speed.

7) Originally, the film "Back to the Future" was supposed to be called "Spaceman from Pluto"

The film's producer, Sid Sheinberg, hated the title "Back to the Future", not understanding how this could be in reality. In his opinion, the title of the film did not make any sense. He proposed his name "Cosmonaut from Pluto." The director was in a panic at the proposed option.

In order to convince the producer to keep the original title, Zemeckis turned to Steven Spielberg, who advised him to draw up an explanation plan detailing what the phrase “Back to the Future” meant. Spielberg also advised Zemeckis to create parody alternative titles for the film title proposed by the producer. The director then showed these jokes to Sid Sheinberg, saying that the joke with the name "Cosmonaut from Pluto" was a good one.

The producer had no choice but to agree with the original title of the film, since he could not admit that the title he proposed was not a joke at all.

8) The original plot of Back to the Future 2 involved a trip to the 60s

Instead of going back in time to 1955, the hero should have gone to 1967, where he would have seen familiar characters a little older than he met Marty in the first part of the film. But in the end, it was decided that it would be more interesting in the second part of the film to return to the events that we saw in the first film.

9) Originally, Marty McFly's brother was supposed to become an alcoholic

When Marty visits a dark alternative to 1985, he meets his brother, who has become an alcoholic. But during filming they decided to move away from this script.

10) The creators of the film invented objects and technologies of the future from real things

When designing the future world of 2015, designer John Bell came up with the "15:85" rule. This rule regulated the percentage of the ratio of objects and technologies that were unrecognizable and unfamiliar for that time to those that were recognizable and familiar to everyone at that time.

This is interesting:

This is why the future mailbox in the film looks recognizable, except for the digital interface where you can enter the necessary information. This is why many devices appearance were very familiar to us, but, nevertheless, they were very strange to us.

Photos from the filming of "Back to the Future" that were left behind the scenes

1. In the original scenario, Doc Brown from the 50s did not know where to get 1.21 GW of energy, and decided that the source of such power could only be with nuclear explosion. The heroes decide to go to the nuclear power plant. It was too expensive to film such an episode, and they decided to abandon it. A plot device with lightning and a clock was invented.

2. Doc and Marty pronounce "gigawatt" as in "jigowatt." The fact is that Robert Zemeckis attended a physics seminar and misheard the word.

3. Demonstrating the time machine to Marty, Doc names various historical dates to any of which he could go, including December 25 of the zero year - the Nativity of Christ. But in the time system used throughout the world there is no zero year: before the first year of our era there was the first year BC. However, the date dial does have a year zero.

4. In the future in cinema the movie is on Jaws 19, directed by Max Spielberg. Spielberg does have a son named Max.

5. The first time the time machine appears is from a van with steam pouring out of it. It turns out that according to original plan, the time machine was supposed to be this van, not a car, but during the filming the director changed his mind. The scene with the van was left in so as not to waste money spent on already filmed takes.

6. Doc's video camera - JVC GR-C1 - one of the first in the VHS-C format. There is some doubt as to whether it could have been compatible with a TV in 1955.

7. The famous Soviet comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession” is known to American viewers under the name “Ivan Vasilyevich: Back to the Future.”

8. Lea Thompson (who played Lorraine) and Christopher Lloyd (who played Doc) starred together in six films: the Back to the Future trilogy, Dennis the Menace, The Right Not to Answer Questions, and the TV movie Haunted Lighthouse. However, during all this time they only had one conversational scene:

Marty: This is Doc... my... uncle! Doc... Brown.

Lorraine: Hello.

Doc: Hello...

9. In the scene in which Marty visits George at school, there is a sign in the background that says "Ron Woodward for Class President!" Ronald Woodward is the film's chief production designer.

10. In Doc's laboratory hang portraits of four famous scientists: Isaac Newton, one of the first modern physicists, Benjamin Franklin, who discovered electricity through a lightning strike, Thomas Edison, the inventor of modern power plants, and Albert Einstein, who discovered the theory of relativity. Modern physics, lightning strikes, power generation and time travel are key to the film's plot.

frame: Universal Pictures/

11. The Calvin Klein brand was fairly unknown in Europe in 1985. Therefore, in the Italian dub, Marty in 1955 is called "Levi Strauss". In the French dub, his name is "Pierre Cardin".

12. Mayor "Goldie" Wilson was nicknamed because of his gold tooth.

13. Sid Shainberg, head of Universal Studios, demanded that Robert Zemeckis and author Bob Gale change the script. First, Marty's mother should have been named Lorraine after Scheinberg's wife. Doc Brown was given a dog as a companion, instead of a chimpanzee according to the script. And finally: Scheinberg demanded that the title be changed to “Space Alien from Pluto.” Scheinberg sent a corresponding memorandum. In the first two cases, the filmmakers gave in, but categorically did not want to change the name. Steven Spielberg came to their aid: he sent a note in response: “Thank you, Sid, for the good joke - we laughed a lot.” To save face, Shainberg did not insist on changing the film's title.

14. The California Raisin company, a raisin manufacturer, paid $50,000 to have their product appear in the film. But there was no place for raisins in the script, and besides, according to Bob Gale, “on film, raisins look like a pile of manure.” Therefore, the company logo was painted on the bench on which the homeless Red sleeps at the end of the film. The company protested and her fee was returned.

15. Doc Brown always wears several watches.

frame: Universal Pictures/

16. When the movie Back to the Future was released in Australia, Michael J. Fox had to appear in a special video for Australian television and warn the public about the dangers of clinging to cars on a skateboard.

17. October 26, 1985 at 1:20 a.m. in the parking lot of the Puente Hills Mall, where the footage was filmed shopping mall“Two Pines”, a lot of fans gathered to see if something would happen there. The film was released in the United States in June 1985, so the events of 1985 shown in the film were still to come.

18. At the beginning of the film, Marty drives up to meet Doc at the Two Pines shopping center. Because he crushed one of the Peabody pines in 1955, the mall is called Lone Pine at the end of the film.

19. Ronald Reagan liked the film so much that he included a reference to the Zemeckis film in his address to the nation in 1986: “And as they said in Back to the Future: Where we go, there are no roads!” He was also invited to play the mayor who opens the festival in Hill Valley, but he was unable to participate in the filming. Reagan really liked the Back to the Future trilogy, and when he first saw the scene from the first episode - “Who is your president in 1985?” - “Ronald Reagan!” - “Actor?!” - He laughed so much that he asked the projectionist to rewind the film to watch this scene again.

20. In the scene of testing the time machine, a license plate falls off from it, on which is written “OUT A TIME” (out of time). Until the end of the first part, the DeLorean drives without a number, and only after returning from 2015 does a barcode number appear on it.

frame: Universal Pictures/

The first part was released back in 1985 and immediately won the hearts of fans science fiction. This film became a real masterpiece and is still considered one of the most popular.

Will there be a Back to the Future 4 movie?

Fans of the cult franchise often wonder if Back to the Future 4 will happen.

The only clear and unambiguous answer to this question is: no! Robert Zemeckis has repeatedly said in his interviews that he will not allow the franchise to be restarted or a new part to be released.

The creators are very respectful and reverent towards their own creation and sincerely hope that even after their death no one will encroach on their brainchild.

Of course, the release of a new part would bring a lot of money, since this film has a huge number of fans around the world.

People would go to theaters anyway just out of curiosity and in hopes that they would see something similar to the original trilogy. However, it will be simply impossible to watch “Back to the Future” without Doc and Marty McFly, and the actors will definitely not take part in the filming.

What is the movie about

The story of Marty McFly is presented in such a way that it is interesting to both teenagers and the older generation. Here we're talking about not only about adventures, but also about his relationship with a strange scientist who, as you might guess, is slightly out of his mind.

Everything about this film is great. Robert Zemeckis was able to create a creation that combines excellent soundtracks, excellent acting and an incredible atmosphere.

Reviews and criticism

Special mention should be made about the special effects. Despite the fact that the film was released quite a long time ago, it does not look like cardboard. Even now, reviewing the trilogy, the viewer does not get the feeling that he is being deceived.

The same applies to tricks. They are made quite professionally and do not cause a condescending smile in the viewer, as happens when watching old action films or science fiction.

The plot of the film is worked out almost to the smallest detail, with the exception of a few inconsistencies. Overall, the film is not only entertaining. It makes you think about a lot. Watching Marty’s actions, you involuntarily want to try on his role for yourself and rethink own life. This helps to come to some useful conclusions.

It should be said that true Back to the Future fans are grateful to Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale for being able to put an end to it. Needless to say, almost all rebooted films, or films that were remade, caused nothing but disappointment, and in some cases, sincere indignation on the part of ardent fans.

The action of the second part of the film “Back to the Future” takes place, as you know, in 2015. After a thorough audit of the technological predictions from the film, it was discovered that almost all of them came true - even flying skateboards already exist.

(Total 2 photos + 8 videos)

1. Video chat

Video conferencing technology was once predicted by everyone and Robert Zemeckis is no exception. And so it happened: Skype appeared in 2003, later Facetime, Viber and so on joined it. But hardly anyone discusses scams on Skype, as old Marty McFly and his dishonest partner Needles do in the film. In addition, in Zemeckis’s universe there is no Internet, the video here is a telephone connection option. Hence the couple touching moments: Before entering the chat, McFly asks his quarrelsome children to clear the line, and then receives a letter of dismissal by fax. Fax machines are known to have died out, but at the end of the day, this is not a fortune telling agency, but a comedy-adventure film for young people. It’s better to pay attention to the following revelations: a flat screen, unthinkable in households in 1989 (and even with an aspect ratio of 16:9 instead of the then TV standard of 4:3), text messages on this screen, and the guess that you can also be followed in a video chat.

2. Flying car

4. Flying board

More precisely, a board floating a few centimeters from the ground. Useless over water. It assumes many modifications, including with a jet engine (and then the board can be affectionately called “Pitbull”). The first - rather dubious - example of a hoverboard appeared five years ago. Last year, money for the industrial production of a more or less realistic model was raised all over the world. “More or less” here means that the hoverboard is terribly noisy, flies for about five minutes and only over a metal surface, the price of a prototype is something like 10 thousand dollars. The Hendo Hoverboard company promises to release boards in one form or another, as expected, in October - let us remind you that Doc, Marty and his girlfriend were in the future on October 21, 2015.

5. Smart sneakers

Enthusiasts from the Powerlace project tried to make self-lacing sneakers. Nike also once released a small batch of Air Mag for fans for several thousand dollars per pair - they were sold out instantly (but you can always find something on eBay). This year, the company's designer seemed to confirm that they will release new version sneaker. In October, of course.

6. Gesture controller

In a nostalgic Eighties cafe, where young McFly demonstrates the ancient art of shooting with a gamer pistol, schoolchildren laugh at him (one of them is little Elijah Wood). Because games that need to be played with your hands are for children. The prediction was half fulfilled. We have touchless Kinect and Wii controllers, and these are just better for kids. Most players, and these are quite adults, still have to deal with a gamepad, mouse and keyboard.

7. Bionic prosthesis

The paper edition of USA Today provides many interesting details about life in an imaginary 2015. Although for the most part the authors got it wrong: Diana, unfortunately, did not become queen, a woman was not elected president of the United States, and Switzerland does not yet have problems with terrorism. But, let's say, a report about a suspended pitcher who used his bionic arm "without calibration" in a game is not so fantastic. It's not about the pitcher - it's about the arm. The first successful tests of bionic prostheses, which are controlled by the power of thought, took place last year. Cholesterol, by the way, was also rehabilitated.

8. Large iPhone

If desired, in the film you can even see a prototype of an iPhone, or at least a mobile device for accepting payments, presumably with a display and a fingerprint sensor. This is the thing in the hand of the old man who asks Marty to donate money to repair the legendary city clock. Let's say that the device looks like an Android from 1989, but the idea is correct: a portable screen for wireless communication with the world is the main character of our time.

9. Hologram

We are not yet shown holographic advertising, like the non-existent Jaws 19. But still, this parody episode contains a hint of several popular phenomena in 2015. Endless sequels, 3D in all its forms, and perhaps the coming rise of holography itself. Let's remember performance digital Michael Jackson last summer in Las Vegas.

10. Smart glasses

During a family dinner, Marty McFly's children are wearing glasses, which they use to watch TV and appear to be chatting with friends. It all looks like Google Glass and a helmet virtual reality Oculus Rift. It is impossible to use either one or the other at the dinner table in our 2015 year, but here you just need to replace your glasses with a smartphone - and we can assume that the forecast has come true. Actually, all the power and charm of this film lies in such details, especially for the 80s and 90s, when the future in cinema more often turned into space, utopia or an apocalyptic nightmare. Here the heroes find themselves in a relatively friendly town, where, in essence, everything is the same, only little things have changed, and more cool gadgets have appeared. Cars fly, but many people also drive them. People were dressed up as utility workers, but there was always a grandfather in a cardigan and a cane. There are smart glasses, but you can read the newspaper. New technologies only further emphasize the eternal. For example, that fathers and children are sometimes separated by a gulf. However, it did not occur to the filmmakers that in 2015, a morbid passion for gadgets would cover more fathers than their children.