Summary of a golden autumn drawing lesson. Drawing lesson “Golden Autumn”. Unconventional drawing technique. Progress of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Yulia Morokova
Summary of the drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” for children of the middle group

Summary of a lesson in visual arts for middle group children.

Theme: “Golden Autumn”.

Target: strengthen the ability to draw autumn trees;



Teach children to summarize in images the results of their observations of changes in nature and social life.

Teach children to use a variety of colors (red, yellow, green, orange) in images of objects and natural phenomena.

Strengthen the ability to navigate the space of a sheet of paper: top, bottom, middle, left, right;

To strengthen in children the skill of drawing a tree with a brush (trunk - with the end of the brush and flat, branches - with the end of the brush, foliage - using the poking technique (with cotton swabs);


Foster independence, creativity, and evoke a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.

Continue to cultivate children’s evaluative attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers.

Corrective and developmental:

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop attention and visual perception;

Improve orientation on a sheet of paper.

Equipment: album sheets, watercolors, jars of water, brushes, cotton swabs, napkins, presentation “Golden Autumn”

Vocabulary work: golden, leaf fall, trunk, branches, crown (twigs with leaves)

1. Organizing time

Children enter the art room. There are leaves of different colors on the floor.

Guys, look, what is this on our floor? (leaves)

What color are the leaves? (yellow, orange, red, green)

Let's collect some leaves. Sonya will collect green leaves, Maxim - red, Yulia - orange, and Ilya - yellow. (children collect leaves).

Sonya, what color leaves did you collect? And you Maxim? What color is Yulia? Ilya's? Well done. Sit down at the tables.

Guys, what time of year is it now?

That's right, autumn. Autumn is a very beautiful time of year. Everything around is bright, the trees are dressed in gold. I really love this time of year! What signs of autumn do you know? (the trees are elegant, colorful, the leaves are falling, the birds are flying away, it’s raining, it’s getting dark earlier)

Why do you think autumn is called golden? (children answer, summing up): The trees have yellow leaves, they fall to the ground and form a golden carpet. Everything around is bright. What do we call this kind of autumn?

What is the name of the autumn phenomenon when leaves fall from trees? (leaf fall) Children repeat.

I’ll show you autumn pictures now, and you take a look. (view slides).

Look how elegant and colorful the trees are, what colors the artist used when he painted the trees (children repeat the colors)

Isn’t it very beautiful in autumn, as if a kind wizard painted everything around with bright colors. Today I invite you to become good wizards yourself and draw a golden autumn. Everyone will draw one tree, and then we’ll hang up all the drawings and see what kind of autumn it turns out to be.

Visual gymnastics “Follow the leaf”

Look how the leaf flies, follow it with your eyes, it spins, it flies to the right, to the left, the wind blows - the leaf rises up, falls, and spins in a circle again.

2. Main part

Analysis of the drawing object.

We will draw a tree in an unusual way. We will draw the tree with a brush, and the leaves with cotton swabs.

What parts does a tree consist of? (trunk, branches, leaves)

Think about where we start drawing a tree? (from the trunk)

Right. What color are we going to paint the trunk with? (brown)

Joint drawing of an adult and children, with a sequential explanation of the stages of drawing.

Now take a brush, wet it, hold the brush near the piece of iron, pick up some brown paint, and use the brush to draw a straight trunk from top to bottom, slightly moving away from the top edge of the sheet. Let's start drawing with the tip of the brush, and from the middle of the leaf we place the brush flat. The result is a tree trunk.

What else needs to be drawn to make a tree? (branches)

We draw thin branches with the tip of the brush towards the trunk. When we draw twigs on the right side, the tip of the brush points to the left, when we draw twigs on the left side, the tip points to the right.

Rinse the brushes, iron them on a napkin, and place them on a stand.

To make an autumn tree, what colors will we use to paint the leaves? (yellow, orange, red, green)

Now choose what color you will paint the leaves on your tree. You can use two colors, for example, rowan leaves can be red and orange. To do this, first draw the leaves with a stick in a light tone - orange, then in a dark tone - red. What other colors can you combine?

What color will you paint? Take two colors. (I ask everyone)

Take one stick, hold the stick vertically from top to bottom, pick up light paint and press it to the paper next to the barrel. We place the leaves only in the crown of the tree, which means only on the branches.

You can draw fallen leaves on the ground.

3. Final part.

Now we will display our drawings on the board. While they are drying, we will play with you. Handles are ready.

Finger gymnastics.

The north wind blew, blow on your fingers

blew all the leaves off the linden tree ssss - brush it with your hands as if blowing leaves

They flew, spun and sank to the ground. - smoothly lower your palms in zigzags onto the table

The rain began to knock on them drip-drip-drip - tap your fingers on the table

The hail pounded on them, the leaves pierced through everything, - knock on the table with your fists

the snow then powdered, - smooth movements back and forth with the hands

He covered them with a blanket. - press your palms firmly to the table

Analysis of works

Well done. Guys, what did we draw today?

Look what an alley of trees it turned out to be. The trees are all bright and colorful. Now look who placed the trees correctly?

Who placed the leaves on the tree correctly?

Whose work is done neatly? Let's choose which works can be sent to the exhibition? Yes, I also like this work, it was neatly done, the colors were chosen correctly.

I really liked your drawings, you are real wizards.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson for children of the middle group "Miracle - Golden Autumn!" completed by: middle group teacher Lukina E. A., Nizhny Tagil.

Summary of a lesson on drawing using leaf printing techniques for the middle group “Golden Autumn” Program objectives: 1. To introduce children to a new type of visual technique - “Plant Printing”. 2. Develop children's artistic vision.

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing using the “printmaking” method for the middle group “Autumn plays with colors” Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing for the middle group. Topic: “Autumn plays with colors” Author of the lesson: teacher Abramenko Yulia.

Objectives: 1. Continue to introduce objects of Khokhloma painting. Introduce the type of Khokhloma painting “grass” and its elements: “sedge”.

Drawing lesson notes

in the preparatory group

Theme: “Golden Autumn”


MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 9"

Software tasks:

Develop skills in drawing trees using different techniques. Develop skills in perceiving the figurative language of landscape painting, poetry and music. Develop coherent speech when viewing and analyzing pictures.

Progress of the lesson:

A man with a maple leaf tied to a string flies into the group of children.

Children pay attention to the ball.

Educates: Guys, this is not just a ball, look at something written here.

(children read together)

Guys, I invite you to my gallery for an exhibition of paintings.

Best regards, Autumn!

Guys, this is an invitation.

What is this, a gallery of paintings?

The place where paintings by famous artists are kept.

Yes, a gallery is a collection of paintings where everyone can come and admire the painting art of various famous artists.

But this gallery is special, since Autumn itself invited us.

Guys, what paintings do you expect to see at the exhibition?

Various, about autumn.

Then we go to the gallery

How should guys behave?

(go down to the music room)

The hall is decorated in an autumn style, on easels there are paintings by famous artists “Golden Autumn” Isak Ilyich Levitan

"Gold autumn. Slobodka" Levitan

“Red Oak” Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar

“Golden Autumn” Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov on multimedia close-up.

Look guys, how beautiful and elegant it is here, how many paintings there are, let's take a closer look at this landscape on the screen. What does she remind you of?

Grove. Forest.

Remember we went on an excursion to the grove.

Close your eyes and imagine that we are back in our grove. What do you see

Dry yellow, orange, red, purple fallen leaves

Trees in golden decoration, bushes.

Educate: Guys, what does autumn smell like, inhale the smells.

Children: leaves, rotten grass, mushrooms, viburnum and rose hips, moss, autumn rain, forest freshness.

Let's get some fresh air (breathing exercises)

Guys, let's lift a maple branch and go deep into the grove and see and listen to what's going on?

What do you hear?

The rustle of dry leaves underfoot

The sound of raindrops

Magpie chirps

Light rustling of the breeze

Breath of Mist

The frog jumped and... etc.

Look carefully, who do you see in this clearing?

We see two forties, they are talking about something or sharing something.

Children's fantasies

We see grass strewn with colorful leaves

The hedgehog ran across and hid in the leaves

A lizard or a family of mushrooms.

Guys, what kind of trees surround us?

Maples, birches, viburnum bushes, bird cherry, rose hips

Guys, let's sit down in the autumn forest clearing and listen to music.

(“autumn”, from the series “Seasons”)

Children listen and fantasize.


What is the mood of the music?

Children's answers (sad, sad, dreary)

What did you imagine with the music (children's answers)

Yes, there is a light, slight sadness in the music.

This is how the composer felt “Golden Autumn”

Guys, do you recognize this music, who wrote it?

Children: Tchaikovsky.

Educates: Guys, this picture is already familiar to us, (I bring the children to the picture in a beautifully decorated frame) it’s called...

"Gold autumn"

And Isaac Ilyich Levitan wrote

Conversation on the picture

How did the artist Levitan feel when he painted “Golden Autumn”

Children: I felt the slight sadness of the passing summer and the solemnity of the colors of nature’s autumn.

What colors express joy?

Yellow, orange, yellow-brown, gold. Lemon.

What colors express sadness?

Blue, blue, purple.

Yes, the artist conveyed joy with warm colors (yellow, orange, brownish-yellow), but he also used less cold tones.

What is more in the picture, sky or earth?

Earth. The artist really liked the beauty of the autumn land. Autumn nature. So he drew more land.

Therefore, looking at the picture, what do we feel?

And the joy of the lush beauty of nature, and at the same time the slight sadness of saying goodbye to summer.

Educate: This is how the artist was able to talk about Autumn.

And here's what the poet said about this time of year

"It's a sad time!

Eyes charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty

I love nature's lush withering

Forests clad in scarlet and gold

Child: Leaf fall. Ivan Bunin

The forest looks like a painted tower

Lilac gold, crimson

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.....

Choose a friend with whom you would like to walk through the autumn park and look at the autumn landscapes. (disperse to the paintings)

Children stand in groups near the selected paintings -

Look at the landscape

What would you call this painting? Why?

What kind of sky is in your picture?

What leaves?

What's unusual in your paintings?

What do your paintings have in common? (autumn)

How can you tell about autumn in your painting, what it is like?

Game "Continue the sentence"

Continue the sentence: when I look at the picture...

Guys, today you can also paint your own unique picture of Autumn and decorate the exhibition with your works

Children sit down and start drawing (during the work, they freely choose the necessary material - sponges, if necessary, cotton swabs, newsprint for printing the drawing, etc.)

Guys, we only have 6 colors, how can you get other colors?

You can mix paints on a palette

Yellow and red make orange

If you mix red and add a little green, will it work?

(children are experimenting)

If we add a little red to blue, will we get it?

Use palettes to create your own autumn colors and shades

At the end of their work, children give names to the paintings and clean up their workspaces.

Prepared by: teacher of MBDOU "Bell" Noyabrsk Svetlana Borisovna Gatsko
Program content: Teach children to create an autumn landscape, depict objects in a plot drawing on a wide strip of land, placing them closer and further away. Fill the entire sheet of paper with the image. The crown of the trees is represented by an imprint of crumpled paper. Strengthen drawing skills in an unconventional way, by drawing thin branches with the end of a brush. To develop skills in using rational techniques when drawing homogeneous objects (first draw all the trunks and branches of the trees, then the foliage on all the trees). Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness, and bring the work started to completion.
Correctional tasks: Develop visual and auditory perception, general and fine motor skills, development of cognitive interests, improvement of vocabulary.
Vocabulary work: Golden, autumn, October, trees, crown, foliage, turn yellow, blush, fall.
Materials: Teacher's sample, gouache paints, brush No. 4, blue sheets of paper with a pre-drawn wide strip of earth, grass (the children painted with watercolors with wide brushes the day before the lesson). Stamp pads soaked in yellow-orange and red gouache. Lumps of crumpled paper, wet wipes; character Dunno.
Preliminary work: Examination of the reproduction of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”. Reading poems about autumn by A.S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheeva; listening to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "October. Autumn song." Reading The works “Falling Leaves” by I. Sokolov - Mikitov, “Forest in Autumn” by A. Tvardovsky; excursion to the autumn park, conversation about autumn, singing songs, asking riddles; drawing an autumn tree; making paper balls.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment (I offer training - attitude)
We're all together
We'll start class soon.
Our ears are on top of our heads,
The eyes are wide open.
We listen, we remember,
We don't waste a minute.
Children love to observe nature
To then draw what he saw.
2. Introduction to the topic:
Guys, listen to the riddle, guessing it, you will find out the topic of our lesson.
In the morning we go to the yard,
Leaves are falling like rain.
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly.
- What time of year is the riddle about? (about autumn)
But how the poet A.S. Pushkin said about this time of year:
It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature.
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...
The poet found such beautiful and heartfelt words about the golden autumn. What about the artists? Many artists like to paint forests and parks on clear autumn days. They choose bright colors for their paintings. They paint a blue sky, dark tree trunks, next to which yellow, orange and red leaves seem especially bright. The pictures turn out to be joyful.
3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson:
- Today we will also draw a park on a clear autumn day.
There is a knock on the door and Dunno comes in.
- Hello guys! I accidentally heard that you would draw and I really wanted to come to your class, because I still don’t know how to draw trees. Will you teach me?
- Shall we teach the guys Dunno?
- Yes.
- Pull the sheets of paper towards you. The sheets already have blue sky and a wide strip of earth (grass). On such a strip of land you can draw trees that grow in different places - some closer, others further. If the tree is close, where will you draw it? What if further? To have time to draw three or four trees, first draw the trunks and branches of all the trees; and then you will draw foliage (crown) on all the trees. Draw trees tall. Try to draw so that your entire sheet is filled with images.
(partial image of tree shown)
- And we will learn to draw foliage (crown) using a print of crumpled paper.
(I show on pre-drawn trees how to draw foliage - using the imprint method).
- We will dip lumps of crumpled paper into a pad soaked in paint and apply a light stamp on the trees. (There is no need to wet the lumps too much).
Dunno: “How interesting, can I do this?”
- Look and remember. This way you can quickly draw tree foliage. (But you have to try to draw carefully). There are also leaves on the ground, draw them in the same way. Now you can start drawing yourself. Where will you start drawing?
- From drawing trunks and branches.
- Next, drawing leaves on trees and ground.
4. Practical activities:
- Let's draw the outline of a tree on a piece of paper. (children draw)
- Well done, you did it, you can paint with paint.
You, Dunno, stand here and watch how the children draw. (children draw to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “October. Autumn Song”. I watch how the children master the wide expanse of the earth in the drawing. I show those who need it on a sheet of paper certain technical drawing techniques).
5. Physical exercise:

Exercise “Leaves are Falling”

Leaves are falling, falling,

In our garden the leaves are falling,

Yellow, red leaves,

They curl and fly in the wind.

Let's take each basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

The stumps and paths smell,

Delicious autumn fungus.

(Children perform movements, according to the text, in a circle)

6. Continuation of practical activities:

Those who complete the task early can be advised to draw paths in the park, benches, the sun, and mushrooms. During the lesson, Dunno passes between the children and encourages them, giving them some advice.

7. Analysis of children's works:

Ask: “Can you find out what time of year is shown in the pictures? How did you know it was autumn? Which autumn day is depicted - clear or cloudy? How can you tell about this from your drawings? (blue sky, bright foliage). Can what you depicted be called “golden autumn”? Why is it possible? Confirm the children’s statements that their drawings contain the most yellow and orange colors, which resemble the color of gold.

I invite the children (one at a time) to place Dunno near the most beautiful place in the autumn park and tell them why it is attractive (what kind of trees grow, what foliage is on them, what else is interesting in this place).

Play with children's drawings with figures of wild animals and birds that may live in the park. They play together with Dunno. Then Dunno thanks the children for teaching him how to draw autumn trees. Children give one drawing as a souvenir to Dunno. Dunno says goodbye and leaves.

Pyatachenko Anastasia Sergeevna, teacher, MKDOU "Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 5"

Goals: teach children to reflect impressions of golden autumn.

Strengthen the skill draw deciduous trees, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown, color. Use different brush techniques (all lint and end). Develop creativity.

Preliminary work. Examining trees, collecting leaves and fruits. Acquaintance with reproductions of paintings by I. I. Levitan, V. Vasnetsov.

Materials. Sheets of white paper, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins. Reproduction of a painting by I. Levitan "Birch Grove".

  1. Introduction to the topic.

Educator. Guys, listen to the riddle, the answer to which will tell you the topic of our conversation.

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves

Children:. (autumn)

Educator. What impressions did you have after the walk? What emotions and feelings did you experience from what you saw?

What changes in nature occurred with the advent of autumn?

Children. (It’s getting colder, it’s raining, birds are flying away, leaves are turning yellow and falling).

Educator. That's right, guys. The wind blew and leaves fell from the trees. What is this time called? autumn?

Children. (Leaf fall.)

Educator. Guys, let's look at the picture by I. Levitan "Birch Grove". Many famous artists - like Shishkin, Levitan, Vasnetsov loved draw nature. They chose very beautiful places, admired them themselves and shared their joy with us, drawing beautiful pictures.

They studied for a long time and every day a lot painted. But even real artists did not immediately learn paint.

Educator. What time of year did the artist depict? (Golden autumn) .

Why autumn at this time they call gold? (Because yellow leaves are like gold when they sparkle on autumn sun.)

Physical education minute.

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind

And the children rustle quietly under their feet.

(Running in place on your toes, waving your arms)

And swaying smoothly, they lead a round dance.

And wind autumn sings a song to them.

(Smooth swings of the body and arms raised up, right - left.)

So today we will try to convey the impressions that we saw on our walk.

Educator. Let's compare how trees are similar and how they differ from each other.

Children. (By the shape and thickness of the trunk, crown shape, color).

Educator. We'll have a trunk paint with all bristles of the brush, and the branches - the tip,

Now each of you draw your own picture. « Golden autumn» .

At the end of the work, review the drawings with the children and offer to choose the most expressive ones.

Program content: introduce children to a new drawing technique - leaf printing, strengthen children's ability to carefully use paint when working, develop imagination, creativity, fine motor skills; cultivate interest in the drawing process.

Creative development . To promote the development of creativity in the process of completing a creative task and creating a landscape using a variety of techniques and materials.

Integration of educational areas : “artistic creativity”, “music”, “cognition”, “communication”.

Materials : tinted album sheets, paints, gouache, jars of water, charcoal, cotton swabs, oilcloths, napkins, brushes, autumn leaves.

Preliminary work : conversation with children about autumn and autumn phenomena, viewing a painting by a famous artist: I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”; reading poems about autumn, watching trees while walking.


Educator : Guys, look at the album I have.( Opening an empty album). Oh, but there is not a single drawing in it. And I really wanted to have an interesting and beautiful album! Can you help me draw autumn landscapes?

Children : Yes.

There is a knock on the door - a chest appears in the group unnoticed.

Educator : What is this?

Children : Chest.

Educator : Who could send it to us?( Autumn paper leaves are glued to the chest) There is a mystery here.

The forest has stripped,
Ask the sky
This time of year is...

Educator : But the chest does not open. What to do? Can you read us a poem about autumn?

Reading an autumn poem.

Educator : Still won't open. And here is a mystery. Probably if we guess the riddle, the chest will open. Mystery. They grow in summer and fall in autumn. What is this? ( Leaf).

Educator: You guessed it! So the chest opened.

I open the chest, and there are autumn leaves.

Educator : What can you do with them?

Children's answers.

Educator : Let's draw a landscape with them. And then I will have a big album that all children and parents can watch.

Educator: Guys, look what the leaf looks like.

Children : On a tree.

Educator : Let's print several trees with them - paint a leaf from the tree with gouache or paint and make an imprint so that its trace remains on the paper, draw a trunk with charcoal, and draw a lot of flying autumn leaves with cotton swabs. What else can we draw for our landscape?

Children : Sky, sun.

Showing the progress of the work.

Practical part.

Independent work.

Educator : What beautiful drawings we got. Now we will have a large and beautiful album, and we will admire our drawings.

The article is published in the author's edition.