How to take a spermogram correctly. Why do they take a spermogram? What to do if the spermogram results are bad

The first thing the doctor recommends is a semen analysis, which allows you to identify problems. A spermogram determines the motility and number of sperm in the ejaculate, as well as the presence of infections and diseases, which can also cause disturbances in a man’s reproductive function.


In order to pass this test, you must follow some rules for 3-4 days. You should avoid medications and alcoholic beverages for this period. Beer should also not be consumed, even if it replaces water. It is also necessary to exclude sexual intercourse on these days. Then the results of the analysis will be more objective. In case of pathological changes in the semen, it is recommended to repeat the spermogram for a more detailed consideration of the situation.
Two or three times at intervals of several weeks.

How to take it

There are several options for obtaining sperm for analysis. But masturbation is optimal for objectivity. Despite the fact that men like this method the least, doctors strongly recommend it, since sperm from a condom, reacting with its components, can give a distorted analysis result. Also, the method with interrupted coitus is not the best. In this case, the partner’s cells become part of the seed, which also reduces the accuracy of the indicators.

It should be noted that no more than an hour should pass from the moment of ejaculation to the analysis. The optimal temperature to ensure the life of sperm is 20-36 degrees. Otherwise, they die very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to take a spermogram in the room where the laboratory is located. In this case, you will not need to worry about transportation.
It is very important that the entire ejaculate gets into the laboratory glassware, since the loss of even a small part of it can lead to a distorted research result.

The loss of the first portion is especially undesirable.

Men's fears

Despite the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless, many men have doubts and fear before donating sperm. The thought that someone will see and find out, or the fact that there will be a line out the door, can discourage you from going to the clinic. But it should be remembered that problems with conception can be associated with both women and men. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor, but get down to business right away. The time that was wasted on unreasonable fears could have been put to good use.

Approximately 15% of couples worldwide are unable to conceive due to infertility. Moreover, in half of the cases the cause of childlessness is the male factor. To establish or refute a man’s inability to fertilize, a spermogram is performed.

Laboratory testing allows you to determine the cause of infertility and detect diseases of the genitourinary organs and prostate gland. The reliability of the analysis depends on preliminary preparation and compliance with the rules on the eve of the delivery of the ejaculate sample. How to prepare for a spermogram? How to pass the test well and what is prohibited to do before taking a spermogram?

Why do you need to take a spermogram?

A spermogram is a comprehensive analysis of ejaculate, during which the qualitative and quantitative composition of sperm is determined. The latter is examined by an andrologist.

There are two types of spermogram: simple and extended. Ejaculate analysis is done in several stages:

  • first, the macroscopic properties of the semen are studied (total sperm volume, viscosity, acidity, color, liquefaction time);
  • then the number of sperm is counted, their concentration, motility, Kruger appearance, structure and pathology are calculated;
  • The indicator of leukocytes and other elements of seminal fluid is determined.

The results obtained are compared with standard numbers. In case of deviation from the norm, one should not rush to conclusions that the man is infertile. A comprehensive health assessment is performed to confirm infertility. Examination of seminal fluid for preventive purposes makes it possible to detect pathology at the beginning of its development. If the disease is treated in a timely manner, problems regarding conception and health in general can be prevented.

How long does it take to wait for a spermogram result? The analysis is done quickly, the results of the study can be found out in 1–3 hours.

Indications for the procedure

Why do you need a spermogram? Men often provide a semen sample when there is a suspicion of fertility problems or when artificial fertilization of the egg is necessary. Sperm analysis is recommended if a couple has failed to conceive a child despite regular sexual activity and the absence of contraceptives for a year.

A spermogram is also a mandatory test in the case of sperm donation. In addition, the analysis is taken in the following situations:

  • when planning pregnancy;
  • after testicular injury;
  • with varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  • if surgery is necessary or in case of complications after surgery;
  • in the treatment of various diseases (pathologies of the genitourinary or endocrine system, infectious and inflammatory diseases, intoxication);
  • for oncology;
  • for sperm cryopreservation.

Often, a negative result from a spermogram occurs due to improper preparation for the study. In such situations, the analysis is repeated after two weeks. There are also contraindications to performing a spermogram:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • inflammatory process in the bladder;
  • increased body temperature;
  • flu or cold;
  • stress, nervous system disorder;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs.

Preparation and delivery rules

Preparing for a spermogram involves following a number of rules. The reliability of the spermogram directly depends on whether the man adheres to the requirements regarding the provision of a sperm sample. In order for the material delivery procedure to proceed correctly, you should follow the recommendations:

  • prevent the entry of toxins into the body;
  • in case of an infectious disease, inflammation of the genitourinary organs (prostatitis, vesiculitis, orchitis), you must undergo a course of treatment and wait at least 14 days after its completion;
  • observe sexual abstinence for four days before the spermogram;
  • if a man was taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs, it is better to carry out the procedure after 3 months;
  • you cannot visit saunas and steam baths for ten days before the procedure, or lie in a hot bath;
  • It is allowed to eat before the analysis, but it is better to eat food 2-3 hours before;
  • After massaging the prostate gland, it is recommended to wait a week before donating sperm for analysis;
  • 4 days before the procedure you need to give up alcoholic beverages, strong coffee, and not eat fatty, fried, spicy foods, sweets and flour products;
  • do not use nicotine for at least several hours before donating seminal fluid;
  • physical and mental fatigue must be avoided.

Procedure at home and in the office

The question of how to take a spermogram worries any man who is faced with the need to check his seminal fluid. Naturally, such research is unpleasant for men and often takes place in a tense atmosphere.

Before going for analysis, it is better to find out under what conditions the material is collected by asking the nurse in detail about it. Most often, a semen sample must be obtained from the building where the laboratory is located. To do this, the man is taken to a special room, where he can retire and, through masturbation, collect the material in a container. The room must contain photos and videos of an erotic nature that help a man relax and achieve ejaculation.

Most couples wonder whether it is possible to collect sperm in a jar at home and then bring it to the laboratory or go to the medical center with the wife so that she can help obtain a sample. It all depends on the laboratory where the couple turns. Most medical institutions do not prevent spouses from having privacy when collecting material, but there are a number of restrictions. A sample obtained after ejaculation as a result of oral sex or interrupted sexual intercourse is not suitable for a spermogram.

The laboratory allows collecting sperm in a container at home in exceptional cases. This is due to the fact that the sample must be delivered to the medical center no later than 30–40 minutes after ejaculation, since the study of the seminal fluid must occur within an hour. The slightest delay will affect sperm liquefaction and other indicators. The sample must be transported at a temperature range from 27 to 36 degrees, and excessive shaking is unacceptable. To collect the material, be sure to take a sterile container.

Seminal fluid must be collected in a special plastic or glass container; a condom cannot be used for this purpose. The use of lubricants and lubricants is also prohibited. All seminal fluid should be collected, and collection of material from clothing, skin and objects is prohibited.

Before collecting the sample, it is necessary to carry out hygienic measures, empty the bladder and intestines. You can urinate 10–15 minutes before collecting the material.

To get the most complete picture, experts recommend taking the test several times over two months. If the result is negative, do not be upset right away, as it may be temporary. To exclude immunological fertility, in addition to a spermogram, it is recommended to take a MAP test.

Is it necessary to abstain before the test?

Before taking a spermogram, you need to prepare. The analysis is taken under the condition of sexual abstinence. Abstinence is mandatory and why is it necessary? Abstinence before examining seminal fluid is of great importance - the reliability of the result directly depends on the fulfillment of this condition. A man needs to abstain for about 3–7 days. The number of days varies depending on the requirements of different clinics. This implies the absence of any types of sex and masturbation.

During the period when a man abstained from sex, sperm activity will increase significantly. However, if you abstain for too long, for two weeks or more, there is a risk of obtaining a false result.

What should you not do before taking the test?

The viability of sperm depends on many different factors, in particular the health of the man and his lifestyle. If a man smokes and abuses alcohol, the reproductive cells become less mobile, and after a while so-called mutant sperm appear, which makes fertilization of the egg simply impossible.

It is imperative to prepare before taking the test, otherwise the study is pointless, and the result will be a dubious result. In addition, you cannot donate sperm for analysis in the following situations:

  • toxic poisoning (drugs, alcohol, medications and chemicals) - the study is carried out no earlier than a couple of months;
  • overheating of the scrotum (the optimal temperature for sperm is 32 degrees);
  • lack of sexual abstinence or, on the contrary, too long a period of the latter;
  • prostate massage - the study is not carried out for at least five days, since the procedure stimulates the production of ejaculate.

A spermogram is a test often used in urological practice, which allows one to determine a man’s ability to conceive based on the composition of sperm and to suspect certain diseases of the genitourinary system. How is the analysis collected and what results can be obtained?

It's not scary

What is it?

Analysis room

On the appointed day, the man comes to the laboratory and goes through the registration procedure with the medical staff. The nurse provides a container for biological fluid - a special sterile container with a lid. The man washes his hands, washes himself and retires to a special room, in which, if possible, suitable conditions have been created for taking a spermogram - nothing medical, soft sofas, erotic magazines.

Through masturbation, the patient receives sperm - and all of it, from the first to the last drop, must be caught in a container. The closed jar must be given to the laboratory assistant. The study of the obtained material begins immediately, since the properties of sperm change over time. The analysis result will be ready on the same or the next day.

Biomaterial for is collected in a similar way. This test allows you to clarify the causative agent of the infection and its susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs. Sowing takes 3-7 days.

3 most frequently asked questions about the procedure

Is it possible to collect material at home?

Conversation with the doctor

Some laboratories allow collection of sperm at home, but then the jar with the contents must be delivered to the laboratory assistant within 40-60 minutes after ejaculation, otherwise the test result is unreliable. It is advisable to use sterile pharmaceutical containers for testing. During transportation, the sample cannot be overheated or overcooled: the temperature should be within 20-37C, that is, from room temperature to body temperature.

Is it possible to collect the material in a condom and then transfer it to a container?

No, because when sperm comes into contact with latex and the “lubricant” of the condom, a chemical reaction occurs and the test results are distorted.

Is it possible to collect material through interrupted coitus?

No, because components of the partner’s vaginal secretions may get into the biological material. There is also a risk of losing the first drops of ejaculate.

Preparing for the test

What needs to be done to ensure that the results are as reliable as possible and that the test does not have to be repeated due to defects in the collection of biomaterial?

Quitting bad habits

  • Avoid any sexual contact 3-4 days before the test. If abstinence is less than 3 days, the amount of ejaculate is not enough for diagnosis, and if more than 7 days, there will be a lot of abnormal sperm in the sample.
  • During the period of abstinence before the test, any alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Tobacco smoking, excessive physical activity, and psycho-emotional stress also negatively affect the results of the analysis.
  • If you are taking any medications regularly, tell your doctor. If possible, they should also be abandoned on the eve of the examination.
  • You cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, or sunbathe. Replace the bath with a hygienic shower.
  • Do not take a spermogram against the background of ARVI, intestinal disorder or other acute infectious diseases.
  • You cannot collect material directly after prostate massage.
    As a rule, diagnosis requires 2-3 repetitions of the spermogram with an interval of 2-4 weeks between samples. After a course of treatment for prostatitis, a follow-up examination is also required. If deviations from the norm are found in at least one sample, the rules for taking a spermogram must be strictly observed.

Indications for the test

A spermogram is prescribed in the following cases:

  • examination of an infertile couple;
  • suspicion of prostatitis, prostate adenoma;
  • suspicion of diseases of the testicles, seminal vesicles;
  • sperm donation planning;
  • sperm conservation planning;
  • preparation for assisted fertilization technologies - IVF and ICSI.

Analysis results

More than 50 characteristics can be determined from a semen sample. Here are the most important ones:

Research Analysis
  • amount of ejaculate;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • acidity;
  • liquefaction time;
  • viscosity;
  • the number of sperm in the entire ejaculate and in 1 ml;
  • determination of the proportion of mobile, living and anatomically normal forms;
  • the presence of leukocytes, erythrocytes, prostate epithelial cells, bacteria, mucus in the ejaculate;
  • the presence of amyloid bodies;
  • assessment of agglutination (sticking).

Most of these parameters are used to diagnose male infertility. It is impossible to establish a diagnosis of prostatitis from one spermogram - only to see signs of inflammation in the genitourinary system and refer the patient for further examination.

  • urine tests - general, three-glass test, etc.;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • smear from the lumen of the urethra;
  • PCR diagnostics of sexually transmitted infections;
  • transrectal ultrasound (TRUS);
  • cystoscopy;
  • computed tomography (CT), etc.

Spermogram and prostatitis

The prostate gland produces a special secretion that facilitates the sliding of sperm and urine through the urethra. It has an alkaline reaction, which allows you to neutralize the acidity of urine and keep the germ cells in the sperm intact and unharmed. More than half of the ejaculate consists of this liquid. That is why with prostatitis there is a decrease in the amount of sperm up to a dry orgasm and male infertility appears in the very early stages.

What changes in sperm should push a man to the urologist’s office?

Conversation with the doctor
  1. or orgasm during intimacy.
  2. The sperm changes its milky white color to yellow, greenish, pink or brown.
  3. The ejaculate has an unpleasant odor.
  4. Sperm is absolutely transparent or, on the contrary, it contains clots like lumps in semolina or threads.

What changes in the spermogram are typical for inflammation in the prostate gland?
Pyospermia – “pus in semen” – detection of more than 1 million leukocytes in 1 ml in a sample.
Bacteriospermia is the presence of more than 103 CFU in 1 ml of microorganisms in a sample. Both of these deviations can also be detected in orchitis, vesiculitis, urethritis, etc.
Hemospermia is an impurity.

Distinguish between true and false. With false hemospermia, an admixture of fresh blood obtained from microtrauma during sexual intercourse is detected in the biomaterial. The sperm portion has a pink tint. The causes of true hemospermia are inflammatory and oncological diseases of the genitourinary system. In this case, the sample is colored brown, chocolate.

Asthenozoospermia – sperm immobility. It occurs as a result of chronic inflammation caused by exposure to toxic (alcohol, tobacco, occupational hazards) or infectious factors. The most common cause is chronic prostatitis.
Oligozoospermia is an insufficient number of sperm in the ejaculate, less than 20 million per 1 ml.

Teratozoospermia is an excess of anatomically defective germ cells incapable of fertilizing an egg.

Only a doctor will give a detailed conclusion on the test results.
The need to take a spermogram can be psychologically stressful for men. However, this simple and very informative examination allows for early detection of many pathologies of the intimate sphere and excretory system. Early diagnosis is the key to successfully solving health problems.

As it was believed since ancient times, every man in his life should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. But not every man is able to fulfill all three commandments. Difficulties arise from the main thing - conceiving a child. The reason for this is an unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to the emergence and development of reproductive diseases.

A couple who has been unable to conceive a child for a long time should consult a specialist to identify the reasons. The doctor will prescribe an individual examination for both women and men. The main test for a man is a spermogram.

Purpose of spermogram and its indications

What is a spermogram and why is it performed? This question worries every man when taking an analysis. So, spermogram - analysis, with which you can determine various deviations in the quality and quantity of sperm from the norm. A spermogram is carried out to identify pathologies and urological diseases of the patient. This method is also the main analysis that clearly shows a man’s ability to fertilize a woman’s egg.

Before you decided to take a spermogram, you need to visit a urologist or andrologist. It is he who will advise you of a good clinic with a laboratory and write out a referral for testing. It is important that this analysis takes place in a special medical laboratory, where there is equipment to determine all sperm parameters.

Each man is individual and therefore has his own norm, but there are medical indicators that doctors work on. This analysis includes:

A spermogram is not only taken as prescribed by a doctor, but also voluntarily, for preventive purposes. Although not all men decide to undergo this analysis, since it is a specific study and is not entirely convenient when collecting material.

Some rules to follow before taking the test:

  • abstaining from sexual intercourse for 3–5 days;
  • refusal of baths, saunas and hot baths;
  • exclude the use of alcoholic and energy drinks, as well as medications;
  • Stress and heavy physical activity are undesirable.

To get a correct and accurate analysis result, you must follow all the rules, as they affect the quality and activity of sperm.

Possible options for taking a spermogram

Ideal option that suits for sperm donation- masturbation. This method of obtaining sperm is recommended not only by specialists, but also by WHO (World Health Organization). Obtaining sperm for spermogram analysis is best done in a clinic, because the doctor will be able to immediately begin diagnostics after liquefying the ejaculate.

To collect material a disposable plastic sterile container is used, the neck of which is widened. This is done to facilitate sperm collection. Typically the volume of such a container is 50 milliliters. Some clinics allow the use of glass jars, but with a warning that they must first be boiled for 10 minutes. Before starting the procedure, you must empty your bladder. Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, so before you start taking the test, you should thoroughly wash your hands and genitals, rinse well to remove any soap residue and wipe dry.

There may be cases when spermogram is taken in a special clinic through interrupted sexual intercourse. This method is of poor quality because the first part of the sperm may be lost in the process. This part of the ejaculate is very important for analysis, since it contains the main amount of sperm. As a result, you can get incorrect test results due to impurities from the female vagina.

Testing using a condom is not allowed. This leads to the fact that sperm that have had close contact with latex lose their motility within 10–15 minutes.

The patient can collect material at home, if the collected sperm is delivered to a specialist within an hour. Those who wish are given a special container at the clinic for transporting the material. When using this method, a man must know some nuances:

  • sterile glassware;
  • save all allocated material;
  • avoid exposure of sperm to sunlight;
  • prevent hypothermia of sperm.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is recommended to take a semen analysis several times.

In some clinics for sperm collection There are special rooms in which a man can retire and calmly collect ejaculate. This is facilitated by soft sofas and illustrated magazines, which stimulate the occurrence of an erection, which facilitates the collection of material. During sperm collection, the patient should not touch the lid of the container with his genitals. This protects the sperm from bacteria and dirt from the skin.

After collecting sperm, you should not shake off the remaining sperm into the container, as this also entails introduction of infection or bacteria from the skin of the fingers. If the patient wishes to donate sperm for bacterial culture, then it must be purchased at a pharmacy, where it is sterilely processed. The ejaculate should be protected from temperature changes: not lower than +20 and not higher than +40 degrees. Hypothermia or overheating of seminal fluid leads to the death of sperm.

On the container with the obtained material for analysis, you should indicate your personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, age, time of receipt of the ejaculate and the date of its collection.

How a man can improve his sperm quality on his own

For spermogram readings such factors influence, such as a disordered lifestyle, the presence of urological and sexually transmitted diseases. If these diseases cannot be prevented and cannot be cured in time, then you can increase the activity and quality of sperm on your own without the help of specialists.

This requires exclude from your daily diet fatty foods rich in animal fats and replace them with healthy foods, for example, increasing the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to stop smoking, alcohol and taking medications that contain a potent antibiotic. It is advisable to start an active life, namely spend more time in the fresh air and, if possible, do exercises.

Pay attention to the scope and activities of your work. Don't sit for a long time at the computer and try to avoid stressful situations and negative impressions. Oddly enough, a man’s reproductive function is also affected by a mobile phone. If you often carry it in your trouser pocket, then its radiation can negatively affect the male seed.

A room in the laboratory for collecting a sperm sample. The door closes from the inside.

It is not recommended to use interrupted coitus to collect sperm. Contact with latex and condom lubricant can reduce sperm motility. This will lead to unreliable spermogram results.

Motility is also affected by the sample storage temperature from collection to the start of the study. If the temperature changes or goes beyond critical values, it will slow down sperm production. Asthenozoospermia is a pathological ejaculate in which. And mobility is one of the 3 most important characteristics of ejaculate fertility. Correcting low mobility is a real healing process. And in order to start it, the doctor must be sure that the recorded mobility is real.

“Can I take a spermogram together with my wife/partner?”

Our clients can share the sample collection room with their wife or partner if that is more convenient for them. This is a personal matter for each couple. To ensure the reliability of the results, follow the collection rules: do not use interrupted coitus and a condom.