Human chakras and their opening, harmonization, cleansing. Balanced state of energy in the chakras

The Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for feelings of love and hate, sympathy and antipathy; it fills the human etheric body with energy. Unlike muladhara, the sacral chakra is softer, somewhat feminine. In this article I will tell you how to develop the svadhisthana chakra and normalize its functioning.

The sacral chakra is located in the pelvic area, between the navel and the pubic bone, 3-4 centimeters below the navel. Jealousy, suspicion, and dependence on carnal pleasures indicate improper functioning of the second chakra. I have already talked about this in more detail. Be sure to follow the link if you haven’t read it yet.

The opening of the svadhisthana chakra is carried out in several ways, which together make it possible to achieve good results. These include meditation, chanting a mantra and activation through points on the hands and feet.

The sacral chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs through which svadhisthana is activated.

These points are marked in the figure - see photo.

Sit comfortably on the floor or fitness mat. Try to sit with your back straight. Let's start working with the feet.

Massage with your thumb right hand clockwise to the active point on the right foot. At the same time, use the finger of your left hand to place a point on your left foot. If you can’t work with two points at once, perform the actions one by one.

During the exercise, breathing is rhythmic. Inhale, then mentally count to 5. Then exhale. Count to 5 again. Inhale again... and so on.

First way. As you inhale, imagine an orange ray of light entering the points on each foot. Then this light rises higher up the legs, passes through the entire body to the shoulders and down the arms to the thumbs.

As you exhale, observe how the orange light from your thumbs moves to the active points on your feet. Continue doing the exercise for 5-10 minutes.

Second way. Visualize an orange beam of light entering your feet with each inhalation, filling the points on your feet with orange light.

After working with your feet, move on to working with active points on your hands. Massage them clockwise. First a point on the right, then on the left hand.

This exercise helps open the svadhisthana chakra if it is blocked and helps normalize its functioning.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditating on svadhisthana. Take a pose while sitting on a chair. Straighten your shoulders so that your spine is straight.

Breathe to the count of 5 as described above for a few minutes. Continue this breathing.

  1. As you inhale, imagine an orange beam of light entering through your feet, moving up your body, and finally entering your sacral chakra.
  2. As you exhale, visualize the orange light moving from the chakra into your aura.

When performing the exercise, you need to concentrate on svadhisthana; try to feel this chakra in your body. You may experience slight vibration or heat in the area.

The duration of the exercise is at least 5 minutes, it will help open the second chakra.

Correspondence between chakra and element

The Sacral Chakra corresponds to the element of the Water element, which is necessary for every person to live. Water is represented on the planet by rains, they spill onto the ground, fill streams and rivers, and then flow into the seas and oceans. Water circulates, evaporating from reservoirs and again raining on the ground.

The water element promotes healing and healing. It is no coincidence that water resorts and spa treatments are especially popular.

In Indian tradition, the lotus flower is a symbol of human spiritual development.

Its roots are immersed in the silt and mud of the reservoir, but the flower makes its way up through the thickness of the muddy water, opening under the rays of the sun.

In the same way, a person is immersed in the “muddy water” of his mind and accumulated fatigue. Our task is to rise above egoistic desires like a lotus flower, and then the higher “I”, the higher consciousness can bloom in the rays of spiritual light.

The delightful lotus of the spiritual “I” will appear on the surface of the water only when the inner dirt is washed away.


Take any comfortable meditation position. The only condition is a straight back. Imagine the sun rising and the beginning of the day. Direct your inner gaze to the pond in which the roots of the lotus flower are immersed.

They grow from the mud and silt at the bottom of the pond. Think about situations in your life when you experienced feelings of helplessness and fear.

Visualize how the strength of the lotus roots helps the flower push up through the murky water, giving it the opportunity to open on the surface of the water. We also sometimes need such strength to get out of difficult situations. life situations- from delusions and chaos, the cause of which we ourselves became.

Imagine how beautiful flower lotus blossoms under the rays of the morning sun. The protective dark petals fall away, and the lotus appears before us in all its glory.

The same thing happens spiritual development person - thanks to him it peels off protective layer, and our higher self can reveal itself.

If the lotus blooms prematurely, when the “spiritual sun” is not warm enough, it may fade. Therefore, one should not rush on the path of spiritual development. Listen to your intuition.

But when the sun gains strength and rises above the horizon, its warm rays will help the delicate lotus bud to open.

During meditation, imagine how your spiritual development is happening, how your beautiful lotus is blooming.

This meditation promotes immersion in the element of Water and, therefore, working through the svadhisthana chakra.

Mantra for the second chakra

Before performing exercises with mantras, you need to work on your breathing. To begin, take a meditation pose. A sitting position with crossed legs is ideal.

Breathe to the count of 5: inhale, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale and hold again for 5 seconds.

Continue this breathing for 5-10 minutes. Concentrate on your nostrils, feel the air coming in and out through them. Try to feel the air temperature.

Now you can proceed to the main part. The mantra of the svadhisthana chakra sounds like “You.” There is another option that some will find more convenient - this is the mantra “oooh”.

Take a deep breath. Slowly exhale and sing the sound “oooh”.

The best key for a sacral chakra mantra is the “D” note, which is one tone higher than the “C” note for the first chakra.

The sound of your singing should be soft. Notice where it resonates. You should feel vibrations in the pelvic area. You may need to chant the mantra several times to achieve this effect. Otherwise, try singing the “oooh” sound at a higher pitch. Find the tone that suits you.

After training with the sound “uuu”, move on to the sound “You”:

  • first of all, take a deep breath;
  • then, along with the exhalation, begin to chant the first part of the mantra “Wa-a-a”;
  • Gradually close your lips and move to the sound “mmm”, continuing to sing until the air supply runs out;
  • When the exhalation ends, take a new breath and chant the mantra again.

Continue practicing for a few minutes and decide for yourself which sound suits you better: “you” or “oooh.” Every person is unique. And for some, the first option is more suitable, and for others, the second.

Chanting a mantra is an excellent way to develop and work through svadhisthana. It does not require much effort, but allows you to recharge yourself with positivity and enter a blissful state.

Yantra for svadhisthana

Yantra is a special mystical symbol that is used in meditation. The yantra for the swadhisthana chakra looks like a gray-blue circle. Inside the circle is a white crescent.

Before starting meditation, prepare an image of the yantra. You can print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Take a lotus position or sit cross-legged. Place the image of the yantra in front of you so that you can clearly see it.

Concentrate on the blue circle, it symbolizes protection, and its color indicates rest and calm.

The crescent moon represents the element of Water, which is associated with sensuality, emotions and our reactions to pleasure or pain. The moon represents feminine energy, its phases control the ebb and flow of the tides, and also influence the female menstrual cycle.

For centuries in Europe, feminine energy was suppressed by cultural and religious regulations, so many women have impaired functioning of this energy center.

Practices aimed at activating svadhisthana help to reveal and harmonize feminine energies. Just don’t forget that you can move on to them only after diligently working on the first chakra, which will provide a stable foundation for development.


Imagine yourself sitting inside the yantra circle, it gives you a feeling of security and safety.

Now direct your attention to the white crescent moon. As already mentioned, it symbolizes Water. Think about what are the features of this element?

Water can take the shape of any container it finds itself in. She moves freely. And if an obstacle appears in its path, it either goes around it or washes it away with a powerful stream.

Man tends to suppress negative emotions, and this leads to stagnation of energy, increases internal tension. How to get rid of negativity? One of the natural ways for humans is tears.

Let's continue. Reflect on the fact that Water constantly changes the direction of its flow. If a person clings to outdated ideas or desires that should have been let go long ago, then a blockage occurs in the svadhisthana chakra.

However, the very thought of breaking a boring routine and abandoning stereotypes causes many of us to feel fear and loss of security.

Think about what life circumstances are preventing you from spiritual growth. Perhaps they are work related or love relationships. Perhaps these are ideas or attitudes that were instilled in you many years ago and which you cannot get rid of, although they have not fit into your life for a long time.

It is also important to accept your sexuality as it is given to you by nature. It should not be artificially belittled or, on the contrary, strengthened in order to meet dubious standards of society.

Turn your gaze to yours inner world. What obstacles do you see there? If fear is stopping you, then work on it. It closes our soul in darkness, preventing it from breaking through to the light of spiritual truths. Try to get rid of everything that creates blocks in the path of energy movement.

It is very important to remain honest with yourself. Don't try to fool yourself. Accept all your fears and shortcomings.

Do you want to live bright life and realize all your dreams? To do this, it is necessary to increase energy. How to energize your chakras?

What are chakras?

Chakras¹ are human energy centers that are natural batteries and transformers. Entering the body, free cosmic energy is transformed through the chakras into mental energy suitable for human life. To fill with energy, you need to charge your chakras.

The more energy contained in the chakras, the more active they become, and the more active the chakras, the greater the potential capabilities manifest in them, which is undoubtedly important for personal self-development and spiritual growth.

To charge your chakras and energize yourself, there are many different techniques and ways.

How to charge your chakras?

The first way to charge the Muladhara chakra:

All chakras are located with inside spine. Relax your entire body and focus on Muladhara. Close your eyes. You can mentally pronounce the mantra “LAM” - this is the mantra of the Muladhara chakra.

1. Sit on the floor on your heels. Palms are on the hips.

2. Inhale, lean forward, bending your lower back. Exhale, lean back.

3. With each exhalation, say the mantra “LAM”.

The exercise should be repeated several times. Pose - sitting, back straight, legs crossed, hands clasped together. If you are sitting on a chair, it should be hard.

After some time, you will feel a swelling in the tailbone area. Some may feel as if something is aching or twisting. This is also a feeling of chakra.

Soon you will see the color of the chakra. Sitting with eyes closed, concentrating on the chakra, mentally saying “LAM”, you will suddenly see a spinning vortex of red color that rotates clockwise. Vision occurs on a subconscious² level.

Try to remember the color and shape of the vortex. Pure, even color, absence of deformations and inclusions indicates that the Muladhara chakra is in normal condition.

A dirty color, a distorted shape, or the presence of inclusions indicate that the chakra is clogged, that the lower energy layer leaves much to be desired.

You can develop the chakra in the manner described above by pronouncing the mantra “LAM”.

Second way:

Mentally you need to enter the chakra and exhale energy there. Inhale through the nose, exhale into the chakra.

Third way:

You need to sit down, as stated above. Imagine a small ping pong ball on the tip of your nose and mentally make it rotate counterclockwise. Breathe with your stomach, as you inhale, mentally pronounce the syllable “SO”, and as you exhale, “HAM.”

After some time, you will feel a swelling in the tailbone area. The color of the chakra will not be visible, it must be called with a mantra.

First waycharging Svadhisthana chakra:

Hold your ankles with your hands and take a deep breath.

3. Lean forward with your chest out.

3. Exhale, simultaneously arching your back and moving your pelvis forward, resting on your sit bones.

Repeat the exercise several times, reciting the mantra if desired. Mentally descending from top to bottom, enter the spine at the level of the pubis. The mantra is “YOU.” An orange vortex will appear.

Second way:

As in the case of Muladhara, you need to mentally enter the chakra and exhale the energy.

Third way:

Imagine a small orange ping-pong ball on the tip of your nose and spin it counterclockwise. Fullness, heaviness or other sensations will appear in the lower abdomen, at the level of the pubis, and on the sides of the abdomen.

You can do the following experiment: pose as in the first case, eyes closed. Mentally say “Jehovah” or “Yahweh” - Svadhisthana will respond. It is better to do experiments when the chakras are already a little developed.

Fourth way:

1. Lie on the floor and prop yourself up on your elbows.

2. Raise your feet to a height of 30 cm from the floor. Spread your legs and inhale.

3. Exhaling, cross your legs at knee level: your legs should be straight.

Repeat the exercise several times, then raise your legs even higher, and again repeat the same exercise several times. You need to do the exercise until your legs are at a height of 70 cm from the floor. Then gradually lower your legs, performing the same movements. Rest and repeat the exercise several more times.

How to charge the Manipura chakra?

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.

2. Grasp the front of your shoulders with your fingers, and thumbs- behind the back.

3. Inhale and turn your body to the left; exhaling, turn to the right. Breathe deeply and slowly.

The back must be straight. Repeat the exercise several times in both directions. Rest for one minute and repeat the exercise on your knees.

How to charge the Anahata chakra?

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Place your straight fingers on the heart area, spreading your elbows wide to the sides.

2. Move your elbows like a saw.

3. Pull your arms to your chest. Breathing should be slow and deep.

Repeat the exercise while sitting on your heels. This increases your energy level.

How to charge Vishuddha chakra?

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Hold your knees firmly with your hands, keeping your elbows straight.

2. Start to gradually bend the spine in the thoracic region.

3. When moving forward, inhale, when moving backward, exhale. Repeat several times and rest.

4. Now bend your back, simultaneously raising your shoulders as you inhale and lowering them as you exhale. Repeat several times.

5. Inhale and stand still with your shoulders raised. Relax and repeat this exercise while sitting on your heels.

How to charge the Ajna chakra?

1. Sit on the floor, cross-legged, and wrap your fingers around your throat.

2. Inhale, hold your breath, tense your stomach and sphincter, trying to squeeze the energy upward, like toothpaste from a tube.

3. Release the energy through the crown, raising your arms above your head, interlocking your fingers. Repeat the exercise.

Repeat it again while sitting on your heels.

First charging methodSahasrara chakra:

1. Sit on the floor, cross your legs and raise your outstretched arms above your head.

2. Interlace all fingers except the index fingers, which should be raised up.

3. Inhale, drawing in the navel and pronouncing the syllable “SAT”.

4. Exhale, saying “NAM” and relaxing the navel. Breathe this way at a fast pace for several minutes.

5. Then inhale and squeeze the energy from the base of the spine to the top of the head, first tensing the sphincter muscles and then the abdominal muscles.

6. Hold your breath.

7. Then slowly, maintaining muscle tension, exhale. Relax and unwind.

If you do not like the mantra "SAT NAM", then use the mantra as you wish. Repeat the exercise while sitting on your heels. Rest. Repeat the exercise without saying the mantra. Instead, breathe vigorously through your nose.

Second way:

1. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.

2. Raise your arms to a 60-degree angle, straightening your wrists and elbows. Palms face up.

3. Vigorously, snoring, breathe through your nose for one minute.

4. While inhaling, hold your breath, quickly draw in and relax your stomach 16 times.

5. Exhale and relax. Repeat the exercise 2 or 3 times.

High energy is a person’s vitality, an indicator of well-being, good health, readiness to overcome obstacles and go towards the intended goal. By increasing your energy, you increase your personal potential. The best way to increase your energy is to charge your chakras. Practice and see how your life changes.

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in subtle body person, representing the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana flows ( Vital energy), as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Subconscious is an outdated term used to designate mental processes that occur without their reflection in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (

The energy of the chakras is much subtler than physical energy, but it permeates all aspects of our lives. It can be seen as energy vortexes swirling around a central point, like shining circles, each of which has its own color. From this article you will learn how to fill your chakras with energy.

Filling the chakras with energy

All seven chakras have their own specific rainbow color:

  • The first chakra is red,
  • Second chakra - orange,
  • Third chakra - yellow,
  • The fourth chakra is green,
  • Fifth chakra - blue,
  • The sixth chakra is blue,
  • The seventh chakra is purple.

The combination of these colors creates your aura.

How to pump up chakras with energy

Working with chakras requires peace of mind. You must believe that balance exists, and once you believe it, you must achieve it.

However, there is one paradox here: in order to fill the chakras with energy, you need to understand whether you have achieved balance, whether you feel balance. Otherwise, you simply won't have a starting point.

  • Learn to live by accepting nature's grace and you will see how harmonious your existence will become.
  • Life will be much simpler and more meaningful. Balance will bring purification into your life.
  • Your senses will be elevated, and you will be able to enjoy the most subtle sensations and easily satisfy your every desire.
  • You must be aware of the balanced state of energy and be able to merge with it.

Kassei Kokyu Ho technique for balancing energy in the chakras

This breathing technique is designed to activate the chakras. Chakra energy pumping is performed while standing, sitting or lying down.

  • Activate three energy centers (Tan Tien). Close your eyes.
  • Slowly lower your hands to your knees and begin belly breathing. Relax and feel peace and tranquility.
  • As you inhale, watch how White light and Reiki energy enters through the crown chakra and descends into Tanden, every cell of your body is filled with light.
  • As you exhale, feel how negative thoughts and the tension leaves you. Continue the exercise for some time.

Feel all seven main chakras in your body, feel the warmth and movement in them.

Basic exercise to balance energy in the chakras

The basic exercise activates the work of the first, fourth and seventh chakras, as well as a person’s connection with the energies of the Earth and Space. Do this exercise 3 times before energizing your chakras.

  • Inhale the energy of the Earth through the first chakra. Raise the energy into the heart chakra. Feel the energy in this center and then exhale the energy from the fourth chakra in all directions into space.
  • Inhale the energy of space from all directions into the heart chakra, lift the energy into the seventh chakra and exhale it into Space.
  • Inhale the energy of the Cosmos through the crown chakra, bring the energy down to the heart center, feel the energy there and exhale it into space in all directions.
  • Inhale the energy of space from all directions into the heart center, lower the energy into the first chakra and exhale it into the earth.

Finally, the basic exercise is performed again. Place your hands in Gassho and thank the Reiki energy. Open your eyes and shake your hands well.

If you don't have enough time to perform the entire technique, do only the basic exercise, which in itself is very effective.

How to raise the energy of the chakras at different times of the day

Let's analyze how the energy level of a person's chakras changes in different time days. The luminaries are of great importance, the strength of their energy depends on the time of day, and the sensitivity to their effects depends on gender.

IN daytime Human energy is mainly regulated by the Sun, and at night by the Moon. In addition, each person reacts more to his own hyleg: men - to the Sun, women - to the Moon. Yes, during full moon In women, sensuality and excitability increase, to the point of touchiness, irritability and tearfulness over trifles.

Energy fluctuations in the chakras

A person’s energy fluctuates at different times of the day. If the role of chakras in the distribution of energy in the body is recognized, then one of the seven chakras - Svadhisthana - is assigned a leading role in the redistribution of sexual energy. This chakra is ruled by Venus and Taurus. The location of this chakra is the level of the sacrum, close to the pelvic and genital organs it controls.

A change in the energetic activity of Venus and Taurus affects the energetic activity of the Svadhisthana chakra, which changes the sexual activity of the body, especially when Venus and Taurus have a strong position in a person’s horoscope.

It is believed that Svadhisthana can open up sexual reserves that a person is not even aware of. There are special conscious exercises for training and stimulating different chakras, in particular the Swadhisthana chakra (yoga techniques and others).

By stimulating the work of Svadhisthana, women can increase the likelihood of pregnancy, and by suppressing the activity of this chakra, it is more likely to be avoided. You need to learn to control your chakras under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher, and doing it ineptly can cause harm to your body. Big role Intellectual potential, both “positive” and “negative,” plays a role in the realization of sexual energy.

The influence of energy in the chakras on sexual activity

It is known from criminal statistics that pregnancy is rare in cases of rape - from an energetic point of view, this can be explained by the release of great negative energy in a woman (stress), which suppresses the activity of the Svadhisthana chakra.

A sharp decrease in sexual energy, which should normally flow to the genital organs during desired sex, leads to low probability conception and low viability of the fertilized germ cell (zygote).

Usually when intimate relationships a person tries to determine the line of permissibility in words and actions. Intuitively, based on his experience, he feels when and what to say, how and what to do in order to win over his partner to a given goal and achieve what he wants. It is believed that human intuition is controlled by the Ajna chakra (according to ancient Indian symbolism, it is depicted as a hare).

Next to it is the center of “mirror intuition” - Trikuta, its symbol is a mirror. Ajna, projected onto the front surface of the body, is located in the middle of the forehead, and Trikuta is between the eyebrows: among Indian women, its place is symbolized by the point between the eyebrows, as if reminding men that a woman has a strong sense of intuition.

A person’s energy is different at different times of the day, this applies to all chakras. Ajna and Trikuta are bioenergetically connected. According to the cosmic connection, Ajna is ruled by the Moon and Pisces, and Trikuta is ruled by Neptune and Cancer. The Moon, being a female hyleg, naturally enhances its influence on a woman through stimulation of the work of these chakras. Ajna has green color, and Trikuta reflects everything (mirror) and has no color of its own.

Today, adherents of Eastern philosophy pay attention to the importance of the openness of the chakras and the active circulation of energy in the human body along these chakras. Feminine energy is effectively used in many issues: communication with the opposite sex, successful career And family life, great sex, a woman’s healthy emotional position in the family, between friends or relatives, at work. This is only a small part of the areas in which the flow of energy can lead to either success or failure. Today, many training centers offer in their list of services trainings on the development of feminine energy, on revealing femininity, and how to open a woman’s chakras. In the article we will look at what chakras exist in the female body and how to unblock them if they are closed.

What is a chakra and what types of chakras are there?

A chakra is an energy channel through which vital energy and strength flow. There are 7 chakras, each of which is responsible for a certain set of spiritual qualities of a person.

If you are overcome by difficulties and failures, a series of falls has begun, you have no strength to realize yourself in life - this means that one or more chakras are blocked. Chakra blocks interfere with normal functioning, which results in problems in one of the areas. To fully experience how chakras can influence life, it is necessary to activate life energy.

Types of chakras and what they are responsible for:

  1. Muladhara is the “root chakra”, located at the bottom of the tailbone, associated with the scarlet red color, considered the energy of the Earth and ruled by Mars. At the center of this chakra is stability and connection with ancestors. Provides a flow of energy for procreation, survival, decision making. If this chakra is blocked, the lower back hurts, problems with legs appear, emotional level a person feels like a victim, cannot cope with the situation, the ground disappears from under his feet.
  2. Svadhisthana - located 5 cm below the navel area. It should be 100% active in girls and muted in boys. The chakra is associated with the energy of water and represents Orange color, and is ruled by Venus. She is responsible for sensuality, femininity, because she personifies the female element - water. Svadhisthana is also responsible for beauty and pleasure, creativity and the ability to accept oneself and one’s body. In the case of a block of the second chakra: there is guilt, the inability to let go of one’s emotions, there is no pleasure during sex, one is haunted by dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s appearance and body, and women are also constantly plagued by problems with the reproductive system and kidneys. If energy flows unhindered through the channel in this chakra, a woman gives care, creates comfort in the house, and provides true pleasure to her man.
  3. Manipura is the energy of fire, ruled by the Sun and representing yellow. This life energy cycles from man to woman and vice versa. This chakra is responsible for financial wealth, willpower and social status, achieving goals through perseverance and control. When the third chakra is blocked, control begins to go off scale, anxiety about the future, about prosperity appears, and the spine in the diaphragm area hurts.
  4. Chakra - Anahata is one of the most important chakras for a woman - associated with the emerald color, it means the energy of air under the control of the planet Moon. This chakra is located at the level of the heart. Responsible for love and compassion, inspiration and emotions. It is she who provides a woman with the opportunity to fill her man with energy and strength, guide him and at the same time accept him as he is. Aggression and Bad mood, dissatisfaction and anger, the desire to please everyone and at the same time feel emptiness in the heart - all signs of a chakra block.
  5. Vishuddha unites the energy of the ether under the control of the planet Mercury and is associated with blue. This is the male chakra, it is responsible for leadership skills in a person, the ability to persuade, express oneself, invent interesting ideas. In the case of a blocked fifth chakra, there is always a “lump in the throat”, the inability to express one’s opinion and thoughts. At the physical level, the block manifests itself as sore throat, problems with the throat, thyroid gland, and runny nose.
  6. Ajna represents Blue colour and it is ruled by the planet Saturn. This energy center is responsible for intuition, insight, wisdom, the ability to feel yourself and your inner voice. When the sixth chakra is blocked, there are frequent headaches, depression, vision problems begin, and a sense of loss in life.
  7. The last chakra is genderless, it is located at the top of the head and is responsible for communication with the cosmos. Modern adherents point out that today most people do not use it, it is tightly closed.

filling the chakras with energy

My friends, in order to open the seven major chakras in the spine, we will again use our “astral hands”. When performing the exercise to open the next chakra, you need to imagine that you are breaking the seal from the envelope in the place where the main chakra you are working with is located. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to form any visual mental images - just feel how you are doing it. Do it the same way you do it in ordinary life: You would print the mailing envelope without looking at it.

Chakras are non-physical centers human body, therefore, to stimulate them, we can use both physical methods of influencing them and a non-physical method. Now we will look at the non-physical method. This method consists of focusing our attention on the area where the desired chakra is located and using our consciousness to manipulate the main chakra. So, you will need to create in your mind the intention to open the chakra, and it does not matter in what specific form your intention will be expressed. You can imagine that with your “astral hands” you are breaking the seal of the envelope in the chakra area. At this time, try to clearly feel how something is opening at the location of the main chakra, something is happening. For example, even let an imaginary envelope open. After some time and practice, you will be able to free yourself from side images, and then you will learn to concentrate pure intention and maximally fill your main chakras with energy and stimulate their work.

My dears, while working on stimulating the chakras, do not forget, each time before opening the next chakra, do an exercise to raise energy into it: as you inhale, with your “astral hands” you pull energy from your feet along your legs to the area of ​​the first chakra, and as you exhale, fix it in Muladhara .

First chakra, Muladhara, coccygeal Using the above method, raise the energy to Muladhara, then use your astral hands to open it, as if you were opening an envelope, and continue to draw the energy, which you imagine as a rope or rope, directly into the chakra. Do this exercise thoroughly seven times. That is, inhale seven times and exhale seven times.

Second chakra, with which we work is called Svadhisthana. This is the “sacral center”. Svadhisthana is located above the genitals, it is located below the navel about the width of the palm. Raise energy to Svadhisthana through the feet, legs and lower chakra. Open Swadhisthana and draw the energy directly into it using your “astral hands”. Repeat this exercise three times, starting to raise energy from your feet. That is, inhale three times and exhale three times.

Third chakra located between the navel and solar plexus. This energy center is called Manipura. Raise the energy to Manipura through the feet, through the legs, through Muladhara and Svadhisthana, and then open it like an envelope. Open the Manipura and continue to draw the Kundalini energy (astral rope) into it through the same channel. Repeat this exercise three times, successively raising the energy from the feet to Manipura. That is, inhale three times and exhale three times.

Fourth, heart chakra. The heart chakra is called Anahata. Its location is between the two nipples, right in the middle. Do the same as in the previous point, but pulling in the “astral rope” of Kundalini to the level of the heart. Then open Anahata as you would open a postal envelope. Fill your heart chakra with energy. Do this exercise seven times, starting from your feet. That is, inhale seven times and exhale seven times.

Fifth, throat chakra- called Vishuddha. This chakra is located at the base of the neck, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Do the same as in the previous exercise, only pull the energy with your mental hands through all the chakras to Vishuddhi. Do this exercise seven times, starting from your feet. That is, inhale seven times and exhale seven times.

Sixth chakra, Ajna- This is the area of ​​the “third eye”. Ajna is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. Ajna has two large petals, each petal has 48 small chakras. That is, a total of 96 energy vortexes can awaken in Ajna. Using your “astral hands,” raise the energy through your feet, legs, through the lower chakra, “sacral center,” Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha to the middle of your head. Then open this chakra like a postal envelope and draw Kundalini energy into Ajna. Do this exercise seven times, starting from your feet. That is, inhale seven times and exhale seven times.

Seventh chakra, parietal, crown. It is called Sahasrara. Sahasrara is located on the crown of the head, its center is exactly where the fontanel is in babies. Raise the energy to the crown of the head, just as in the previous exercise, using the “astral hands”. Then open Sahasrara. The crown chakra is much larger than all the others - it has one thousand small chakras. Sahasrara occupies the entire top part head, starting from the hair growth line. You can try to imagine that you are shaving your head, or scalping your head. When you open the Sahasrara, fill the crown chakra with Kundalini energy. Do this exercise seven times, starting from your feet. That is, inhale seven times and exhale seven times.

My dears, be relaxed while performing all these operations, and do not strain your muscles under any circumstances. Periodically check how relaxed your body is, control your body. If necessary, pause and do extensive relaxation exercises. It is very important. The fact is that the muscles of the body automatically react to mental actions, such as drawing in energy with “astral hands,” and tense up. Avoid even the slightest muscle tension. All active actions should be performed by you only in consciousness, while your body should remain calm and relaxed. After a few days, while doing the chakra stimulation exercise, you may feel something like slight internal spasms, contractions, or “pins and needles” in the area of ​​the main chakras. Don't try to suppress these feelings. Such feelings are quite normal. They arise not in the muscles, but in the glands and nerve endings. These endocrine glands contract in response to stimulation and opening of the chakras.

The lower coccygeal chakra Muladhara is the main one. Activation of Muladhara is especially important; important not only for this exercise, but also for general human health. Muladhara is the entry point of Kundalini into the human energy system, and if this chakra is not open enough, then the energy will not be able to flow to all the other main chakras. Therefore on early stages When working with chakras, it is recommended to focus on Muladhara. Over time, when you feel that the lower chakra has fully opened, gradually move the emphasis higher and higher from Muladhara. This must be done because the lower the chakra, the more coarse energy it generates. And raw energy, in turn, affects all aspects of a person’s life: his thoughts, behavior, desires, emotions and actions. Muladhara is associated with the production of sexual energy, and excessive concentration on it can turn a balanced person into a sensualist, a lust. Excessive energy of the coccygeal chakra encourages a normal person to carnal pleasures and leads into temptation, therefore the energy of the coccygeal chakra must be immediately transferred to the higher chakras - the fifth, sixth and seventh.

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