The Belarusian schoolgirl amazed everyone in the final “You are super!”. Valeria Adleiba: “Until the last moment I didn’t think about winning! Saria Kvaratskhelia, Sputnik

"in May of this year. The main prize in the competition was the fulfillment of the participant’s cherished dream. Valeria Adleyba and her little brother were sent to a boarding school by their parents because of their large material problems. As a result of the fire, the house in which the family lived burned down. From that very day, the girl never stopped dreaming of her own home, where she could again reunite with her family. In June of this year, the I. I. Savvidi Charitable Foundation gave the winner of the show “You’re Super!” apartment in the center of Sukhum. Valeria Adleiba was finally reunited with her family, and now they are inseparable. We found out what else has changed in the life of the winner of the show “You’re Super!” after participating in the project.

“It was with great pleasure that we moved to new apartment. And now our whole family is inseparable. We found a school for Valeria not far from her new home. We also found an excellent vocal teacher who will help to maximize her daughter’s talent,” said Valeria Adleiba’s parents. According to them, she still communicates very closely with her classmates from the Ochamchira boarding school. “They supported Lera throughout the entire project “You are Super!”, voted for her, recorded videos, sent letters to the project with touching words(in the show “You’re Super!” Vadim Takmenev read out the wishes of Valeria’s classmates from the stage), they were met at the plane’s ramp in white T-shirts with her photographs on the chest. Therefore, Valeria decided to go to school on the first of September this year at the Ochamchira boarding school. We, as parents, supported her in this. At the line, Leroux was greeted with loud applause by the director, teachers, and students. I have never seen so many tears and then sincere smiles. Lera was invited to take part in the event to raise the state flag of the Republic of Abkhazia. Of course, the line itself was disrupted, as the children couldn’t wait to quickly ask Lera about the project itself, about her plans for the future, what to do with her joint photo“, said Valeria Adleyba’s mother.

Vadim Takmenem read in the show “You are super!” messages that classmates wrote to Valeria Adleyba

Winner of the show “You’re Super!” maintains relationships with almost all project participants. “Each of them became very close to us during the project. We have become so close that losing each other would be a crime,” said Valeria’s mother. Immediately after the project “You are Super!” the winner of the show accepted an invitation from Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy to take part in the “Children’s New Wave 2017” and took an honorable fourth place there. In addition, Valeria Adleiba was awarded special prize from the jury. Also the winner of the show “You’re Super!” I had a chance to perform on the same stage with the group “Nepara”. Valeria accepted with great pleasure the invitation to become a special guest at their concert at the State Philharmonic of Abkhazia. The girl also performed with other participants in the project “You are Super!” in the All-Russian Children's Center"Eaglet" in the Krasnodar region.

Valeria Adleiba took part in the recording of Stas Piekha's song. “During the project “You are Super!” we've already gotten along very well with him friendly relations. From the first days Stas treated me with great warmth. This is a man with capital letters. He's like an older brother and true friend will always support and give the necessary advice. All our meetings after the project “You are Super!” were filled with special sincerity, which I value and appreciate very much. Having invited me to shoot a video in Moscow, Stas gave me and my mother a gift by buying a business class ticket. I will remember these special sensations for the rest of my life, since this is my first flight of this level,” Valeria shared her impressions.

Valeria Adleiba during her announcement as the winner of the show “You are Super!”

“During the project, we had the opportunity to meet many artists from the world of film music. We still communicate very closely with Stas Piekha, opera singers Khibla Gerzmava and Alisa Gitsba, Alexander Shoua from the group “Nepara”,” said Valeria Adleyba’s mother. “My daughter’s biggest dream has already come true,” admits the mother. - Valeria wanted to live in big house with its own separate bedroom. For making our dreams come true, we say special thanks to the management of NTV, the project “You are Super!” and the charitable foundation “Savvidi” in the person of Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi.”

In September of this year, Valeria Adleiba flew to Moscow again. The girl supported her friend, who took part in the new NTV project “You are super!” Dancing ". Leon Kapba and Valeria Adleyba studied at the same boarding school in the city of Ochamchir. They have been friends since childhood. “When, after your victory in the project “You are Super!” Valeria returned to her homeland and was greeted at the airport by numerous fans, family and friends. But the most amazing thing was that Leon met her at the airport national dance. It was as if he was asking me to pass the baton to him! And as soon as the castings began new project"You are super! Dancing,” Valeria invited Leon to take part in them. As we all now know, he became a participant in the project,” said Valeria Adleiba’s mother.

Leon Kapba and Valeria Adleiba with the host show “You are super!” Dancing" by Alexander Oleshko

Watch the show “You are super!” Dancing" on Saturdays at 20:00 on the NTV channel.

14-year-old Diana Ankudinova told SUPER about moving to Moscow, about the mother who abandoned her as a child and about her dreams of Eurovision.

Diana Ankudinova, one of the participants in the “Children's New Wave” music competition that started yesterday in Crimea, received increased attention from the jury and the press. Just last week, a 14-year-old girl with powerful, original vocals and the rare technique of singing “Yodeling” won the NTV show “You Are Super!”, after which Igor Krutoy gave her an apartment in Moscow as a gift. In conversation with SUPER in concert hall in the legendary "Artek", Diana admitted that she had not yet seen her new home in person, but was incredibly happy that she would now be able to transport her adoptive mother, Irina, from Togliatti to Moscow. Alas, the girl’s real mother abandoned her in early childhood - it is known that the woman bullied and beat little Diana.

“I know that she is trying to get in touch with me, but I don’t care, I don’t have and never had a desire to communicate with her,” Diana said firmly.

The girl also spoke about her dream - to get to Eurovision.
“I dream of representing our country there,” Ankudinova shared her thoughts, “I heard Yulia Samoilova sing this year, and of course, it was not brilliant... She was probably very worried. I don’t listen to Russian music myself; I prefer to learn from foreign vocalists.
Diana admitted that now she is completely immersed in vocal lessons, studies and she has absolutely no time for her “personal life.”
“I don’t have a boyfriend yet,” she answered the question about her liking for opposite sex Diana.

For five months, the whole country closely followed the fate of 82 participants in the international vocal competition “You’re Super!” During this time, more than 30 show business stars came to the show site, many of the participants met their family and friends for the first time, for example, Vladimir Skripal met his dad, Dauletkhan Akanova’s mother was restored to her rights, and Roma Druzhinin found his relatives. The guys studied with the best vocal teachers and learned from pop stars.

This project is already an incredibly cool start, and when Igor Krutoy himself helps with this, there can be no doubt. The participants only have new horizons ahead.

Many viewers are interested in: who won the show “You’re Super!” 2018? Who took 2nd and 3rd place, and who received the People's Choice Award?

So, Diana Ankudinova took first place. Results: 49% and more than 50,000,000 million views of performances on YouTube.

Diana Ankudinova: “I would like to say a huge thank you to all the people who organized such a holiday in my life. Of course, many thanks to the viewers who voted. Thank you for this support, I will try to move forward and I hope my friends and I will see each other again.”

Igor Krutoy made a gift for Diana - an apartment in Moscow. Of course this is a great gift.

It also became known that Diana will represent Russia at the “Children’s New Wave”.

Igor Yakovlevich invited Diana Ankudinova to the semi-final of the international “Children’s New Wave”. Diana was of course very worried, there were almost hundreds of participants and the level was very high. The first day of listening took place in the morning and Diana’s voice, according to her, was still sleeping. She performed the song “The Last Dance” in front of the jury. The voice woke up, it’s obvious, the jury talked about something for a long time, then announced that Diana was allowed into the next round. The next day, in the same qualifying round, Diana sang in Russian the almost forgotten song of Alla Pugacheva “Rechenka”. And here is Diana in the Junior Eurovision final new wave. In the near future, Diana will go to Crimea, to the Artek camp, where the “Children’s New Wave” will take place.

Igor Krutoy:“What she did in French was wonderful. She needs to find the same position in Russian so that she can also excite the audience. She's for real talented girl and of course I want her to be visible in some foreseeable future.”

Well, let's look forward to Diana's new victories!

Also, of course, the audience is interested in who took second and third place. Vera Yaroshik took second place, and Yuliana Karaulova and Roman Druzhinin took third place.

Igor Krutoy also named the name of the performer who was invited to the semi-finals “ Junior Eurovision». This competition will take place on June 3 at Artek. The name of this performer is Alexandra Kirelchuk.

General producer of the television company Timur Weinstein: “It was an amazing finale. You know, we are so used to the fact that television shows music competitions. After them, the spotlights go out, the final credits roll, everyone disperses and then, in principle, they forget about what the participants in the show do and how they live. So, this is not about “You are super!”, because the idea of ​​this competition was precisely that this was not just a television program. It's so much more than that, it really is a family. We sincerely try, to the best of our ability, to help our children and after completing their participation in television show. We also created a charitable foundation for our participants.

DUSHANBE, May 27 – Sputnik. The winner of the international vocal project “You are super!” became 14-year-old Diana Ankudinova.

Probably no one doubted Diana’s victory except herself. From the first seconds of Diana's performance on the show, it became obvious that the girl had a real gift.

Finale "You're super!"

11 participants performed at the final of the project. Each of them performed a song together with famous Russian artists.

First place was won by Diana Ankudinova from Tolyatti. She received 49% of all TV viewer votes.

“Many thanks to everyone who organized such a holiday in my life. Also many thanks to the audience who voted,” Diana Ankudinova thanked everyone.

"Diana, I know that you want to go to College of Music in Moscow. We promise you that we will help you enroll,” said general producer NTV television company Timur Weinstein.

At the same time, composer Igor Krutoy gave Diana an apartment in Moscow.

“So that you have a place to live in Moscow when you come to study at college, I am giving you an apartment,” he announced.

Second place went to Vera Yaroshik from Belarus. Third place was taken by Roman Druzhinin, fourth by Elvira Yakhyaeva, fifth by Vladimir Skripal.

“NTV channel will pay scholarships to all finalists and semi-finalists until they reach the age of majority,” said Timur Weinstein.

In addition, all finalists and semi-finalists of “You’re Super!”, including Diana, were invited to visit summer camp"Artek".

The difficult fate of Diana Ankudinova

Diana was born in Ussuriysk. Birth mother The girls began to drink heavily, she brutally abused the child - she beat her, did not feed her, and once even tried to drown her in the bathtub.

Relatives found her on the street in winter with a broken collarbone. No one wanted to take her in - they decided that she was mentally retarded. So she ended up in orphanage at 3 years old.

“She wanted to kill me, she didn’t want to have a child. She had 12 pregnancies, I’m the only one who survived. I have a scar on my arm, a scar on my cheek, my chest is sticking out, they probably hit it hard,” recalls Diana Amonkulova.

The girl was adopted by a foster family. Psychologists advised sending the girl to vocal courses at the age of 5. Until this age, she spoke poorly.

Diana asked for hers new mom move as far away from the biological one as possible. So they ended up in Togliatti.

At the age of 14, Diana experienced more than one tragedy, but, despite the blows of fate, she remained kind and cheerful. About Us early childhood studies vocals, laureate and diploma winner of numerous vocal competitions, an indispensable participant in all city concerts.

“Before “You’re Super!” I didn’t know how to sing. Yes, I sing, but it’s natural, and you can’t go far with nature alone,” she smiles.

She draws well and studies artistic words, goes to theater studio. Diana's dream is for all children on the planet to have parents.

"New Wave" 2018

After the end of the show "You're Super!" New horizons opened up for Diana Ankudinova. Composer Igor Krutoy, admiring the girl’s talent and hard work, decided to invite Diana to the children’s semi-final international competition"New wave".

Almost a hundred participants competed for participation in the competition.

“The children, although younger than me, sing simply superbly. I listen to their performance and get more and more excited,” admitted Ankudinova.

Diana had no reason to worry - the jury considered her worthy of the final of the children's New Wave.

“She is a truly talented girl. I want her to be visible in the future. The fact that she sang in French is wonderful. We need to find the same position in Russian so that she can also excite television viewers,” commented on her performance Igor Krutoy.

Now Diana will go to Crimea to the Artek camp.

DUSHANBE, May 27 – Sputnik. The winner of the international vocal project “You are super!” became 14-year-old Diana Ankudinova.

Probably no one doubted Diana’s victory except herself. From the first seconds of Diana's performance on the show, it became obvious that the girl had a real gift.

Finale "You're super!"

11 participants performed at the final of the project. Each of them performed a song together with famous Russian artists.

First place was won by Diana Ankudinova from Tolyatti. She received 49% of all TV viewer votes.

“Many thanks to everyone who organized such a holiday in my life. Also many thanks to the audience who voted,” Diana Ankudinova thanked everyone.

“Diana, I know that you want to enroll in a music college in Moscow. We promise you that we will help you enroll,” said the general producer of the NTV television company Timur Weinstein.

At the same time, composer Igor Krutoy gave Diana an apartment in Moscow.

“So that you have a place to live in Moscow when you come to study at college, I am giving you an apartment,” he announced.

Second place went to Vera Yaroshik from Belarus. Third place was taken by Roman Druzhinin, fourth by Elvira Yakhyaeva, fifth by Vladimir Skripal.

“NTV channel will pay scholarships to all finalists and semi-finalists until they reach the age of majority,” said Timur Weinstein.

In addition, all finalists and semi-finalists of “You’re Super!”, including Diana, were invited to attend the Artek summer camp in the summer.

The difficult fate of Diana Ankudinova

Diana was born in Ussuriysk. The girl’s own mother began to drink heavily, she brutally abused the child - she beat her, did not feed her, and once even tried to drown her in the bathtub.

Relatives found her on the street in winter with a broken collarbone. No one wanted to take her in - they decided that she was mentally retarded. So she ended up in an orphanage at the age of 3.

“She wanted to kill me, she didn’t want to have a child. She had 12 pregnancies, I’m the only one who survived. I have a scar on my arm, a scar on my cheek, my chest is sticking out, they probably hit it hard,” recalls Diana Amonkulova.

The girl was adopted by a foster family. Psychologists advised sending the girl to vocal courses at the age of 5. Until this age, she spoke poorly.

Diana asked her new mother to move as far away from her biological one as possible. So they ended up in Togliatti.

At the age of 14, Diana experienced more than one tragedy, but, despite the blows of fate, she remained kind and cheerful. She has been studying vocals since early childhood, is a laureate and diploma winner of numerous vocal competitions, and an indispensable participant in all city concerts.

“Before “You’re Super!” I didn’t know how to sing. Yes, I sing, but it’s natural, and you can’t go far with nature alone,” she smiles.

She draws well, takes artistic classes, and goes to drama school. Diana's dream is for all children on the planet to have parents.

"New Wave" 2018

After the end of the show "You're Super!" New horizons opened up for Diana Ankudinova. Composer Igor Krutoy, admiring the girl’s talent and hard work, decided to invite Diana to the semi-finals of the children’s international competition “New Wave”.

Almost a hundred participants competed for participation in the competition.

“The children, although younger than me, sing simply superbly. I listen to their performance and get more and more excited,” admitted Ankudinova.

Diana had no reason to worry - the jury considered her worthy of the final of the children's New Wave.

“She is a truly talented girl. I want her to be visible in the future. The fact that she sang in French is wonderful. We need to find the same position in Russian so that she can also excite television viewers,” commented on her performance Igor Krutoy.

Now Diana will go to Crimea to the Artek camp.